The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 30, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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ft WE ^ room t to mov M what \ gj Skir |s| for r gj grea jsj your ^ Silvei : *x-x?i-x Ail Fresh Meats and THE PEOf H. A. Ml ns! We take the gooc stocked : satisfacti guarantee of the be plesure t( R. W. (Successoi P Phone No. 14 I M. F. Has just one he needs! You i I Jfc (Tifc ?T\\ rtTii i17H fflli iTpti iOi NO are going to mc Nee Bank. We o show our good e; we want to s #?**/\ /v/\\ rk* / vc mc gumg iu i Ladies' Suits worl Ladies' Suits worl Ladies' Suits worl *t Coats, ts , Waists nen, worn* L1J 1 &U UWU share bef( &r We Handl man's Depa T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T itllllsMillt he Best Market Price Paid Vegetables on riand in Season. 'LE'S MARKET ILLER, Proprietor. lings to Eat I particular pride in 1 things we have for our customers' on. Every article s ed pure, fresh and >st quality. It's a > us to serve you. LEWIS r to Lewis & Carter) 3 4 HELLER i more Horse than had better buy him NOW! > -i%i iFS 'tfBfri itW TIj >ve into our ow ; will have a la s. Wo do not iell all the gooi lp: lL ? u d*OA AA Ill up IU <p?U.UU :h up to $15.00 th up to $10.00 Long C > and all m and ch i prices. >re Christ e First Class G rtment Stor X*X-X-X-X3 ! llStefi S I 'o " ?. ri canl expe< ^Htfati5ea?on if you don I j: L?^e is just a mg*ood field ? of br . comes last ? I ' ' "' ^ /WATTS'JEWELRY STORE KINGSTREE. S. C. I keep on hand everything to be found in an up-to-date jewelry house Repairing and engraving done with neatness and despatch. :: As a home dealer, guaranteeing quality and prices, I Solicit Your Patronage. Near the Railroad Station. L.WETHERHORN ?S0N i | | V" ijP CHARLESTON S.C. MOTI? CE! rn store next tc rge store with want tn havp a T T Ull V V V/ T V M ds in this stori $9.91 $7.4 $5.9 oats, Dr stylish lildren to Come ar :mas! oods Only. ^ e, Next Door to rwwwwwv ct a crop of moneyat the end c >lant a few dollars in the Bank ft alter of farming ? of finding* I caking" ground and Being* palic he main work must be done e shomngr ^ HERBERT KAUFMAN. /ee Nee Ban! tree, ? All Car 1 Owners Know This Garage We do all kinds of repair work. I We overhaul your car when it gets cranky. We save you money on tires, and other supplies by paying the transportation charges ourselves. Kingstree Garage, ^ ^ L T Thompson, M'g'r. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anjr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry - * J ' uu out anv obligations maae oy his mm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, 'Ctire directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials nt free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold i v all Drufirffists. Cake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ; Chamberlain's Ceugh Remedyj Cures Colds. Croup aad Whoctrin* Coairh. i 3BEX"X"X^ Hi > H * H : H > the Wee ^ plenty of ^ mv ffoods / o r ai e, so look ft ft s g 8 ^ 8 ft ft esses, ft goods ft go at ft id get ft ft ft ~ ? fi rostoflice. ^ nk Mmj\ ?f your earning* 10W. ertile soil in a ;nl .The harvesting""^ . while the least S.C. ; Arrival of Passenger Trains at KIngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Monday, November 1, 1915: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:23 a m No 46 - - 11:35 a m No 78 - : - 5:48 p m South Bound. No 79 - - - 11:09 a m No 47 - - - - 6:28 p m No 89 - - - 9:18 pm Daily except Sunday. 3inu.imcni:ijnnnOTiOTnjiiraiKauiwafl0nffis:R!ji!UBniiii!a!iiiiffiiniiwiBn!i|g | ' 03 WVi8H3W ' I srq; oanra no.i p H }J sdci\j ?oipo?I MVE&9K -dM S; | g JO }OS C '99JJ 5?S/ = 1 o-ja 'snoriTJJ'jfe-ni i ' ^3 : = ? -ji ?sa3rd tloui 7-?^ | j -toads JO] 9]UM 8 | P?* avinoaa -sniaaS ]0 a>jojjs | g e?aged papiAip aq; qjm /Ueubtpfp Ajuo aqi I f -sa3ej 00LZ suoipjpn'ju 0009 J'*0 "?W3 1 | (eoiqdejSoig 000*21 "Sioafqns |eoiqdej3oaa f i COO'OC **uu31 Xjeinqeoo/*, 000*00$ "cm ajow g | *sj>"?qio jo pputjertoqj pas 1 e ?/po3?:iY.7iFtl?q.\V,. ,,/J c/rawy i! si JT;q \\,, | s rnf>riui) to.irtsiiv:\\\? ty-fjipuvjjet = ? ?J'?q \v.. ..ipaounouojcf wKtuaxj si avojj,, so g g qans suoijs.mb Sinjzznd j > epupf jja Xjuoqj = s -nc jiJuy qiiAi sjj.a.-uo uotjBoij aiJU stqj, 3 P 'IF'W pfnot]83np3 jo <(]uou?rfn? joj 1 I "IVNOULVKdllNI M3NI stu3issm 4?.tK c/pofuwpsvM 1 uoijisoaxj DUlTCj' I | fflF -TjainiiT?fT sty p j I f&Jfl soumioipifl ? (F^i^?!H) I iMBiiMKBUiiiiiiiluitiiiiiliiiiiililJliliilliiilliiiiiiillliniiitilliWiliiitiiliiiiiiiiii' iiiiiuDiiiS *# CONTROL SAN JOSE SCALE Do Not Let Winter Pass Without Makr Ing Effort to Get Rid of This Fruit Pest by Spraying. The time to spray San Jose seals Is in winter when the trees are leafless and dormant, because the materials that have to be used are so severe that they would destroy the foliage if applied when the leaves are onTbe most satisfactory spray is limesulfur wash. When purchased from a reputable house it is more uniformly effective than when boiled according to the old method. Directions for preparing the home-made wash, however, will be furnished on request. To prepare the spray from commercial wash, dilute one gallon of the wash with eight and one-half gallons of cold watfer. Ordinarily, one spray is enough. In bad cases, spray as soon as the leaves are off and repeat in February. We do not recommend spraying with this material after the Vv* * /I k Aim nfn n/1 uuua uavc dioi iou. Lime-Sulfur wash will not successfully control the gloomy and cottony maple scales so common to mapletrees, nor will it successfully control oyster shell scale of the orchard. For these we recommend heavy oil emulsions at the rate of one part of the-, oll to twenty parts of water. Owing to the variety of oils now being tried out, any one wishing definite Information about oils for these pests should write us. Oils bought from standard houses are generally well emulsified., but it is always well to make a separation test as follows: After making up the spray ,set one-half tumbler of the mixture In a quiet place for an hour. If no separation shows in the form of light oils oomlng to the top, the oil Is safe to spray according to directions. When a separation takes place, the manufacturers are a'ways willing to adjust the matter. A. F. CONRADI, Professor of Entomology, Clemson Agricultural College. PERMANENT PASTURES Bermuda and Bur Clover Make Most Desirable AII-the-Year Pasture For South Carolina. Bermuda grass and bur clover maka? the most desirable permanent pasturefor South Carolina and Bermuda especially is recommended hy Clemson College as a pasture grass to all farmers in this state who are raising cattle and hogs or who expect to raise ^ ? ? ? O AnnAnflol afor\a mem. uue Ui UlC UlunL csocuuai in any live-9tock development is the establishment of a good permanent pasture. Experience has shown that Bermuda is the best pasture grass for the South. One of its valuable qualities is that it may he planted In practically any month, the only precaution necessary in winter being to cover the roots deeply enough. In sowing Bermuda grass, it is best to use the roots. Jtun turn plow furrows two feet apart, drop a small root every two feet in these furrows and throw one furrow on each planted, row. Allow to grow for one summer, with only light grazing, and turn under or otherwise break in fall, just at or soon after frost. The long runners thus covered will furnish a new plant the following season from each covered joint and you will have an excellent sod. If done in this way a good sod can be obtained within two years at small expense. If Bermuda grass is put in this winter, bur clover can be added next August. EXTENSION DIVISION, Aa<4/>nltiiral Cnllpni. ^ICUiSUli ngttvuibui U. TREES LOOK AS IE SHOT Effect of Shot Hole Borer on Fruit Trees and What to Do to Control This Insect Pest. <7J_____ ? y * Whenever your fruit trees die back and you find little holes In the bark that make you think somebody had shot into the trees with a shotgun* loaded with No. 8 shot, those trees are * infested with shot hole horers. If with your knife blade you peel off the bark you will find not sap wood, but a mass of sawdust instead. Shot hole borers usually attack a tree that has been weakened. The principal causes of weakening in tree3 are scale and borers. A badly infested tree should be cut out and burned during winter. Badly infested branches should be cut from a tree and the tree stimulated. Insects stay over winter In bark as little white grubs and pupae. By carefully watching the tree one may determine the time when the last brood of beetlos has come out. which is abouV the middle of September. At that time the following wash should be applied to the tree: Quick lime 20 lbs. Soap(not coal tar or na. htha) 3 lbs Sulfur 6 lbs. Salt 5 lbs. Water 25 gals. Dissolve the soap In 2 gallons of * U-iA-. 4U a A..1 IlOt water. Wlin water irauie auiphur into a paste. While the lime is slaking in a barrel, add the soap and the sulfur and slowly dilute until the whole mass makes 25 gallons. The salt has no advantage except to make the wash stick faster to the trees. This wash can be applied with a small paint or whitewash brush. The trunk and larger branches should be thoroughly covered. A. F. COXRADI, Professor of Entomology, PJernsovi Agricultural College.