LOCAL H mis M Teachers' examination at the court house tomorrow. Mr Hugh McCutchen spent yesterday in Sumter. Mr H E Montgomery was a visitor to Charleston Tuesday. Hon R J Kirk of Florence was in town several days this week. Mr and Mrs S Marcus and daughter, Miss Lillie, spent Sunday in Marion. Miss Annie Gregg of Marion is visiting her sister, Mrs Robert J McCabe. Next Wednesday (Memorial day) being a legal holiday, the banks will be closed. Mr Carlyle Myrick has returned from a visit to his home folk at j Bamberg. We are glad to see Mrs J P Hutson out again, after several days' indisposition. Mr and Mrs David Burgess of Mouzon attended the McLendon ] meeting Sunday. I Mr and Mrs B E Clarkson attend- 1 ed the funeral of Mrs Sarah A Baker 1 at Florence today. < Services at the Episcopal church ' ne$t Sunday at 11 a. m., with holy communion, and 8 p. m. ! The hour for Sunday-school at the ' Episcopal church has been changed from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs E L Hirsch, who has been the 1 guest of relatives in Columbia, re- j turned home Tuesday morning. j Hon Julius S Mclnnes of Darling- , ton, candidate for Congress, was a \ pleasant caller at our office today. j Mesdames Sue T Ervin and D C ] Scott are visiting the former's niece, 1 Mrs W J Morrison. Jr, at McClellan- I yille. P H Stoll.Esq, attended the meet- ' ' ing of the State Democraticexecutive committee meeting at ColumbiaI j Tuesday. j ( Born, to Mr and Mrs T C DuBose, | i Gourdin, Tuesday, April 25, 1916, a i pound son. Mother and baby doing finely. Rev W E Hurt of Cheraw was in ;1 Kingstree this week en route to the j1 State Sunday-school convention at < Charleston. Mr S E Mouzon and sister, Mrs S J N King, and daughter, Miss Christine, Were noted at the McLendon tabernacle Sunday. commencement cAcitisco ui waiters high school will be held tonight and tomorrow. There are twelve graduates, six boys and six girls. The last of the lyceum attractions ' was given at the school auditorium and was of the same grade of excel- , lence that has characterized them all. ' * Miss Imo Fulton has gone to Florence to take up the profession of nursing. Her sister, Miss Lizzie, is pursuing a similar course in that city. Mr R D Webb, general secretary of the State Sunday-school association,was in town Saturday and made a very helpful address to the officers of the county association. The Daughters of the Confederacy will serve their annual dinner to the Confederate vetrans of the county on May 10. All veterans are invited and urged to be present. Miss Agness Erckmazm was in Charleston several days this week, being summoned thither by the sudden death of her brother-in-law, Mr Parry. Miss Marie Thorn substituted few her in the Kingstree school. Rev Dr E Pendleton Jones of Edgefield is conducting a series of services at the Baptist church here. Dr Jones is well known in Kingstree, and his thrilling sermons attract large congregations at each service. Margaret Gregg Gordon Chapter, D A R, was delightfully entertained by Mrs R J McCabe Tuesday after? mi #oofn??n nf nooo. ine pnuupw itatuiv. v> wv meeting' was a very interesting history of the American flag, read by the historian. Miss Maude Logan. Mrs S R Mouzon has returned to her home at Mouzons, after a pleas, ant visit to her relatives, Mrs J J B Montgomery and Mr and Mrs M H Plowden, here. While in town, Mrs Mouzon visited her son, Mr P B Mou <^on,at Lake City,where she was hos*pitably entertained by the hostess of the Halcyon hotel. The Record takes great pleasure in announcing that it has secured the services of W L Bass, Esq, of Lake City as its regular correspondent in our progressive sister town. Mr Rass has been an esteemed friend y of this paper for many years and \ for some time prior to his removal to Florida he rendered the paper! valuable service as its Lake City correspondent. Mr W H Boswell, father of Mr C W Boswell, died at his home at Sil-; ver, in Clarendon county, Friday of, GREAT REVIVAL CLOSED. McLendon Meetings Ended Sunday Night. What is being pronounced as the 1 1_^1J greatest religious revival ever uen, in Kingstree came to a close wher the Rfev Baxter McLendon stood or his platform and pronounced the benediction at 10:30 o'clock Sunday night. The McLendon meetings begar here Sunday morning, April 9, al the Central warehouse and services were conducted twice daily, except on Mondays, until Sunday night, April 30. During this time many thousands of people heard the distinguished Evangelist and perhaps all of them were in a measure benefited by his discourses, while hundreds went forward and made a profession of faith by taking his hand. During the progress of the meeting interest increased from day to day as well as did the gr?at throngs of people who came from all over this and many from adjoining counties, to hear him, at last filling the big warehouse to overflowing. There was present at the closing service Sunday night the largest crowd that has ever been brought together in Kingstree. The house was not large enough to hold the people and hundreds remained on the outside in buggies, wagons and automobiles listening through the windows and doors to the Evangelist's parting message. By the preaching o^ this zealous servant of God many souls have been brought into a closer relationship with their Creator and the people of the entire community are freely praising his wonderful work. Monday morning Mr McLendon left Kingstree, as did also Mr and Mrs Pledger. Mr Marshall remained here through Monday to look after the shipping of the lumber for seats, etc, to Florence where the Evangelist and his staff of assistants will open a similar meeting next Sunday. Death of a Williamsburg Lady. Mrs Sarah A Baker, relict of the late W W Baker, died at the home her step-daughter, Mrs R B Hare in Florence, at 10 o'clock Tuesday aight. Mrs Baker was born in Williamsburg county in the vicini ty of Lenuds ferry on the place now owned by her near relative, Mr W C Gordon. She was about 70 years of age and a most estimable lady. Before her first marriage she was Miss Sarah A Gordon, daughter of the late James and Louise Gordon. Her first husband was Capt Tom China, who was killed in the war between the States. She next married Mr W W Baker of Marion, and is survived by one son of this union, D Gordon Baker, Esq, of Florence. The deceased was an aunt of Mr B E Clarkson, besides whom she has many relatives in this county, where Bhe spent the greater part of her life. Mrs Baker had been in poor health for several months prior to her death, although the end came unexpectedly. Name the Ball Team. Mr W R Scott, president of the Kingstree Baseball association, has called upon the ladies or the town for a nickname for the Kingstree team. The lady suggesting the name selected by the association will be awarded a season ticket, which will entitle her to free admission to every game played on the local diamond during the 1916 season. The contest is open to every lady in town. last week. He was 70 years of age and been in feeble health since the death of his wife, who preceded him to the grave eight months ago. Paralysis was the immediate cause of death. Commencement exercises of the Indiantown graded school will be held in the school auditorium Thursday and Friday nights, May 11 and 12. An interesting programme ol exercises has been arranged. Hon F H Stoll and others will deliver addresses. The public is cordially inyited to be present. . Mr T E Baggett and family spent Tuesday at Lane as the guests of hie mother, Mrs M L Baggett,whose na tal day fell on that date. We don't know how young this good lady is but we heartily join her host of friends in wishing her many happy returns from this occasion,and pray that sht may live to celebrate many occasions before she grows really old. The old building, property of the town of Kingstree, at the corner ol Mill street and Hampton avenue, wil be sold at auction to the highest bidder Monday, May 8, at 12 o'clocl noon. This building was once th< Kingstree school house,but in recent years has been used as a dwelling, The public library is to be erectec on the site of this old structure, ant i l i the purchaser will De expecieo u tear it down and remove it at once as work on the library building wil be commenced without delay. A nice shower of rain fell hen today. ???????? Stomach Catarrh Is J Very Prevalent i i I In this climate catarrh Is a prevalent disease. Catarrh af I i I fects the stomach as often as ?I I any other organ. Perhaps every * j I third person Is more or less I troubled with stomach catarrh. ! I Peruna is extensively used In i | these cases. i PERUNA ME SCHEDULE PEE DEE BASEBALL LEAGUE, DIRECTORS ADOPT ROSTER AND DATES?KINGSTREE GETS OPENING GAME. A meeting of the directors of the Pee Dee Baseball league was held in Florence Friday,at which was adopted a playing schedule for the season, beginning June 12. The Kingstree team opens the season here that day with Lamar. The full schedule of the home team is published below. The directors also adopted a form of ' player's contract which will be used by all the clubs. Those in attendance upon the meeting were P H Stoll, Esq, of Kingstree, President W R Barringer and Messrs W J Wilkins, J L Burch, J M Lynch of Florence, Mr L M Jacobs and Mr Williams of Dillon, Dr Boykin of Lamar, Mr Stuckey of Bishopville and Messrs Easterling and Evans of Bennettsville. The Kingstree team will play as follows: ' With Lamar?At Kingstree, June 12.13,14, July 17,18, 19; at Lamar, June 29, 30, July 1, August 3, 4, 5. With Florence ? At Kingstree, June 19,20,21,July 24,23,26; at Florence, July 10,11,12, August 14, 15, 16. With Dillon?At Kingstree, June aa ni t i? nr? nn fin. T\M1 ZZ, Z6, Z4, JUiy Cl, CO, cx), ai Ionian, July 13, 14, 15, August l7, 18, 19. i With Bishopvilie?At Kingstree,1 ' July 3, 4, 5, August 7, 8. 9; at BishopvUle, June 26. 27, 28, July 31, August 1, 2. With Bennettsville?AtKingstree, ! Julv 6, 7, 8,August 10,11,12; at Bennettsville, June 15,16,17, July 20,21, 22. Keep Your Skin Hear and Healthy. There is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that ' is to keep the Ixnvels active and ' regular. Dr King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy 1 and clear, move the bowels gently, stimulate the liver, cleanse the sys1 tern and purify the blood. A splen1 did spring medicine. 2oc, at your druggist. ; SPECIAL NOTICES For Sale?One $500.00 Steiff Piano at a big borgain . Will sell cheap for cash or good bankable paper. Apply to "X", Care Record Office. ( For Sale?Finely ground Phosphate Rock. Prompt shipment for fall, winter i and spring. Write for prices to McCabe Fertilizer Company, Charles, ton. S C. 11-18-tf .? I ; Shoe Repairing All WorK Guaranteed ? I am prepared to mend your . old Shoes and make them as i good as new on short notice. Prices Reasonable H. TUCKMAN 4-27-4t. Kellahan Hotel Building 1 Candidates' Cards. ' ForCounty Superintendent of Education I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Superintendent of Education for Williamsburg county, subject \ to the rules of the Democratic primary. Jackson v McElveen. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate ' for the office of County Treasurer of Williamsburg county, sutyect to the } Democratic primary. C J Rollins. . To the Democratic Voters of Williamsburg county:?I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Williamsburg county, and will * abide by the rules of the Democratic I primary. W Dodd Daniel. I 1 1 hereby announce myself a candidate - for the office of Treasurer of ?villiamsi burg county, subject to the rules of the > Democratic primary. R B Smith. t I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Couni ty Treasurer of Williamsburg county, . subject to the rules of the Democratic 1 primary. ) J Wesley Cook. ! To the Voters of Williamsburg County: ' By this means I announce myseif a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Williamsburg county. I will abide by e i the rules of the Democratic primary. 1 pd WE Snowden. For Clerk of Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of ! Court of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. H O Britton. For Congress. I hereby annunce myself a candidate for Congress from the Sixth Congrescinnnl Hist-rief cnhieet- tn the rules of the the Democratic primary. Julius S McInnes. For Magistrate. at hemingway I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate at Hemingway and respectfully solicit your support, pledg ing myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. Very respectfully, ' G H Stancill. at greelyville. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Greelyville, subject to the rules of the Democratic primar,. M M Bradshaw. The friends of Mr H S Gamble hereby announce him a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Greelyville, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. at trio. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Magistrate at Trio, subject ts the rules of the Democratic primary. W S < am lin. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate for Trio district, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J 3 Tartt. at morrisville. ' I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment as Magistrate at Morrisville, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J M Godwin. at kingstree. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Kingstree, pledging myself to abide by tne ruies 01 me i?eraocrauc primary. Very respectfully, S A Nettles. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Magistrate at Kingstree, pledging myself to abide the rules of the Democratic primary. J B Gamble. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W T Rowell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W E Allen I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff in the coming primary, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W T WlLKlNS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county,subject to the rules of the Demr\nvQfir* nrimarv Your snffracre rpsnect fuily solicited". Jas H Epps. To the Democratic Voters of Williamsburg County:? I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff and will abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. George J Graham. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff and respectfully solicit your vote. I pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary and if elected will do my utmost to perform the duties of the office satisfactorily. Respectfully. H u Kinder. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. pd WE Brockinton. To the Citizens of Williamsburg County: Having been solicited by a number of my friends to enter the race, and feeling that I am, in every respect, capable of performing every duty belonging to this office, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I heartily appreciate what my friends have done for me in the past, and I wish to thank them in advance for their support in the ensuing election. Yours for service, pd J Y McGill. Fop Coroner. * I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules,of the Democratic primary. J L Blakeley, Trio, S C. To the Voters of Williamsburg County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I will appreciate your support George W Ward.. I hereby announce myself a candidate date for Coroner of Williamsbure county, pledging myself to abide By the rules of the Democratic primary. T J Spring. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Williamsburg county, pledging myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. W I Tisdale. The friends of Mr Julius J Hanna hereby announce him a candidate for the office of Coroner of Williamsburg county,subject to the rules of the Dem ocratic primary. p I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. H M Burrows. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Wiiliomsburg county, subject to the rulea of the Democratic primary. Respectfully, Eddie D Epps. Piles Cared in 6 to 14 Days Yotir druggist will refund money if PA20 OINTMENT fail* to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleedingor Protruding Piles in to 14 days. The first sj "'.cation gives Ease and Rest. 60c. rltSAVi JJm DO you know what a bank account n money; Utilization of full ea Chances of loss avoided; End to ci the community; Satisfaction and conteu capitals spell SUCCESS. SAVING spe in this RELIABLE and PROGRESS SUCCESS for YOU. A bank account is | BANK OF WILil il Haw Haac TTii 11UTT I/VVU 1111 Most people often wonder if 1 please them more than the one at \ Most people at times think th a store they would give it a trial. But many of them never find they never get to the point of act This is the store such peopl found it long ago and are still trac ing it day by day and are themse tomers of this store. IBritton & | "The Pure Fo I "Ring 108 For the Best to E ii? CUBBEHOY in the pocket DEPEI PAHDS. A person with e $100 < - ? -t.1 ix TTT til day witnont otuuay iv m there is t tendency to SPEND A LIT So it Li with a bank account. A person 1 BANK OF K] I NOMINATIOr To enter the contest fill out thu coupon and tend it teflant ia entitled to one nomination, good for 5000-VOT I hereby nominate Postoffice Signed _ I Only one nomination will be ere J ?- tirill -nomO / aer no oirouiuowaxiv-co W All AAC*AA*V THIS COUPON VOID ~50 FREE GOOD FOR FIFTY VOTES IN LADIES' CO i ! Candidate's name You may send in as many of can get Each one will count Ft This free ballot must reach later than May 6, 1916. THIS BALLOT IS VOID / ! {vii 014 Sores. Otter Remedies Won't Cert |0< The worst eases, no matter of how long standing, ? are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. A? Porter's Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves w. Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c. 50c, |L09. te* Tiw LLU |1 I ESsJI leans? It means: Safety for your j rning power; Credit increased; are and worry; Sound standing in 1 itment. Yon will notice that the ^ :11s SUCCESS. Start an aoconnt IVJS institution. It will spell life's best defense. LIAMSBURG 1 is Fit You?! :here is a store that could vhich they are now trading. 1 at if they could find such aj that store simply because I ually looking for it. 9 e are looking for. Some I i- i rvi-i J ling nere. uuiers are iiiiulves becoming steady cus';j Hutson. od Store" ($ !at at a Reasonble Rate" I ???mm?mmm?mmm?mmmm???? . ^or^e; 1CIATES. In the bank it XX:heck in his pocket likely will go th a similar amount of currency TIE. The check remains intact ikes to KEEP IT INTACT. [NGSTREE. V COUPON to The Record Coateat Manager. Each cooES-5000 . Kiited to a contestant Unof nominator be divulged. AFTER MAY 29 i i AT era I LLiLiW K UV THE COUNTY RECORD*. NTEST. these free ballots as you FTY votes. the Contest Manager not LFTER MAY 6. 1916 rtgoratlng to the Pale and Sickly ? Old Standard general strengthening tonic, LOVS'8 TA8TBLE8S chill TONIC, drive* out daria.enriche* the blood.and hands op th? ?;** n. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c 0