CADES CHRONICLES. Death of an Estimable Lady-Personal Mention. Cades, November 30:?Mrs Mary Hanna, a well known and beloved lady of this community, died Monday morning. She had been in bad health for several months, and last Thursday her condition became worse and she soon passed away. Mrs Hanna leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was laid to rest Tuesday in the Graham cemetery. The proceeds of the box party last Tuesday night amounted to $28.85, which will be used toward school equipment. Miss Nellie Thompson spent the week-end r.t Marion with friends and relatives. Oats sown early are showing up day night. Perhaps he will be sent back this coming year. The whole congregation will regret to see him leave, for he is one of the best preachers that has been here in a long time. UNO. Nelson-Dennlson. The Lakeland, (Fla), Evening Telegram of November 23 contains the following account of the marriage in that city on Monday, November > 22, of Miss Marion Edith Nelson, a charming young lady who is well known in Kingstree: "Of the marriage of Miss Edith Nelson to Mr E H Dennison, an account of which appeared in yesterday's Telegram, a friend writes as follows: "A marriage of interest to many Lakeland people occurred Monday evening at four o'clock, when Miss Marion Edith Nelson, daughter of Mrs J F Council, of this city, and Mr Edwin H Dennison, Jr. were made man and wife, Rev Wallace G Wear officiating. Only a few of the bride's most intimate friends were present. The bride has resided here for the past nine years, and is one of Lakeland's most beautiful daughters. She has a host of friends who regret her departure but will be pleased to learn of the happy culmination of this romance of several years' duration. She^was most attractively gowned in a mouse-colored broadcloth suit uith fur trimmings, and most becoming hat to match, and wore violets and lilies of the valley. "The groom hails from an old Virginia family of note, but has resided since childhood in Pittsburg, Pa, where he is vice president and general manager of to 0 Coggins & Co. He is well known in Lakeland and other parts of Florida, as he was at one time stationed here in the interest of this company. "After receiving congratulations and best wishes, the happy couple left immediately for Tampa, in their handsome 1916 Overland, the gift of the groom to his fair bride. After visiting points on the West coast they will go to Miami and Palm Beach for the winter, later continuing their honeymoon to eastern cities, after which they will be located at Fort Pitt hotel, Pittsburg." Laughter Aids Digestion. Laughter is one of the most healthful exertions; it is of gieat help to digestion. A still more effectual help is a dose of Chamberlain's Tablate Tf vim vhnnlH hp trnnHpH with I indigestion give them a trial. They | only cost a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 688 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not tripe or sicken. * Price 25c. rapidly during the present favorable weather. Last Friday night Miss Pat Hanna entertained a few friends at her home. The evening was pleasantly passed. Excellent music was furnished by Miss Hanna and Mr Jennings. Mr and Mrs G W Owens returned from their trip Saturday. "T D.n?/)n?Kafir enonf Th oflks ITAI OiJUiauUCUUViK ayv giving at his home in Elloree. Misses Mary and Blanche Timmons of Lake City were noted in town recently. Messrs R E Tarte and L G Brock went to Florence Saturday on business. Mr John Bracey.a salesman for V G Arnette & Co, spent the week-end at his home at Page's Mill. Messrs Leo McElveen and J R Waters of Olanta were noted in town a short while Sunday. Mr B G Timmons went to Kingstree Saturday. Mfs J N Sauls is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs J R Haselden, at Andrews. Mr Walter Arnette of Page's Mill spent several days with his brother, Mr V G Arnette. The stork visited Mr and Mrs J R Rewes and Mr and Mrs R 0 Beatty last week,leaving each a fine daughter. Rev L E Peeler preached his last aprmnn before conference here Sun CHERAW MAN'S 57 YEARS | ! OF LONGiNG NOW ENDED. " i W W SPENCER TELLS TOUCHING i STORY Of LIFE--TANLAC GIVES \ NEW HOPE IN OLD AGE. 1 After waging a seemingly hopeless r fight for health from the time he 3 graduated in 1858 at South Carolina jc College, now South Carolina Uni-jJ Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless hill Tonic is equally valuable as a jeneral Tonic because it contains the pell known tonic properties of QUININE nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and luilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. versity, at Columbia, until recently, * W W Spencer, a well known and highly respected citizen of Cheraw, tells in an open letter how Tanlac, the master medicine, quickly brought to an end his searc.. for relief. ? ? L! II? 1 Mr spencer grapnictuiy teua nuw Tanlac almost "rejuvinated" him 1 in the following correspondence: J "Cheraw, SC, November 16,1915. "Mr Wingfield, Columbia, S C. "Dear Sir:?I enclose you one dollar to pay for the extra bottle of i Tanlac you sent me. I paid for one, < and you sent two, for which, many i thanks. I celebrated my eightieth birthday last Saturday I have been 1 handicapped all my life by weak di- 3 gestion and nervousness, but by prudence and absteminous living t have arrived at a good old age. But ] I felt that my lamp of light was burning out rapidly; my digestion 1 was poor, my sleep was broken and s unrefreshing, when I hit upon this 1 ! tonic. "Since then I have improved won- I derfully. I can now eat almost any- ( thing with impunity, can even eat vegetables for supper and get a ] good night's rest. I feel at this j writing that I have a new lease on life. Thank3 to the best medicine I ever took (Tanlac). ^ "Your Tanlac has been a God-send to me. Hoping you a long and hap- t py life, I sign myself, Yours truly, "(Signed) W W Spencer." Mr Spencer was asked permission to publish his letter and he replied } as follows! "Cheraw.S C, November 20,1915. . "Mr T W Galyon, Columbia, S C. "Dear Sir:?In complying with ^ your request, I will state to you some facts and leave it to you to t make out a decent certificate. "T rrraHiiQfoH at- fY?lnmhia in 1858 r X ~v - with my health a perfect wreck. The doctors told me I had nervous prostration, ulcerated stomach and < chronic gastritis. I couldn't keep water on my stomach long enough . to get warm, but by prudence in diet and regular habits, I lived along ^ but never regained ray youthful vigor. Early in the fall, I felt my health failing, I became constipated, had sleepless nights with most fantastic dreams, no appetite and poor digestion. Then I saw your ad, and when the first bottle was gone, I began to take notice that something was going on. I have used four bottles and feel wonderfully improved?almost rejuvenated. I sleep well, appetite and digestion good, and I even get hundry, which I seldom ever felt before, and am always glad when meal time comes. My liver, stomach and kidneys now work in perfect harmony. "I don't crave publicity, but if you think my experience with Tanlac will be of any aid to suffering > Villi IIIUOU . WANTED? I HIGHEST CASH PRICE i PAID FOR EVERY HIDE | I CAN GET. BEFORE % \ YOU SELL BE SURE J S TO SEE ME. % IS F E P P S ? Vhenever You Need a General Tonic woman behind the man to Keep mm there. j I 1 Health and Happiness Depend upon Your Liver. i; i * That sluggish liver with its slug- J gish flow of bile is what makes the world look so dark at times. Dr King's New Life Pills go straight to the root of the difficulty by waking up the action of the liver and in- c creasing the bile. Dr King's New C Life Pills cause the bowels to act * more freely and drive away those ? "moody davs." 25c a bottle. I I _ i nurnamiy, 1 am very wiuhjk umi you make the best use of it you can. "Hoping you success, and with kindest regards, I am very respectfully. (Signed) W W Spencer." Tanlac, the premier preparation, is sold at Kingstrce Drug Co, Kingstree. Price: $1 per bottle,or six for $5. A' congress of neutral nations might satisfy themselves,but would their decision pacify the warring ones. | Why You Should Use Chamberlain's I Cough Remedy. jj Because it has an established 'repu- k tation won by its good works. Because it is most esteemed by j\ those who have used it for many < years, as occasion required, and are best acquainted with its good qual- J ities. .,o at I^C^. 1 I . I | i?.v,o UL lullgsn CC CXI 1U H |! | T. J. Pendergrass a j will give you best values I J 1 for your money. Nice fresh ^ J Fish always on hand. We fl | j also carry a full and com- ^ ^ 8 piece line of Groceries, Cold A ft Drinks, Crockeryware and 8 w Glassware. J Z If you spend a night in fj I town and miss Pendergrass' I Boarding House you will re- q 11 gret it. S x bedrooms up 11J stairs and everything com- ,< a I plete. S . i Our PootonMnt is H mm WVAA AVVUtUUlUllt AO UllU^l . 2 | the management of Mrs. J. j | Sj Hamlet, who will give you J" $ A-l service. Call and see A | her. ] 1 Pendergrass Brothers Co. | J KlnjJstree, - S. C. j CHICHESTER S PILLS * < 1 v_^r-v Tin: ??iamoni? / rand. a k "J LadlrsI AckyourDroirElaiiir^A J V ; (. ' \ K.? < MlMNBrMMfVS 'jfl a i I'll Is in fit it and Hold metai:ic\\X/ I ! "j-v I ox.-s. -.e.icl with B'.uti Ribbon. \/ |H i ^ ^'1 Take n.- other. Buy of your * V I 1/ CX WrujreN'. AskforCIIM'irKS.TFnS , 1 | w Jf 0!AH?MD BRAND PILLS, far M A Fy year:, k nov n as Best, Safest, A'ways Reliable g SOLD CV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE - i Receipt Books, Blank Njiss, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at WM 4 The Record office. If we have not the 9 form you wish we can print it cn short ? notice.