The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 21, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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ROAD EXPENDITURES IN SOUTH CAROLINA. THIS STATE IS FAR BEHIND MOST OTHERS IN AMOUNT SPENT & IN GOOD ROADS^LEGISLATION Clemson College, [October 1 SiThere are now only four States in the Union that have not enacted laws providing: for^ State aid for good roads work. One of these Spates is South Carolina, the others being Indiana, Mississippi, and Texas. These three other 'States, however. are above South Carolina in expenditures for road work. Indeed, according to information which has been received atj Clemson College from the United States department of agriculture, this State cannot boast of its record in road work and is considerably behind most of the other States of the Union in this respect. In 1914, South Carolina spent $l,000,0o0on road work, this money coming from local funds of counties, townships, and districts. There were no expendituresjby the State and local units jointly, or by the State alone. In the same period, Indiana spent $13,258,761 and Iowa spent $11,363,000.$ ?Nor does South Carolina compare well with even the other Southern States. As against this State's $1,000,000, North Carolina spent $3,930,000, Georgia, $2,500,000; Alabama, $2,795,000; Mississippi, $2,850,000; ^Tennessee, $2,500,000; Texas, 88,750,000. In fact, the only States on the list which are not above South Carolina in road expenditures are the undeveloped States of Arizona,! Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming; and the diminutive commonwealths of Delaware. Rhode Island and Vermont. The total of all surfaced roads in South Carolina is 4,888 miles. In this respect, the State compares favorably with many, since its percentage of surfaced roads is 17.3, making it the thirteenth State in the Union in percentage of surfaced roads, inree states, unio, maiana, and New York, contain nearly onethird of all the surfaced roads in the United States, with a mileage of 77,544. New York has spent $82,638,729 on its roads and is spending $15,000,000 more on them in 1915. This, it should be understood, is the amount spegt byjthe State Government and does not include the huge expenditures by local units. MAY PROVE FATAL. When Will Kingstree People Learn the Importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at first;. But if you find 'tis from the kidneys; * That serious kidney troubles may follow; That dropsy or Bright's disease may be the fatal end, You will be glad to know the following experience. 'Tis the statemei:n of a Kingstree citizen. Mrs S H DuBose, Kingstree, says: "A spell of grip, weakened my kidneys, and my back began to ache terribly. I could hardly turn over in bed, I was bo sore and lame. I tired easily and could hardly do my housework. I suffered from dizzy spells and the kidney secretions being irregular in passage, annoyed me considerably. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills I got some at the Scott Drug Co. Two boxes cured me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't limply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs DuBose had. Foster-Milburn Co, Props, Buffalo, N Y. Sunday morning fire destroyed the St. John hotel and several other buildings at Hendersonville, N. C. When Baby Has the Croup. When a mother is awakened from sound sleep to find her child who has gone to bed apparently in the best of health struggling for breath, she is naturally alarmed. Yet if she can keep her presence of mind and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten minutes until vomiting is produced, quick relief will follow and the child will drop to sleep to awaken in the morning as well as ever. This remedy has been in use for many years with uniform success. QHainahle everywhere. rjgg pi , | -X PUT this KIN j rea't^x1 ,.r--c v . y " - y ;.sr/. > ASK any business man in towi k OVER HIS HEAD. CERT ness and lie couldn't live at these days the AVERAGE MAN HEATH the COVERS of a BA !mlMt a RELIABLE INSTITUTIC LET US PUT A CO^ | BANK OF Real EstateCountry Farms and If You Want If You Want We can place you in any i you want. Address all c< Gourdin & Harpt I County Fail I If it's a nice show Bu I ness you will need to sho\ I our Countv Fair, come to & We also have a full I Harness, Robes, Whips, I Make our stables you Fair and at all times whil Yours Williamsburg Kingstree, {"phot O Everything foum to-date Drug Store, tary Soda Fountain ir All prescriptions -** n ? 3 4-1,, ? iuny anu prumpuy druggest. Exclusive Ag< O Exquisit ^I==aoi 2 Scott ?Drt NE3H0I Cores Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure The worst case*, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relievei Pais and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $ LOO, gzjp "Hfiffll H I > VMM ->F ' * ySV!<W ^ D OF ^ II YOUB HEAD! ] - .' ' ;-. J; . ' '- | ti whether he has a CHECK BOOK AINLY he has. He couldn't do busi- | home, unless he had. More and more ; is PROTECTING his FAMILY BE- | NK BOOK. Of course you want to I )N where SERVICE is PERSONAL. /ER ON YOUR HOME. KING STREE. 1 -Farm Lands. I Town Lots For Sale! to Buy, See Us to Sell, See Us section of the County that orrespondence to Yinorcfrpp S. P J I?MlgW?l VV^ m^w -v* | The Bailey-Lebby Co., % Use "Queen of the South" Corn Mill Charleston, - S. C. * Exhibitors: f ggy or a nice set of Har- g i The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head a 1 Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAX A1 , TIVK BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary | Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor J T> 1 rinsing in head. Remember the full name and 1 A look for the signature c! E. W. GROVE. 25c. I v your horses or mules at see us and get same. line of Buggies, Wagons, Ctc., for everyday use. r headquarters during the e in town. '& i to please, j i live Stock Co. - - s.c. ME 131 j % 1 in a high class and up- O Most modern and sani- Tl 1 the County. I j +A llfl OVA rtflVO. | 1 ^ ciiirudicu LU uo axe tait- _ ompounded by a licensed ! p jncy for Norris' I :e Candies 0 * =r=i; lo \^ompanu 8 | 11 vyr T C L O S S A We advise all people to 1 Wednesday, Octol there started one of the greates Positively no fake,^>ut a sale th what we say. We will sell goo< our enormous stock and by i^icc less than the cost of the raw mz later on, so jump in and buy yoi buy at. Sale started Wednesda chants. Positively no goods ch; soid at prices less than the cost greatly reduced. Don't miss th Come one, come all and Which Began Wei Men's S25.00 Suits, sale price Men's $20.00 Suits, sale price Men's $18.00 Suits, sale price Men's $16.50 Suits, sale price Men's $15.00 Suits, sale price Men's $12.50 Suits, sale price Men's $10.00 Suits, sale price Men's fleece lined Underwear, 50c grg . 11 We cannot price everytning stock has been reduced in price ; would appreciate a call from yoi Andrews Di Andrews, Wood 0 c I have established a wood ; V yard in Kingstree and am prepared to serve the peo- ] as pie of Kingstree with good &i stove or fireplace wood on C< short notice. Either oak or pine. When you want wood, st 'phone 38 and your order I _ will receive prompt attention I S f H. B. ALTMAN 1 I ?10-7 4tp Kingstree, S. C. jl B riarpndnn Roller Flour Vim ViftMvaa ? Mills 11 located at I S5 Manning', S. C. ?j| Wheat bought and sold. 3$ Products of Mill exchanged 3* for Wheat. F9R SALE: ? ' Flour, Bran and Mill Feed. jra Correspondence solicited. < Address, CLARENDON ROLLER FLOUR MILLS j|j J 9 30-41 Manning, S. C. I S ? ? ! j| . Cow Hides lllj WANTED:,? HIGHEST CASH PRICE f PAID FOR EVERY HIDE | I CAN GET. BEFORE | ma YOU SELL BE SURE I an* TO SEE ME. | S F EPPSj I N G ( MB L J ook well into our prices ber 13th, at 8: t Price Cutting Sales ever cc at will smash the genuine ai is regardless of cost or loss. 3 cutting we will do it. Cloth iterial. 12 cent cotton means ar supply at prices lower than y, October 13. Positively no arged. Keep your eye on 01 of raw material. All mercl is opportunity to buy goods so .1 l .1 _ join me nuppy mrong o Inesday, October $14.50 Men's fleece lined Dr 12.50 Dress Goods, all woe 11.50 Men's Hats, $2.25 val 10.00 Men's Hats, $1.50 va' 9.00 Suit Cases, $2.50 vali 8.00 Suit Cases, $1.50 vali 7.50 Suit Cases, $1.00 vali ide 37c All Ribbons to Close ; in our store in this small s and the bargains we offer are l. Positively no goods sold to y Goods G Soul Mce Supplies | SCHOOL 3 U P P L We have a full and complete line ; Pencil and Ink Tablets, Ink, Pens eia Dustless Crayons, Dustless Era: Dnklin and Waterman Fountain Pei Also a full line of stationery foi yles and shades just received. Cal CINGSTREE Magazines and j Periodicals | VAJlljpal THE WAR BUT J. L. STU HAS BO Horses and For Sale or Ex l L. STU Livery, Feed and Sa Lake City, - S< The Milwauke de by the International Harves 1 1 -1 XI T\ * eea to oe as gooa as tne ueeri Mowers, $40; Ral The Celebrated Oxfon M. F. HEL 13,1915 ' J awers, 50c grade.... 37c jj >1, 50c quality 25c lue $1.25 V lue 75c les 75c les 69c les 50c Out at Cost. pace, but our entire I : extra-ordinary. We merchants. m ompany * I :h Carolina "a e Mower ? ter Company. Guarng or McCormick, for kes, $20. i Buggy $70. ,LER 1 > ToiletArticles I I _ I E Sof School Supplies, such , Penstrffs, Pencils, Hysevs,Bookstraps, Rulers, is. * all uses in the latest . 1 and see this line. I > DRUG Kodaks and -ljr Supplies f 11 ^ CKEY j TH I [ Mules I m change. pi cketI tie Stable || VH outh Carolina |j D U T| E ! before purchasing ) 00 O'clock >nducted in Andrews. J tide. We mean just We must get rid of ing will be sold at i higher priced goods ^ many merchants can goods sold to merir Shoe Stock;shoes landise reduced and r cheap. w* f Jbarsain hunters