The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 30, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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lOCALlS HEWS ?g Cotton is selling today at 11 1-2 cents, basis middling. Mr H P Brown of Lanes was in town on business Monday. P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of Like City was noted in Kingstree yesterday. i Mrs G Ollie Epps of Benson was in town Tuesday, attending the openings. Mrs H D Reddick of Andrews was in Kingstree yesterday, the guest of relatives. I Miss Marie Thorn has resumed | her duties as teacher near GreensI boro, N C. I Mr and Mrs R D Bradham of SaltI ers were in Kingstree Saturday of I last week. f The town election here Tuesday passed off very quietly. Only 15 votes were polled. Miss Italine Brockington is here to spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs D C Scott. Mr J P Davis of Mullins, formerly of the firm of Davis & Fennell, was in Kingstree Tuesday. Mrs M C Mouzon has returned from a two months stay in the mountains of North Carolina. Miss Sue Stoll left last week for Sumter to take up her duties as a teacher in the pubiic schools there. Mrs J C Graham and daughter, Miss Maggie, of Gourdins attended the millinery openings here Tuesday. Mr and Mrs C E Funk of St Ste\ phens spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs II A Miller. Miss Ruth Winn of Laurens has accepted a position as stenographer with the law firm of Stoll, Stoll & 0'Bryan. Mrs L H McCullough, who has ^been spending several weeks with ~ner husband at Boydton, Ya, has returned home. I Mrs D J Epps and little son left yesterday for Columbia, where they will spend several weeks with Mrs (Epps' parents. Mr and Mrs George Stang of Louisville, Ky, are here on an extended visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs H A Miller. Miss Louise Wheeler, whose critical illness was previously mentioned in The Record, is, we are pleased to hear, improving. Mr3 W T Wilkins is visiting her daughter, Mrs Samuel B Wilkins in Athens, Georgia. She will be absent from home several weeks. Miss Martha Jenkinson has declined the position of teacher at ^ Blenheim and accepted a similar appointment at Hemingway. Mr Nathan Shuman returned to Kingstree Tuesday morning with his bride from Baltimore, where he was married several weeks ago. We are gratified to learn that Mrs R D Carter, who is in a Florence infirmary, is so much improved that she hopes to return home Saturday. Mrs A L Carter and children, who have been spending a week with her parents, Mr and Mrs H A Miller, have returned to their home at Henry. t h Mr and Mrs R F Howie and son, L 9 LaVerne, of Darlington were the guesta of the former's daughter, Mrs W D Harrington, a few days this week. A meeting of the congregation 01 the Episcopal church will he held next Sunday immediately after the morning service. Business of importance will be considered, and all members are asked to attend. Mrs Bennett McCullough and daughter,Miss Wilhelmina; Mrs E A Brown and little daughter, Susie; and Mrs Gordon and Mr Dunlop Mcx Cullough,of the Salters section,were rin Kingstree to attend the openings Tuesday. We are glad to learn that Mrs W E Jenkinson, who underwent an operation at a Florence infirmary about two wcoks ago, has so far recovered a3 to be able to leave the infirmary. She is now at the heme of her father, Mr M S Haynesworth. ^ Miss Nellie Clark of Atlanta, Ga, has accepted a position at the Silverman Department store and will LnVioi-rro r\f tVio millinprv Hpnnrt. Have euai^v. vi vnv .......?? r ment during the present season. Miss Clark is an experienced milliner and,having been previously employed in Charleston, she is not a stranger in this State. {gorgeous display of autumn styles I KINGSTREE MERCHANTS HOLD CALL UrCNINb ruilVAL vr MILLINERY AND COAT SUITS The semi-annual, or autumn opening festival, took place at the leading department stores yesterday. It was really "ladies' day" and from what we could see and hear we belive they were about all "on the job." Many were noted from the country, having arrived early by train or automobile. Their presence was a pleasure to the merchants who had specially arranged the show for their inspection and criticism. In the millinery department of the Silverman Department Store Miss Willie Clarke had arranged a splendid array of pretty things for patrona of the store. Miss Clarke, herself a young lady of pleasing personality and charming manner, we venture to say, added much to the pleasure of the ladies who inspected her department yesterday with all the earnestness they could command, for every comment we heard was highly favorable. This popular store also had on display an elegant line of coat suits and other ready-to-wear garments, while its line of beautiful dress fabrics in silks and wool was unusually attractive. cr ctnro nn fViP fnrnpr ? SI I Marcus'?was besieged all day yes| terday by ladies from in and out of town. They were there to inspect, try-on, take-off, scrutinize, and tryon again the beautiful line of pattern hats that Mrs Marcus had provided for the festival. This, too, was greatly augmented by the chick and dainty creations of Miss Ruth Nettles, whose skill in the millinery art seems to be a second gift of nature rather than a training, although she has studied it in detail in one of the larger cities. This store also had on display a handsome line of coat suits and ready-to-wear garments for ladies and misses. Next, we "butted" into the store of the Kingstree Dry Goods Go, where we were confronted by a busy scene. Besides the Messrs Swails, Misses Retha Burgess and Annie Baker and that"charming little milliner", Miss Shipley, there were dozens of ladies, some were trying on toques, while others were diligently adjusting little skull caps or sombreros, then there were others eagerly "devouring" the beautiful line of dress goods, ready-to-wears, and the dainty neck "harness." This was plainly no place for "father" yesterday. It was mothers', daughters' or sisters' day and HE didn't have a ghost of a chance beyond a "look in." THE SEASON'S STYLES. They are termed toques, sailors, turbans, sailors, skull caps and tricornes. Of these the sailors and toques seem to have precedence in the realm of fashion. These are trimmed in flowers and not infrequently a catchy metallic ornament as a side, front or rear embellishment. Felt, velvet and silk in all colors are the leading materials used in the season's "shapes" and without the flowers and other ornamentations they would not stand for much in a beauty contest, and without a properly adjusted face veil no "top piece" will express true distinctness and correctness this season, says dame fashion. Capt Wm Cooper of Columbia was in Kingstree this week. Mr J H Harrington of New Zion was in Kingstree yesterday. Mrs J C McCutchert of Fowler was in Kingstree yesterday on an inspection of the beautiful things at the fall openings. Dr and Mrs D C Scott and Mr D C Scott, Jr. are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs W W Boddie, at Louisburg, N C, this week, they having motored the trip in t.ieir new Maxwell car. If you will consult us before buying Flour and Meat we can save you money. We buy in car load lots and in this way get the benefit of a lower price, which enables us to sell you cheaper than the fellow who buys in small quantities. 9-30-2t People's Mercantile Co. mTngstTee highand : graded school notes. ] V V V T V w w w w w w The first meeting of the Wee Nee Literary society for 1915-16, held Friday, September 24, in the society hall, with the new president, Mr Heyward Brockinton, in the chair, was a yery successful one. After the roll call by the secretary, Mr Archie Wilkins, and an inaugural address by the president, the following officers who were not installed last May took the oath of office: Vice president, Pauline McCants; secretary, Archie Wilkins; treasurer, Samuel Burgess; critic, Hillis Phillips; literary editor. Belle Hurt. As all pupils in the high school are eligible to membership in the society, tl^? names of all in the 8th grade were proposed. After voting favorably upon these names, the new members were brought in and installed. They were welcomed in a few works by the president, who also welcomed rMiss Cunningham as an honorary member. Eugene King and Hampden Montgomery were elected marshals. As there was no regular literary programme to be carried out, the remainder of the society period was spent in reading parts of the constitution and by-laws by the secretary. After the second roll call the meeting was adjourned. We are glad to have with us this year as a member of our high school faculty, and as an honorary member of our literary society, Miss Louise Cunningham of Abbeville. Our tenth grade this year numbers 13 ?"a lucky number." ?* * TT tl? 1 1 XT ? ! Misses uauaia nouiaay ana wisteria McElveen have come to join us in this year's work. We expect to make this year the best and most successful along all lines in our academic society and athletic activities. The basketball and tennis courts on the back campus have been hoed and laid, under the direction of Misses James and Heape, and practice has been begun by the girls and boys, preparatory to match games which we wish to hold on Educational day, during the county fair. Rev P S McChesney was with us Tuesday morning and conducted chapel exercises. Literary Editor. Before you buy Flour come to see us. We have just received a car load that we are offering at special prices in barrel lots. .9-30-2t People's Mercantile Co. Mr Ira A Calhoun, representing the Southeastern Life Insurance Co - mi ? i nr* _ of Ureenviiie.nas opened an omce in the Wee Nee bank building. This well known company expects to maintain ah office here permanently and we are glad to welcome Mr Calhoun to Kingstree, the best town of its size in the State. The company he represents is purely a South Carolina organization and is noted among the best doing business in the State. Manson Shuler, a negro about 21 years old, was shot to pieces about 11 o'clock at Ellorec Tuesday night, while attempting to enter the home of a private citizen, in whose face he flashed a pistol. It seemed as if his motive were robbery, but it is a mystery why he should attempt such a desperate act in the heart of the town. Big Jewelry Sale Now Going On. The finest stock in the county and the profits are taken off. A few cost prices: Cuff Pins, 10c; Stick Pins, gold, 50c; Bar Pins, 25c; Brooches, solid gold, $1.00 and up; Bracelets at cost; Cuff Buttons, 50c and up; Solid Silver at cost; $5.50 Elgin Watches, $4:50; $1.00 Clocks, 65c; $1.00 Watches, 85c; gold and silver handle Umbrellas at cost; Cut Glass at wholesale cost, and now is the time to buy good goods at your own price. The goods must be sold at some price, so come to this sale. Look at some of the prices in my window, it will surprise you. Every article guaranteed to be as represented or your money refunded. Never before has such a low price sale of fine goods been offered the public. Y;?urs to please, Watts' Jewelry Store, 9-30-tf Kingstree, S C. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. The Beauty Queen Contest. But one additional1 candidate ha: so far appeared in the Beauty Queen contest for the Williamsburg County Fair, although there remains only one more week from next Saturday before the contest closes. The date for nominating candidates has passed and the nominating coupon has been taken out of the paper. There are nine candidates now in the race with Miss Alice j Stackley in the lead, while Miss Ada I RrnnHncrfnn i? n rlneo ?p/?nnri At this stage of the contest, however, no one can tell who will be the lucky young lady. Evidently friends of the candidates are holding their coupons in reserve for the last week when we expect to receive a large number of votes for each candidate. Here are the names of all the candidates in the contest and the number of votes received by each up to Monday morning, September 27: Miss Bessie Huggins 1,425 Miss Marian Hurt ....1,225 Miss Ada Brockington 4,350 Miss Kathreen Bell 1,600 Miss Alberta Flowers 1,400 Miss Georgia McGill ..1,650 Miss Alice Stackley 5,550 Miss Marie Flowers 1,000 Miss Anna Footman 1,200 This contest will close at midnight : Saturday, October 9. The Next Best Thing to the Pine Forest For Colds Is? I Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey which goes ; to the very root of cold troubles. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines have ever been the j friend of man in driving away colds, i Moreover, the pine-honev dualities [ are peculiarly effective in fighting children's colds. Remember that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the possibility ef complications. 25c. | According to the dictum of some ; of Kingstree's disgruntlers, it's an : awful crime for some men to get a j wife. Dirt. None Equal to Chamberlain's. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none ; that equal Chamberlain's Cough ! Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes W V Harner, Montpelier, Ind. When you I have a cold give this remedy a trial i and see for yourself what a splendI au.?:?uu 10 meaicine It IS. vuiauiauic cvci.yj where. SPECIAL NOTICES /tfA Phone us when you want fjr to get a notice under this Sheading. Price one cent a i word for each insertion. No ^ ad taken for less than 25c. Phone 83. For Rent or Lease.-Two distinct ! 2 or 4 horse farms in Williamsburg county for rent or lease, with all necessary buildings. For particulars address William Cooper, 728 Pickens St. Columbia, S C. 9-30 4t I For Sale ?74 acres, 30 acres good | cleared farm lend, balance in young growth. This tract is surrounded by the lands of R P Scott and the lands of W 1 Nexsen, known as the poor farm. For further particulars see or address The County Record. ltp Wanted ? Several loads of Stove Wood on subscription at The Record ; Office. Wanted?Highest price paid for beef cattle,fat or poor. F K Graham, K.ngstrep S C. 9-23-2t I I i For Sale-One Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, almost as good as new. For Erice,etc call on or write E E Rodgers, lingstree, S C. 9-23-litp For Sale.?One combination Hay ! Mare left here for sale. Is gentle, j handsome and suitable for ladies' use. ! Perfectly safe. Price low. Martin & Gamble, Kingstree, S C. 9-16-tf Situation Wanted. ? Position as clerk in grocery store January 1, 1916, ! by experienced and competent man. Ad] dress P 0 Box 203, Kingstree, S y-?j-ztp For Sale?Appier Seed Oats. Sample may be seen at The Record office or upon application to W N Clarkson, Heinemann, S C. 9-9-4tp For Sale?Three tracts of land. Edwin Epps. 9-2-5tp I For Sale?Several good wood stoves j and two small nickle plated coal heatI ers. Apply at The Record Office. WANTED An experienced monument man to represent us in this section. Mecklenburg Marble & Granite Co | \ 9-30-41 ( Larlctte, N. C. Trespass Notice. . No hunting or shooting ailowed on the lands of the undersigned. $10.00 ' reward will be paid to any one reporting and furnishing evidence to convict ; for disregarding above notice. R H lesesne. Mr. an3 Mr* S-ave lip Fc JUST a word to the NEWLYWE PBEACH to yon, bat we do x ICA1LY; "BEGIN SAVING lot EASY, we know. The first ye 1 your money, which perhaps does nol later. But save NOW. DON'T W BANK OF WI vmmmtmmmmmaBKmmmmmmm I UW AN A " liSS Every Tuesday Nigh Steele rurmti I Opposite C 1 fores Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cart The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals a^lhe same tim;. 13c, E9c, $1.09. I Real EstateCountry Farms anc If You Want If You Want We can place you in any you want. Address all c Gourdin & Harp* WOOLEN World's Urentes Great Fall Opening Ti FREE!, A Double Textur GREATER I Suit or Overcoat ored to Your 0 ?rmmm mmmmmaaammmmmKm ???w?? This Sale Positi Only. Reme Prirlow anil ^lal 11 luaj aiiu uui KINGSTR Friday an October 1 n. i r? .Newlywed, >r a Home! DS. Dear friends, we don't want to irish to say SIMPLY and EMPHATFOB YOIJB HOME NOW!" It'? :ars of your new life require most of : come to yon as plentifnllv as it will AIT. It'll make you HAJ>PY. LLIAMSBURG rHEATER t, Beginning Sept. 21 ^ i i ana???bb? -Farm Lands. I Town Lots For Sale! to Buy, See Us '* to Sell, See Us section of the County that orrespondence to | sr, Kingstree, S. C. | UTTI ILLS CO. t Custom Tailors and Winter liinrino* Sale ~ o To introduce our tailoring we give you e Raincoat FREE! bT VALUE Tail- d*1 C To One irder To All vely for Two l)ays mber the dates turdav. Oct 1-2 J7 EE, S. C. d Saturday st arid 2nd ire Company's Joint House I The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head ! Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXAI TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary ! Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor I ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c.