Suffragists Appeal for Aid. g To the Suffragists of Williamsburg:! County: ? Kqual suffrage resolutions and; amendments will be strongly presented at the coming session of Con- j gress. South Carolina represent- j atives have heretofore either opposed the measure or been indif- j ferent, because, sentiment in this; State has not warranted active sup-; port. j However.the time has come when it is necessary to advise our United States Senators and Congressmen as to the strength of the movement in Pornlina in order that they OUWUI VMi Vi. *unt of Dee Fair. Coast Line will kets from KingsS C,for all trains O, inclusive, : to reach original ; ^ A oiArJ mrtln^rnrr < tu anu. iiiLiuuing, vember 21,1915. low fares from : stations, on same ] ime return limit. : ther information, call on \gert, Kingstree, S C. :OAST LINE jlroad of the south. _______ 1 ikee Mower i iarvester Company. GuarDeering or McCormick, for ; Rakes, $20. sford Buggy $70. 1ELLER < Bigger Crops ruit?FREE Dert information. Whether w trees or a thousand, it is informoney. Get it! Simply send as your i postal, if you prefer, everywhere are getting prodigious crops and large cash profits from crops of young, thrifty, gcnuttu Stark Bro's trees?facts that emphasize the truth of the asiom "Stark Trees Bear Fruit." Beautiful life-size, natural-color photos of leading fruits all through the book. Send for your copy today to s at Louisiana, Mo. Grimes Golden?the tree development that resists "collar rot." Get the New Facts about "Stark Delicious." Stark Early Elberta, and all the latest peaches. Stark Bro's-grown. J. H. Hale M Peaches, also Lincoln Pear, Stark J Montmorency Cherry. Mammoth Gold Plum and all the other famous Stark Bro's fruits,berries and ornamentals. w Gel Our New Catalog 3^ FRFF 11 *8 inches-filled Bro's } rwx from cover to * ?* . A cover with beautiful pho- j* . p 1 tographs. Mail us tht Jr ?*>uitiami,Mo. s coupon or a postal, - Send roe at once. * A bearing your name postpaid, yoor New c I and address. W CataJog. telling just v ^how fruit-growers are 5 Stark Bro's W making record-breaking a Dept. A J P*0""- a Louisiana A I expect to plant trees J Mo. M J w Name 1 / i J R. P D I L ; B State - 1 I NoticeNotice is hereby given that the Auditing Board on Tuesday, December 7, at 12 m., will call for the lowest bids to repair the stock law fence. SPECIFICATIONS. 1st. To repair said fence from Santee road to Santee swamp. 2nd. To tear down all old fencing in swamp and rebuild the same to main channel, which is 7-8 of a mile. All posts must be heart and sunk in ground not less than 18 inches. All planks must be of heart, G inches wide ny 16 feet long, and 4 planks high. Bottom board 3 inches from ground. Second board3 inches from first board. Third board 4 inches from second " Fourth board 5 inches from third " All board ends- must be clamped to posts. About 50?,,' of old sound boards can be used, but no rotted ones. There must be at least 2 new boards to each panel. It will take about 66U heart posts. Get busy, gentlemen. Let us have your lowest bids at the County Commissioner's office the first Tuesday in De* f?omh.?r lOIS .1 N liAMMF.T. 11-11 -3t Countv Commissioner. Citation Notice. '' THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. By P M Brock in ton, Esq, Probate Judge. Whereas, N D Lesesne made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Mrs Marion E Scott, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs Marion E Scott, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, S C, on the 8th day of November next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 8th day of November, Anno Domini, 1915. Published on the 11th day of Novem ber, 1915, in The County Record. P M Brockinton, U-ll-2t Probate Judge. Notice of Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg. Ex Parte? M M Bradshaw and H L Gamble, Executors, [n ReEstate of S M Bradshaw, Deceased. Pursuant to the terms of the last will and testament of S M Bradshaw, deceased we will, on the 20th day of November, 1915, during the legal hours of public sale, sell for cash at the residence of S M Bradshaw deceased, in Williamsburg county, the following articles, to-wit: 115 bushels corn, 10,000 pounds hay, ine 2-horse wagon, one mower and rake, ine 1-horse wagon, one Lynchburg plow, two D. B. Plows, one oil tank, ten Dushels peas, one cow and calf, four logs and one sow and six pigs, half interest in corn planter. 1-5 interest in stalk chopper, one K. P. Distributor, thirteen shares in Bank of Greelyville. M M Bradshaw, H S Gamble, November 2, 1915. 11 -4-2t Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass upon any of my lands described below, for the purpose of hunting, fishing or otherwise, and that any persons trespassing upon said lands in any manner will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The lands are as follows: All that tract of land situate in WillinmoKnrrr Smith C.nrn I ina. bound ed on the North by lands of J P Newell; on the Ea9t by A D Cox; on the South by W C Hemingway & Company and J I P Haselden; and on the West by W J Baxley and M Z Wyand. E R Baxley. November 6,1915. ll-ll-4t Trespass NoticeAll persons are hereby warned against hunting, cutting or hauling wood, or otherwise trespassing upon the lands of the undersigned, situate in Turkey township, Williamsburg county. Violators of this notice will be prosecuted at law. Mrs M E Brown. 10-21-4tp Trespass Notice. All parties are hereby warned against trespassing in any manner or allowing itock upon the lands of the undersigned In Indian township, Williamsburg county. The same is hereby posted and any and all parties violating this notice will oe prosecuted at law. W H Pars ell, IO-21-4t Hemingway, S C. NOTICE. Write me and I will explain how I wa9 cured in 4 days of a severe case of Piles of 40 years' standing without pain, knife or detention from business. No one need suffer from this disease when this humane cure can be had riffht here in South uaronna. Route 4, Lamar, S. C. ? LADY WANTED To introduce our new Fall line of dress goods in Cingstree. You simply take orders from the 4 arge line of samples which we send to you. We hip you the orders, you deliver, collect and send is the money after taking out 1-4 of the amount ollected which you keep as your profit. The i'ork is easy and pleasant and you can make 10.00 to $25.00 weekly. Our line of dress materials ippeals especially to ladies In the smaller towns nd you can make a nice income during your spare j ime. Write at once for further information j itandard Dress Goods Co.. 200 Tenth St.. Blng> ! iampton, N. Y. ll-4-3t 'he Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head iecause of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor j inging in head. Remember the full name and I uuk for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. | Estate Notice. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Jane E Hanna, deceased, are hereby required to file the same duly attested, with the undersigned as executor of said estate, and all persons indebted unto said estate are hereby required to make payment to the undersigned. R J Hanna. Qualified Executor of the Estate of Jane E Hanna, deceased. 11-1 l-3tp November 8, 1915. Notice of Final Dis charge. Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of December, A D 1916, at 12 o'clock noon, we will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Executors of the last Will and Testament of SI Montgomery, deceased. Dated November 8, 1915. S W Montgomery, C L Montgomery, 11-1 l-5t Executors. Notice of Final Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the: 18th day of November, A D 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, we will apply to P M Brock- i inton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Executor of the last Will and Testament of James R Turner, deceased. F E Huggins, 10- 14-5t C B Cribb, October 2. 1915. Executors Notice of Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of November, A D 1915,at 12 o'clock noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Executor of the estate of Eli Patrick, deceased. 10-28-5tp T B Patrick, October 25, 1915. Executor. Notice of Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of November, A D 1915, at 12 o'clock noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as general Guardian of the persons and estates of Lizzie M Fulton, et al. Mrs Rosa T Fulton, Guardian. October 18, 1915. 10-21-5t Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of December, A I) 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon, I will apply to P M Brockington, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Executor of the Estate of Mrs Mary Lee Gordon, deceased. A M Gordon, ll-4-5t Executor. November 1, 1915. Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for collection of taxes for year 1915 on the 15th day of October, prox. Tax levy as follows: For State 7 mills Ordinary County 3 44 Roads 1 4Chaingang and Bridges 1 4 4 Constitutional School 3 41 A tax of 50c on dcgs. For High School at Kingstree .2 44 44 retiring bonds 4 4 4 4 ..2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 at Greelyville ..4 44 4 4 4 4 sch bonds at Cades ...3 44 | 4 4 4 4 bonds at Hemingway..6 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Johnsonville..7 44 4 4 4 4 bds annexed territory Clarendon county, Nos 14 and 53,'special levy II 44 44 County and Court House 1 44 All parties between the ages of 21 and 60 years,inclusive, are liable, unless * ^ - - ?ii r oi AA exempted Dy law, to a pon tax ui ,pi.w, also to a commutation tax of $2.00. Levy for special school districts is as follows: Nos 2, 6, 32, 34, 40,45 and 47?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 4,8,11,13,14,16,19.22,25,28,29,36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43. 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59 and 60?4 mills. No 23?12 mills. Nos 24 and 49?6 mills. No 27?7 mills. Nos 12 and 15?8 mills. Upon all unpaid taxes after December 31 a penalty of 1% will be added for January, 1% for February and 5% to 15th day of March next, after which the books will be closed and executions issued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail may expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a card asking for the amount of their taxes, so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located. After paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all your property is covered; if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 9-23-tl2-30 County Treasurer. Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident ol * * * ?n ?-* /I /\ 4' Cite iur uwu )caio, auu \ji vuc county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day at election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then doe and payable, and who can both read I and write any section of the constitution of 1885 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid i all taxes collectible on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars 01 moTe. H A Meyer, ?-?i-ierk of Board 1 & & SAFE SIDE? I IF NOT, WHY NOT? \ Whose fault is it? It is not ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side,and would be more than delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICY Lj that will protect you from all loss g by fires at a very low rate. We I represent the best and most re- I liable companies on earth. I Kingstree Insrace.Real Estate &Loan Co. 1 W. H. WELCH, Mana;er. EYES EXAMINED If I ui GUSSES I am now equipped to do this work satisfactorily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with New Kryptok Glasses* reading and distance vision ground in each lens. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. C. BAGGETT, Jeweler and Optician, Kingstree. South Carolina The Meanest v Miller in Town is prepared to grind your corn into fine meal, coarse i or medium grits. Bring along your corn. I am also prepared to grind your wheat into the very best grade of flour? * ) the home ground kind. iRrinor 11s vnnr wheat as isoonas it is ready. jEPPS MILLING CO, S. F. EPPS, Proprietor i LIGHTNING RODS. pgtN H. L. WHITLOCK, || Lake City. S. C., Special Sales Agent ? Representing the largest man! ! ufacturera of all kinds Improved Copper and Galvanized ufj'.'. *sSection Rods. (Endorsed by .\?r, the Highest Scientific Au~T-S thorities and Fire Insurance , ^ ' Companies). Pure Copper Wire "/r- - Cables, all sizes. Our Full Cost ;Guarantee given with each job. T - " _ I &ell on close margin of profit* dividing commission with my customers. 8-7-tf I iElHOMEj^ ' J?V 77/ i \ Jor ^ 1 my wife" NO OTHER LIKE IT. 1<2>) NO OTHER A8 COOD. Purchase the "NEW HOME" and you will have J a life asset at the price you pay. The elimination of repair expense by superior workmanship and best Quality of material insures life-long service at minimum cost. Insist on having the ' NEW HOME". WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known the world over for superior sewing Qualities. Not sold under any other name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANGE,MAS8. ron ?al* a* Peoples Mercantile Co. * Kingstree, - S. C. TTnrl fcxcaaA Tn w 1 \j uui uis^vju ju urn uui I always have on hand a lot of undressed lumber (board and framing) at my mill near Kingstree. for sale at the lowest price for good material. See or write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE, i, curs Blieuiuatism . i-'-pk*, Headaches, Crauip9, ' o;;rair?3, Bruises, Cuts and 0?d Sores, Stings of Insects Avsi'pt'c Anodyne, used inexternally. Price 25c. ^ "S.