C. O. WATT Goi ATTENI We wish to say t Tobacco. We have m; est dollar. We are pie year. They have gro\* manufacturers want n the first load of tobacc< * . we justly claim to be 44 house situated near Va make no mistake by di I vMr. we are. J - ? ' P. S.?If you have cure 3 STATE and GENERAL R 3 TOPICS K ?r rr7r:^ ?r r?;7r The National Polo tournament is 1 being held at Narragansett Pier,R I. The Aiken club represents the South. XXX The big navy collier, Hector, carrying 60 marines and a crew of 82 . officers and men, sank off Cape Romaine near Charleston last Friday. All on board were saved. XXX Rev Furman Martin, who was called by the First Baptist church of Florence some time ago from Suffolk, Va, has accepted the caN and will take charge of his new pastorate about September 1. 1 ' XXX A large number of South Carolinians are attending the Peabody summer school atNashville.Tenn, among whom are two former Williamsburg teachers, Misses Florence H Stubbs < . and Stella F Kittles. ' XXX John Hessin Clarke, federal dis- ( ? trict judge at Cleveland, Ohio, has j been nominated by the president as an associate justice of the supreme , court to fill the vacancy caused by ' the resignation of Charles Evans Hughes to accept the Republican nomination for the presidency. XXX J N Stricklin, editor of the Cheraw Chronicle, has a peach tree and an apple tree growing close together at j his home in Cheraw. This year the | apple tree is full of small apples, i but when the apples are opened they j are all found to contain peach ker- ; nels; while the fruit on the peach j tree has no kernels. ; X X X i < Policeman James J Duffy was shot ( and killed at Charleston early Sunday morning. Seventeen white and negro men have been arrested in connection with the killing. The name of the alleged slayer has not 1 been disclosed, though the suspect i has been apprehended. No cause for f. the killing of Officer Duffy is given. Johnsonvllle Teachers. The following teachers have been appointed for the 1916-17 session of Johnsonville High and Graded school: Superintendent?Sam P Stackley, Kingstree; Principal?Miss Ruth Tomlinson, Cades; Fifth and sixth grades?Miss Pearl Anderson, Coronaca; Third and fourth grades?Miss , Myrle Phillips, Kingstree; First and second grades?Miss Henrietta Hale, Hickory, N C. Ad Ideal Spring Laxative. A good and time tried remedy is Dr Kine's New Life Pills. The first dose wiirmove the sluggish bowels, stimulate the liver and clear the system of waste and blood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear the system of body poisons, accumulated during the winter. Dr King's New Life Pills will do it. 2.5c, at your druggist. Farm Loans , Money to loan on improved farms at attractive rate of interest for lonjf terms. For partieu- t lars write C Jackson Gasque, Att'y, Florence, S C. ' ' > 3 V s rrelP For the ION, TOBA< o the farmers of Williamsbur ade a life-time study of the T ased to tell you that the outl n in public favor at home an lore tobacco than ever. C. H o that came to the Kingstree top notchers" in selling tobai luse's Shop and it is the best riving straight to Gorrell's, th id any tobacco and it is in yoi WWburglar SOME people extend invitations to the They tarry en their person* ot in tl A CHECK BOOK if of no n*e to oheek is AS GOOD AS CASH 1 to the* t benaehold want*. If yen haven't a bank a OPEN ONE ' BANK OF KI COKER C( HARTSVILLl E. W. Sikes, I ? t % * A nign graae ^nnsuan in iS men. Courses leading to the i ? Music. Domestic Science. Art. endowed. New Buildings, moden 15 over half million. Steam heate $ tesian water. Well trained facul 5* so well equipped an institution. j? For catalogue and book of vi I S. W. GARF I You can avoid the expense, delay and I and the inside of your house is not expoe 1 expensive, storm-proof and permanent. Charles H Singleton, Patronize OUR H. G. I s A Sale of ZCO GRO g and adjoining counties obacco Warehouse busin ook for good prices this 3 d abroad. The foreign 0 t is a recognized fact tha Market this year. Witl cco for the most money, lighted and best arrange le Home of High Prices. You WAT' ir way, just bring it alon THE"HA,HA!" THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN. j teir homes large smns of money. I the professional thief. Still* a radesman or for the immediate locount rODAY. NGSTREE. ALLEGE I c. s. c. gj ^resident ; atitntion for vouncr wo- SI usual academic degrees, plj Physical Culture. Well || i and up-to-date. Worth ? d. Electric lights. Ar- g| ty. Rates reasonable for 5$ | ews write to LETT, Dean. ^ i ??????????? zs-T.vazrr'A dut of removing the old roof, I ted during the re-roofing. In- I King'stree, S. C. Advertisers t i .F.A w ? w ^ iVarc Leaf To! WERSi i that we have leased the Qorr ess and we come before you pr ^ear Is very encouraging. The < ?rder business is the largest t GorrelPs Warehouse will be ti experienced men to see that Our opening sale will be ann< id house in Kingstree. We war Thanking you for any favors ir friends, rs, lea powi g and Gorreirs Warehouse wil Kingstree Chi KIN< TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Owing to the high cost i continue giving premiums on 01 will not redeem any more. If; ?no crowns redeemed after Ai King: 0 luMLWiBii i i ii i i~?nr . a KURTZN Sheet Musif), Musical Merchai dolins, Guitars and Violin VlfTftD TAI IflNf MAPHI VIVlVll 1/uaiuiu nuiviu We carry in stocl line of all types of "V VICTROLA F A stock of two t ords on hand to sele Siegling Music I Established "The Best of Everytli Charleston, S. C. 1 Write us for Catalogue ai arrange terms to suit you. Expert Piano Tuning and Reps SAM'L I Man; W. B. iho\ pacco ell Warehouse this year epared to see your tobac Jemand for our tobaccos in the history of our mi headquarters for big pri< the buyers go their ful )unced later. You will f it to sell your tobacco an you will show us and ho &LL, Propriet II take care of it for yoi ,? ero-CoIa B< GSTREE, S. C 4 # ; of all merchandise, we v lr Chero-Cola crowns. Af you have any saved up, sen igust 1st. stree Chero-Col; t 3 :?_ i SBiMWWfrfaj 1ANN J ndise, Violins, ManStrings?IMPORTED p" NES,VICTROLAS ^ c a complete J rictrolas. | RECORDS housand rec-J pp ct from. ... Vi louse, Inc., ,?T?! . 1819 Vict ling in Music" $50. *1 ? c r I i iurente, w? /\n and r tid Prices. We can by 01 Corr mcnt, liring at your service. becotr ). CARR, ager Florence House c POWELL 11 J jse v ' & for the Sale of Leaf co sell for the highgrows greater each irket and our home :es, having received 1 limit on every pile ind Gorreirs Wared we know you will ping to see you this ors. i until opening day. -u.1! r? I niiiiig tu. nil be compelled to dis- I 'ter August 1, 1916, we J id them in by that date 3 a Bottling Go. PIANOS: II, Steinway & Sons, Kranich & Back, Ives & Pond, Shonniger, Kurtzmann, Sterling, Huntington. PLAYER PIANOS: . Steinway Pianola, Weber Pianola, Stroud Pianola, Kranich & Bach Players, Aeolian Players, Siegling Players. In? ~ rietor-VlctroJa IX, ?30 #3 tis newest style | ctor-Victrola I ie latest addition I he famous Victor- 5 * '> rola line?and only V, extremely popular price nade more popular still lr easy-payment plan. ie in and hear this instr*an