Just A / ==== My eighth s dies and n . if auus ana i the very lati mixed and - with the rig] everybody. \ is. M THE' BIG STORE Kingstrei When in To\ Store Headqi , AD Fresh Meats and Vegi THE PEOPLI H. A. MILLE ? 11 ^naVH^aHBaaaHBHaHMaHHH Good Thii I si R. W. 1 (Successor to 1 r Phone No. 143 I I I 1AI A M A " Iu vv nn n Every Tuesday Nigh rrived! . foment of UMisses' Coat I .ong Coats in I est patterns in j solid colors it price to suit Call and see. arcus ON THE CORNER S, - S. C. I vn Make Our | uarters. I UHBBHiHHBnHi IDs It [Hi Jest Market Price Paid stables on Hand in Season S MARKET R, Proprietor. < DR j to Eat EE LEWIS Lewi* & Carter) rUCATCP 1 I i Up n i u i i I t, Beginning Sept. 21 ' fM-X-I-XI-I * * H I A JLi X & ^ We have a ^ Just received a Never such fore. The mate gs* Gabardines, Ei Rg so on, all bea Fsy Silk, handsome j-sjj ery shade, incl Ey Blue, New Gree H Blue, Etc. Ma H Suits in the lot Also a new The right g W our word for it * * B Silvfirman Kifill ifl iiilvi1 Subscribe now for THI pr ^ w VB ? ?4 ^ 2 Doors from P &?X*T?T*T?T?Y' I man, v *3a\u time?ccnsu select the pattern for ten success. Zachtinu your occupation you you elect a definite c< %%H$evy Sixcce day is a To % One dollar u)i Oui Sa\)iruy .? j^Sca? \\ !*CT> ^ Kings! I How to Grow 1 I of Superb Fi I YfOU need this practical, expc * you own or intend to plant a few mation that will save yoa time, labor and n name and address on the coupon?or on a t We will gladly mall yon a free copy e of our New Catalog?an 11 x 8 in. book c B that is simply packed with hints that c H will enable you to secure bumper crops t of finest fruit?and sell them at top- c market prices. The whole book is filled I with facts that will Interest and instruct c B you?facts about bow fruit-growers ? I Stark Bro's Nurseries Read it and learn about the new fruit- C tree triumph of Stark Bro's long Cen- t tury of Success?the "Double-Lifa" I DI] large variety of r nother shipment i values shown in rials are handsom nglish Poplins, V utifully lined wi dy tailored and uding Black, N* jn, African Browi ii y 1 ui 11 1111111 VVJ lot of Sport Coat: oods at the right and you will be ? i's Deparlm ostoffice. K ? 5dt M dojiou mean ti ler. jjjcu are the designer: ycu nxr future.'A hastij storr vkn i yo\\ change ^cur mind arte must re-learn and re:earh.< yurse you rnu^t accept ^uu ss/ul man!* advice to\\ ^atfe f the axiom "Stark Trees Bear Fruit." S Jeautiful life-size, natural-color photos f leading fruits all through the book. lend for your copy today to at Louisiana, Mo. I Jrimes Golden?the tree development H hat resists "collar rot." Get the New 'acts about "Stark Delicious," Stark Jarly Elberta, and all the latest >eaches. Stark Bro's-grown,J. 3. Hale M 'eaches, also Lincoln Pear, Stark W Montmorency Cherry, Mammoth Gold M lum and all the other famous Stark f 3ro's fruits,berries and ornamentals. w Set Our New Catalog f FRFF 11 x 8 inches-filled jf Bro's ri\xx. {rom cover t0 f :over with beautiful pho- * . p ographs. Mail us the ^ Louisiana,Mo. oupon or a postal, Send me at once, bearing your name ^Ppoetpaid, your New and address. Catalog, telling just . how fruit-growers are ^ hreakinff Siara div ^ '?"?? Dept A J P*06"Louisiana A I expect to plant treea Wo. M Name 4 R. F.D P. 0 | State S COUNTY RECORD! lew Fall Suits. ^ of 75 Suits. ^ i Kingstree be= le Broadcloths, r*g Vhipcords and Kg th Satin and Jsj embracing ev- Ry ivy, Midnight yy i, Copenhagen K I and Military H prices. Take M satisfied. fcr ont Ctnro 0 Ill UIUI If ingstree, S. C. K )bg pBttf'rt iw5? |j? S. C.^^gl^ WATTS'JEWELRY STORE KINGSTREE. S. G. I keep on hand everything to be found in an %up-to-date jewelry house Repairing and engraving done with neatness and despatch. :: As a home dealer, guaranteeing quality and prices, I Solicit Your Patronage. Near the Railroad Station. f ===== j CYPRESS ^ SASH BLINDS I \% ^ vti> i ! MOULDINGS ^ AND i MILLWORK u, J Chamberlain's Cough Hemedjf Cores Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. DESTROY CORN STUBBLE Farmers Can Reduce Damage from i Oom Stalk Borer by Turning Uruier Stubble in Fall. Cora stubble should not be allowed to stand In the field all winter undisturbed. The oarn stalk borer Is one of the "reasons" for this. This insect is one ai me most uuiurnnn win pests of the South and evidence of Its work can be seen In practically any | corn field at harvest time. It Is the ' cause of the holes that may occur tn any portion of a stalk. The corn stalk borer remains as a ; larva, or worm, tn the base of corn stubbie beneath the ground during tha winter. Farmers do this Insect a great favor, therefore, when they let , their corn stubble stand undisturbed tn the field during fall and winter. Destroying corn stubble is not very easy, except on modernly equipped farme where there Is suOctenl horse power and the stubble can be turned under thoroughly. There Is, therefore, some temptation to leave it undisturbed. But the advantages of turning stubble are such that a farmer cannot well afford not to do It Turning ft under helpe very much in reducing thee corn stalk borer for r VUV UVAH OVWVWt Where thorough turning cannot be j practiced, there ere other methods each 88 "booting out" the stubble and baoQng tt to the oompoet heap far rot* tin&. By soother method, after the earn 1? gathered, stalks, atubbte, and everything elee tray be "boated oCt," ! raked toto heajje and, after a few weeks tar drying, burned. In expertmental work a very large percentage of com utalk borer larvae (worms) : was destroyed during wtnter where Che stubble wee plowed out and left exposed to the weather. ' But when these methods are prac Coed by farmer? only here and there, it will not help the situation very much. The control erf the corn stalk borer depends upon the co-operative action of the farmers of a community. | The fact most aleo be borne In mind that tt is an extravagant practice to let corn fields lie idle and exposed during the winter months, not only on acoount of these Insect pests, but aleo on account of the loss from washing and leaching of soils. A. F. COXRADI, Professor of Entomology, Clemson Agricultural Collegt. Paper from Your Home Town. [By an unknow n author in "The Scoop."] When the evenin' shade is fallin' at the endin' o' the day An' a feller rests from labor smokin' at his pipe o' clay There's nothin' does him so much good, be fortune up or down, As the little country paper from his ol' home town. It ain't a thing o' beauty an' its print ain't always clean, But it straightens out his temper when a feller s feelin' mean, It takes the wrinkles off his face an' brushes off the frown. That little country paper from his ol' home town. It tells of all the parties an' the balls of Pumkin row, 'Bout who spent Sundav with his girl an' how the crops 11 grow; How it keeps a feller posted 'bout who is up and who is down, 9 That little country paper from his ol' home town. Now, I like to read the dailies an' the story papers, too. An' at times the yailer novels an' some other trash?don't you? But when I want some readin' that will brush away a frown I want that little paper from my ol* home town. Just the Right Present. Take no chances in the matter of Christmas presents. You don't want yours, like so many others, to be received with indifference or worse, and ten days after Christmas to be poat ncirip and fnrtrnttpn You take no such chance in giving The Youth's Companion for a year. Did you ever know of a home in which it came amiss, or of one in which it was not conspicuous on the library table or in some one's hands all through the year? It is worth while to make a gift of that sort, and it is worth while to receive it,too, for The Companion illustrates the best traits in American life in its stories and sketches, upholds the best standards in its articles and other contributions, and combines the practical and informing with the entertaining and bloodstirring. If you do not know The Companion as it is today.let us send you one or two current issues free, that you may thoroughly test the paper's quality. We will send also the Forecast for 1916. Every new subscriber who sends $2.00 for the fifty-two weekly issues of 1916 will receive free all the issues for the rest of 1915 and The Companion Home Calendar sor 1916. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c.