ONLY FIVE STATES FAIL TO QUALIFY FOB FEDERAL GOOD ROADS AID ?SOUTH CAROLINA ONE OF THEM. Fortv-three of the forty-eight States will qualify for Federal aid in roads under the Bankhead bill, recently reported favorably to the Senate by it? committee on postoffices and post roads. South Carolina, Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas are five States which have yet to equip themselves with a centralized direction of roads improvement. Indiana has an active campaign in progress which aaght to prove successful, energized in great degree by the Hoosier State Automobile association, which is affiliated with the American Automobile association, says an exchange. Indiana is a great automobile producing State, and a large percentage of its farmers have adopted the self-propelled vehicle. Georgia is giving the question of a State highway department, serious consideration, while South Carolina is in an equally hopeful condition, while Mississippi -recently -voted agaiDst tne creation of a State commission. The legislators opposed the legislation because it called for * * i* PAA _ engineers, with a salary 01 $z.ovu <* year. Maine pays $5,000, and pos/ eesses an unusually competent of** ficial. Texas under under Bankhead measure would obtain more Federal cooperation than any other State in the Union; its area taking it into first place, though it falls behind many other States in population and road mileage. It is a certainty that Texas will provide a highway department within three years, for section 3 of the Senate measure contains this proviso: "Except that amounts apportioned for any fiscal year to any State which has not a State highway department shall be available for expenditure in that State until the close of the third fiscal year succeeding the close of the fiscal year for which such apportionment was made." The memorandum which accompanies the Senate substitute bill contains this reference to the phenomenal traffic growth: "Backwardness in the building of public roads has been all the more marked by constrast with the enormous development of traffic. With./jflethe brief period of about 10 years ? thp motor vehicle has been introduced and developed until it is now asserted that there are over 2,300, 000 motor vehicles in use, or about one for every mile of public road. If these vehicles are estimated to average only 25-horse power, it would mean & tal of over 57.000,OOO-horse power brought into use on our public roads with a suddenness having no parallel in industrial history. This new and domestic traffic has, by its peculiar effect upon road surfaces and its great strain upon bridges and road foundations, rendered infinitely more complex the problem of road censtruction and maintenance, which our systems of management had already proved utterly inadequate to meet. "Ordinary horse-drawn traffic has also increased to such a point that we now speak of tonnage, not in millions, but in hundreds of millions, and of the ton mileage in billions. It has been estimated that to move / the wheat crop alone in 1915 involved the hauling of more than 30,000,000 tons over the public roads at a cost of over $50,000,000. Some conception of the immensity of our farm production and the consequent move ment of farm products over the country roads can be gained from the estimate prepared in the department of agriculture that the production of corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, cotton and hay in 1915 aggregated 270,807,000 tons, while the total agricultural production for that year was valued at nearly $11,000,000,000," and this ensures a very close fit, not liable to be affected by vibration." Jtoeuioatlc Pais Stopped. The drawing of muscles, the soreness, stiffness and agonizing pain of j rheumatism quickly yield to Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circula-, tion to the painful part. Just ap-j ply as directed to the sore spots. In a short time the pain gives way to a OArtOotlAn nf nr?mfnpt onrl % OCIlOttkluu u> WUJ.U.. warmth. Here's proof?"I have had wonderful relief since I used jrour liniment on my knee. To think one application gave me relief. Sorry I' haven't space to tell . you the history. Thanking you for what your remedy has done for me."?James S Ferguson, Philada, Pa. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. , 25c, at druggists. The Citadel baseball team, whose pitcher is J Earle Cook, is playing a aeries of games in the up-State this week. Today it crosses bats with 6rskine at Due West. . t WORK STARTED ON ADDITION To tbe Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Lake City. Active work has been commenced on the addition to the Farmers and Merchants National Bank, of Lake City, to be built by Hoggson Brothers, of Atlanta and New York. The present building is a baking and office building, well designed along simple architectural lines adapted from the English Renaissance. The desicm is to be carried out in light grey brick; the plain brickwork of the upper portion contrasting successfully with the rusticated first story and the whole design being brought out by the panelled parapet and stone cornices and trim. It has been the aim in the new portion to produce a complete building, which while adequate for the enlarged banking requirements, will still preserve the simple architectural lines of the present building. On the interior, the banking facilities have been greatly enlarged and bettered by the additional working space and new counterscreen, providing two additional wickets; together with the new officers' space, consultation room, ladies retiring room on the first floor, and the directors' room on the second floor. One important improvement is the new heating system, which is a combination of hot water and forced fresh heated air, insuring proper ventilation for the banking space at ail times. The original bank building was built in 1906. The officers of the bank are: President, J S McClam; vice president, T J Cottingham; cashier, B Wallace Jones, Jr; assistant cashier, W Wesley Singletary. n??? lrnm Cades. Cades, April 11:?The cold winds Sunday and the frost Sunday night is said to have destroyed about twothirds of the truck in this section. Miss Nellie Thompson, a teacher here, received a telegram Monday morning announcing the death of her brother at Coronaca. Mr J N Sauls is confined to his room with la grippe. Miss Daisy Owens returned home Saturday, after spending several days with relatives at Bennettsville. Mr and Mrs J R Haselden of Lake City spent Sunday here with relatives. Messrs George McElveen and Young Haselden went to Florence Monday. Dr W J Harden is quite sick. We hope he will soon recover. Mr G W Ward and family visited relatives at Monzons last Sunday. The Cades school was well represented at Kinjrstree last Saturday and won a few prizes. TIn QoWm That Dots Not Affect The Heed Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does sot cau%c nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of 8. W. GROVE. 25c. Prince Alb show you J road to smc Copyright ism by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. PRINCE ALBERT content where it mits men to smoke all ' a sore tongue, withe I aniarrmrmf I T ciijujruibiiki ?. Prii ^e Albert is made by us) fixes that?an t>RINGI the natio comes right to your ti will do for you what rien?make pipe or cij est of your pleasures I Prime* Albert it to be bed VVh morri whurm tobacco i* mold in . .. loppy red bag*. Set tidy red Alb< tint. 10c t hand tome pound ana half-pound tin humidort {0 y ?and?in that clotty pound J cryttal-glatt humidor with fljg y tponge-moittener top that J keep* the tobacco in tuch D , , fine thape?alwayt I K. J. I c I r.J2rZ'XX | ^ THE A-B-< A ttradtive JJe reV% patterns Dn i M The High Grade Shir WJr\ Untm in of TwJ vv c nave juot * SPRING kci of this famou H ing all the late M terials. Con M your selections ^ appreciate ha^ choice from th ^ they are mac ^ test as to sty y workmanship. H See our disp Kg ty shirts in ou ^ It will give y< ^ the many pre' I happd in this 1 jjfj Prices $1.00, ^Kingstree D B Kingstree, Thrice-a-Week New Yorl |The County Record I f ' r* a. S -1 ~ oouinern Kurausi, iwicc TotaL Our price for the three p; ert will JB he real >ke-joy! ' was made to create tcbacco never existed before I It perthey want without getting nit any comeback but real he patented process by which i (and controlled exclusively d cuts out bite and parch 1 eAlbert nal joy smoke aste fair and square I And it it has done for thousands of gfarette smoking the cheerfulat we fen you about Prince jrt is a fact that will prove out our satisfaction just as quickly ou lay in a stock and fire-up! REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. EEEEEm C OF SHIRTS? M autiful ^^omfortable naterial and toomj cy 'St* I t That's Worth its Cofl received our big SHOWING g M s Shirt, embody- ^ st styles and ma- K le in and make M 3 early. You will M nncr rrmrip vnnr ' AA1& J ~ le Eclipse line, for le to stand the ?4 le, material and ^ H day of these pret- H ir show window. M du an insight to M tty patterns em- R ine. * $1.50 and $2.00 M 'ry Goods Co., ^ - South Carolina T'T'T-T'T'T^ k World $ 1.00 :.oo 1 a month .50 i S 2.50 apers $ 2.00 ? Ob tk?T*r b^f tibi bod Store" I !?t at a Reasonble Rate" | ons! >aded another car 'hornhill Wagons, four-horse). We >rnhill Wagon we le prices to suit. x>ck a full line of larness, Saddles, . before you buy. f please, ; v Ci^J. m uiuch tu. i I - S.c| , E IN THE RECORD. i