WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY ( 1 Pension Roll For Yea* 1916?CalI on Clerk of Conrt for Yours. The following list of parties entitled to a pension will please call in person, write to H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court, requesting same to be sent to them by mail, or send order by party calling for same: CLASS A. W C Ogburo, II J Lamb, Suttons. CLASS B Elisha Ard, Scranton. CLASS C, NO 1. N T Altman, Suttons; W E Ammons; J J Brown, iSr, Kingstree; Adam Browder, Greelyville; Cornelius Cannon, HarSers; C Constine, Kingstree; J A Gee, ingle; John M Grayson, Benson; D Gunter, Morrisville; James J Gray; Isaac Montgomery, Greelyville; William M McKnight, Workman; M R Sessions, Rhems; H P Tallevast, Dock; John Thompson, Vox; James W Thornhili, Lake City. ?? ?? a *t/\ O THEBFORD'S I I BLACK- 1 | DRAUGHT I 9 and to my surprise, I got better, 9 9 and am to-day as well as any 9 9 man." Thedtord's Black- 9 9 Draught is a general, cathartic, K 9 vegetable liver medicine, that 9 9 has been regulating irregulari- B 9 ties of the liver, stomach and E 9 bowels, for over 70 years. Get K 9 a package today. Insist on the B 9 genuine?Thedford's. E-70 9 The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is belter than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and Icwk for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. Dining at Duke's Lake. Our genial friend and fellow citiI zen, Mr D J Epps, gave his annual | "party" at Duke's lake last Friday. ; It was a "party" worth while, too, for old "Antram," Mr Epps' left bower, had gone to the lake in the wee small hours of the morning, dug a pit, made a fire and put the pig on to roast?barbecue, while the genial D J, his son, Roy, Messrs W K Mcintosh and Wilmot Gilland went after the fish for a pinebark stew. It was not a case of "will j fish bite," but "they must bite," and furthermore must be caught, ! for Mr Epps had already invited a delegation of cotton oil mill people to his annual stew, and they would all arrive in a half starved condition. Fish were caught in abundance, fine red breasts, bream, mawmouth and as pretty a lot of trout as ever graced a frying pan. So there was a bountiful feast of barbecue, fish stew, rice, bread and coffee and after about fifty hungry mouths had been fed, including old "Antram" and his helper, there was some to spare. Those from out of town who partook of Mr Epps' hospitality were Messrs Acre and Skinner, Southern Cotton Oil Co, Darlington; Patterson. Timmonsville Oil Mill; Murphy, Swift & Co, Columbia; Graham, Swift & Co, Augusta; Kirven) Buckeye Co, Darlington. The management of the Florence Ice company, one of the most pros-1 perous manufacturing concerns in; the Pee Dee section and said to be ' the largest ice making plant in the j State, has passed into the nanas 011 the Carolina Central Electric Co. j I BUREAU OF MARKET- f| I IN6 ANO EXCHANGE, f | t! f-y Conducted by Miss Amanda Ed- 1 11 wards, County Demonstra- yj tion Agent. | For Sale?Hrabham Peas, clean and anting 41 7K nor hnshol Rhode Island ' OVUiiU) V * V ? -- I Red Eggs, pure bred and selected; 15 eggs $1.00. D P Frierson. Kings- J tree. S C. 4-B-3t For Sale?Thorough bred single comb Rhode Island Red eggs. Per sitting of J 5, $1.00. Mrs W D Harrington. 4-6-3tp For Sale?Sweet Spruiish Appleton Pimento Seed, selected and picked by Mrs Dora Dee Walker. For sale at Kingstree Drug Co's. It Flour, Buy ] Buy FLOUI ceived. We are munity. RICE ? I along, we are sell fore the advance. COFFI your wants. Th< it has been for se Buy a supply froi SUGA1 tons on hand and buy now. SYRUF did syrup at a ve: a fine grade of h( A Big Lot ofCas Powder, Etc.; I People's Mi Sole Agents for C MB Furniti # ? Buy your Furn: Buy it economi Buy it from us. We guarantee the we sell. When you buy froi wisdom of economy to a We want youi Rodgers & Opposite Farmei UndertaKers an DnAnln WliA Erm 1 CUjJIC TT11U JLiUJf should come to our si ies that are necessai Your attention is c? ence of our Flour, Meal, Rice Goods, Cured Mea and the many other artic us and are essential to \ mum cost. Our aim in bi ing so economical at this even think of trading a fully realize that to do so first quality and sell then with quality?and that w L. Si D I | THE MSB STORE | Rice, ( t Economic It From > Self-rising and quantity. A ( heaquarters for F1 car has just arri icesonthisstapleare ing it right, becausi We advise you to We have just shipment ai ? Coffee market is hi iveral years and is m us now and save 3 is away up in j ^ ing higher. ^ can probably save y ) New Orleans Bli in 5 and 10-gallor ry reasonable. price )me-made cane syrn e Goods; Tomatoes, Salmon, S< lingan's Pure Lard, Hay, ( ercantile Con elebrated New Home I ire ... * ^ \dvice iture Now. cally. quality of every piece m us you reduce the 11 science. I * Patronage. | : Godwin I rs' Supply Co. | d Embalmers. I ?y a Good Meal ;ore for the grocer*y in the making, illed to the excel , Grits, Canned its, Teas, Coffees, :les that are carried/ by good living at a minilsiness is to make buystore that you never nywhere else, and we we must sell goods of 1 at prices consistent e are doing every day. ENNIS | THE QUALITY STOBE | Coffee cally L Us [ plain, in any carload just reour in this com- j j ved, and while advancing righ e we bought be-' ' buy NOW. ; received a large id can supply igher today than still advancing. /\V? rtTT !j muney. I Drice and is gole have about 2 ou money if you i le Ribbon brand i kegs. A splen. We also have ip. irdincs. Baking lorn and Grits ipany, Inc. *Sewing Machine THIS SORT 0 m noj QO ME folks are still so out of date?or FOOLISH?as to hide their savings stocking, or under the carpet, or in sc seem to think a bank is MYSTERIOUS < This sort of notion is, of course, way BEH1 in this bank are SAFE, and they GROW. ERNMEHTAL supervision. BANK OF KIN New Things f( Come to headquarters to fit glad time. The very latest i adornment and comfort are offc You will make a mistake if yc before seeing our offerings. S Easter Hats and Bonnets, Sh Wear Dresses for ladies and chit Poplins, white Waist Goods, Li ana Apron Ginghams, Percales thing that goes to make a comp Remember, we have just op of Men's and Ladies' Slippers e store. A complete line of Men's wear Clothing. It is a pleasure to show ou please you in quality and style; But while DreDarinsr for the o not neglect the inner "man. 0 ceries is complete, and we def] quality and price. McClary Brother Gourdin, .... Take It To W. M. V FOR REPi WHAT? K5 Your Auton TWa.. am A ntn D^nalr HAnflrtmAnf ill My i?a? v an nuw i\ ?pu*i uv^mi smithing and general repair shop and the> class order at a minimum cost. This depa agement of Mr. Victor Caldwell, who has business and knows just what to do to yot Give us a trial?The i W. M. VAUSE sJBSmlTPrmiBs. Better than ever?the Ford is every business man. And,it's as well. Excellence with ecoi cents a mile for operation and 1 Service for Ford Owners" assu use of a Ford car. . Runabout $417.75; Touring Cai $717.75. All Cars are fully Kingstree, S. C. On display and sale by Thos. McCi Kingstree, RUB-MY-TISM Wheae1 Will care your Rheumatism ( VT ? -i-J" UoadanVioa Prflmnc rJiill Ti N CUim^lAf aunvuvj w*? . _ Dolic, Sprain9, Bruises, Cuts and 3urns, Old Sores, Stings of Insect? IR( \te. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in 0ot Ma emaily and externally. Price 25c. Bailds i F BANK. i , to put. it more frankly, so in an old teapot, or an old >me other secret place. They ir COMPLEX or UNSAFE. END THE TIMES. Deposits This bank is under GOVV* GSTREE. tr. Easter. I i yourself out for that and most attractive ired in our big stock. >u prepare for Easter, ee.our superb line of iirtwaists, Ready-todren,Silk Messalines, inens, Galatea, Dress and, in fact, everylete line, we have it. ened up the best line ver brought to our and Boys' ready-tor goods; and we can ^ ana save you money, uter man, you must . ur stock of pure Groj competition both in }' s Company ; South Carolina " > ause&Sons MRS ' Buggy, Wagon, iements, Etc., or lobile : in connection with their r will put your car in firstirtment is under the manhad wide experience in the jrcar. , old reliable & SONS B ?11 I now a necessity to the family servant lomy, less than two upkeep, while "Ford res the continuous i r ?467.75; Town Car equipped, f. o. b. v itchen, So. Car. yer You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's ? )ld Standard Grove's Tasteless onic is equally valuable as a Tonic because it contains the >wn tonic properties of QUININE "NVT Ti. it... T Z T\ * i. 11 acis uq uic iwivcr, urives laria, Enriches the Blood and ip the Whole System. 50 cents.