lOCALfS : news m ^ Fourteen more days of Lent. Mr J C Hanna of Fowler was in town Tuesday. Mr N D Lesesne was on the sick list this week. Miss Emma Weaver is spending aome time at Lake City. P H Arrowsmith, Esq,of Lake City -was in Kingstree Monday. Mr P C McClary of Rhems was a visitor in Kinarstree Monday. Mr C K Eaddy, of Lake City R F D, was in Kingstree Monday. J D O'Bryan.Esq.was in Florence , yesterday on professional business. Mr J M Godwin of Rhems was a caller at The record office Tuesday. Mr J M G Eaddy of Hemingway was in town yesterday on business. Mr J L Nexsen, of Lake City R F D, was noted in Kingstree yesterday. Mrs W E Nesmith visited her mother and sister in Latta this week. Mr Norman Meyer, in the United States navy,is spending his furlough at home. Mr .Chas J Epps of Conway was in Kingstree on a short business trip last week. Mr C W Baker, farm demonstration agent.spent Sunday at his home in Marion. J D Gilland, Esq. and little son of Florence were guests of relatives here Friday. Messrs E F Martin and M B Thomas - made a business trip to Lake City . Saturday evening. Mrs P 0 Arrowsraith and little daughter,Mary,spent yesterday with Lake City relatives. Miss Maria Swails of Florence was the guest of Messrs A C and L F Swails here this week. Rev 0 T Porcher of Darlington preached a very interesting sermon rat the Episcopal ehurch last flight. MP S 0 Eaddy.of the Johnsonville Progress, was a pleasant caller at The Record office Tuesday afternoon. Mr J B Johnson, Jr, of Georgetown was in the city Sunday, the guest of the Misses Van Keuren ?Florence Times. Mr Nathan Boyd of Trio, who was employed for some time by Gamble & Jacobs, was a visitor in Kingstree Saturday. A play entitled "Mr Badger's Up_ pers" will be presented at the Indi* an town school house Friday night. Apnl 14. Messrs M F Heller, H H King and Ash ton Nelson attended the horse show at Camden last week, making the trip by auto. Mn El ma Timmons, who has been visiting the family of Mr T 0 Epps. near town, returned to her home at Lynchburg Tuesday. The weekly sewing meeting of I the Ladies' Aid society of the Epis| cope! church was held at Mrs Bertha I Wolfe's this afternoon. I Rev D A Phillips, recently apr pointed presiding elder of Kingstree district, has moved into the district parsonage on Brooks street. Mrs J W Swfttenberg is visiting in Charleston this week and while there expects to make a trip up the Ashley to the famous Magnolia Gardens. The basketball team of Florence high school came to Kingstree Saturday and d rfeated the home team in an exciting game by a score of 25 to 19. Mr John D Rockefeller and party passed through Kingstree Monday night on the second section of train 82, returning from Florida, where they spent the winter. The holy communion will be celebrated at the Episcopal church next Sunday at 8 a. m. and the usual services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Weekday services as usual. Harmony presbyterial will meet with the Williamsburg church April 16, 17 and 18. The public is cordiall_ : 'l?1 1 ?4. D Ijr IUVIl?U tu uc picscut. & lugiaiuuic | will be published later. Misses Etta and Florrie Jacobs, Mrs W I Nexsen and two children, Billie and Mary, left this week for a visit to friends in Charleston. The Misses Jacobs will visit relatives at I Macon, Ga, before returning home. * Mr B F Thompson was taken by DrWG Gamble to a Charleston infirmary Tuesday for treatment. We \ are pleased to learn that this venerable gentleman is doing well and it is hoped will soon be able to return home. Messrs W T Wilkins.B E Clarkson, R K Wallace and R W Fulton at4 tended a meeting of the Greelyville * Masonic lodge Tuesday night and assisted in the work of raising three candidates to the sublime degree of Master Mason. We have been requested by Miss Carraway, teacher of Bloomingvale school, to state that there will be' no picnic on Tuesday, April 11, as stated in the programme of exercises I elsewhere in this paper. The fourth attraction of the lyceum course was rendered at the school auditorium by the Critiron male i quartette. The audience, the largest that has yet attended these entertainments, was highly pleased. Local baseball fans have been hustling the past two weeks in an effort to secure a place in the Pee Dee league for Kingstree. In order to do so it was necessary to raise $1,500. It is gratifying to all interested in this splendid sport that this amount has been practically secured by subscription and at the meeting in Florence last Saturday, Kingstree entered the organization as one of the six teams that will compose the Pee Dee league. Mr W A Jamieson, Jr, chief engineer of Atlanta and special agent of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co, was in Kingstree this week for the purpose of making an inspection of the new 'phone system now being installed by the local company. He paid the home system a high compliment by saying that the improvements under way are being . carried on in a manner that will make the system here equal, if not superior, to any in the vast territory under his supevvision. Mr W F Baldwin, a member of the staff of the Columbia State, spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in Kingstree looking over the town and collecting data for a write i up which will appear in that paper in the near future. Mr Baldwin is < an experienced newspaper man and i an able writer. He was very favorably impressed with Kingstree and i we feel sure that in his write-up the ! town will be dealt with in a manner * satisfactory to her citizens and in keeping with his impressions. Harmony presbytery convened at Sardinia Tuesday. Rev W J McKay, D D, preached the opening sermon as retiring moderator. Rev P S McChesney was elected as his successor, with Rev R LGrier of Mayesville as assistant clerk. Mr McChesney preached the sermon at the communion service yesterday. The presbyof ? n m Mr TKrtfl I LCIjr aujuuiucu ai v p. ui. *?*. - McCutchen was lay delegate from Williamsburg church and Mr Hugh McCutchen from Indiantown. The i next session will be held October 16 in the Sumter church. Rev J P Marion pastor. i On Monday Coroner H U Kinder was called to Lane, where he and a jury of inquest viewed the dead ( bodies of two negroes, a woman named Siller Herring and Jim Stewart. The evidence before the Coroner's jury was to the effect that ' Stewart, who had been living with the woman in adultery, had. shot her J and then turned the gun upon him- ( self. Both-parties had been shot in < the-left eye with a single barrel | shot gun. The Coroner's jury was composed of the following gentle* ! men: S G McDonald, W E Johnson, ' W B McCullough, Jr, F L Baggett, G C Parsons, and H D Parker. \ A SPLENDID SHOWING. 1 Annual Meeting ol Klngstree B. ' A ? Association. The Kingstree Building and Loan ( association held its annual meeting ' Monday night, at which a majority I of the stockholders were represented. The report of the secretary and treasurer made a splendid showing; two series of stock, representing about 1,000 shares, had been closed up and a third will mature in August or September. Directors for the ensuing year were elected as follows: A C Hinds, W T Wilkins, M H Jacobs.H 0 Britton, E C Burgess, W H Carr and H E Montgomery. The directors then elected A C Hinds president; W T Wilkins, vice president; W H Carr, secretary and treasurer. The law firm of Kelley & Hinds was chosen as the association's attorneys. It was unanimously decided by the directors to open the sixth series of stock April 1, and books of subscription thereto are now open at the office of the secretary and treasurer, I Mr WH Carr. j The Kingstree Building and Loan association was organized here in I 1905 and has proven to be one of the < best organizations ever effected in i the town. It has been the means ] of a vigorous growth in the town, i especially in the way of home building, and this building has been of an exceptionally good and substantial class. It has enabled a number of Kingstree citizens to own their homes. To Mr Carr, the present secretary , and treasurer,!perhaps more than to anyone else, the community is indebted for this splendid organization. We call attention to the advertisement in this paper, page 8, of McClary Bros Co, whose place of business is located at Gourdin. This firm carries a large line of general merchandise which they are offering at live and let live prices. BASEBALL LEAGUE ORGANIZED. | Called the Pee Dee?Kingstree a Member Thereof. At a meeting held in Florence Friday and attended by delegations f from Kingstree, Dillon, Bennetts- ? ville, Lamar, Bishopville and Florence, the final organization of the Fee Dee League was accomplished, and professional baseball for this section is now assured. f The league is to be known as the C Pee Dee League of Baseball Clubs. * Mr W R Barringer of Florence was elected president, and Mr C A Easterling of Bennettsville, secretary and treasurer, the directors being the following: F W Fairey, Kingstree; ? George Stuckey, Bishopville; D W s Evans, Bennettsville; L M Jacobs, p Dillon; G M Boykin, Lamar, and W J Wilkins, Florence. ? The meeting adopted a constitution and by-laws, and upon the c name of each town in the league ^ being called, its representative came t forward and signed the same, at the same time depositing $250.00 guarantee money. It was determined that the season should commence on June 12, and continue for sixty f games; the season to be divided into ^ two halves of thirty games each. E The salary limit was fixed at $800.00 per moijth, and the player limit at eleven men, including the manager. The meeting was thoroughly har- d monious in every respect; all of the participants apparently being anxious only for the success of the league as a whole. Representatives present from out- f, side of Florence were as follows: if Dillon, Robert Rickard and L M Ja- v cobs; Kingstree, Philip Stoll, Esq, ^ and Wm R Scott; Bennettsville, D W Evans and C A Easterling; Lamar, G M Boykin; Bishopville, George Stuckey. c IN THE SOCIAL REALM. 0 H?nwp Fntortnlna KlnnA- f tree's Younger Set. " c The younger set was most pleas- 0 antly entertained Friday night by Edwin Harper at the home of his f< mother on East Main street. E For answering the greatest number of questions correctly in a "dressmaker's contest" Miss Mary McCants and Donald Montgomery were presented with a box of candy as a f, prize. Great amusement was afforded the ^ guests when earn was requested to! tear out a pig from a square of pa- i f( per. Miss Madge Blakely had the ; ai most life-like specimen and for her 01 efforts was awarded a tiny candy i pi*. f< Delicious sherbet and cake were s< served. ^ The following were present: Misses ? Dottie McGill, Serena Lee, Bessie s, Baker, Bessie Register, Charlotte Winslow, Helen Kennedy, Erline Mcintosh, Rosenell Welch, Mary McCants, Rosa Wilkins, Margaret Gor- c< ion, Madge Blakely, Messrs Archie D Wilkins, Samuel Burgess, Edgar Baker. Ruskin McConnell. Joe Vause, ? Eugene King, Hey ward Brockinton, 1 Sam John Montgomery, Hillis Phil- n lips. Carlyle Myrick, James Benton, ir Neal Dufford. Zeno Montgomery, Marion Lesesne, Donald Montgomery and Franklin Phillips. j{ ? p; Poultry Association Organized, n A meeting was held in the offices P of Miss Amanda Edwards, home demonstration agent, Monday, by those who had previously signified their interest in an organization to be known as the Williamsburg Poultry association, and officers were elected b> as follows: President, J W Switten- j tl berg; vice president, Dr D P Frier- ? 3on; secretary, T E Arrowsmith; treasurer, Miss Amanda Edwards. It was unanimously agreed that 3, an annual fee of $1 be charged each p; member, payable to either the secretary or the treasurer. f< The object of this association is to b promote the raising of more and D better poultry in the county, and every person, man or woman, in Wil- _ liamsburg who is interested in better poultry should become a member of j Jji the organization. It is intended by the members to make a larger and better poultry exhibit at the county fair this fall and in order to do this t, careful selections from flocks of young birds ^should be made as early as possible. The only requirements for mem- i g bership in the .'association are resi- R dence in Williamsburg county and - taking an interest in pure-bred R poultry of any kind, no matter what a breed. Full information may be ob- c tained from any of the above officers. t< Safe Medicine for Children. "Is it safe?" is the first question j( to l>e considered when buying a c cough medicine for children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has long been a favorite with mothers of young y children, as it contains no opium or g other narcotic, and may be given to a child as confidently as to an adult. . It is pleasant to take,too, which is of J great importance when a medicine must 1)0 given to young children. ? This remedj is most effectual in re- ? lieving coughs,colds and croup. Obtainable everywhere. Candidates' Cards. For Congress. I hereby annunce myself a candidate or Congress from the Sixth Congresional district, subject to the rules of he the Democratic primary. Julius S McInnes. For Clerk of Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate or re-election to the office of Clerk of lourt of Williamsburg county, subject o the rules of the Democratic primary. H O Britton. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate or reappointment to the office of Couny Treasurer of Williamsburg; county, ubject to the rules of the Democratic irimary. J Wesley Cook. 'o the Voters of Williamsburg Coanty: By this means I announce myself a andidate for the office of Treasurer of Williamsburg county. I will abide by he rules of the Democratic primary, pd WE Snowden. For Magistrate. at morrisville. I hereby announce myself a candidate or reappointment as Magistrate at lorrisville, subject to the rules of the >emocratic primary. J M Godwin. AT KINGSTREE. I hereby announce myself a candiate for the office of Magistrate at lingstree, pledging myself to abide by be rules of the Democratic primary. Very respectfully, S A Nettles. I hereby announce myself a candidate or reappointment to the office of Magitrate at Kingstree, pledging myself 0 abide the rules of the Democratic rimary. J B Gamble. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg ounty, subject to the rules of the Demcratic primary. W T Rowell. I hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg ounty, subject to the rules of the Demcratic primary. W E Allen 1 hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff in the coming rimary, subject to the rules of the lemocratic party. W T Wilkins. I hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg ounty, subject to the rules of the Demcratic primary. Your suffrage respectully solicited. J as II Epps. 0 the Democratic Voters of Williamsbiirg County:? 1 hereby announce myself a candidate or re-election to the office of Sheriff nd will abide by the rules of the Demcratic primary. George J Graham. I hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff and respectfully olicit your vote. I pledge myself to bide by the rules of the Democratic rimary and if elected will do my utlost to perform the duties of the office itisfactorily. Respectfully, H U Kinder. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate or the office of Sheriff of Williamburg ounty. subject to the rules of the emocratic primary. ? j ut i? df>A/^t/?kT'.v wr pu ff jcj divvn^ivi^iwn, 0 the Citizens of Williamsburg County: Having been solicited by a number of ty friends to enter the race, and feelig that I am, in every respect, capable f performing every duty belonging to lis office, I hereby announce myself a mdidate for the office of Sheriff, subset to the rules of the Democratic rimary. I heartily appreciate what ty friends have done for me in the ast, and I wish to thank them in adance for their support in the ensuing lection. Yours for service, pd J Y McGill. For Coroner. The friends of Mr Julius J Hanna ereby announce him a candidate for le office of Coroner of Williamsburg junty,subject to the rules of the Dem:ratic primary. p 1 hereby announce myself a candidate >r Coroner of Williamsburg county, ibject to the rules of the Democratic rimary. H M Burrows. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate >r the office of Coroner of Williomsurg county, subject to the rules of the democratic Drimary. Respectfully, Eddie D Epps. SPECIAL NOTICES Wanted?Information as to wherebouts of Collie puppy. Reward if reamed to HELLER'S STABLE. It For Sale- Leonard cleanable Refrigrator, ice capacity 40 pounds, water ink attached. In good condition. Barain to auick buyer. Apply at The ecord Office. tf 1 For Sale?Finely ground Phosphata ;ock. Prompt shipment for fall, winter nd spring. Write for prices to Mc- ( abe Fertilizer Company, Charles- . :n. S C. 11-iH-ti 1 Salesman Wanted?To look after 1 ur interest in Williamsburg and ad>ining counties. The Harvey Oil Co, leveland, 0. ltp Wanted?Milch Cow. I would like 3 buy for cash one good milk cow. ^rite or .call on R M Thompson, s< freelyville, SC. ltp r e| teachers'Examination s Notice is hereby given that the next egular examination for teachers will be eld in the court house Friday, May 5, eginning at 9 a. m. b| J G McCullough, d, 4-6-4t County Supt Education, ti j Consi fi "TTOU want a BY serve you < want to kno T be relied upon ds - You want high m I gasoline and fre< and readjustment these things, not continuously?da; I On these qualiti made good. It hs When the Maxwe I set the World's Mileage Record i travelled for 44 cc nights and its pei Isistent. It went about every day. It w H fraction of 22 mil !of gasoline. It w tance of 22,000 m ther than ycu w< years?without a Ijustments. iwer (two sets) went miles and the oth !h shape. For cons bility this record we ever heard of. You can get a duplicate of the stock car, on tb plan we have p H have to do is tc | payment, then 1 I pay the balance ' unusual value cf t gether with cur c Iof purchase, is b< our allotment of u Better make you; delivery later if y I Touring Car, $65? Prism F. < |D. C. SC I DJSTRIBU I ^ K A TTTRW storm rasres and the c: w glee the lighthouse is truly storm of financial trouble bea lisaster yawns before you a bank a< lelp. You know this. You have heaj eally saving all you OUGHT to sav foundation for your beacon of hope ? BANK OF WII For Sale?Brabham Peas, clean and 1 >und, $1.75 per bushel; Rhode Island ,ed Eggs, pure bred and selected; 15 91 n D PDiononM It inrntma *1.W. U i l' ivicin^v^i ittugwvAvvi C. 4-B-3t The Best Hot Weather Tonic ROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the locd, builds up the whole system and will wontrfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand le depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c. | -^Ijj 'stency 1 motor car that will R consistently. You Y w that your car can i ly in and day out. i ileage per gallon of : idom from repairs l :s. And you want I : occasionally, but ' y after day. | ' ies the Maxwell has I is proved its worth. 1 11 stock touring car H Motor Non-Stop 3 i short time ago it | insecutive days and f fnrrn nroe I ill I iViAUOUVU YVflQ VVU n t 500 miles each and | ent within a small es to every gallon ent the whole dis- | lies?probably fur- I v v ould travel in .two .1 ny repairs or read- R y one of eight tires I just about 9,800 $ ers finished in good B sistency and relia- jj % far excels anything | Maxwell, an exact : i record breaking i e partial payment ' I erfccted. All you >, > make the initial 4 take the car and i1 as you ride. The j the Maxwell, to- | :asy payment pxan 3und to dispose of J cars very quickly. ! r reservation now, ou prefer. ' >. Roadster, $635 J ). B. Detroit fl OTT. JR.. j TORS FOR . 5 w tt I ft B| ^*'*1 M,|g? -i ruel sea roars as though in ghoulish a beacon of hope. And when the ts upon you and the horrible pit of jcount is your STJBEST beacon of rd it a thousand times. But are you e ? Are you actually laying a solid THINK THIS OVEE. jLIAMSBURG . To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what yon are taking, aa the formula is priuted on every label, showing it is ?ulnine and Iron in a tasteless form, he Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. SO cents Chamberlain's Cough Hemedr Oires Colds, Croup sad Whorotog Couch. / ,