Spr { On Lii ch ! Gi eri Ch It an We are not praising our ow candidly, we do t showing, beside ' chased these go < Th lat yoi Ring / Kingstre ~ ^ ' 2 sim? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Whose fault is it? It is nol ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side, and would be more thar delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICY that will protect you from all loss by fires at a very low rate. We . represent the best and most re | liable companies on earth. / Kingstree Insurance,Real Estate &Loan Co Sl^ W. H. WELCH. Manager. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do this work satisfac(torily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with COW New Kryptok Glasses, reading and d>stance vision ground in each glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. E. BAGGETT 9 COLDS & La,GRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 600 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds ? - - ? ? & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not Srioe or 6icken. Price 25c. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZC OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching /Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c ing' a ir first Spring S tiens of all kin< ecks; Voiles in p nghams, Chaml es, Laces, Ladie lildren's Dresses i visiting our s ; given to the habit of 'n goods in our adv* feel proud of the is, we feel fortunate i ?ods when they were o ierefore, if you v est materials in ur interest to vis stree ' e, jfv 77/ I I get it I i \ Jor... I I my j II ^aS55*^ ? ? no other like it. ' no 0ther as oood. Purchase the "NEW HOME" and you will have I? a life asset at the price you pay. The elimination of repair expense by superi r w r'-rmanship and best m quality of material insures lifi-l.ix service at mini- K mum cost. Insist on havi-is the ' NEW HOME". Pf warranted FOR ALL time. 3 Known the world over for superior sewing qualities. I I ? Not sold under any other name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANGE,MASS. g fOH tAlt ? & Peoples Mercantile Co. | r/jnnoancement \ To accommodate consumers | whejhave been obtaining fc Old Kentucky Springs I n Whiskey from the County B niemtneari.e wo have I Sjfl established a Mail-Order B Department, and will fill H orders in gallon quantities, packed in plain boxes express charges prepaid mUmft to your home, as follows: 1 Gal. Glass Jug 4 Full Qts. $3.50 $3.75 [ * 8 Puts 16-56 Piots * |jimggp $4.00 $4.00 Remittance must accompany all orders. Give your full name and street address. : JAMES OLWELL & CO. , 181 WEST STREET . Established 1828 NEW YORK "Almost a Century in Business" Send for Price List of Other Goods, j The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head i Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA> TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary j > Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor > ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the sienature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. ii\d 1 Dis] howing of IS is, Flaxons, dain, stripes >rays, Qalate s' Shirtwaist , Underwear, ?tore daily, i mr ' bragging on or jrtisements, but line we are now :or having purbtainable. vant to pnr i seasonable it our store t Dry < MAR is still going 1 have not vis you should d is too late t? tage of the n is offering. 1 has been red making barga S. M TUC Din CTHRE IIIL UIU UIUIIL When in To\ Store He* play lew White Qc Dimities, Nain and figures o as, Percales, I s,Ladies' and C Etc.,is now on nspecting thei A great mai were purchased would not be abl we not placed on now be able to g ride yourself Dress Goods, >efore this splei Zioods tCUS'l on. If you I ited his store 1 0 so before it I 1 take advan- jj ice bargains he 1 fhe entire stock j uced in price ins everywhere arcus ON THE CORNER vn Make Our idquarters. mmmmmmmmmmammsaammi e Go >ods, consisting isook in plain < f all kinds; Dr Mnrfpac Pmhfr T 1UMA k4 4J 9 M111K/1 V hildren's Midd and large cro\ se beautiful lir iy of the items ir several months aj e to show them at a ir order when we di et this line of goods. with the best i Etc., it will b< idid line is pict in the late summer and fall on one! fourth to one-half of the tenth-acre I plots. Lettuce,spinach and kale are the crops recommended. The third-year girls grow three crops, continuing the two that have South TO BENEFIT SOUTHERN GIRLS. ^"""* Plan of a Four-Year Course In Progressive Gardening. Washington,D C.January 23:?To meet the demands of thousands of Southern girls who have been successful in raising a tenth-acre of tomatoes and who want to "g? on," therepresentativesof the department of agriculture and the State colleges in charge of the canning clubs in the fifteen Southern States have worked out what may be called a progressive, four-year practical garden and canning course for girls. The purpose of this course is to start the girls with one crop and from year to year add new annual crops, encourage them to run winter and glass-frame gardens and finally in the course of their work to lead them to plant perennial and small orchard fruits. It. is hoped that under this system the girls will gain knowledge of how to handle a wide variety of'garden vegetables and trees and that the member, by the time she gets ready to go to high school or college, will have a garden of perennial fruits that can be readily cared for by other members of her family. The first year of girls' club work throughout the Southern States con sists in raising tomatoes in tenthacre gardens. It is believed by those in charge that every girl should first i master this plant and learn how to utilize or sell its products before she takes up other vegetables and fruits. In sections where tomatoes suffer from blight and wilt, however, it is sometimes necessary to substitute another garden crop. The second-year girls continue to grow tomatoes on one-half of their garden space and devote the other half of the space to one other crop, preferably beans,peas, peppers,okra, beets or onions. The girls are also pnrnuraeed to start winter gardens ods ? of and ess )id= ies, vds les. 1 this collection ^o, otherwise we ill. In fact, had id we would not and 2 to ted. pany Carolina been grown the second year and adding cucumbers, eggplant, fig-tomatoes, salsify, parsnips or horseradish. ; In each case those in charge of the work select the additional vegetables with reference to local agricultural conditions,market demand, and suitability for canning. Many garden 1 combinations other than those sug; gested are possible. For instance,if the community is interested in ean! ning soup mixtures and Creole sauce, they must secure from their gardens ' tomatoes, peppers, okra and onions. In fruit-growing sections the girls tare advised, when conditions are right, to substitute from 5 to 10 1 fruit trees for one of the vegetable crops. The member then becomes responsible for the pruning,spraying and general care of these trees. The development of crops of perennial vegetables and fruits is insisted on at the end of the third year, ' and in many cases the work is begun at the end of the second year. The perennials are substituted for some of the annual vegetables and the girls are given credit for the condition of their bushes or trees which are not yet bearing and therefore do not yet yield a product that car be counted in the canning score. It is hoped that as a result of this planting of perennial fruits and vegetables several thousand of the girls, before many years, will have at the end of their junior garden perman ent gardens containing some sucn profitable combinations as the following: Strawberries, asparagus, cherries; raspberries, rhubarb, plums; gooseberries, currants, peaches; strawberries, asparagus, quinces; strawberries, rhubarb, pears; dewberries, figs, pecans; currants, asparagus, grapes; blackberries, figs, scuppernongs; strawberries, figs, oranges; asparagus, starawberries, kumquats. To enable them to use the products of these permanent gardens,the agents give the girls special instruction in making preserves, jelly, marmalades, pickles, etc. Is your wife a jewel? Tell her so. Tell her so, anvwav.