Found Simple F that 1 Mild Laxative Compound Corrects Stubborn Case of Constipatiou. An important duty that devolves on parents is the regulation of their children's bowels. Health in later life depends in large measure on early training and a child should be taught from infancy to regular nanus. When from any cause tlie bowel becomes congested with stomach waste a mild laxative should be employed to open up the passage gently and carry off the congested jnass. A most effective remedy for this purpose is the combination of simple laxative herbs known as Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Mrs W D Bulls, of Reed, Okla, used Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for her baby boy, Harley Buren Bulls, and says "It did hira more good than anything we have given him. His bowels are very stubborn about acting, but they act easily every time I give him Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin." Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin contains no opiate or narcotic drug and MMfeeny School Closing. Salter?, R F D 1, May 29:?Rev Geo Vausa of Cowards filled his appointntent at St Paul's Baptist church Sunday. Miss Aggie Boyd,a popular young teacher of Trio, and Mr Ephie Bradham, a well known farmer and mer chant, who were married April z\), are at the home of the groom. Their many friends wish tljem much happiness. Mr Archie Spivey and Miss Beulah Spivey attended services at Kingstree Sunday. The recent rains are bringing crops along nicely, also "General Green," so farmers will have to lay aside their fishing poles and take up their hoes. i. A fitting climax to the most successful session of Mulberry Graded school was the exercises held Friday -'-1,* Uon 1Q Tka nrncrrommp will) Ulgliw, iUOJ X%/. AUV FtvA4M...?..v .... as follows: Welcome Song School Salutatory Mary McKnight Dialogue?"How He Popped the Question".... Two Girls Recitation?"Little Torment"..One Boy Pantomime, "Rock of Ages'V.Eight Girls Ghost Drill Eight Boys Burlesque _ Flower Drill Seventeen Boys and Girls Song Primary Department Maypole Dance Primary Grades Class Prophecy.. -Sadie Lewis Dialogue?"The Gossips" Four Girls Doll Drill Eight Little Girls Piano Solo Mr S D CanSleepy Heads ?Ten Little Girls Pantomime "Lead, Kindly Light" Eight Girls Recitation Twenty-one Children Vocal Solo.- Mr S DCarr Shepherd's Crook Drill Sixteen Boys and Girls Piano Solo Mr S D CanVacation Song ?School Valedictory Allie Montgomery Music on the piano was furnished by Mr SjD Carr of Florence and Mrs J L Ferrell. The school during the past three years has been under the management of Mrs Mattie Williams of Rock Hill and Miss Hazel Lambert of Columbia.who with the co-operation of the trustees and patrons have made many improvements. Mrs Williams and Miss Lambert are well known in South Carolina through their educational and social work and are women of the highest character. A /wilrinor /?1nh has hppn nriranized with the following officers: Misses Lulu Montgomery president, Sadie Lewis vice president and Beulah Spivey secretary and treasurer. A sewing club and a primary cooking club have also been organized. Mrs Williams and Miss Lambert have returned to their respective homes for the vacation. Rosebud. Baseball season will open Monday, 12th inst. [ Don't Scold Y if the dinner doesn't task the coffee is a little off c If there is anything else y proved upon, don't Be in tc your wife or even the cool the best she can with the ? There's iust as much in tfi the cooking, and every Try Our Grocei IV Jt || I IVI. 1-1. u > TWO S' l^We give Voting Coupo Ladies'Contest ? ? *?mmtm temedy Relieved Child. ? I v- ?tV .? \ I" ""II; In A) HBRLEY BUREN BULLS. is a splendid remedy for children and older people as well. It has been on the market for more than twenty-five years and is the family standby in thousands of homes. Druggists everywhere sell it for fifty cents a bottle. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing toDrWB Caldwell, 454 Washington St, Monticello, 111. News Items from Setters. Sailers, May 29:?Crops have improved some since the copious show- , era of last week. Corn is very! promising, and cotton has come up to a stand, and is being cultivated as fast as possible. Some fields are quite grassy, but with favorable weather this week will be put in very good condition. Mr Easterling of Marlboro visited his daughter, Mrs E S David, here last week. Mrs E E Haigler of Orangeburg is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs J H L Chandler. Miss Hattie Tuttle of Greelyville has returned after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends here. Rev and Mrs Blalock of Edgefield are visiting their daughter, Mrs W S Boyd here. We were pleased to have with us for a short while Sunday Mr J A McCullough of Lanes. Miss Triphena Stubbs of Marlboro spent a short while here Sunday with relatives. Mr C Fowler, who has been sec tion foreman here for a number of years, has gone to Norfolk, where he has a much better position with the A G L railroad. We are sorry to lose Mr Fowler, but glad to know he has been promoted to a better position. Mr Jas A Ferrell, who has been quite sick for some time, we are glad to say, is improving and we hope to see him fully restored to health soon. Miss Emma Watson is attending the commencement exercises of Winthrop college this week. Miss Emma Ferrell is in Columbia attending the commencement exercises of Chicora College for Women. Look Out. Good Looks are Easy MagnoKaJpF Balm. i Look as good as your city cousins. No ! matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely clear your skin inAantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on ] your face and rub it off again before dry. > Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle , to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at DruggiAs or by mail direct SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO., 40 So. 5d> St, Brooklyn. N.Y. ; our Poor Wife e just to your liking, if olor and the flavor poor. ?? fViinlr nnorlif: fn hp im UU WUlm vug?u W ~ ? .... o great haste to criticise t. She probably is doing groceries you furnish her. ie groceries as there is in woman knows it well. ries Next Time. ^COBS rORES ns in The County Record's V i mL SAXON M. F. HEL] Five Passenger, 6-cj 6-cyIinder Roadster 4-cylinder Roadster These Cars are f: tinental Motor and I ^ ride right. ED3B! j^B i ^ W M1 A yj CI? ft WHEN YOU THINK OF I ^ \ GOOD / . X WHISKEY THINK 09 JL ^ev c Mathewson Stand Bottled in Bond 1 Full Qt. 2 Fall QU. 4 Fall i 75c $1.40 $2 OLD WOODRUI Bett 1 Fall Quart 2 Full 65c $1 AO the Above Pric I Always Do What / Sc RANDOLPH ROSE, R. M. ROSE CC DISTILLE ? * t i I JAtivoun v no* II Useful and Beautiful Pren || ROSE Goods. Write Arrival ol Passenger Trains Klngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railrc has promulgated the|following sch< ale, which became effective Mondi May 29, 1915: North Bound. Mo 80 - - - 7:25 a "No 46 - - 11:83 a No 78 ... 6:13 p South Bound. fNo 83 - - 10:40 a No 79 - - - 11:03 a "No 47 - - - - 6:47 p No 89 - - - 9:22 p Daily except Sunday. +Stops on Bignal for Charleston, Savi nah and Jacksonville passengers. Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write Life Fire live Stock Plate Glass II?liL Accident ana oeaiui Bonding a Specialty We are the largest and most experienced agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kiagsfree Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts., PHONE 85, KIN6STREE, S. C. ^ f^vuroM FOR SALE BY LER Kir /Under Touring Car with electric lights and start itted out with Timpken Rolle lave the famous Cantilever S mi nuns OSE SELLS IT FDR LESf rrayHillGub iS! &. ?? tat Good Whiskey"_$1.00 $1.95 $3. ner Rye __ 1.00 1.95 3. fit "66" _ 1.00 1.95 3. tun of Kentucky 80c 1.50 2. Lara uuuy ? m