The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 13, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A VERY SERIOUS ACCIDENT. I Child Struck by Automobile and Internally Injured. Harold Steele, the twelve-year-old son of Mrs J B Steele, was seriously injured here Friday afternoon, when he was struck hv an automobile in front of his home on East Main street. The machine was driven by Mr W H Carr, and it seems that the headlights failed to work. He was returning to town from the country and in front of the Steele , Before marriage Mrs McKnight." was Miss Isabeila Lee, and as a H young woman was admired for her! many Christian graces. The lemains were earned to Bethel church,where she spent her childhood days, having \ been a lifelong member of the * Bethel Baptist church, and there, in the presence of a large gathering of friends, services were held, j The Rev B X Truluck and the Rev i W J Truluck officiated, and the body | was laid to rest in the Bethel cem- . etery beside the graves of her loved ones. Besides her husband, she left i five children, as follows: Dr Liston McKnight, of Florida; Mrs Geo C Cusaac, Scranton; Mrs L G Kennedy, of Andrews; Mr Willard McKnight, Miss Lila McKnight and Rukes McKnight, of Scranton. The Habit of Taking Cold. With many people taking cold is a habit, but fortunately one that is 1 > T?l.? ? easuy uruKcii. xaivc a tuiu i bath every morning when you first get out of bed?not ice cold but a temperature of about 90 degrees F. Also sleep with your window up. Do this and you will seldom take cold. When you do take cold take Cham-1 berlain'9 Cough Remedy and get rid, of it a9 quickly as possibly. Obtainable everywhere. ^ the good news comes that he is resting we'll, and there are chances | for his recovery. Mr Carr return- j ed to Kingstree yesterday. < ^ 1 A Trip to Bloomlngvale. Last Sunday Mr L Roy Cates of i of the Kinestree Drug Co, and this 1 scribe drove down to Bloomingvale to spend the day with our friend, Mr W 0 Camlin. On starting out ^ we found the weather cold and crisp, j but the day soon developed into one i of sunshine and pleasantness. Mrs ] Camlin gave us an excellent dinner . after we had sat around a rousing j iightwooa nre ior ttu uuui ui ou. Then we took a stroll over Mr Cam- 1 lin's place, inspected his saw and ] planing mill, grist mill, ginnery, the huge silo, his large pen of well bred ] hogs, his barn and mules, his fine t lot of pure bred cattle and the con- 3 crete dipping vat he has installed s for the eradicating the baneful 1 cattle or fever tick. We also took a good look over his fields which he has largely sown to oats and vetch, Mr Camlin, we believed to be one r of the county's wide-awake, progres- ' sive farmers; his place convinces us j that our judgment was not amis. He is splendidly fixed, and every , year marks great improvement j' upon his premises. He needs an; automobile, since he is so far from j ( Kingstree, so that he and his> good j, wife and their children can run over j here in less time than it takes a j horse to bring them. Deeth of Mrs R E McKnight. Scran ton, January 10:?Mrs Isa-1 ' bella A McKnight, wife of Mr R E\; McKnight, of this place, died at her 1 home Thursday afternoon. 1 residence a wagon load 01 coai was standing on the side of the road and heading into the Steele yard. The load was too heavy for the team to pull up the embankment and Harold . was at one of the rear wheels, when the car ran into him, mashing the little fellow between the wagon and the automobile. The night was very dark and stormy and with no lights i on his machine it was impossible i for Mr Carr to see the wagon. i Sunday night the little fellow was taken by Drs Kelley and Hemingway to McLeod's infirmary at Florence. , They were accompanied by Mrs ] Steele and Mr Carr, who has been: /waoti^ HictrPdspd over the accident I i 5* VUW1J VIIWVA VW?.VM ever since its occurrence and has done everything: in his power to aid j in alleviating the boy's sufferings. On Mr Carr's account as well as on that of the child and his mother there is a feeling of profound sym- i pathy in the community. At the infirmary an operation was j performed and it was found that 1 the intestines had been punctured, . and for a time scant hopes of his recovery were entertained, but today, ( PROMINENT MEN INDICTED. j Directors oiNY.NH&HRR Accused of Violating Anti-Trust Act j ' New York, January 9:?Six of the I i former eleven directors of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, charged by the Government with criminal violation of the the Sherman anti-trust law were found not guilty late today by the jury that for nearly three months has been trying the case. The jury disagreed on the five others. Those acquitted were: D Newton Barney. Farmington, Conn: Robert W Taft, Providence, R I; James S Hemingway, A Heaton Robertson and Frederick F Brewster, New Haven, and Henry K McHarg, Stamford, Conn. Those on whom the jury disagreed were William Rockefeller, New York; Charles F Brooker, Ansonia, Conn; Charles M Pratt. Brooklyn; Lewis Cass Ledyard, New York, and Edward D Robbins, New Haven. The verdict was returned at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon after fifty-one hours of deliberation, and the jury was discharged. The final vote on the five defendants upon whom the j jurors could not agree stood 8 to 4, j for acquittal. Views From Venters. Venters, January 10?Miss Christine Newell spent several days last week with friends at Salem. Different members of the tenth grade took charge of her room during her absence from school. Miss Laura Yates spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Alberia Fi avers. Miss Marie Flowers' many friends regiet that she was unable to return to college after the Christmas holidays on account of illness. Mr W T Lee went to Florence Sunday to see his wife, who is in the McLeod Infirmary there. Eleanor, the small daughter of Mr and Mrs R K Johnson, has l>een rery ill during the past week with pneumonia. Miss Berney of Hemingway was called Thursday to aurse the case. As the first move toward replac- ' ng the Old Johnsonville school Duilding which was destroyed by fire iome time ago, brick for building the chimneys and pillars have l^en hauled. Rev P B Ingraham filled his appointment at the Old Johnsonville church Sunday afternoon. He deivered a very interesting and inspiring sermon to a large congregation. Rosk Br i). . - i At a meeting of the Board of Al- j iermen of the city of Charleston Tuesday night, John R Black was ippointed chief of Police, vice Jas R rant well. Mexican Bandits Kill Americans On January 10 C R Watson, chairman of the Mine and Smelter Operators'association of Chihuahua, ind the general manager of the Cosilmirachic Mining company,with ?ome fifteen of his associates, all representative Americans, while en route from Chihuahua t" their mine it Cosihuirachic, were taken off the train forty miles west of Chihuahua ''ity by bandits operating under the lirection of Gen Villa, stippod naked and deli!>erately shot and killed. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pdr.t of water add 1 oa. Bay Eton, a small hers of Barbo Compound, ind Id az. of glyowine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired "hade. Any drus^st can put this up or vou can mis It at home at very* little oost Fkill directions for making and uae come tn each bos of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and re::?ove6 dandruff. It is excellent for falling hair and win make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will twt color the scalft Is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. *?*,? S. i -'*4: V - Jo- f% ? . I Eyes Examined and : Glasses Fitted 1 am now equipped to do this work saiisfac- j torily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with 6He New KryptoK Glasses. reading and distance vision ground in each J' glass. > I If you break your lenses bring tbem to me. I | 1 Will aupucale mem un guwt iiuhcc . j > c | ( the pieces. . T. E. BAGGETT j. Jeweler and Optician Kingstree, S. C. j < Better than ever?the Foi every business man. Anc as well. Excellence with cents a mile for oneration "1" Service for Ford Owners" use of a Ford car. Runabout $440; Touring ( Coupelet $750; Sedan $97c America only. All cars a o. b. Detroit. On display and sale by Thos. Mc Kingstree, jostS Another car of i this lot are close m also have several g that have worked vears that will sell few good work anc See us before bu; J. M. T Kincrstree. 1 In the h oron the^ 1J L _ tj h LcJvW'- ' - ^ ' |i? >'l !ji||l| J'i '" ' \ .r- <^cV.Av i \ | f Vv ' ji C$'V^?"W? J! *;1 f )>-f , ir; . /* yrj^-r"' 0" The rs.anv need; *j< ^ ?. joc! cleanse* on<J noraicai'iy lined by MSM>L?S( Xts by"? p.Jr.'nR'.b cut" r*ri^* in .-? j J.y 1ren .Ji-t.Kding poultry hc.uaoa and curing chsici '13 purity oi'u :. .*ore b roaVeo ;t the be it 1 rvivjy v/i!i buy v.-.ktc : ,K.t cheapest. I' of o j:t-en, Otvl- ten-cent ersccgb tc caper, ify ?i tLt:: u* v '.. ? _ can rf lye . n the niarket The pcund can makes fillers pound*- of i> H;:c Fzrz-.r - -.did ;r>.r. :!.*' .-d and ha:". 1 v;? aizec ? :0c. a.:d 13c. Aiso o'j.i in bulk for making c.rv.jx WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY? NESMITH & CO., JOHNSON MERCANTILE CO., W. R. SCOTT & BRO.. RETAIL DI S. A. GRAHAM, NV. E. LESENE. J. J. M. GRAHAM. MALLARD LUMBER CO., GOURDIN MERCANTILE CO., R. N. SPE1GNER, S. R. COCKFIELD; JOE ZAHRAN, R. W. TANNER, . H. WARD, A. R. MOSELEY, *d is now a necessity to 1 it's the family servant economy, less than two and upkeep, while "Ford assures the continuous ! "ar 5490; Town Car $690; >; in the United States of re sold fully equipped, f. Cutchen, So. Car. Iff mare mules. In iated pairs. We ood young mules here one or two | cheap. Also a 1 driving horses, ying. ruluck - S. C. R'QME 1 ^ T" I /&<i^ a %aca\j ' ?- jt) g| /{ m - T I J"-.'-;./ . I 1 ?4l\\v /< /,'! . 4 iptof incite rwS ?=== I;1:!;1" U^ac*?/ i \.... >s?tt? * ^; disinrectaat ore best aii-J :2:j4? ?CO- ? >N*S LYE .1 en'-:*. and pans and melees it fc?ecl h* :a .1 hogs. j -ye to uit, -while the eaim quantity your ;vcnty ounces ot Solid Lye for n Di-rre ;ht pounds a( mnkmj rv.of neap will mahe. "* . i R?5?Mca?asasS5?aaii?6 mi. i#.M?NDi.ESOK^f ssi Lyc | .^COHC?(jTRATtD h WHOLESALE DEALERS; Cades, S. C. Jobnsonville. 44 Kingstree, 44 DALERSt Lanes, 44 Greelyvllla, 44 Cades, 4Qreelyville, 44 Qourdln, 44 Hemingway, 44 Johnsonville, 44 Kingstree, 44 Cades, 44 Kingstree, 44 Salters, 44 1 I DIRECT YOUR STI ?j j~j j] SAVING Is hard, you say. You have admit Bat you think your expenses just next to impossible to pat a su WRONG. Saving is EASY?if yon devel Start your steps in the BIGHT direction? Walk in your own footsteps REGULARLY. BEATEN PATH of saving that will lead y BANK OP KIP" 1JUST ARR Another carload of the best Man Kingstree. In this lot are some nic Mules were bought right and will want to buy a Mule, Horse, Buggj come to see us at T ' I - 1?i ' < j J l'x a. a ux uvit i | KINGSTREE Three Meal cost much money when you have a f; meet the requirements at the minin buy from us. We sell eats that are worth eat . 1 1 1 1 4. 10 nana over your uaiiK. account wnci This week we are calling your that are especially palatable at this invite you to come to our store and g Britton & "The Pure Foo< Telephone No. 108 J)atla ?ATHAT are yon doing with them? A] power by letting them lie in soi place ? Are yon SQUAEDEBIN FOOLISHNESS? Or are yon WISELY de] GKOW as time goes on far your BENEFII tjonhle? We hope yon are doing the latt snocessfnl year. Now is the time yon on BANK OF WILL] The Bailey-L Machinery,Mill and Pit Automobile Tires ar Affpnts far The II. S. Tire Co/s ( Charleston, - tr> luww ? l had a pretty good year, yon H i are heavy, and, anyway, it'a H xplus in the bank. YOU'&E fl op the habit and stick to it g toward the doors of this bank. , Vmvll cnfln fnmwd t.bft onto SUCCESS. =s=l IVED! T i Mules was shipped to < ;e mated pairs. These j, I be sold right If you r, Wagon or Harness, V f \ s Stables, f Si Ci Tftn i^flM Irg ' s a Day amily to feed. But you ^ ' mm expense when you \ ang, and you don't have i you pay the bill. attention to a few eats time of the year. We ,pet our prices. Hutson. 1 Store" J". I \ <1 " Ml??? Iwt /> , J J/ M? re yon wasting their earning ae UHPEjODTJCTIVE hidden 'O thorn in LUXUEIES or positing them in this bank to -h ' in future hour of need or of ^ er. Perhaps you have had a ght to save. -j [AMSBTJRG ebby Co. imbing Supplies id Accessories m ^ Celebrated G. & J. Tires South Carolina ^ 4*