The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 08, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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EVENTS AT LAKE CITY. Completion of Ice Factory?Personal and Local Mention. Lake City, June 6:?The ice factory was completed a few days ago. On Saturday Messrs Thomlinson & McWhite. the owners, had the machinery started up to work and began freezing right away. All worked well for awhile when the water supply gave out. Of course things were shut down until a greater supply can be obtained. It is thought that the present well win ne deepened or a second one put down. lis shut down is unfortunate, hut! was not entirely unexpected as, before starting: up, there were doubts about the quantity of water being: sufficient. Mr J A Green, better known as Judge Green, was right ill several days last week, but is now much improved. Mr Robert Gilliland returned last week from a visit of several days in Atlanta. Mrs S M Sturgeon is in Wilmington, N C, with her daughter, Mrs t>;-. Oka ?"anf ouiai' laat Saturday. I 1C? OUC VT V u V U?? Mj *MWV . , Ashton H Williams, Esq. and 0 S Baldwin, Esq. in expectancy, attended court at Hanna Thursday, presided over by Magistrate Hyman. Court of general sessions is sitting in Florence this week, and of course this section is well represented there. Some of our folks seem fond of attending court while some have no choice in the matter. From Hustling Hemingway. Hemingway, June 5:?Misses Louise and Annie Wilson of Oaks and Pauline Wilson of Manning spent part of last week with Miss Carrie Baker. Miss Cleo Clyburn, the efficient milliner for Eaddy-Creel Bros this season,returned to her home in Florence last week. Mr and Mrs M E Poston, Misses Ina Burney,Gladys Copeland and Mr Fitzhugh Eaddy spent Saturday evening in Florence, making the trip in Mr Poston's car. Mrs J H Wooten and daughters, Misses Inez and Sarah, of Rich* " ? ?API? mona, va, aiter spvuuiug a vcij pleasant week with the former's sisters, the Misses Burney, left Saturday for Clarkton, N C. They were accompanied by Miss Annie Burney. Misses Thora and Janie Davis are visiting relatives in Georgetown. Mr Cesar Haselden visited friends in Johnsonville Sunday. Messrs Eugene Gravely and Courty Edgerton spent the week-end in Florence. Mr S M Burney of Charleston spent Sunday at the Commercial hotel. Mr and Mrs M E Poston are moving into their beautiful new bungalow on Main street. Mrs Leo Edmonds of Savannah, Ga, has just returned to her home after spending some time with her parents, Mr and Mrs C Venters. Miss Gladys Copeland left Monday for her home in Timmonsville. Messrs Charlie Creel, Fltzhugh Eaddy and Dr Louie Day are wearing long faces and carrying sad, sad * hearts since the teachers have all left town. Miss Blanche Lewis, who has been at Asheville, N C, studying to be a trained nurse, is home for vacation. Mrs W E Koonce, who has been very ill for some time, is better. The crops in this section are looking fine after the refreshing rains of last week. * "? i 1- - 1.1.. 1 am requested 10 mane ine 101lowing correction to the write-up of the closing: exercises as reported last week: The query, "Resolved, That public opinion is a standard of right," was debated. Julius Jones, Miss Allean Cannon and Herman Koonce upheld the affirmative side, which won over the negative, championed by Henry W Haselden, Miss Lucy Ingraham and Harvey Lambert. Dr W C Hemingway and Messrs J M Eaddy and S J Haselden were in Charleston Monday on business. Mr J P Haselden has just harvested the finest crop of wheat that has ever been known to grow in this section, possibly in the State. Mr Mack Davis of Poston spent Sunday here with his grandfather, Mr E W Davis. We are glad to see Mrs B T Harper up again after being on the sick list the past week. mi ' 2-1- maLA/J Knil/^inr* Kara ine UriCN btlium uuuuiuk ikk, will be completed in about 15 days. To (be Public. "I have been using Chamberlain's Tablets for indigestion for the past six months, and it affords me pleasure to say I have never used a remedy that did me so much good."? Mrs C E Riley, Illion, N Y. Chamberlain's Tablets are obtainable everywhere. I Colds {I A should be "nipped in thejMJ 1/ bud", for if allowed to run VWjj IF unchecked, serious results FfYl Jr may follow. Numerous MI J cases of consumption, pneu- |l$jj monia, and other fatal dis- \ eases, can be traced back to S^j a cold. At the first sign of a cold, protect yourself by [ thoroughly cleansing your 5 system with a few dose3 of | i THEDFORD'S ' BLACK- || DRAUGHT I if the old reliable, vegetableI^? 1 InS hver powder. jj*| Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, ?'jgfcg ,j{Sj| Madison Heights, Va., says:|g|jj HI "I have been using Thed-hJJ ^ ght foruL^f indiges-fVl H find ittoUHjffsj :dicine lAngl :s an old mm | gone." {1/| rd's, thervJU K-G7lKfl KILLED WIFE, THEN SELE. Double Tragedy Takes Place Near Lancaster. Lancaster, June 5:?This after noon about 3 o'clock, three mites north of this place, Dave Short, s well-known negro farmer of thif county, shot and killed his wife while working in the field near the house because, it is said, she refused to obey him in some trivial matter, and after leaving her dead about forty-five minutes later killed himself with the same eun, which he managed to fire by pressing a forked stick against the trigger of the gun, the muzzle of which he held against his heart. An inquest was held over both bodies by Magistrate John L Caskey, acting Coroner, and the verdict was to the effect that Mag Short, the wife, came to her death by gunshol wounds at the hands of Dave Short, her husband, and that Dave Short committed suicide. DOES BACKACHE WORRY YOU? Some Klogstree People Have Learned How to Get Relief. How many people suffer from ar aching back? How tew Know tne cause: If it hurts to stoop or lift? If you suffer sudden, darting pains? If you are weak, lame and tiredSuspect your kidneys. Watch for nature's signal. The first sign may be headache 01 dizziness, Scanty, painful or too frequenl urination. Nervousness or a constant dead tired feeling. Avert the serious kidney diseases Treat the weakened kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills, A remedy especially for sick kid neys. Gratefully endorsed by Vesidenb of this locality. Mrs 0 D Middleton, 17 S Jarrotl St, Florence, S C, says: "My kidneyi were out of order and I had dul pains in the small of my back. ] was sore and lame in the morning and tired easily. My head ached anc I had spells of dizziness. The kidnej secretions were also unnatural, anc I had other symptoms of kidnej trouble. I used two boxes of Doan'i Kidney Pills and they relieved al symptoms of the trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don'I simply ask for a kidney remedy?gel Doan's Kidney Pills?the same thai Mr3 Middleton had. Foster-Milburr Co, Props, Buffalo. N Y. Wlnthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award ol vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and also for the admission of new students will be held at the count) court house on Friday. July 7. al 1 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. Wher Scholarships are vacant after July 1 they will be awarded to those makins the highest average at this examina ttnn nrnviripd thev meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants foi Scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination foi scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and fret tuition. The next session will oper September 20, 1916. For further in formation and catalogue, address Pres D B Johnson. Rock Hill, S C. 5-11-81 Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Systeir The Old Standard general strengthening tonic I GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives on Malaria,enriches the blood,and bniids up the ays tern. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c iNew JYfj Now Beinj ?w F Ji 1W1 m t9VI A big line of Shi in at 10c and 15c the LM4 A big line of Or rAj inches wide, at 10c a J9VJ A large line of Val Laces at 5c and ^4 One hundred do: riYj ings, 5c, 10c and 15c rvo at 3c the yard. A big line of I T r inches wide, 15c and oy at 8c the yard. oo A big lot of La sizes 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2 a ' W to $3.50. This entir gg two pairs of a kind, < . IT TJ the pair. Ladies wn jrynj get wonderful bargai ? A pretty line c [ Voiles, well worth 15 ; Don't fail to se yA window. Only 10c f do.. Iw.L JI \r* m <^> Ningstree, i ^T^ToTT Irap vi _ m lonsiaer | Sea Get ' yd His Summe: ^ sists largely ' W smile and a ; Jfl feeling. 1 11 i\W^ nasn t any i ^ weather cor i ^ a subject ; ^ considerable ' H Try any of ; Suits really i weather ant , M quire a per : of perfect c 11Zd cool fabric, i H to Silk. Ca 0 ft ^ Kingstree Di Sj Kingstree, * Goods | % Shown at frT i- > m ml/meAii c m idow Laces just come FV'u yard. i ^ iental Laces, 4 and 5 nd 15c the yard. n \ i German round thread 'W 10c the yard. sen yards Val Insert- Ao values, a big bargain /V ffl ^ace Bands, 3, 4 and 5 20c values, will all go A 1 dies' Low Cut Shoes, nd 4, retail price $1.50 e lot of Shoes, one and Bfl offered at 50c and 75c 10 have small feet can rm ins from this lot. |88| >f striped and figured c, will go at 10c yard, ill je our wonderful Hat or any hat in the win- ^ enkinson I ; ^ Ja the South | M ntleman! B * ft r Outfit con- m ' of a pleasant , comfortable H However, he ^ corner on hot nfort. That's ^ we've given ^ 3 attention! ^ our Summer H built for hot M i you will ac- M manent smile M :ontent. Any , from Serge ^ 11 fn c OP f ViPm w-i A1 L/V/ UVV Viiviiii | ry Goods Co., m - South Carolina K ^oYoYoyoY1^*^ %efeur$din?^ I Is the Fountain | We Do Not I We Deliver Free I Phone The ^OXC If you are going to buy a refri, gladly explain this feature to you Steele Furr J 208 Main Street Wag< <L We have just unloj load of the famous T1 (one, two, three and guarantee every Tho: sell and we have th< C. We also have in st< Buggies, Surreys, H Robes, Etc. See us Yours to ] Williamchnrff I.i | VT luuiuiavwui ^ mi ? Kingstree, I SUMMER Fl AND FURNC Porch Chairs Duph Pnrrh Swinffs Mn M V? vaa w i Portiere Cii Crex, Axminster a Anything in Fu We give votes in The dies' Contest. ( Rodgers & 9 Opposite Farmers I Undertakers and L?mmrnwrnm | i i t of Quality * Substisute and Freely 131 IUGCO, l?Cf More 321.. li. J ^ ^ ^ I Did You Ever Stop to Hunk that the chipping of ice in refrigeraiorsfor cooling drinks causes excessive ice consumption Herewith is an illustration or one of our Tacome Refrigerators with its perfectly sanitary water cooler, which cools the water without waste of ice. gerator, call and we will j liture Co. Opposite Court House 3ns! aded another car , lornhill Wagons, four-horse). We rnhill Wagon we 3 prices to suit. )ck a full line of arness, Saddles, before you buy. please, ive Stock Co. - - s. c. JRN1TURE iHINGS. ix Window Shades squito Canopies irtains nd Velvet Rugs ^ rniture Line. i County Record's La Ooawm i . ' Supply^. ' 1 Embalmers.