We specialize on Old Straight 10 0-proof ^ goods. Note our prices few leading brands Write for full list. RYES Bankers' Rye 3 Gibson 100 proof Sherwood 100 proof Mellwood 100 proof Stewart 100 proof Highspire 100 proof Bob Burton Tidewater Bourbon Major Comfort Bourbon Bob Snyder CORNS . Kelley's Royal Virginia Queen 100 proof Cumberland El Maize ? North State Old Valley All of the above bran will be shipped in one gal prices. WE PF PHIL. G. KE juuiu MBI BIBIM1 ' Bargair That is exa GROCERIES, but we are mafc ionally high gra are making thoi you make beco supply your wa: from us. If you are 1 is no better tim economical shoj We speciali are the best bra close margins: Baking Powder Bre; Baking Soda Flot Rice Mea Grits Sug; We issue v( ducted by The cash purchases, A Big Lot of C Powder, Etc.; Peoples HI Sole Agents for < f The Baile? m m i m it*ii Machinery,Mill an ( Automobile Supp] G.& J. fires and Tubes . Charleston, ^ ^Er yfl 16 1-2 4Qts. 8Pts. Pts. Bottled >5.00 b5.10 $5.20 Old Private S /t nn 4in 4 -;0 rr ,.vv, ? nuron jtuver.. ?S 25' 3.95 Weld0n ?? 3.75 3.85 3.95 Miscellane 3.75 3 85 3.95 3.50 3.60 3.70 Casey s Malt.. 3.00 3.10 3.20 Rooster Gin.... 2.50 2.60 2.70 Old Hollister < 2.25 2.35 2.45 old Orchard j 100 proof ... 3.85 3.95 4.05 Old Southam 3.20 3.30 *3.40 Brandy 3.00 3.10 3.20 Old Nick Apr 2-^ Special-C 2.50 2 60 2-70 Corn, Branc 2.25 2.35 2.45 or 1 Gal. G1 ids excepting Bankers' Rye ; Ion Glass Jugs at twenty-five LEPAY EXPRESS CH LLY - - ?? is In Gr ctly what we meanWe are not selling 1 :ing very low grade ,de groceries and p] se prices so low tha mes an actual bar; nts at very low co not one of our steadj e than NOW to get ii )pers. ze on the followin; mds obtainable and ikfast Food Canned Goods ir Dried Fruit J Corn ar Hay )tes in the Ladies' G County Record. V and on accounts pai( ase Goods; Tomatoes, Salmon, $ Kingan's Pure Lard, Hay, fnv/tnnliln I nr ici tannic vui Celebrated New Horn ^-Lebby Co d Plumbing Supplies lies And Accessories VEEDOL Oils and Grease South Carolina ! " i Send your order to | J us. We are direct distributors and ship W M promptly. Send your *ordertoday with remittance to cover. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. 16 . 1-2 in Bond 4Qts. 8Pts. Pts. tock $4.75 $4.85 $4.95 4.00 4.10 4.20 i) 5.00 5.10 5.20 ous Liquors 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.50 3.60 3.70 Gin 2.75 2.85 2.95 \pple Brandv, 4.50 4.60 4.70 pton Apple 4.00 4.10 4.20 ile 2.25 2.35 2.45 )ur famous No. 10 Rye, iy or Gin, 100 proof, 4Qts ass Jug $5.00 and those bottled in bond cents less than the 4 quart [ARGES 29 North 17th St, RICHMOND, VA. mu nnorips I UUUIIUUI --BARGAINS IN them below cost, prices on exceprovisions, and we ,t every purchase gain. Thus you st when you buy r customers there .lto the throng of g articles, which n virv HA nl- TrnuTT I cue dvjiu ah vcij Cured Meats Coffees Teas Cheese Dn test being conotes given with 1. iardines, Baking f!nrn and Grits npany, Inc. e Sewing Machine Removal Notice! I wish to state to my friends and the public that I have removed my shoe repair shop to 121 E. Evans St., Florence, S,C.,ariH will take care of their i pViao ronairino- nnvintr return onvv r*~J ***0 I charges on same. i H. TUCKMAN j SINCE TAKJ 1 I can say my | bowels are much I more regular. J My heart is 5 cfmndpr Ion My appetite is much better. My throat is much better. ] Mrs. William H. HinchlirF< I writes: "I have taken four bott I it has done me a great deal of j throat. I recommend Pertina tc not think I ever felt much bett work I can do. I do not think Peruna." Those who object to fluid rr Tablets. $2,900,000 FOR DISCOVERY. IDr Enrlcht Sells Gasoline Formula to Maxim Company. New York, May 3: ?The formula of Dr Lewis Enricht's substitute for gasoline, which costs a cent and a half a gallon to manufacture, was bought today by the Maxim Munitions Corporation, The price was reported to be $2,000,000. While neither the inventor not officials of the coroporation would say what price was paid for the green fluid that turns water intc engine fuel, was said that Dr Enricht received $1,000,000 in cash and y 100,000 shares of stock in the Maxim Munitions Corporation. This stock was quoted at $10.50 a share today. Dr Enricht's discovery was announced several weeks ago. It consists of a mysterious green fluid which is mixed with ordinary water, He was visited at his laboratory ir Farmingdale by many interested persons. Among them was Henrv Ford. A Symbol ol Health. The Pythagoriansof ancient Greec* ate simple food,practiced temperance and purity. As a badge they used the five-pointed star that they regarded as a proper symbol of health, A red five-pointed star appears or each package of Chamberlain's Tablets and still fulfills its ancient mission as a syml)ol of health. If yoi are troubled with - indigestion, biliousness or constipation, get a package of these tablets from your druggist. You will be surprised at the quick relief which thev afford. Obtainable everywhere. Will Stand by the Governor. Governor Manning is not payinc much attention to the"they say" fel lows who say all kinds of things i without knowing much of anything. He was elected by the people, undoi the sworn Dromise to enforce tin I laws of a great State. He has lived J up to that pVomise.and if South Car I elina desires to turn him down or account of a liquor bill,passed by the j Legislature, or an insurance law, passed by the Legislature, Manning | is ready to go, in a manly and brave | manner. But?South Carolina has not yet spoken on the subject. When she does you may deoend upon hei to reward our law and order Governor.?Marion Star. "Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Wonders for Me." "I have been a sufferer from stomach trouble for a number of years, and although I have used a great number of remedies recommended for this complaint, Chamberlain's Tablets is the first medicine that has given me permanent and lasting relief," writes Mrs Anna Kadin,Spencerport, N V. 'Chamberlain's Tablets have done wonders for me and I value them very highly." Obtainable everywhere. Wlnthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in. Winthrop Coli 3 iu. ~ J : M lege anu oi&u iur me auuussiuii ui uew students will be held at the county court house on Friday, July 7, at 9 a, m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 7 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination for scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 20, 1916. For further ini formation and catalogue, address Pres _ D B Johnson, Rock Hill, S C. 5-1 l-8t NGPERUNA g 20'Myrtle St., Beverly, Mass., les of Peruna, and I can say that good tor catarrh ot the head and ) all sufferers with catarrh. I do er. I am really surprised at the too much praise can be said for medicines can now procure Peruna NEW COUNTY MOVEMENT. Lake City People Want a Change ?Much Opposition. The matter of Rutledge county is '; again before the public andinashort while the voters of a large section of . j Florence and a small section of WilI liamshurg, probably.will be asked to say if they want a new county established, with Lake City as the county seat. This is the same project that I was defeated some years ago, after which the Lake City section went ( over into Florence county,but it was never thought that they meant to do j more than take up temporary residence there. There are two factions in the section that is asking or is to be asked to form the new county? one in favor and the other, a large one,opposing it very bitterly, chiefly I on the ground that the taxes will be too great for a new county to near. [ The people of I>ake City are very I anxious to have the new county r formed and will work hard for it. The matter has not gone far enough yet to call for the survey, but the people are being sounded as to their sentiment in the matter with the * view of running safe lines. KILLED DRIVER AND STOLE CAR. ' Reward Offered for Murderers of 1 Eugene Ralney. Harvin, May 3:?Eugene Rainey.a i colored automobile hack driver of . Sumter,in the employ of Messrs Will . J and Willie Shaw, of