Ho for tbe Circus! Peanuts and pink lemonade will soon-fef: npe, ariid the odor of sawdustf tanbarl??wilt j^effneate the ?r. The Ha^mbeck-Wallace Shows Combined, gaysoVj^HMftdest, glad dest, galaxy in phe wide world i> coming to Florence Friday, October 22, for two performances. This year the big show, in reality there are two shows, will come aboard three special trains, the longest ever used to transport a circus aggrecat'on. o ? The country for miles around is all aglow with the noisy circus bills of purple and gold and the downtown billboards at Florence are the Mecca upon which thousands of eyes feast their gaze. Father Time is always on the job, scenes come and go, but somehow or other, the circus is just the circus and its popularity never wanes. The joys and memories of circus day keeps a steady hold upon the heart strings of the AmonVan npor.lp Hemingway,October 11:? Twelyec -nt cotton is shouting prosperity, and more of it, since Mr F E Stanley has come on the market. He is buying for Maybanks & Co of Charleston. Mr P A Ingraham, son of Rev P , B Ingraham, has opened a grocery store on Main street and is doing a good business. . Mr P A Moore of Henry, who holds a very prominent position with , the Carolina and Western railroad, has moved to this town. . Mr R N Spiegner attended the ( teachers' meeting at Florence Satur- ] day of last week. , Dr G B Haselden and wife are , making a visit in Florida" for the doctor's health. Mr Clarence Davis has returned here, after spending the summer at home. Rev P B Ingraham made an ex- , cellent address at the opening of , school here Monday of last week. Mrs J L Merriman is visiting her sister, Mrs Leo C Edmond, in Savannah. Miss Sailie Haselden, who won . first prize at the tomato exhibition , this year, will exhibit some fruit at j the county fair. Views from Venters. < Venters, October 11:?Mr John ( Davis a well-known resident of this 1 community, died Thursday morning, October 7, after a lingering illness. His remains were laid to rest in the j old Johnsonville cemetery Friday ^ afternoon. Mr Davis is survived by a wife, three daughters and six sons. | Miss Laura Yates, a teacher in , the old Johnsonville school, spent nntK Imr nornnto at LUC WCCI\"CliU Willi 111! |yui v u vo v*v i Rome. Miss Bertha Ard left Friday for Nebo, where she will take charge of her school for the coming session. Miss Edna Davis, who has been spending her vacation with her parents here, was called to nurse a case in Florence county last week. Presiding Eider H B Browne delivered an interesting sermon in old Johnsonville church Monday mornintr to a cood audience, after which the fourth quarterly conference was held. ^ i 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Fever or Chills. Price, 25 cents. All through the long months of winter agents of the HagenbeckYVallaee Shows have been scouring the continents of the earth securing novelties and features. The performance this year will be entirely new. More than three hundred acrobats, gymnasts, riders, contortionists and athletes together with fifty clowns compose the circus end, in addition the big show is augmented with Carl Hagenbeck's trained ' * 1 ?1 * TT 1 wild amrnai exmoiuon. nunureus of wild animals, lions, leopards, tigers, pumas, jaguars, elephants, seals, monkeys, etc, will constitute that department. Performances will be given at 2 and at 8 p. m. Doors to the zoological paradise will be opened an hour earlier. A three mile long street parade will leave the show grounds at 10 o'clock the day of the exhibition and will pass through the principal downtown streets. * U nctlirin Hpminmv.lv HiU. I Bryan-Thompson. " ^ ~ mi * -* i Bryan, Uetober iz:?rne social j events of the season came to a beau-11 tiful climax Wednesday evening, 6th 1 inst, when Miss Lucile James Bryan, the lovely young daughter of Hon 1 and Mrs W D Bryan, became the 1 bride of Mr Claude Joseph Thomp- ] son of Kingstree. ' The contracting parties and the 1 circumstances leading up to the i happy event made the occasion one ' of unusual and State-wide interest, j1 Never before has romance been 1 more pleasing and gracious than 1 with Claude and Lucile. ' The old and theyounghave watched and waited with eagerness as;" words grew into sentences and sen- * tences into interviews and then the j! same "sweet old story". M The wedding .took place at the j1 palatial home of the bride's sister, : ^ Mrs B A Brown. The whole lower |' floors were thrown en suite and pre-'1 sented a picture of rare loveliness; js eloquent in grandeur, yet beautiful j1 in simplicity. The decorations con-1 * sisted of gray Spanish moss, South- j * ern smilax, large golden chryanthe- j * mums, potted ferns and palms. Ic The guests felt upon entering as though they were being ushered into 1 an enchanted garden where beauti-jv ful flowers, entwined in long gar-,? lands, soft music, fair maidens and v gallant knights lived as if by magic. ? The arch in the parlor from which ^ was suspended the beautiful wedding bell was especially lovely, being c draped with moss- and smilax, which v hung in graceful tendrils, from each, * tendril hung fluffy chrysanthe-! 1 mums, all adding a charming touch ic of softness under the mellow even-e ing lights. Is The aisles leading out from the p arch were converted into bridal I paths, being laid with carpet of;1 snowy whiteness. One path made its way through the sitting room, and r at the opposite side of the parlor the ^ other path gracefully entered the s reception hall and up the winding stairs, from which came lovely Lu- j J cile, the bride. The color scheme i I was white and gold. n j Immediately preceding the cere- 8 mony, with the dainty little Miss j * Frankie Nesmith at the piano, Miss ? ? - ..11 Elraa Hinds sang in an unusually J sweet manner, "I Love You Truly" ^ and "O, Promise Me". At the sound * of Lohengrin's wedding march,play- ^ ?d by Miss Nesmith.came the flower ^ girls. Misses Marjorie James Brown, * niece of the bride, and Carolyn 2 Thompson,sister of the groom. They ; ' were real little fairies in their charm- ^ ing costumes, so soft and white. a These iittle girls slowly wended their ^ way along the path of the bride,! I strewing bright flowers, then taking h their positions on opposite sides of the arch. Next came Master James Thomp- j ?on, the baby brother of the groom.; g Be also marched along the bridal g path bearing the wedding ring in a \ ?oiaen cnrysantnemum, tnen taKing t his place beside the minister. He t wore a little white suit and could c not have been more cunning. t Then came the maid of honor, 1 Miss Minnie Bryan, carrying gold j t and white chrysanthemums, wearing; r a beautiful gown of white satin j t charmeuse and lace drapery. Fol- j t lowing came the bride, a charming e and winsome brunette, handsomely ? gowned inanaccordeon pleated white crape meteor with a little pearl and silver bodice of special design,unique in beauty and charm. Her Ion?-,flow- \ ing veil was looped with real pearls, s The bride entered upon the arm c of her father, Hon W B Bryan, carrying a shower bouquet of bride's \ roses and lillies of the valley, inter- \ twined with narrow white satin rib- 1 Y Ul I I ! I I i I )on uponjwhieh there were myriads if tiny white satin bows, which fell in graceful folds to the bottom of the wedding gown. The groom entered the parlor at the same time as the bride but on the opposite side,through the sitting room, in the other bridal path, with lis brother, Mr Franklin Thompson, who was best man. The bride and ?room met in the arch beneath the Dell, where the marriage was performed by Rev W I Sinnott, the 'ing ceremony, in accordance with :hfe ritual of the Presbyterian church, leing very effective. During the ceremony Miss Neimith rendered very softly "Noc:urn", by Chopin. The party then narehed out in reverse order. Af;er receiving congratulations Mr ind Mrs Thompson left in an auto "or Lanes, where they took the train 'or an extended tour South. The ^ride's going-away gown was a chic suit of golden brown, with accessories to match. After their return VIr and Mrs Thompson will make heir home in Kingstree, where the (room is a bookkeeper in the Bank >f Williamsburg. Mrs Thompson is a young woman >f many graces of mind and person, vho is capable of filling the home ;he will adorn with happiness and vill prove to be truly a helpmate md companion to the husband she las chosen to honor with her hand. After the wedding a charming re :eption was tendered the guests, vho numbered about 150. Delicious ruit punch was served by Miss Nell Slakely and Mr W D Bryan, Jr, the ?nly brother of the bride. The presets were numerous and costly, conisting of cut glass.silver and china, day the gentle zephyrs ever keep jucile and Claude happy; "wreathed n smiles as bright and balmy as ove, laughter and sunshine can nake them,when fanned by summer ?reezes and burnished by golden unlight." Among the guests were: Mr and drs L T Thompson, Mr and Mrs J G learsey, Mr and Mrs David Silvernan, the Misses Jacobs, Misses Elma ind Hallie Hinds and Nell Blakely, Cingstree; Mrs Thompson and mi rn if . diss Lora inompson, unicago; ivir f P Davis, Mullins; Mr and Mrs J McCullough, Mr and Mrs J C ^arsons, Lanes; Mr and Mrs N W look, Mr and Mrs Heinemann, Andrews; Mr and Mrs James A rerrelI,Mr and Mrs J H LChandler, >iilters; Mrs F Nesmith and daughers, Misses Salena and Frankie, Georgetown; Mr and Mrs H N Shepird.Mr and Mrs W D Bryan, Bryan; dr S Edwards, Dillon; Mr Cuttino Jryan and sister,Miss Geneva, Bing1am. W McC. Cades Chronicles. Cades, October 12:?The Baptist 5unda> school was reorganized last Innday, the following officers beng elected: H J Brown, superinendent: E J Brown, secretary and reasurer; S L Brandenberg, Bible lass teacher; Mrs V G Arnette, inermediate teacher, and Miss Eunice rompson, juvenile teacher. We hope ,o see this Sunday-school make nore progress in the future than in he past. This can be done by all he teachers and pupils being present every Sunday and latter with food lessons. Mrs W H Dubose spent the weekend here vith relatives. Mr Lewis Robinson of Tennessee vill make Pis heme here with his sister, MrsEJ Brown. He is one >f the students attending school here. Miss Hattie Thomas, thejassistant jostinistress here, spent Sunday vith her parents, Mr and Mrs J L rhomas. . Uno. 1 fj The Roomy, Hy. r..n c* (g) run i iv | MAXWELL i PRICE ? F. O. |? j| Car Load of Ma> | Including el ? trie lights, ma? ? man" mohair i ? - mm ? rims, clear yisi @ ing windshield @ D. C. SCOI ? w Kingstree, :@:@'@:?:?:?:?:??:v | Sterling Silver, Cut Gl; I'f WATCHES of the best makes and lates speetion of these jmods wi to be had for the money. JEWELRY! T. E. BAGGETT, Jf^^Watches, Clocks and Jew B CAM M 1 MLL M It Pays to M How many 1 what seemed to t yourself disappoii There are coi same as countei Shoes that seem wear them. M ^ (7) * ^ Shoes are genuin ^ the price on the ! It is better ti i ^ a Shoe you can dKiipiri l fsi * Pf ^ bl M Kingstree, ^T-Y'T'T*! tmJU JTfr rgv jtes^Ja^Al ?;?.'@!?'?@;?!??!?'?!?j uidsome, Luxurious ? 0 Paccpnorpr " ? TOURING CAR jt $655. OO I B. Detroit. ? ? iwell Cars En Route @ @ ectric starter, elec- @ ^neto ignition, "one ? top, demountable "? on, double ventilat- 8 and tire carrier. @ IT, JR., Agent, ? ? - Qmith Parftlina '/sH |S| s>:?:?:@?:?:??:?:@?:?:? G GIFTS!I ""^j Do not forget l r I t h a t wedding 1 gift. I have it ? g | Here tor you m | % | the newest cuts 1 i_| and latest de-j signs in ? iss and Hand-Painted China | and CLOCKS| ;t designs arriving daily. An in- i I 11 convince you they are the best jjj | "JEWELRY ? I Kingstree, S. C. | elry Repaired the Same Day Received. ' * * f 15 - i 0X0X^Xl I Buy Good Shoes :imes have you bought >e a ' 'bargain" and found ited? ^ jnterfeit Shoes just the feit money. There are to be good until you ueett. m e. The trade mark and sole are your protection. :> pay the price and get epend upon. a It Df! Dills | M ill? | - South Carolina ^ N s | Professional CardsTp | DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, I Dental Surgeon, I Oflke in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf nR RORFRT I MrfARR A/At* 11V1/UAII V* ilivvui/uj DENTIST, . KINGSTREE, / S. C H Office in McCabe Building, next to Court House. M.D. NESMITH, 1 DENTIST, Lake City, S. C fl W. L. TAYLOR ^ DENTIST, . Office over Dr W V Brockiugton's Store, 1 KINGSTREE, - S. C. J 5-21-tf. J 1866 1914 A. M. SNIDER* M CI TDr.POW nFMTIQT I Over Gamble & Jacob*' Drug Store. I J. DeS. Gilland 1 Attorney-at-Law I Second Floor Masonic Feaple A Florence, S. C ^ General praciicioner in all State and . Federal Courts. m Benj. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. M B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Hel- |^H fer's Stables. 0-28-tf A KiNGSTREE I Lodge, No. 46 A /*^r\ A. F.M. ^ fleets Thursday before full moon each 1 month Visiting brethren are cordially I nyited. R k Wallace, W M.^l M J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly fl #Kingsir6s Ghapier, J Order Eastern Star i Meets every Thursday night after full moon and two weeks later. >' ? i? m r>. . \XT Xt iVIKS l> Hi t? i?. Mrs Stella Cook Sect'y. l-28-tf tKingslree Lodge, No. 91 Knights oi Pythias Regular conventions every second and fourth Tuesday night. Our visiting a| brethren always welcome. Castle Hall. 1 3rd story Gourdin Building. 1-14 lyr I B E Clarkson, C C. A E C Epps, K of R & S. @Kingstree I CAMP NO- 27. I "mcui uuniisa I The Third Monday I Night In ^each Visiting choppers roi I lially invited to coir e J ap and sit on a stumi M or hang about on tie P H Stoll, fl J M Brown. Clerk. Con Com fl InotTceTI i jjj Cotton will bring best ? ? prices at Kingstree and 3 'j T. J. Pendergrass $ I will give you best values H fl for your money. Nice fresh 3 JB Fish always on hand. We H also carry a full and com- M plete line of Groceries, Cold j ' I Drinks, Crockeryware and -B Glassware. % B If you spend a night in fl town and miss Pendergrass' NB Boarding House you will re- V gret it. Six bedrooms up I stairs and evervthiner com- B Iplete. | I Our Restaurant is under I I the management of Mrs. J. I . B Hamlet, who will give you I H A-l service. Call and see i her. I 1 Pendergrass Brothers Co. I Kin^stree, - - S. C. ^ HHiCHESTER S PILLS I JM viioxi) ?UAM?. a H !>S
  • r /A >, other. . f ? . I f.-, ? ?. B ail L^egai JL>lttUi\.? III uciiianu, ivji 3oic at mh The Record olfice. If we have not the form you wish we can print it cn short notice. 4H| \