muot rr Regai aiawkb 47 v? I V< VC7 5c Handkerchiefs will go at 3c Colgate's Renowned 25c Talcum Powder 13c Whittemore's Celebrated 10c Shoe Polish 7c I 100 Dozen 12 1-2 c Heavy Huck Towels Special J. auic LINENS Now HflHHHHMHHHHIMHMHBHHflHBHHI ?M r - ; '* ? - 7c | Best 10c and 12 l-2c Ginghams New Patterns,pr yard 9P 500 Yards Regular 7c 36-inch Sheeting Per Yard 5c 10c Sea Island Homespun Special, per Yard 83c Buy T~U1~ Men's and Ladies' Black and Blue Hose . 10c Value 7c Mpn'c sanH I aHipc' 10 111 ^ iyafc>( W ill Ulf1 EmmmhmJSLHI "dless of i OLUpCllUU 10 Yds. Calico! Friday and Monday, Nov 26 and 29, we will, beginnir a. m. and then for every hoi ing the day,sell you for 5 ir 10 yards Calico for 25c. Ri the hour and only for 5 m have the quarter with you. Po?ifivA Ab A W Jk V ? SHIRTS lljThtok 25 doz Heavy Work Shirts, You h 50c values at... 39c the yeai Regular 60c Work Shirts 48c count oi Big lot Men's Dress Shirts, ycnJ ^av 50c and 75c values 39c an(J nov $1.00 and $1.50 Cluett-Pea lar's .w body Dress Shirts 89c wildest* Lots of other good Shirt val- thing lil ues- We say V Men's Clothing Men, listen! You're going to bu; a Suit, nr OvprpAot riV? TTnC? tTAll ww -w w__ w v* v t v/*. v\7U*v? \y 11^ Jf V/U dl C but before you do it get to this sale an< t ake a look. See the prices here. W sure will save you some money. Eac. price in the whole department cut wid open. Big lot men's odd-matched suits, were #6.50 to $7.50, but if bought today would retail at $10.00 to $12.50. Sale price $3.48 and $5.9 Big lot men's All-Wool Blue Serge Suits, worth $12.50 to $15.00 9.9 JenKir Kingstree, m - Sacrifice, < us Values1C n Without Regard For Fo f fj|i. Without recrard fnr met Af . _ _ ^ WkJ ? vr I """ w w " action must be had, goods mui i quickly. Will people talk? C ember when once they get here. 'Tv 12* ?lt 9 nioney will do. Make your pr< ? I stances miss this great treat. IF QUr- it in this city. It's different; t nrnitpQ with this one, because it's a st 1_j_ people take notice, and not a I Lght Oil certainly not. We've been pre innfpQ' tions that will do the work, b< ' Jenkinson would take over th< that the sale would be a huge ly Spot C What You Can Save! Shoes foi lave more to buy at this season of Here S tl than at any other time, and on ac- ful depart] I extreme warm weather perhaps. and it will e bought but little. Lucky for you, gains. So / you should not buy another dol- dred prices orth until this sale opens Friday , * X, November 26. Never in your Ladies tin dreams did you ever dream of any- One case L te it in the way of money saving. . pjve cases never, and we believe we're right. (m 50 y, | We've never known any- * ?I I thing like it in our merchan- It S no U I I j:_: r\ " ' * *" " uismg. w>me maay and permit it. every day you can. values her, y ? mendous s Laces and Embroideries. Shoes fori d Get Your Supply Cheap. marked in e e IN CONCLUSIO We're busy getting ready for the with the little YELLOW TAG and t ing everything to make your tradir advise town people coming Friday j 8 jammed. However, come when yo remember the date, Friday, Noven 8 | | about it. Tell cverybodyl We will ? ison Br 4/ # \ joods WE ?Reckless rmer Price?Without Regard For Vah merchandise, the trick must be turned, st be turned into money, and this must b Certainly they will talk, and talk all th< v\\\ be a wonderful demonstration of whs eparations right now. Don't under any ci You'll never live long enough to seeanoth >ear in mind. Other sales must not be con dling of high-grade goods at prices that wil haphazard sale gotten ready in a day or tvs paring for it for months and have made pr icause in making this announcement th e business himself we had to be sure and < ciirrocc avmg to you. snoes tor men, " adies, Shoes for children, all Trunks Goii plain figures. A Good Tin nTlet us remind yc opening day. Everything in the store is b :he prices will be marked in plain figures, ig easy and to take care of the enormous ci as far as they can, for Saturday we will be u can?we will see that you get waited u iber 26, at 9 a. m. Tell your neighbors I be looking for you. 4 1 otrvers < 4 .Cix.Ui-Ani. . :. ? UMVVVOO* asH?No C r Men, Women and Children Woolen, tie greatest chance?a wonder- Thousand nent is our shoe department, Silks and ( Kn inof l~ ~ - J ' juob uvciuuwiug wilii uar- tms aepartri rry we can't get about a hun- dreds and h 3 in here. who come. quick clean e $1.75 and #2.00 Shoes $1 48 promise you iadies' fine $1.50 Shoes 1 24 cate again Ladies' heavy work Shoes these goods alue 1 1 24 7'fuawhe' . , , had been in se to go further. Space won't going to gh But remember that there are fit of this. : e in Shoes that will mean a tre- bargains y< A _ Pll II Be Dis t Price Cut e- I PRESENTS FROM Til quick e done Promptly at 8:30 a ft "cash 30 minutes before the ircum- we wiH drop from th ipared building 50 tiny rut i make with a tag on each, ; epara' I the tags will call for f iat Mr. The same feature wil -er am Monday morning at S Jther l e Silk and Cotton Goods Cor s upon thousands of Woolens, Good, heavj Cotton Goods. The savings in ^ heavj nent alone will be worth hunundreds of dollars to customers Big bargz We cut deep here to make a Wool Blank i-up, and in Cotton Goods we save mon l prices that you will not dupli- hand, and in years, because we bought comfortable when cotton was selling around costly, for a i the market was lower than it going lhgh years. We are i ??? re you the bene- | | Lf you miss such ___ J )u will be sorry. l^OatS aXICI L Space won't allow oi lg Very Cheap. tion of these goods, ne To Buy One wonderful. N01 J known in this store bef( _____ as we are offering will i >u Remember everything ment, with the prices eing tagged goods. We give you ji We are do- Ladies' long Plush Cs rowds. We $7.50 values packed and All better grades cor pon. Now, ly reduced. and friends Big lot Ladies' Coat ! to $15.00 values, at Compa South Car posed Of! J ^ Simpson and 1 4- * ^ 1 erican Indigo I j[ ^ J| Calicoes, per Yard 8 IE CLOUDS ! ?000 Yards i .. m. Friday, I s doors open, I ie top of the 5c || >ber balloons ~0c Co??n BatUnE I ind many of wi? fio at the ,ow I ree presents. priCe ?f ! I 1 be repeated J | ' O ClOCK. "*' I *$5c 10-4 and 9-4 1 Heavy Bleached 1 ^ Sheeting, per Yard I 26c I nforts I 25c Pillow Tubing \\ AAA VA1AU UV^/Ul " " " W m ^ fl cut on all new 10c Handkerchiefs I list a few prices. will go at H iricul Coats, I $3.98 /C I responding- I Suits,$10.00 Rl 0 H $5.98 Ui5 S Values I irvy I ^ Mi i olina Ribbons I f Comforts 98c will be placed on sale ' Comforts $1.25 *?r on'y lins in all kinds of 23c 1 ets. Buy now and >yi winter is at you want to keep Ladies Ribbed Fleece i. Delay will prove Underwear?a bar11 woolen goods are irain at sr. 1 23c oat Suits Men's Heavy | [ proper descrip- Fleece Lined I The values are Underwear I thing like it ever I Dre. Values such | start something. I Men's anrl I swliec'