SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS TO MEET AT CHARLESTON IN DECEMBER--WILL TRULY BE A NOTABLE OCCASION. Charleston, November 10:?With the early days of November has come great activity on the part of the local organization, cooperating with the organization at Washington, to prepare Charleston as the hostess city of the Southern Commercial Congress, the Atlantic battleship fleet and thousands of visitors from all parts of South Carolina and the South. Almost daily, at the present time, there is a meet ing of one of the efficient committees of the local organization and the vim with which these committees have taken hold is in itself an assurance of the successful session which the purposes and aims of the Congress justifies. Celebrating the victories of 50 years of peace in the United States, the seventh annual convention of the Congress in Charleston will be addressed on fifteen big vital subjects by more than half a hundred of the ablest and most widely known men of today from all parts of this and foreign countries. In conjunction with the session, whigh will be called to order December 13 and which will continue through December 17, the woman's auxiliary of the Congress will hold its annual convention here, as will many other cooperating organizations. Heading the programme of enter * tainment for the thrones that will besiege the old city will be the great Atlantic battle fleet. An army and navy parade will be a notable feature of the amusement programme, and those who witness it will have something to remember long. Sailors from the battleships anchored in the harbor, regulars from the army ( pust at Fort Moultrie and the militia of the State will be in the line ol uniformed men participating in what perhaps will be the most extensive review of troops ever seen in South Carolina since the days of 1864-65. A specially selected carnival, water and field sports and every other known device for the entertainment of the city's guests will be included in the completed programme. Under the auspices of the woman's auxiliary, the Congress will be opened on the afternoon of Monday, December 13. the day being designated as "'Community Day." December 14 will be celebrated as "Peace Day"; December 15, as "Navy Day"; December 16, as "Foreign Trade Day", and December 17, as "The South's Day". As the woman's auxiliary figures, and quite properly to a large extent in the plans for "Community Day," the battleship fleet will occupy, figuratively, the center of the stage on "Peace Day," as the army and navy parade will be the hub of the programme on "Navy Day" and as the House of Governors will be in prominence on the day devoted to a discussion of matters of "Foreign Trade." On the "South's Day," the final and big day of the convention, the Southern Cotton Congress and the big conference on the subject of immigration will hold full sway. The cooperation of more than 13 organizations, leaders and members of which will gather here for the Congress, has been secured, assuring a full and fair discussion of all subjects from every point of view. Some of the organizations cooperating are: The League to Enforce Peace; International Institute of Agriculture, Home, Italy; PanAmerican Union; American Commission on Agriculture Organization; United States Commission on Rural Mofinnol MorlotinfT fftm. r 11 .Id litre , l^ailVlJOi uiHinvwiug v,vt44 mission; Rural Credit League of America; Southern Commercial Secretaries association; National Drainage Congress; Southern Cotton Congress; International Municipal Congress; Rivers and Harbors Congress and the House of Southern Governors. The wide scope of the subjects tc be discussed: Peace, Education, National Defense, Public Health, Public Efficiency, Social Conditions, Drainage, Riyers and Harbors, Foreign Trade, Merchant Marine, Cotton, Rural Credit, Marketing, Good Roads and Agricultural Colonization?lends to the cooperatior of the several organizations named, a significant part in the programme The League to Enforce Peace, foi instance, has charge, most appro priatelv, of the programme for the celebration and discussion of peace while the various agricultural or ganizations have in hand the plans for an enlightening discussion ol drainage, cotton, rural credit, mar keting, good roads and agricultura colonization. Great educators wil discuss education and prominent ad vocates tor a oeutM nauuimi fence will discuss this subject. So throughout the programme, organ izations and speakers have been as People who Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. 1, Hickory to tell you that I am cured of ce catarrh and stomach trouble for sev< different doctors, who only relieved hope of being cured. I waa Induct surprise I am now entirely well. ] FOR INDI Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, R. R. 1 happy to tell you that I keep free fr catarrhal symptoms at all. I am i what I want, and rejoice to know valuable medicine. I think It saved Peruna I was cured sound and well Are Strong The Peruna Company, Colurabua. i medicines can now procui ^ij finrw ia***. irr ?iu?mw^vmmb signed that part to which they are most suited by virtue of their aims and accomplishments ! Reduced railroad rates from all ! points to Charleston on account of I the Congress will bring a trip to the jcityatthat time within the reach I of every one, and in the exhaustive i programme outlined will be found j something of sufficient, individual ; interest to make the coming of j every one worth while, j Besides the unusual opportunity ! of seeing the Atlantic battleship J fleet assembled in South Carolina : waters and the opportunity of en! joying aim ?st every variety of j amusement, among half a hundred (speakers there is most surely at i i~>ncT tvhitm everv man and i woman in tiie State would particularly like to hear. Views Jroni Venters. Venters. November 8:?Mr and Mrs L L Ard were called by telegram last Monday to the bedside of 'their daughter. Miss Bertha, who hi that time was seriously ill. She is much better now, however, and it is hoped she will be able to resume her duties as teacher of the Nebo school Monday. Miss Laura Yates, of the faculty of Old Johnsonville High school, spent the week-end at Georgetown. Mr and Mrs George W Flowers of Hemingway spent Sunday here with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs A E Flowers. Mrs A Porter, who has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs W T Lee, returned to her home at Sampit Friday. The teachers and pupils of Old johnsonville school and a number of visitors were delightfully entertainled with music and humorous readI ings in the school auditorium Friday afternoon by Mr Murray, a blind man who is spending some time in this community tuning pianos for Mr A D Jones. MissJanie Davis visited relatives in Georgetown during the week-end. Mr George Chandler and family of Rome spent Sunday at the home of M r G W Davis. . A Wonderful Aottseptlc. Germs and infection aggravate aili ments and retard healing. Stop that ITill tKa warms ^ vault over the rights of others. " Whenever You Need a G ^neraS TonJc 1 j Take Grove's 1; The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless . j chill Tonic is equally valuable as e General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives -1 ont Malaria, Enriches the Blood and . j Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. lUld'UUU &l UUWC. ikiii vi< v i and get rid of the poisons. For this i purposes single application of Sloan's 1 Liniment not only kills the pain but destroys the germs. This neutralizes infection and gives nature assistance f by overcoming congestion and gives a chance for the free and normal i flow of the blood. Sloan's Liniment i is an emergency doctor and should 1 be kept constantly on hand. 25c, 50c. ; The $1.00 size contains six times as much as the 25c. Mayor Grace of Charleston de\ clares that he will make no further contest for the mayoralty nomination; that he will accept and abide by the result, although he believes that he was unfairly beaten, and and that the real will of the major : ity has been beaten, tie aiso states that it has never been his intention to bolt the primary and appeal to the general election, and that he will have no case in the courts, , though he feels that he would be awarded the protested box from Ward 10. ' Every Home Needs a Faithful Cough and Cold Remedy. When seasons change and colds ap1 pear?when you first detect a cold 1 after sitting next to one who hat 1 sneezed, then it is that a tried and tested remedy should be faithfully 1 used. "1 never wrote a testimonial ' before, but, I know positively that for myself and family, Dr King'* New Discovery is the best cough remedy we ever used and we havf ' tried them ail." 50c and *1.00. To jump at conclusions may be tc ??????????I use Peruna i Point, Term., writes: "1 am happy itarrh. Having been afflicted with ;n years, and after having tried four me for a little while, I gave up all >d to try Peruna, and to my great My health never was better." GESTION I Pryor, Oklahoma, wrrltes: "I am ora my old stomach trouble; feel no ible to do my work, eat and drink that I found a sure cure In your my life. By beginning In time with II and Happy Ohio. Those who object to liquid re Peruna In tablet form. ? ????????????? | I Mow Well | , "Tbedford's Black-Draught j|f Is the best all-round medicine |s| 13 lever used," writes J. A. Steelinan, of Pattonville, Texas. Bg "I suffered terribly with liver Eg I' troubles, and could get no relief. |pj The doctors said I had consumption. 1 could not work at cStl all. Finally I tried ^ THEBFORB'S I IDRAUGHT I and to my surprise, 1 got better, fe and am to-day as well as any m man." Thedford's Black- Si Draught is a general, cathartic, |p2 vegetable liver medicine, that I? has been regulating irregulari- is ties of the liver, stomach and bowels, for over 70 years. Get ^ a package today. Insist on the K genuine? lul-iof it h/inoc tn X I \ C I Q1 1 I I I I JO V Y I1C1 U IV liupvu vv/ realize. IWoodl | Phone 38 for the best | I stove or fireplace wood. | 1 Your order will be filled | 3 immediately, at lowest | I price. Better lay in a I supply now, before win| ter catches you. | Kingshree Wood Co I H. B. ALTMAN, Prop. J 10-7 4tp Kingstree, S. C. III. P. Commander G. E. Richardson E THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE I WORKS 1 II Sumter, - S. C. Ej 1 I Builders of all grades of |! H monumental works Our 9 shop is equipped with mod- 3! ern machinery and we are S prepared to turn out work B of the highest quality at ? reasonable prices. Drop a g card and our representative | will call on you. ll-4-5tp p I Cow Hides! i wanted! 'I? I ? - " ?? ' HIGHLb! LAin rRivt, j i$ f PAID FOR EVERY HIDE { 'jf I CAN GET. BEFORE | f YOU?SELL BE!SURE | i| TO SEE ME. I ! j ^ p ills F EPPSl lil I < A j| The Roomy, Ha ? Full Five 1 MAXWELL ' ? W lr* jsi rmun ? F.O.I ? "=! j| Car Load of Max j| Including ele @ trie lights, mag ? man" mohair i?> rims, clear visio | ing windshield; 3 D. C. SCOT w Kingstree, ;?:@'@"?:?:@;?:?@:? I THEWi >\r* i E S J. L. SI I HAS 1 Horses < __ $ rur amc u | J. L. S' Livery, Feec jf Lake City, I U "LL S It Pays to M How many t: what seemed to b yourself disappoin There are cou same as counter Shoes that seem ^$2 wear them. m ?4 /7v pj^ Shoes are genuine the price on the s ^ Tf is Knff nv fn PB^jW It IO UVtV/Vl V/V ^ a Shoe you can de | Kiustre $6 fp # u M Kingstree, Subscribe now tor d:?:?:?'??:?:@?:?:@:@ ndsome, Luxurious i Passenger TOURING GAR $655. OO I. Detroit. well Cars En Route _ ^ j -1 ictric starrer, eiec- BOTH I md Mulesi >r Exchange, f rUCREYj 1 and Sale Stable \ South Carolina | X?X?X*Xl,X*X#z SHOES! Bay Good Shoes pj imes have you bought ^ e a "bargain" and found ^ ted? ^ mterfeit Shoes just the ^ feit money. There are ^ to be good until you ^ ES^ i. The trade mark and ^ ole are your protection. ^ i nciv thp nripp and P*et ' h"-v t ? ipend upon. ^ tin Ms? mi i - South Carolina J THE COUNTY RECORI i A ) m 11 Professional Cards. J | DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, I Dental Surgeon, 1 Office in Hir3ch building, over Kings- H tree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf H DR. ROBERT J. McCABET I DENTIST, KINGSTREE, - S. C ^ Office in McCabe Building, next to I Court House. 1 ^aNESMITH, DENTIST, Lake CiSy, S. C. i W. I.. TAYLOR gj DENTIST, Office over Dr W V Brook) ogton's Store, < H1NG5TREE, - S. C. g) 5-21-tf. ?) 1866 1914 J|| & A. M. SNIDER, ^ ^ SURGEON DENTIST. V Over Gamble & Jacob*' Drug Store. *1 i J. DeS. Gilland | Attorney-at-Law \ | Second Floor Masuoic Temple > ' Florence, S. C General praciicioner in all State and j Federal Courts. j Benj. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. 5B B. Kater McfNNES, M. D.. V. M. D ? VETERINARIANS. ^ Une of us will be at Kingstree the . | first Monday in each month, atrHel- J I ? ler's Stables. 9-28-tf I | JK. KINGSTREE j I Lodge, No. 46 m Ii/^NA.FJML I meets Thursday before full moon each Xl month. Visiting brethren are cordially & nyited. Ft K Wallace, W M. *7 J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly K'ngs,ree G'iaP,er< 3 l\ fi&rii No.,22. itf j %S(/ order Eastern Star j ^ Meets every Thursday night after full fl ' ^ moon and two weeks later. I A Mrs B E Clarkson, W M. 1 ^ Mrs Stella Cook Sect'y. l-28-tf j i Kingstree Lodge, 4 wmm No. 91 4 JHI Knights ot Pythias Regular conventions every second ana . A fourth Tuesday night. Our visiting j 0 brethren always welcome. Castle Hall, I ^ 3rd story Gourdin Building. 1-14 lyr J 'A BE Clarkson, C C. ^ EC Epps, K of R & S. IA HOrLil UXSTIKSI I lially UivlttS^o coms I up and sit on a stomp flj P H Stoll, t* J M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com ^{notice i| 1 A 3 Cotton will bring best J B | prices at Kingstree and a | T. J. Pendergrass ^ | will give you best values a a | for your money. Nice fresh B 1 Fish always on hand. We 2 i als? carry a full and com- fl m | plete line of Groceries, Cold B ^ | Drinks, Crockery ware and 1 A | Glassware. fl *8 | If you spend a night in 1 >a I town and miss Pendergrass' 1 m S Boarding House you will re- I *A i ?i n? i_ _ _i M i gret it. six Dearooms up m A | stairs and everything com- I 1 " | plete. 1 3 '2 | Our Restaurant is under I J 9 I the management of Mrs. J. I J ij ? Hamlet, who will give you I & | A-l service. Call and see X * 8her I m ^ I a^^rass ^ot^rs I 4! Chichester s pills )]i Trr.: a>iAMOM? bramj. a A Ladles.' As!: year I>ru;j?!..'. f;r A\ M >' t'iil-. lict-lrr s? L'iamoni A ???:&- it ?U ?l o-i-., " v-t.leJ vi.C- l.i .e V >-cx v/ M t A ' ? < fo V,1? 'I'aLr- no otiicr liny tf jrnar " 3 r J A:'.- f-rC" '-fT^Jk.CEK S I @| [ V ,./ :SIA2?N? KKANM ??i-.t!srfiir#u | Q! SSL3gVi!RyS?:STSEVBViili?!!t 3! Receipt Books, Blank Koios, Mcrtgages anil 1 * | all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at S 1 T'na PoA/Arrl T f nro kaim nr.f f Ua _ 2. liV l\CtViU UlUVt. il r> t 1IOVC IJUt n:c |lf . form you wish we can prirt it cn short fl J\ notice. fl *