? ?? ; ItiJiuSTREE HIGH AND : ; GRADED SCHOOL .VOTES. ; ? We need the co-operation of the parents in our school work. With this end in view, we desire to call a meeting of the parents and teachers of kingstree for Tuesday afternoon, March 21, at the school building, for the purpose of organizing a Parents' and Teachers' association. Every parent is especially urged to attend. State Superintendent of Education J E Swearingen,County Superintendent J G McCullough and Rev D A Phillips were visitors at our school last Thursday. We shall have holiday Thursday and Friday, as the State Teachers' association meets in Columbia on those dates. The high school boys' chorus favored us with their first public number in chapel Tuesday. This school will not enter Field Day contests this year. This decision arises from no feeling of ill will, but from the fact that Kingstree h^s won for four successive years, and we feel that this measure which we % are taking is the only generous one. Our superintendent and teachers, as well as the people of Kingstree.stand ready to do all in tneir power 10 make the coming Field Day a success. The Wee Nee Literary society held its regular meeting last Friday afternoon with Mr Phillips in the chair. The query for debate was, "That all merchantmen should be armed for defensive purposes." The judges rendered their decision in favor of the affirmative. Rev D A Phillips attended the chapel exercises Monday morning. HONOR ROLL. ' Grade I. Margaret Burgess 98 J$mes Arrowsmith 97 Carlisle Epps 97 Flinn Gilland 90 ' Jenny Eloise Kinder 95 Mary Francis Montgomery 94 liVoH Smith ..94 Samuel McChesney 94 Calhoun Dove 94 Peden Coward 94 Camilla Plowden.._ 93 Steele Singleton 93 Grade I?Advanced. Margaret Leseane 96 Elizabeth Fairey 96 K&therine Steele 96 Dora Harrington 95 Philip Stoll 93 Grade II. Mary Catherine Epps 98 Elizabeth Swails 98 Jane Gilland 97 Stella Wolfe 97 Mary Louise Flagler 92 Mae Burgess 92 Grade IH. ' James F Cooper 95 Grace Kinder 95 Genevieve Reddick 94 Pattty Scott Epps 91 Grade IV. Ola Dubose 94 Mary Sue Harrington 92 Daisy Mcintosh- 92 Theodosia Cooper 91 Grade VI. Jack Meadors 97 Grade VII. Nora Kinder 94 Grade VIII. Serena Lee - 98 William Cooper...._ 96 James Sullivan 94 Hampden Montgomery 93 Grade IX. Delle Sexton 96 Agnes Fulton 95 Grade X. Wista McElveen 95 Pauline McCants 94 Death of Mrs. Mary E. Gale. Mrs S L Brown received a telegram Tuesday from Easton, Md, announcing the death of her mother, Mrs Mary E Gale, whose serions accident was noted in the last issue of The Record. Mrs Gale was one of nature's noblewomen and was held in the highest regard wherever she was known. She is survived by four daughters and one son, viz: Mesdames S L Brown of Kingstree, R C Douglas of Citra,Fla,W S Grace, Jr, and Wm Reddie and Mr J C Gale of Easton, Md. Two daughters and one son preceded her to the great be?Maarl?mps .Inn S .Tennincs of , JUUU WAVWXMM^v W? ? Kingatree and F J Henry of Sumter and Mr Samuel Gale of Easton. She frequently visited her daughters in Kingstree and made many friends here, who deeply sympathize with the stricken familv. Get the Best. A full line of pure fresh Groceries always on hand. Send us an order. Try our pure Cane Syrup. There's none quite so good. 3-16-2t People's Mercantile Co. Rooms For Rent?Over Dr Brockington's Drug store. Apply to . Dr W V Brockixoton. .? w ''* . L & I Ijp Hi Get a 1 For men who got a^ or home-made cigare or two for what ails Forget you ever tried different, such a fine friendly, you'll get a nev process fixes that ? and a And this little preachn they're on the right trai j'ou lay out a nickel c Albert, the sooner yoi wortl Day Prince Albert all over trincrr 1 the civilized world! Toppyred lUIig L bag*, 5c; tidy red tines I Oc; _ pound and half-pound tin Get t humidor*?and?that claeey . cryttal-gla** pound humidor WltllC with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in ? i nr such fine shape?always I K. J. Kt L Mrs J A Joyner Dead. Mrs C R Thomas was summoned to Barnwell county last Thursday by a telegram announcing the death, near Olar, of her sister, Mrs J A Joyner. The dead body of Mrs Joyner was discovered lying across the bed in her room witn a snocgun wound through the heart and an empty gun nearby. Notes said to have, been left by the deceased lead the Coroner to the belief that the woman came to death by her own hands. Mrs Joyner was 24 years of age and was married to Mr Joyner about nine years ago. The deceased spent several weeks here with Mrs Thomas last summer. Good For Colds. Honey, pine-tar and glycerine are recognized cold remedies. In Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey these are combined with other cough medicine in a pleasant syrup. Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey quickly stops your cough, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. It's one of the best cough syrups made. Formula on every bottle. You know just what yon are taking and your doctor knows it's good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr Bell's Pinej Tar-Honey. Only 2oc, at druggists, j Spring Openings. The Kingstree Dry Goods Co will I hold its opening of spring millinery | on Wednesday and Thursday, March j 22 and 23. Mr S Marcus announces that his spring millinery opening will take1 place Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The Silverman Department Store ( has a new ad in this paper announcing the beautiful lines of new spring suits and dress goods that i are now on display. This store will j hold its millinery opening next week, j The Aches of House Cleaning. The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are soothed away by Sloan's Liniment. No need to suffer this agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, rub only a little. In a short time the pain leaves, you rest comfortably and enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grateful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment is worth its weight in gold." Keep a bottle on hand, use it against all soreness, neuralgia and bruises. Kills pain. 25, at your druggist. Home Demonstration Club. The Home Demonstration club met in the demonstration office Monday afternoon. The interest manifested by the members of this popular club is very gratifying to Misses Amanda Edwards and Maude Logan, who have spent much time and energy in Fresh Start! way to a false start on a 3ttes Prince Albert has a their smokeappetites! to smoke, for Prince Alberl flavor, so cool and cheerft / idea of smoke joy! The pa 1 cuts out bite and parch! nent is also for men who zk. All to be said is that the j >r a dime for a supply of j j'll make a discovery thai 1 a lot to your peace of min ie! he ;dea of smoking all you iut a comeback?that's P. J YNOLDS TOBACCO CO-, Wiiuton-S?i the endeavor to make the organiz tion a practical adjunct to the tow Home Sanitation was the subje for study and discussion. Miss Logan led in the discussii pertaining to, "The Relation of tl Home to the Health of the Commu ity." "Prevention Against Mc auitoe8." was the principal poir which the speakei endeavored i impress upon the members of tl club. Miss Mamie Jacobs then followe in a very practical and valuable su gestion, on: "The Eradication of tl Mosquito by Means of Fumigation The programme was concluded 1 Mi3S Edwards' demonstrations, wi several labor saving devices for tl home. Five new visitors found the way into this instructive and co genial club on this occasion. Make Money Growing Peanuts! Spanish, N. C., Bunch, Valencia and Virginia Peanut Seed. Write us foi prices. Carolina Seed Company,Inc HAMLET, N. C. Wood's Productive Seed Corns. "\Tl Caa/1 wui t iigiuia-giuvru uvv.v Corns have an establishec reputation for superiority ir productiveness and germina ting qualities. Wood's Descriptive Catalog tells about the best of prize-win ning and profit-making varieties ii both White and Yellow Corns. Cotton Seed. We offer the best and most Im proved varieties, grown in section absolutely free from boll weevil Our Catalog gives prices and infor mation, and tells about the best o Southern Seeds, 100-DAY VELVET BEANS. Soja Beans, SUDAN GRASS, Dallis Grass and all Sorghums and Millets. Catalog mailed free on request. T.W.WOOD ?SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. POPLAR LOGS, Will pay market price for good Pine, Poplar and Ash Logs, delivered at our mill. Penn-Sumter Lumber Co SUMTER, - - S. C. 3-9-3m i ? Bthe national joy smoke a is tne reai tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin's cigarettes Ml rids lO. l pipe id and ^ want o, AarmTMM^oftUitUrnJ | f tkyMviflrwi: "Prxni PilottJ lW Jaly 10tfc. 1907," whick hu Bxk .. _ thru* mtm mok? pipe* wfcer* on* em, N. C. aoktd before I a- Statement ot the Condition ol ct The Bank of Cades, located at i CADES, S. C, e At the Close of Eusiness March 7, 1916. nig. Resources. it, Loans and Discounts _.$it>,yyo m t0 Furniture and Fixtures 2,500 0C , Banking House 3,000 0C Due from Banks and Bankers 3.871 7? Currency ? 797 0C d, Silver and other Minor Coin.... 438 26 g- Total $27,603 94 he Liabilities. ." Capital Stock Paid In $10,000 0C |)y Surplus Fund 100 0C . l Undivided Profits,less Current ? Expenses and Taxes Paid 42 2C oe Individual Deposits: ?ir Subject to Cneck..$15.246 88 n. Savings Deposits.. 2,206 01 Cashier's Checks ... 9 35 17,461 74 _ Total .$27,603 94 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I "j county of williamsburg, f Before me came W D Epps, Cashier of the above named bank, who. beI ing duly sworn,says that the above and ' foregoing statement is a true condition ' of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. W D EPPS. > I Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of March, 1916. B Wallace Jones. Jr, Notary Public. correct?attest: W I Hodges, t j cottingham. W E Nesmith, ? Directors. - Statement of the Condition of " The Bank of Hemingway, [ located at I Hemingway, S C, At the close of Business March 7, 1916. Resources. Loans and Discounts $39,534 2? I Overdrafts 3,311 3' j Bonds and Stocks Owned by . the Bank 150 0( Furniture and Fixtures 890 If Banking House 3,182 11 Other Real Estate Owned 534 7i Due from Banks and Bankers 3,216 5s Currency 546 0{ " Gold 5 (X 1 Silver and Other Minor Coin 1,104 6' Checks and C ash Items 196 9k Total $52,671 84 Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In $15,000 0( " Surplus Fund 2,300 01 I Undivided Profits, less Current * Expenses and Taxes Paid.... 170 11 I Due to Banks and Bankers.. 2,799 05 Dividends Unpaid 30 0( Individual Deposits: Subject to Check. $24,354 23 Savings Deposits 5,363 79 Cashier's Cnecks 152 63 29,870 6f Bills Payable, Including Certificates for Money Borrowed, 2,500 0( Other Liabilities, viz: Safety Deposit Box Account, 2 0C Total $52,671 84 ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) __ 5? county of williamsburg, f ss ! Before me came D G Huggins, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above anc foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. D G HUGGINS. I nnH subscribed before me this 15th day of March, 1916. G B Ingraham, Notary Public. Correct?Attkst : W C Hemingway, H Edward Eaddy, J R Newman, J| Directors. t THIS SORT haw i C*OME ffllks are still so out of dai W FOOLISH?as to hide their sa' stocking, or under the carpet, o] seem to think a bank is MYSTERII | This sort of notion is, of course, way i in this bank are SAFE, and they GJK ! EBN1IENTA1 supervision. BANK OF K Model 16-F, II horsepower, three-Speei , Model 16-E, II horsepower, single gea Model 16-C, 6 horse-power, three-speei Model 16-B, 6 horsepower, single gear Model 16-L Sidecar?including 28x3 ii J A S . (J>. 2-3-8t Dealer for Willis Kingstree, ? ?? \ f Scott-Logai (Sttccenori to W. I , | i Wholesale Grocers ant i Call and see us befor I i Flour, Rice, Meal, Grits ' , bulk. |'' Cotton Seed M ;' Corn ar [Now located in the ] to W. T. Wilkins' old star | 117= Better than ever?the Foi every business man. An( as well. Excellence with 1 cents a mile for operation Service for Ford Owners" j use of a Ford car. Runabout $417.75; Tourin $717.75. All Cars are : Kingstree, S. C. On display and sale by Thos. Mc I Kingstree, I M I 1 ^ Some people wait until the wings i' ; of the morning are pretty well clipped before they get out of bed. ! \ There may be plenty of room at j ] the top, but that is no reason why j ; people should swell up when they 1J j get there. te?or, to put it more frankly, so rings in an old teapot, or an old r in some other secret place. They 3TTS or COMPLEX or UNSAFE., BEHIND THE TIMES. Deposits OW. This bank is under GOVINGSTREE. ~ -v\ 1. twin cylinder S265.00 red, twin cylinder $240.00 1, single cylinder $230.00 a ed, single cylinder $200.00 a i), tire oj sidecar $ 75.00 1 EPFS m burg Coantr South Carolina \ ' s . I z====y i Company * R. Scott (Xk? Bro.) ^ I Provision Merchants '' e you buy Meat, Lard, ?! or Anything wanted in * It leal and Hulls ,, id Hay Nelson Block, next door ???"n ? rd is now a necessity to i it's the family servant i economy, less than two and upkeep, while "Ford^jM^^^ assures the continuous || | g Car 5467.75; Town Car fully equipped, f. o. b. Cutchen, 1 So. Car. ;1 ' ? =? i To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what yon are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is , famine ana iron in a lasieiess ionn. j The Qninine drives out malaria, the