I 1 We specialize on Old j I Straight 1 0 0-p roof I goods. Note our prices ; I # / I on a few leading brands ? Write for full list. RYES 4 Bankers' Rye Gibson 100 proof ? 4 Sherwood 100 proof 3 Mellwood 100 proof? ? 3 Stewart 100 proof 3 Highspire 100 proof 3 Bob Burton 3 Tidewater Bourbon 3 Major Comfort Bourbon 2 Bob Snyder 2 CORNS Kelley's Royal 3 < AA / O Virginia yueen iuu proui o Cumberland 3 El Maize 2 North State 2 Pld Valley 2 All of the a\>ove branc will be shipped in one galk prices. WE PR PHIL G. KEI I .Qnrinor I I vpilllg I . Ope Wednesday March 2 I Also a Fine LADIES' CI AND ORE! I in all the Lai I and S S. Mi Tiir mo omoc i nc diu oiunt When in Tov Store 'Hea AGED TAX COLLECTOR Sectored To Health By Vinol Corinth, Miss.?"I am a city tax colh lector and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down condition. My druggist told me about VinoL I toed it and in a week noticed considerable improvement; I continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. I consider Vinol aline tonic to create strength ?- ?? T A Pninr I or oia people. ?u. n. * We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all i on-down, weak rod debilitated conditions. t 4 16 1-2 Qts. 8Pts. Pt?. Bottled : ?.00 $5.10 $5.20 Old Private S1 ,00 4.10 4.20 Huron River... > 75 3.85 3.95 nr.u /^r..... .75 3.85 3.95 VVCIUU" .75 3.85 3.95 Mfecellane .75 3.85 3.95 ? , ? , 1.50 3.60 3.70 Casey s Malt. 1.00 3.10 3.20 Rooster Gin..... 1.50 2.60 2.70 Old Hollister ( .25 2.3-5 2.45 Old Orchard J 100 proof..... :.85 3.95 4-05 Old Southam] .20 3.30 3.40 Brandy .00 3.10 3.20 Old Nick App -60 Special-0 .50 2 60 2.70 Corn, Brand .25 2.35 2.45 or 1 Gal. Gli Is excepting Bankers' Rye i >n Glass Jugs at twenty-five EPAY EXPRESS CH W T .iLY - - ning '! Thursday 7 and 7.1 h MUM hV Selection of DAT SUITS SS GOODS lest Fashions llAllllA 1191168 arcus ON THE CORNER m Make Our idquarters. Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of undressed lumber (board and framing) al my mill near Kingstree. for sale at the lowest price for good material. See oi write me for further information, etc, F. H. HODGE, Receipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at The Record office. If we have not the form you wish we can print it cn short notice. HnHHHBHBlmBHPB Send your order to | us. We are direct dis tributary and shin f M promptly. Send your ordertoday with remittance to cover. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. 16 1-2 in Bond 4Qts. 8Pts. Pts. tock $4.75 $4.85 $4.95 4.00 4.10 4.20 ) 5.00 5.10 5.20 ous Liquors 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.50 3.60 3.70 rin 2.75 2.85 2.95 ^.pple Brandy, 4.50 4.60 4.70 pton Apple 4.00 4.10 4.20 le 2.25 2.35 2.45 iur famous No. 10 Rye, ly or Gin, 100 proof, 4Qts ass Jug- $5.00 md those bottled in bond cents less than the 4 quart ARGES 29 North 17th St., RICHMOND, VA. FOR SALE House and Lot in Kingstree Situate by the African M. E. Church, on the West side of Long St. or "Buzzard Roost." House painted white, containing four rooms with water. Will easily rent for $8 per month. Can be bought cheap if trade is made at once. Terms reasonable. Splendid investment For further particulars see or s write Kingstree Insurance, Real Estate & Loan Co., Kingstree, - S. C. I Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do this work satisfactorily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with tfi*? New KryptoK Glasses. reading and distance vision ground in each glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. E. BAGGETT Jeweler and Optician Kingstree, S. C. I \M^Mm . jf' W/rp, 1 %2s|A, CHAR LESTO fJ? S. C. ?OBZDCSsaKT ?xr.rsrrr> crvn ic riT^zjKOKsxx * \ ' '- t l.i. , >. | |1 The Supi ]| Peruna s mi Househo fg| 44 Years Returned to Hie Work. Mr. Julien Goudeau, Erwinvllle, La., suffered with catarrh of the stomach. He did not know what his trouble was. He was unable to work. Could hardly cat anything. After taking Peruna a short time he Is now in perfect health. He says: "I am now doing all my work. I am confident that any one suffering as I was could be cured by Peruna." Every Change of Weather. Mr. E. Arnold, Westerly, K. I., contracted a severe cold. The cold settled in his side and produced a condition that was thought to be pleurisy. Every change of weather would bring a return of his trouble. After taking Peruna all bis ailments have vanished. Pain in the Stomach. Mr. Henry Kneck, Box 850, No. 1118 S. Vista Ave., Janesville, Wis., writes: "I wrote you about four weeks ago that I had a pain In my stomach. I followed your advice, and used three bottles of your Peruna, and 1 am all right now. I am very thankful for your advice and your medicine." Three substantial men, he once more by Peruna. Three families. These are only earn every day, everywhere. Sun Anything that conserves fam more desirable and comfortab I I Iwi I itaf ion Darnne I a m mho I ? McElveen-Dennls. Bethel church has never been the scene of a more beautiful marriage than that which occurred Wednesday, March 8, 1916, at 3 o'clock, when Mr John W Dennis, Jr, of Kingstree led to its sacred altar Miss Ruth McElveen of Bethel. The church had been decorated with Southern smilax and pot plants. The ceremony was performed under a huge white bell suspended from a white and green arch. The church was filled with a host of friends and relatives. At 3 o'clock Mrs Bennie Dukes took her place at the organ and as Mendelssohn's wedding march pealed forth the bridal party entered in the following order: Mr Bart Burgess came down the right aisle, while Mr Hardy McElveen entered from the left, taking their places in front of the altar. Then came Miss Nettie Burgess and Mr Robbie Burgess, Miss Essie Epps and Mr Richard Burgess. The bride entered by the right aisle leaning on the arm of her maid of honor, Miss Jessie McElveen, sister of the bride. They were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr Eugene Burgess. The bride never looked so beautiful as she did in her wedding suit of mid-night blue, with accessories to match and carrying a bouquet of , altheas and ferns. The maid of honor wore a white silk dress, while the bridesmaids wore white voile dresses. The ceremony was performed by Rev P S McChesney of Kingstree. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for their home I^Iaiit l/innrofron n/knrn thou mil] UV1W*Y Xk.ltJ?OVl vv, VIIVJ Mill reside in the future. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W H McElveen, and is a charming young lady. She has a large circle of friends and will be missed in thi3 community. . She was organist in Bethel church and a teacher in the Sunday-school. The groom is a prosperous farmer of Williamsburg county. We wish this happy couple much happiness and success in life. Dewdrop. flour! Flour! Flour! Plain and self-rising. A carload just received by People's Mercantile Co; wholesale or retail. 3-16-2t g J. ymrrT vr RUE OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the cures'* way to stop them. I The best rubbing liniment is J MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for 'hs Ailments of ' Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qcod for your oion A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cut?; Burrs, Etc. 25c. 50c. A; ail Dealers. ' ~a *' ' '->>* 11e?& Jkl* -A "f; remacy ?f |; is a ; Id Remedy i 5 of Leadership A Housewife Restored. j Mrs. R. W. Copelan, Box 22, Greensboro, Ga., suffered several years with 1 catarrh of the stomach. She was In such poor health she could not attend to her household duties at all. Peruna was recommended by neighbors. She was Induced to begin the use of Peruna. She says: "After taking five bottles of Peruna I am happy to say that I I am entirely cured. My indigestion is ; entirely eone." Once a Chronic Invalid. m Mrs. E. Rlker, C03 Grant Ave., East Cedar Falls, Iowa, was once a chronic ;! < Invalid. Four different doctors had been i? 1 consulted without avail. She had taken 1 flvo different medicines that had been ; ' recommended, without Improvement. 1 Peruna was tried and the good result was prompt and lasting. Expresses Her Gratitude. Mrs. Samuel Ruth, 533 Union Ave., Lebanon, Pa., is able to say positively : that she has been cured by Peruna. She 1 can scarcely find words to express her gratitude for her recovery. For many years she had been a semi invalid from chronic catarrh. ads of families, made efficient , housewives restored to their iples of what Peruna is doing 1 ely, this is a splendid work. lily life and makes the home le, nourishes the heart root of at civilizer. ' ==c==ga-a? Sailers Sketches. Salters Dept, March 15:?Miss Cassie Hudson has returned from a visit to relatives at Georgetown. Little Sam, the six-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Carraway of Mulberry, Fla, died Monday evening of last week, and was laid to rest in the Union Presbyterian church cemetery here Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock. , Mrs Carraway, mother of the little boy, roan Miss T.nla Whitfield, of this place. She will spend some time here before returning to Florida. Dr and Mrs W S Boyd have returned from their honeymoon trip. Mr and Mrs J W Moseley and son, James, of Charleston are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr S E Davis visited Kingstree Monday. Mr S F McDaniel went to Kingstree Monday on business. Hustler. Columbia College News. TU? lif.mMt anniafioa Orp nrPTlflr ? I1C 11 b^l ai j ovviv mivw M. r. -! ing for the annual debate between representatives of the junior class, on Saturday evening of commencement. The Wightman society has chosen Misses Ruth Ariail of Lamar and Lucile Stoney of Allendale; the Carlisle, Misses Evelyn Winn and Margaret Williams of Columbia. The querry has not yet been decided upon. On Tuesday evening, February the twenty-second, the Clemson Glee Club gave a creditable and enjoyable concert in the college auditorium. The proceeds were for the benefit of the annual. Tuesday afternoon the Columbia College Glee Club and annual staff entertained the Clemson Glee Club i in the college parlors. All report a very pleasant time. On Monday evening, February the twenty-eighth, the pupils of the expression department gave a very interesting recital in the chapel. The programme was as follows: Violin I ensemble by eight girls; recitations by Misses Darr, Brown, Farrell, McClam and Manning; a violin quartet and "The Kleptomaniac," a comedy in one act, by all the pupils of the department. Jennie Lee Epps. Indiantown Items. (Written for last week's issue.) Indiantown, March 8:?Among the visitors at Indiantown Sunday ^ was Mr Hugh McUutchen or lungscree. Rev Wm Mills of Clemson College lectured here Sunday in the interest i of the Prebyterian church of that 1 place. Rev and Mrs W R Pritchett enter- j ed at a leap year party last Tuesday ( evening, which was enjoyed to the 1 fullest. Those present were Misses Lee Gelser, Emily Glaye, Mary Huff- j man. Emy Snow, Annie Ervin, Mat- , tie Brown, Ruth Wilson, Lizzie Han- na, Marguerite Snowden, Bessie < Snowden, Daisy Owens and Nena ' Snowden, and Messrs Hugh Gamble, 1 Brack Lovett, Rob Ervin, Paul, Har . ry and Sam Wilson, Kemper Hill, Julian and Robbie Hanna, Ed and David Brown,Henry Nelson, Reuben and Ralph Snowden, DeTreville, Royster, McCutchen,Clarence Snowd?n and D E McCutchen. The young ladies were requested to write proposals, and the young men holding the corresponding number answered, some of them rejecting the young ladies for various reasons, and others accepting on the spot. Delicious candy was served. A number of our people have been sick with grip, but all are now convalescent. Mrs D E McCutchen entertained the faculty of the school here for the week-end. Among other things they enjoyed a trip to Kingstree in Mr McCutchen's car. Mr O'Gilvie Rogers has accepted a position as druggist in Spartanburg. Mrs P D Snowden has been visit ing relatives near Cades. Red Wing. | JOHNSONVILLE GRADED SCHOOL | Johnsonville, March 14:?A very interesting programme was rendered by the Woodrow Wilson Literary society Friday, the 10th inst. It consisted of a debate and current events. The query for debate was, Resolved: That scholarships in State colleges should be discontinued. The debaters showed much enthusiasm and study on this subject. Many volunteers stood for both sides, but . a few more for the negative and, of course, more points were brought u out on that side. We feel very proud of our boys and girls for the great interest they took in this debate. Miss Rivers, the music teacher, is quite busy at this time getting up solos, duets, trios and quartettes, both instrumental and vocal, for the recital of Misses Birdie Eaddy, Lumlp Rollins and Olpnp Vpnf-pra will graduate in music this year. This recital will be some time in April. j Notes on the Year 1916. For the first time in several years no days usually observed as legal holidays fall on Sunday this year, as the following list shows: New year, Saturday; battle of. New Orleans, Saturday; Lee's birthday, Wednesday; Lincoln's birthday, Saturday; # Washington's birthday, Tuesday; battle of Lexington, Wednesday; Confederate memorial day, Wednesday; Mecklenburg Declaration day, Saturday; National decoration day, Tuesday; Bunker Hill day, Saturday; 4th of July, Tuesday; battle ef Rnltimr>re Tii#qH#v* Hiarvwerv day, Thursday; battle of Yorktown, Thursday; All Saints, Wednesday; Christmas, Monday. The superstitious may find comfort in the thought that the 13th of but one month will occur on Friday this year?in October. They will i)ot again be so lucky until 1919. In m each year at least one month and not more than three have a Friday, the 13th. In 1914 February, March and November each had an "unlucky day." Easter falls on April 23, two days from its latest possible date. It will not again occur on this day till 2000. It fell on April 25 in 1886 and will do so but once during the present century?in 1943. It will not fall on its earliest date, March 22, for several centuries. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER. | Crashes Into Sour Bile, Making You Sick and You Lose a Day's Work. Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, constipated and all knocked out, just goto your druggist and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone,which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and S quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, vou just go ? back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you , will wake up feeling great, full of \ ambition and ready for work or I play. It's harmless, pleasant and I 3afe to give to children; they like it. J Send us the news. __ Jm