The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 15, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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SAXCW M. F. HEL Five Passenger, 6-c 6-cylinder Roadstei 4-cylinder Roadster These Cars are I tinental Motor and 1 AVride right. Don't Scold if the dinner doesn't t? the coffee is a little of If there is anything els proved upon, don't be ir your wife or even the c the best she can with tl There's just as much ir the cooking, and eve Try Our Gro< M. H. c two; ?*We give Voting' Coi Ladies' Contest ? II Qa**1iav?a Pa ucaouui t nu FROM R Via ATLANT1 "The Standard R? f Sunday ?a t To Charleston Tickets on sale forenoon 11 to September 11, inclus No 178, scheduled to lea1 date of sale. WeeK-End E To Isle of Palms " Sullivan's Island Tickets on sale for all tn noon trains each Sunday 1 inclusive, limited returning prior to midnight of Tuesd Summer Ex To Wrightsville Beach " Isle of Palms " Sullivan's Island? " Myrtle Beach " Norfolk Tickets on sale from Ma] ited returning until Oct 31. Schedules and further p - I upon application toWWfi I tree, S 0. Ill == Patronize 01 I AUTOM FOR SALE BY LER Kil yllnder Touring Car with electric lights and start fitted out with Timpken Rolli have the famous Cantilever i Your Poor Wife iste just to your liking, if F color and the flavor poor. e you think ought to be im- I i too great haste to criticise I :ook. She probably is doing le groceries you furnish her. i the groceries as there is in ry woman knows it well. series Next Time. JACOBS STORES ipons in The County Record's J ~ w and Trip Fares INGSTRLL [C COAST LINE tilroad of the South" ;cursion Fares $1 25 trains each Sunday from June ive, limited returning on train te Charleston at 8:25 p. m. on Excursion Fares $2 40 -i 2 40 lins each Saturday and forforefrom June 8 to September 11, to reach original 'starting point ay next following date of sale. cursion Fares $ 7 50 a an ~ 6 70 = ' 15 15 t 115 to October 15, inclusive, limLiberal stop-over privileges. articulars cheerfully furnished [olliday, Ticket Agent, Kings L)R Advertisers % (OBftES ng'stree, S. C. $870.00 870.00 ter 475.00 er Bearings and a ConJnrinor to make them M Look Good?Feel Good. No one can either feel good oi look go(xl while suffering from con stipation. Get rid of that tired, draggy, lifeless feeling by a treatment of Dr King's New Life Pills Buy a l>ox today, take one or twc pills tonight. In the morning thai stuffed, dull feeling i.- gone and yoi feel better at once. '25c at youi druggist's. ? ? "To the Fellow who'll Take mj Place When 1 Am Gone." Here is a toast that I want to drinl to a fellow I'll never know? To the fellow who's going to take mj place when it's time for me to go I've wondered what kind of a chaj he'll be and I've wished I coulc take his hand, Just to whisper "I wish you well old man," in a way that he'd un ! derstand. i I'd like to (five the cheering: wore that I've longed at times to hear I'd like to give him the warm hand j clasp when never a friend seem! : j near. ' I've learned my knowledge by sheei hard work, and I wish I could pasi ! it on To the fellow who'll come to take mj place some day when I am gone. Will he see all the sad mistakes I'vl ? 1 - 11 iL. I ill l?i' raaae ana note an ine uaiucs iubl, Will he ever guess of the tears thej caused or the heartaches whicf they cost? Will he gaze through the failure! and fruitless toil to the underly ing plan, And catch a glimpse of the real inteni and the heart of the vanquishet man? I dare to hope he may pause som< day as he toils as I have wrought And gain some strength for hi: weary task from the battles whicl _ I have fought. But I've only the task itself to leavi with the cares for him to face, And never a cheering word mai speak to the fellow who will tak< my place. Then here's to your health, old chap I drink as a bridegroom to hi< bride; I leave an unfinished task for you but God knows how I tried. I've dreamed my dreams, as all mer do. but never a one came true, And my prayer today is that all th< dreams may be realized by you. And we'll meet some day in the greal unknown?out in the realm ol space; You'll know my clasp as I take youi hand and gaze in your tired face, Then all failures will be success in the light of the new-found dawnSo I'm drinking your health, old chap, who'll take my place when 1 am gone. ? The Editorial. Shenld Sloan's LInlaent Go Along? Of course it should! For after a strenuous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit, an application of Sloan's Liniment will take the soreness and stiffness away and get you in fine shape for the morrow. You should also use it for a sudden attack of toothache, stiff neck, backache, stings, bites and the many accidents that are incidental to a vacation. ''We would as soon leave our baggage as go on a vacation or camp:withoilt Sloan's I iniment." Writes one vacation: "We use it for everything from cramps to toothache." Put a bottle in your bag, be prepared and have no regrets. MAXWELL CARS IN ' HAZARDOUS CLIMB.: THREE STOCK T0URIN6 CARS NEGOTIATE TORTUOUS ROADS OF > MT. GHAMAREL. ; Bigger Vehicles Stalled, While Detroit Made Aatos Go Fall ] Distance. > Time and again Maxwell cars have 1 demonstrated their superior powers 1 as hill climbers, but the work of ' three stock touring cars in Mauritius, an island in the middle of the Indian ocean, is the most gratifying performance of its kind to be recorded. | News of the latest Maxwell feat, ID wnicn a inu ui luunug caia uiuiued the hazardous paths of Mount Chamarel, has just been received by the export department at Detroit. , At the time the Maxwells success fully made the climb, two other cars of American make attempted the , difficult ascent and both were 3talled. j One of these cars was a twenty horse power touring car and it was forced to abandon the climb when , one-quarter of the way up. The " other was a forty horsepower sevenpassenger car and it failed to negotiate half the distance. A DIFFICULT CLIMB. The following brief description of , the mountain and its roads will give some conception of the difficulties that had to be overcome. Mount r Chamarel rises from a flat plain a few feet above the sea level to an altitude of 1,200 feet. The road zigzags in a series of sharp curves at angles of about thirty-eight deJ grees. t The car attempting the climb has , before it the difficulty of getting up . speed after slowing down to a foot ] pace to negotiate the curves, which j * * t Ua 111 rviACt na^u lu uc iut\cu me uLinvoi. i f care for the precipice is always at ? ' one side of the car. In spite of these difficulties, the ? : Maxwells used their second upeed and occasionally their third speed r also in the straight stretches and . their first speed only in the curves. ) The three Maxwells topped the 1 mountain with no apparent difficul- , ty and journeyed down the other , side in safety. A UNIQUE SIGHT. % The performance of these Max; wells is all the more remarkable in ' view of the fact that heavy rains had fallen during the week preced3 ing the trial, and during the run it Minad an hard that matpr niu run ' ning down the road. J Mount Uhamarel is an object of wonder for all tourists. It has been 7 a source of interest because it offers the unique spectacle of earth of ; no less than seventy-two distinct t and separate colors on a small space r of two acres of ground. This spot I forms a series of mounds a few feet high, long and narrow and bellow3 ing one after another with startl. ing regularity. From a short distance the various I colors are easily discernable one * j from the other and the seventy- ! two colors may easily be pointed , out. The greatest peculiarity of these mounds is that they can be j levelled and the earth mixed so as , to form a uniform color; A few weeks later they will have formed ? again and the earth will resume its primitive colors. Scientists have 7 never been able to account for this ? phenomenon. The colors are attributed by some geologists to ferruginous exhalations from the earth, ; but this does not explain why the b earth will not remain level. We Can't Answer. t Friend, we have not the least idea 1 when the war will close. We refer you to Emperor William, King George ' and Czar Nicholas. It is their farat ily affair. Really, we think there j ! has been enough scrapping, but our j thinking this way does not alter the situation one particle. As soon as | | we get a line of .authority on the j subject we will advise our readers. 1 Enough said for this time.?Harts- i ville Messenger, \ Good Looks are Easy Magnolia Balm. f|p Look as good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely dear your skin inftantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on your face and rub it of? again before dry. 1 Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at DruggiAs or by mail direA. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC- CO.. 40 SA St.. Bro.Uja. H.V. Arrival of Passenger Trains at Klngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad las promulgated the following schedlle, which became effective Monday, May 129, 1915: North Bound. Mo 80 7:25 a m "No 46 - - 11:33 a m No 78 - - - 6:13 p m South Bound. fNo 83 - 10:40 a m No 79 - - - 11:03 a m "No 47 - - - 6:47 p ra No 89 ... 9;22 p m >DaiLv exceDt Sunday. IStopslon'.signai for Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville passengers. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. 1 Lucas County. f 8S* Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.. D. 1888. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally ind acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO . Toledo, 0. 8old by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpatloa | Insurance! I When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write Life Fire live Stock Plate Glass Accident and Health Bonding a Specialty ; We are the largest and i most experienced agency in I jj Williamsburg county, and a a are in a position to give you | 3 the best service. $ | Kingsfree Ins., Real Estate I !& Loan Go., Agts., 8 PHONE 85, KIN6STBEE, S. C. I Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do thla work satisfactorily and can savs yon from $1.60 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you oat with 8K? New Kryptok Glasses, reading and distance vision ground in^each glass. a?S If yoa break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. E. BAGGETT , Jeweler aid Opticiai - - - Uiptret, t C. "MEN Make No Mistake Go to Specialists that are well known. Go where you are rure to get quickest, safest and best results. EXAMINATION FREE! inrtnanr n mrvMTAMr T BiV muvvinv rwVMMwi M anna WE TREAT SUCCESSFULLY ' Obotrucbooa. Blrite, Stauck, Vuicom, A ICi<iiKT Tronbloa EoUrgcmaota, Necrom DtbVtr, Blood Pouoc. Mala WHhjw Taint. Sore*, and Prirate DiaUlc?r*, mm* of Man and | Skin Pimm, Woman. Call today. D?n't delay. A friendly 3} taik. and thorough examination will * coat ycu nothing. 'i UNITED X-RAY SPECIAUSTS ' 32 tag Street. Cbrlotoa, Saatk Crofia .? cvts unites cjsab stoai * ?T? * % t> THE MAN I who is seeking quality will oot fail to remember the two popular brand* ? Deerfoot Rye yf t JlV Old Kentucky Springs WHISKIES DEERFOOT RYE is a rich, fall flavored Whiskey; OLD KENTUCKY i SPRINGS is rare, old and mellow. Both are absolutely pure, and both '* ??s\1? Ktr oynrACCi tne same pnue, ucutwbu , charges paid: 1 Oal. Glass Jug 4 Full Quarts $3.00 $3.70 8 Pints 16-& Pints $4.00 $4.00 Money must be sent with order. Give full name, street, post and express offices. Send for complete price-list of Wines and Liquors. You can count on getting a square deal from us. JAMES OLWELL A CO. Mail Order Department BatmbUihmi 1828 181 West St, New York "Almost Century in Business" Send for Price List of Other Goods. ( All Car ] Owners Know This Garage We do all kinds of repair work. We overhaul your car when it gets cranky. We save you money on tires, and other supplies by paying the transportation charges ourselves. Kingstree Garage, ; | ^ L T Thompson, M Vr. ^ 4 DR. R. CUUDE McCABE, Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf DOMRTTMCCABET DEMIST, KINGSTREE, S. C Office in McCabe Building, next to Court House. M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, Office in N?xa?n Building KINGSTREE, - S.C. 5-21-tf. 1866 1916 A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. G General praccicioner in all State and Federal Courts. Benj. M-'NNES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf KINGSTREE ^66^ Lodge, No. 46 A. F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially nyited. R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly Kingstree OAMP NO* 27. W 'month. lislljrliiTlttSPto com* limb*"1 P H Stoll, J M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com. No. 666 This is s prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. B: mlw dnui Tjt! kiuW Mb mmA if taken then as tonic the Fcrer will not return. It acta on the lirer better than Calomel and does not f ripe or akkeo. 2Sc r Chamberlain's Cough Hemedf Cares Cold*. Croup and r>iag Cough, I