The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 08, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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LOCAL ^ il Next Sunday will be Whitsunday.! Wednesday of next week will be Flag aav. Rev H D Bull was in Charleston this week. Miss Nellie Scott has been visiting in Florence. Mr and Mrs W T Wilkins were in Florence this week. Miss Lyde Kennedy is visiting relatives in Lake City. Kingstree Route No 2 will be established June 16. Sunday excursions to Charleston ( will begin next week. Mr E B Rhodus of Greelyville was; in Kingstree Monday. Mr I G Lewis of Hemingway visited his sons here Sunday. Miss Sue Stoll, who taught the nnst spssinn at Sumter, is home. Miss Mollie Nachman of Lake City spent Sunday with Miss Pearl Marcus. Road Engineer J P Frierson was ( in Florence Saturday night and Sunday. Dr J F Haselden and Mr and Mrs B G Land of Greelyville were in , Kingstree Tuesday. < Bora on June 1, 1916, to Mr and 1 Mrs Edwin Snipes, a son. Mother 1 and babe doing well. 1 The home of Mr and Mrs Eugene Montgomery was brightened Mon- ' day by the advent of a fine son. Miss Anna McClary is visiting i friends at Florence this week and " -? ?t-T J ' attending tne ncueouun uitxuuKa. rMias Halene Clark, who has been 1 teaching at Union High school the past session, is visiting Mrs R K Wallace. , A few cotton forms were received i by The Record last Friday, June 2, i from the Mallard Lumber Co at i Greelyville. ] Rev H D Bull will conduct serv- 1 ices at the Boyd school house Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Public cor- i diaily invited. Miss Mollie Epps left this week ' for Goldsboro, N C, to be with her relative, Mrs Carey Epps Butler, who is critically ill. Miss Louise Epps, who has been i a student at the College for Women, Columbia, returned home last Thursday for the vacation. Miss Louise Wheeler, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to 1 her home at Andrews this morning. ?Florence Times of Tuesday. Mr and Mrs P S Courtney and Misses Katie and Alice Stackley au- ; toed to Florence Tuesday to attend the final McLendon meeting. Among others who went to Florence Sunday to hear^ Mr McLendon were Mr and Mrs W H Carr, Mr A L McElveen and Miss Tyson McFadden. Mr and Mrs T E Bhggett, accompanied by Miss Beulah and Mrs TinaNelson,motored to Florence Sunday, where they attended the McLendon meeting. Mr Samuel D Carr was in Kingstree several days this week on business connected with the Siegling > Music house at Florence, of which he is manager. ' Kev 0 T Poreher of Darlington passed through town Tuesday evening en route from Charleston. He received a warm greeting from his Kingstree friends. A large force of mechanics was set to work yesterday on the Main street store house of Mr David Silverman. This work will be pushed to rapid completion. On the annual honor roll of the Florence city school we note the name of Walter Butler, a former Kingstree boy, who made a record ^ for perfect attendance. There will be a meeting of the district presidents of the Williamsburg County Sunday-school association at the office of Mr Geo A McElveen at noon Monday. ^ The United States district court convened at Charleston Monday. Mr J B Clarkson of Gourdins was K drawn on the grand jury and Mr M H Jacobs of Kingstree on the petit jury. A regular meeting of the town council was held at the town hall Monday night. Mayor Scott and Aldermen Miller, McGill, Mcintosh, Tolley and Rodgers were present. A MUMAknw Kill a n/iro nraonn tori onH 1 UUUIUC1 VI UlllO nvtv pi Vkjvuwvu MUVI ordered paid. The hour for evening service at the Baptist church has been changed from 6:30 to 8:15 p. m. Devotional meeting Wednesday at same hour. Bible class Sunday at 10 a. m. and i sermon at 11 a. m. Cadet Joe Wilkins has returned from Porter Military academy for vacation. Miss Bessie Thetis McConnell is visiting her sister, Mrs C A McCrea, at Lake City. Miss Rubie Thorn has returned from St Mary's school, Raleigh, N C, for vacation. W W Barr, Jr, Esq. who was recently admitted to the bar, is spending some time with his mother in North Kingstree. Clemson college this week graduated the largest class in its history? 118. Among'the number was Robert MordauntMcConnell of Kingstree A minstrel performance will be given at the Thomas opera house here next Wednesday night by an organization of Manning citizens for the benefit of the Kingstree baseball team. Mrs Edwin Harperand0daughlers, Misses Floride, Eunice and Belle, attondpd pommeneernent exercises of the Charleston Medical college last Thursday to witness the graduation of Dr Walter Harper. Mrs Sallie Edwards of Savannah, Ga, accompanied by her nephew, Bertie Edwards, spent a few days in i town with friends this week on her way to Vox, where they will spend some time with her uncle, Mr W J 1 Bartell. The election recently held in Midway school district on the question of a bond issue of $2,000 for the erection and equipment of a new school building in that district resulted in the unanimous approval of ; the proposition, 11 votes being cast. Mrs Jas Epps, Sr, left this week for Columbia to yisit her daughter, 1 Mrs Pugh. From Columbia Mrs 1 Epps will go to Fort Mill, whete she 1 will visit another daughter, Mrs Tamoa fh?nn> tn Tihertv. where she trill spend a few days with her son, I Sir Doane Epps. Holy communion will be celebrated at the Episcopal church Sunday at 8 a. m.; morning' prayer and sermon, followed by congregational meeting, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. m. These will be Mr Bull's last services here, and every member is urged to attend. Miss Louise Gravely of Lake City is visiting Mr and Mrs B W Butler. ?Mrs T A Blakely and Miss Mamie Jacobs have returned to their hopae in Kingstree, after visiting Mr and Mrs B W Butler.?Mesdames C W Wolfe and J F Joyce were in the city yesterday from Kingstree. ?Florence Times of Saturday A force of workmen is engaged in moving the old Methodist parsonage preparatory to the erection of a handsome new parsonage on the site. The old building is being moved back on Church street to the rear of the church. It will be repaired and used as a residence. Material is al ' 1 -? - - 4.1 J ready Deing piacea on me ground by Mr Charles H Singleton, the contractor, for the new parsonage. Mr Archie Wilkins, youngest son of Mr W T Wilkins, was taken to Florence Saturday evening, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis at the McLeod infirmary immediately after his arrival. The young man was taken ill Wednesday evening but the cause of his trouble was not determined upon until Saturday afternoon, when the patient was.hurried off to Florence. The patient is believed to be getting along well. Democratic club books are now open and will remain open till July 25. Each voter is required to appear in person for enrollment. Be sure you get your name on the roll of your nearest club before the enrollment books close July 25. Attend to this duty at once. The law requires that a new club roll shall be made out every two years, therefore don't fail to get your name on the roll if you expect to vote at the next State and Federal election. All previous rolls are obsolete. The books of the Kingstree club are in charge of Mr J D Britton at the Clerk's office. The Record man thought he was doing wonders when he gathered nice ripe.well-matured tomatoes out of his garden Monday morning until he ran into his esteemed neighbor, Prof Swittenberg, and learned that he had been gathering this succulent vegetable from his own garden for the past week. That wasn't so bad! But when the gentleman informed us that he had, that very day, eaten delicious cantaloupes from his own vines, we simply felt that we were, not in the gardening game at all, for our cantaloupes are just "dropping the blossom." We have a limited quantity of Tobacco Flues that we are selling at old prices, notwithstanding the advance in price of material. See us now; * 6-1-tf WlLLIANSBURG HARDWARE CO. Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead; one and two pound packages. 6-1-tf! Williamsburg Hardware Co. Remedy Presc 1 Compound of Simple Laxative He Proves Most Efficient. Dr \V A Kvans, writing for Chicago Trilume, makes the as* tion that practically everyone, some time <>r other, suffers fr constipation. This applies rega less of age or condition in life. The congestion of stomach wa in the 1 towels is evidenced in vc ous ways; hloat, eructation of f stomach gases, sick headache, 1: gour, all indicate constipation, a call for prompt attention, not 01 to relieve the present discomfort 1 also to avoid possible disease tl follows neglect of this import; function. Harsh cathartics and violent pi gatives should not be employed, these afford only temporary reli while they serve to shock the ent system. A mild laxative such Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is I preferable and is now the reme generally used and prescribed many doctors. It is free from o ate or narcotic drugs, acts eas and pleasantly, without griping other pain and is a safe, effecti family remedy. Business Houses to Close, For the purpose of encouragi and "boosting" the Kingstree "R Sox" baseball team, and givi them a big attendance u^on t three opening games, the und< signed merchants,etc, have agreed close their respective places of be ness on June 12, 13, and 14, at 4: to 6 p. m., so as to enable themseh and their employees to attend t games: Kingstree Hardware Company, Eli as George, W E Jenkinson, Britton & Hutaon, T E Baggett, Stoll, Stoll & O'Bryan. Kingstree Dry Goods Company, R 0 Hamilton, Mcintosh & Alsbrook, Scott Drug Company, T Papadokas, S F Epps, B F Patrick, Williamsburg Hardware Company, R H Godwin, W M Vause & Sons, F J Watts, Kozma Bros, Martin & Gamble, People's Mercantile Company, Spring & liee, L S Dennis, M H Jacobs, Williamsburg Live Stock Company M F Heller. Kingstree Furniture Company, Silverman's Department Store, S Marcus. R W Lewis, W J Reddick, C W Baker, County Agent, Steele Furniture Co, Southern Express Co, C Alsbrook,? King Hardware Co, Scott-Logan Co, C Tucker, Williamsburg Herald, J M Brown, Hamer-Thompson Co, E Wakim, M J Porter, W V Brockington, Fanners' Supply Co, County Record. ^^ITOIVESTH I LIGHT, M I ANATOM- Til? CI If.ALLY 1IIB W I CORRECT For Ringstree ? a They will save in insi I can't burn. And in additi I proof, fine in appearance I | 2 Ft Charles H Singleton bribed )y Many Doctors. i ri- < ' ^ * Hi | | *1 ';r < ^ /' ^ lr_ MR. CHAS. SCHELL. 'I* Mr Chas Scholl, 182 Church St, n. J. \r: _:? ii._i u r J jre vrreiiuua, .uiss, wnies iiuti ne imiuu ;lri relief himself by using l)r Caldwell's far Syrup Pepsin and now keeps it on dy hand for family use. A lxjttle of by Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should pi- have a plaee in every family niediily cine chest. A trial bottle obtainable, or free of charge, by writing to Dr \V ive B Caldwell, 4o4 Washington St, Monticello, Illinois. ng|SP?ciALNOTTcES "*** Roomers Wanted?Three furnished DR rooms for rent No mosquitoes. Ap;he ply at Record Office. Br" Money to Loan.?Money to lend on to improved farm land in Williamsburg in- county in sums ranging from $500 to 30 $10,000. Interest reasonable. Long or short terms, to suit borrower. Lekoy 7* LEE. Attorney, Kingstree, S C. 6-8-4t ;he ?? For Sale?One Metz Roadster. To make quick sale, will take $75.00 for car. Apply to Rev D A Phillips, Kingstree. 6-1-tf n n I V ni IVOR sale?i^uoan iam routumuiu at 10c per hundred. Apply to T Olin Epps, Kingstree. 5-18 For Sale?Cuban Yam Potato Plants at 10c per hundred. Apply to T Olin Epps, kingstree. 5-18 For Sale?One $500.00 Steiff Piano at a big bargain. Will sell cheap for cash or good bankable paper. Apply to "X", Care Record Office. 1785 1916 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON South Carolina's Oldest College 132nd Year Begins Sept. 29 > Entrance examination* in all the county I seats Friday, Jiry 14, at 9 a. m. | Four-year courses lead to the B. A. and B. S. degrees, a two-year pre-medical course is given. a free tuition scholarship is assigned to each county in the State. Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms and cata,_f logue, address lsc 6-8-31 Harrison Randolph, Pres. ?? tf Vmi Nam! a flaawal Toalc Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. ebestresuTTS^I TSADB wW MITHSONIANI HARK. ?TRUSS! HOLDS I \ IN ANY I EXPOSITION. ( NIUJOraiVB \ \ I . I OrynjM** jar Sale by rug Company B?i '* TBfli * bf) * ilB flj!i irance on your house, for they I on they are permanent, weather- I ind inexpensive. I , - - Kingstree, S. C. ! UWANA Friday, June 9 "THE RAVEN Essanay's 6-act Photopk by George C. Haselton Dramatized and Directed by Charles J. Bra Presenting vvntm?7 wr ? v nvv t v v j HtNKl B. WALdHALL in a reincarnation of EDGAR ALLEN PO and Warda Howard The Great Emotional Actress The most ethereally artistic, i tensely fascinating and soi stirring production of the ye Don't Miss This Interestir Educational Film. Admission lOc And 2C if ! cb /ANIT (nai Ml " GiqhtGn 1 of* FluffyI Felt.? Ir ( P&cked ir 1 C&rtorv. ij /? I?-iI ill Worth |QS|^ Kingstree Fui Two Doors from Madame wifhuoui \ % \ f / v \ y HOUSEHOLD expenses mount ical, is liable to LACK I methods in your home by BAHKING. She will enjoy her 1 ably surprised to note the saving START YOT A BANK AC BANK OF W The Dye Situati and need not worry you. dyes and scarcity of fast with a line of summer fab where in the county and m S. S. ARONSO THEATRE Tuesday, June 13 " "THE BLINDNESS OF y VIRTUE" bin Essanay's 6-act Photoplay by Cosmo Hamilton ' Presenting EEDNA MAYO and Bryant Washburn [}" in the leading roles o?? A Strong Moral Drama that Everyone Should See >c Admission lOc and 20c ID I 0// ABY- PELT B TRE// . ?At-Layer/ g; /non-Whit? | tdividually v a Arvitdry I ;v>V.X # rniture Company P. O. Kingstree, S. C Talk Ifiis Over up. The wife, no matter how economHJSINESS METHODS. Install buiinesa teaching your wife the simple ABT 07 tew responsibility and you will be agre?> at the end of the month. JR WIFE WITH :COUNT TODAY! 1LLIAMSBURG on Doesn't Worry Us Notwithstanding the shortage of color materials, we are supplied rics to equal any ever shown anyre offer them at old prices. iN, - Lane, S. C.