MR. RA6SDALE FOR GOOD ROADS AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO BENEFIT THE RURAL COMMUNITY -HIS SPEECH IN CONGRESS. Washington, February8:?Though himself a strong advocate of preparedness, Representative J W Ragsdale of South Carolina does not relish the attitude of some of the other preparedness advocates towards the bill for Federal aid in road-building. Mr Ragsdale "had his say" on the subject in the following speech in the House during the debate which preceded the passage of the roads bill by that body a few days ago: Mr Chairman, whea I find the proponents of preparedness here opposing everything that goes to the protection of the people in the rural communities I am very much interested. I am interested in everything that they say and print in the Record. I am also interested in some of the things that they do not say. When the distinguished gentleman from Ohio (Mr Long worth) made his remarks as to his interest in the protection of that which the farmer raises,I am sure it was merely a slip of his mind that he forgot to state that he was also in favor of the same degree of protection for that which the farmer buys; and that, as a matter of fact, he knows that very little of the protection that he would put upon the country would be real protection to the farmer, and that the system of protection which he proposes would add enormously to the burden of the farmer'scost of living. Since I have been a member of this house I do not think I have ever cast a ballot against a reasonable degree of expenditure or any expenditures for the army and navy, and,in common with others here,I feel that the time has now come in the history of this country when a reasonable preparedness ought to be brought about in order that this country may maintain the position which it is entitled to occupy in international affairs. I do not care how it is necessary to raise the money, if we get the results for the people to which they are entitled. My own belief is that, if it is necessary, we ought to sell the bonds that are now in the Treasury and issue a 'new set of bonds in order to protect the people at home and in order to protect this country against other nations. But, Mr Chairman, whenever we take up a discussion in favor of]good roads, some gentlemen say there is "pork" in it. If we discuss anything that increases transportation facilities, either by way of good roads or by river and harbor bills, some gentlemen say there is "pork" in it. If an effort is made here on the part of this Government to give governmental aid to rural credit,some gentlemen call it paternalism, out 11 it is ior an appropriation that goes anywhere except in rural communities, then the man who proposes it is a wise and patriotic statesman, and it is a good form of government which carries it out. I want to say to the gentleman from Massachusetts and others along the eastern coast who have been opposing this legislation that the people of the South realize that practically every one of the munition factories is located between Norfolk * and Maine. We realize that the population and wealth of this country are to be found there. We realize that below Norfolk there will be no attack on this country in all probability by any foreign power. We , learn also from the experts of the army aod navy that we do not need anything to protect the portion of the country south of Virginia. But coming here from the South, with our loyalty to this Government unquestioned, the people of the South . want to stand behind this Government and nnminv a nlaep in it. and I we ask but a small share of the appropriations, We are coming here T . . - ... asking in this bill that we be given some small measure of that to which we are entitled; and every gentleman here knows that for the past half cectury the South has been taxed far beyond what she has received from this Government. Under these conditions, Mr Chairman,I hope that this house will enact some kind of a I I I People whc Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. 1, Hickor to tell you that I am cured of < catarrh and stomach trouble for se different doctors, who only relieve hope of being cured. I was lndu surprise I am now entirely well. FOR IND Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, R R. happy to tell you that I keep free catarrhal symptoms at all. I am what I want, and rejoice to kno^ valuable medicine. I think it save pomno t wns cured sound and w< Are Stronc The Peruna Company. Co'umbus. medicines can now proc good roads bill at this session. I an ready to vote for it. I do not sa; this is the best bill that could bi passed,but I say almost any bill tha gives us better roads.almost any bil that gives us a better rural credi system, almost any bill that lighten: the burdens carried because of bai roads and high rates of interest pai( by the farmers will better the con ditions under which the farmers o: this country are now forced to live (Applause), TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts Your Liver without Mak lug You Sick and Cannot Salivate. Every druggist in town?you druggist and everybody's druggisthas noticed a great falling-off in tb sale of calomel. They all give tb same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone i taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and peopl know it,while Dodson's Liver Tone i is perfectly safe and gives better re suits," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by every druggis nrVin wlU it A lflrcrp bottle costs 5l cents, and if it fails to giye easy re lief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have on); to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy harmless to both children and adults Take a spoonful at night and wak up feeling fine; no biliousness, sicl headache, acid stomach or constipat ed bowels. It doesn't gripe or caus( inconvenience all the next day liki violent calomel. Take a dose of cal omel today and tomorrow you wil feel weak,sick and nauseated. Don' lose a day's work! Take Dodson' Liver Tone instead and feel fine, ful of vigor and ambition. SCALY LEGGED FOWLS. This Disease of Legs Render Chickens Difficult to Sell. The unsightly poultry disease known as scaly legs is exceedingl: injurious to the marketability o: chickens, making them objectionabli sights to buyers. Moreover, it ii extremely contagious, one diseasec fowl being enough to infect an en tire flock in short order. This in formation should be especially in teresting to South Carolina poultrj men, since the extension poultrj husbandman of Clemson Colleg< states that he has seen more of the scaly leg disease in this State thar anvwhere he has ever been. The disease appears only 'on th< legs of fowls and is caused by the ravages of a mite which bears the name sarcoptes mutans. It i9 more likely to be found where fowls are kept in a small yard or on the bare ground. A good grass range is helpful in overcoming the disease. To treat scaly legs, thoroughly cleanse the legs by washing with water, soap, and a handy brush, Dry them and immerse them in a solution of equal parts of coal oil, (kerosene) and cottonseed oil. Treat th? fowls' legs in this way twice daily for a few days and then once daily until the shanks resume theii natural appearance. How to Cure Colds. Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right. Take Dr King's New Discovery. It is prepared from Pine Tar, healing balsams and mild laxatives. Dr King's New Discovery kills and expels the cold germs, soothes the irritated throat and allays inflammation. It heals the mucous membrane. Search as you will you cannot find a better cough anc cold remedy. Its use over 45 years is a guarantee of satisfaction. A1 druggists. Some people best make their pres ence felt by their absence. ! (5 > use Peruna y Point, Tenn., writes: "I am happy catarrh. Having been afflicted with ven years, and after having tried four d me for a little while, I gave up all ced to try Peruna, and to my great My health never was better." IGESTION ! 1, Pryor, Oklahoma, writes: '1 am I from my old stomach trouble; feel no able tcf do my work, eat and drink v that I found a sure cure In your d my life. By beginning In time with :11." i and Happy Ohio. Those who object to liquid ure Peruna In tablet form. -j Leo Laconics. Leo, February 14:?Some very s' needed work is being done on the t causeway at Brown Bridges on the 1! Williamsburg side. A squad of t; hands are located there; they are s ditching and throwing up the cause1 way from both sides, which will i make it higher and wider where it - can be widened. This was begun I f more than a year ago but was dis- , continued some time before completion. This is an important causeway and we are glad this work is being finished. We understand that Mr Bailey - Lyerly of this place is about to perfect a "multiplying machine." He has been devoting some of his time to it for quite a while. This mae chine is something on the order of e an adding machine though when s completed and perfected will be quite different and capable of multie plying any amount of figures. He 8 is applying for a patent on his new machine and when once put on the . market ready sales will be found, t Mr Lyerly holds a position in the u mercantile establishment of Messrs Walter Poston and Company near y here. His efforts are deserving and he is to be complimented on the - progress thus far made on his new '? invention. We feel that the busi'* ness world has a use for such a mae t chine and that Mr Lyerly will make - good in this invention. * The Farmers' Mercantile Come pany of Leo has been commissioned, j with a capital stock of $3,000. The t petitioners are: J J Hanna, J H s Powell, J A Hanna, E D Hanna, 0 1 B Stone, A E Lyerly, W M Melton, W J Hanna, J Q Lyerly and Mrs Effie Tanner. The company will do a general mercantile business. s Mr Lamar Johnson of Bethune, where he is located in the automobile business, came down Friday on his way to Georgetown. 1 f ? Entertainment at Hemingway. 5 Hemingway, February 14:?Spe1 cial: One of the nicest events of the - season was held at the school audi torium last Friday night under the - auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of / the Methodist church. A most eni joyable programme was rendered ? consisting of vocal and instrumental a i music, readings, etc, after which a 1 i regular dinner course was served. I The following is the programme in I detail: " Chorus?"Come Out Into the Sun- a shine." H Instrumental Solo?MissCockfield. Reading?Mrs G B Ingraham. Vocal Solo?Miss Laura Rhem. Trio? Messrs Speigner, Jesse and 1 5 Melvin Cribb. | Reading?Hallie Venters. Vocal Solo ?Mrs W C Hemingway. Instrumental Duec?Misses Ellen 1 Hemingway and Louise Wilson. ; Ladies' Chorus?The Flower Song L Reading?Mrs U S Eaddy. Quartette?Mrs Hemingway, Miss ' Wilson, Messrs Eaddy and Speigner. Instrumental Solo?Miss Louise 1 Wilson. i Vocal Solo?Miss Laura Rhem. Trio?Messrs Speigner, Jesse and Melvin Cribb. Reading?Mrs G B Ingraham. Chorus?"The Harvest Moon Is Shining." Severe Cold Quickly Cured. "On December first I had a very f severe cold or attack of the grip as it may be, and was nearly down sick ' in bed," writes J 0 Metcalf, Weathterby, Mo. "I bought two bottles of ! Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it j ; was only a few days until I wascomj pletely restored to health. I firmly g t believe that Chamberlain's Cough, p Remedy is one of the very best med- ? icines and will know what to do when - I have another cold." Obtainable I everywhere. ' i Well! W WELLINGT 10c, 25c, That Patented Pipe V Pull a Wellington a We have them wdth both SCOTT D In Business For Phone 131 DOLL Do you want to save save quite a few? Do yoi of saving them in every pi Then come to us for your 1 FURNl is right, guaranteed and c us. It is the economical Everything for the li ii..* tne oea room, everyimng erything for the kitchen, everything for the lawn, everything for the child. We can satisfy you ii you want. Try us. Steele Fui 208 Main Street You Had TANI and mix with your, Cotton Seed Meal, to $35.00 per ton ri cent, in ammonia. Potash, this is the once?only a few to GEO. A. M Kingstree, Horses an We will have ar fresh stock in by f you want to see t Horse or Mule a: price, come to see Yours to Willianrchiir0 I V V AU1IUA1UUUI ^ Mi Kingstree, Patronize Oil i ell! Well! [ ON PIPES - 35c, 50c __ K. fith the Cooling BowL ind Enjoy a Smoke. Clear and Rubber Steins. _ RUG crj Your Health K s " O .ARS!J a few? Do you want to F< 1 want to make a practice iece of Furniture you buy? next piece. B ITU^E s :heap when you buy it from furniture for you to buy. ^ ving room, everything for , for the dining room, ev- ^ everything for the porch, m everything for the adult, n any kind, price or style niture Co. ^ Opposite Court House ^ Better Get 1 1 AGE i A.cid Phosphate and ? I have it at $34.00 S , mning 7 to 10 per I Jf In the absence of I thing. See me at 1 ns left. I IcELVEEN, South Carolina | j | irl Mitel! IM ISIMIVVI iother car load of February 12th. If j ;he right kind of j nd at the right j j us. I I please, j ive Stock Co. i< - s. c. I |I \ Advertisers 1 Professional Cards, |* DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kings?e Drug Co's. 8-28-tf DR. ROBERT J. McCABE, DENTIST, INGSTREE, , S. C " fice in Mrf!ahe Rnildinsr. next tn 0>r. H'j&t | M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, ake City, S. C VV. L. TAYLOR DENUST, office over DrW V Brocklngton's Store, INGSTREE, . S.C. 21-tf. 366 1916 V. M. SNIDER, H SURGEON DENTIST. rer Gamble & Jacob*' Drug Store. 7 DcS. Gilland Atforney-at-Law < Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. C. General petitioner in all State and ideral Coarts. BenJ. M~'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. . Kater MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D 1 VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at King9tree the st Monday in each month, at Helr's Stables. 9-28-tf ^^VKINGSTREE LQOge, no. 40 ^g^A.F.M. : eets Thursday before full moon each onth. Visiting brethren are cordially yited. R K Wallace, W MJlk I J M Ross, Sec. 2-27-ly Kingstree Chapter, No. 22, q Order Eastern Star eets every Thursday night after full oon and two weeks later. Mrs B E Clarkson, W M. rs Stella Cook Sect'y. 1-28-tf If, Kingstree Lodge, mmm No. 91 Hp| Knights ot Pythias Regular conventions every second and iurtn Tuesday night Our visiting ethren always welcome. Castle Hall, d story Gourdin Building. 1-14-lyr B E Clarkson, CO. i E C Epps. k of R & S. 41 camp no- 27. j "jLULU ?un?M The Third Monday VI-L4 *_ II ^1(IU * u r?ri? ISjj Visiting chopper* cor \ liaily invited to coxe > f> IXi >P and sit on a sturnj X^jE or haug about ov tb? p h Stoll, M Brown. Clerk. Con Com HfeOnlyin^ Prize (Highest Award) 4 given to -J Dictionaries B^jB at the Panama- faJi^S Pacific Exposition ^BpRflr was gnlirfedfo WEBSTER'S [ NEW INTERNATIONAL For Superiority of Educational Merit. | This new creation answers with final auI thority all kinds of puzzling questions such | as "How is Priemydpronounced?" "Where j I is Flandersf" "What is a continuous toya-jet" \ "What is a howitzer t" "Wh&tia white coat?" | | and thousands of others. i More than 400.000 Vocabulary Terms. 30,000 i Geographical Subjects. 12,000 eiognmfaical ; Entries. Over f>000 ilhistrations. 2700 Pages. I The only dictionary with the divided page?a | stroke of genius. REGULAR aad L?|jj l iHIOHESTER S PILLS TUB DIAMOND BRAND. A /"/ iL'Nk Ladles! AfcU your Dragartot for /x\ Cbt.ehe#.t?r a DiamondT>rand^fV\ I'll!* In R-.-d ?nd ticid rretalllc^W/ ? v tores. scaled with D!u? R:.,.<>r. \/ < M Ikv TeUo no ether. Riit of ydnr * J ' fj Druijxi-rt. Askror^!/ii.r~rt:K.TEnS W DIAMOND liUAND l'!LZ.8,ftrtg V Kjf years Bet, Safest, Always Reliabla i SOLDBYUMjGSISTSEVEIRWM I Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days I ur druggist wi'l refund money if PAZO * FITMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, A nd. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. ^ e first application gives Ease and Rest. 30c I i