* "Yesterday j life which cai To-day is pv Never in all th i|b old universe d Wp^ jf tunitiesasN( Rr The most to 3ta.rt TO DAY to h 81 Send us the news. v ?? tl 8 a ma at Now. f Mrs. Styles?This paper says in the days of old Rome a woman's character was known by her dress. The toga was worn by the men, but the stola was the raiment for the women. q Mr. Styles?And I suppose it was jthe custom for the wife to have jj have half a dozen stolas to the old & man's one toga.?Yonkers States- p man. h Investigation. The two British sailors had se- e cured tickets to the dog show and p were gazing upon a Skye terrier " which had so much hair that it i-_i?J 1:1? iOOicu more u&e a wwicu mg man dog. "Wich end is'is'ead, Bill?" c asked one. "Blowed if I know," was C the reply. "But 'ere, 111 stick a * -pin in 'im, and yon look wlch end l forks." ' E i sJT >in i i t'm ^ i ? y-y. ' is utterly over with? Time is th nbe completely destroyed. yours but tomorrow belong Le million years of its history i splayed such riches, so man )W- Wake your self, shake rrific Century of all is bet .. nrse money inJ ^e&znA. will help you in mc :enee bani KINCSTREE, S. C. Salters Sketches. Salters, August 23:?Misses Win-; ie and Janette Davis have returned roni a pleasant visit to their brothr, Henry E Davis, Esq, at Florence.! Mr arid Mrs James A Ferrell are pending some time at Rocky River j Springs in North Carolina. Mr C W Boswell spent Sunday at: ilver visiting his mother, who, we 1 re sorry to say, is critically ill. Miss Lila Pendergrass of Kingsree is visiting her brother, Mr E C 'endergrass, of this place. Miss Emmie -Ferrell has returned rom a pleasant visit to relatives at | 'lorence. Miss Fannie A Moseley suffered a ery painful accident here last week 1 the breaking of her leg just bove the ankle. Dr I N Boyd was ailed in immediately and set the mb. She was taken to Charleston or treatment, where, we are glad o say, she is doing nicely. Miss Hattie Tutle of Greelyville is isiting relatives here this week. The heavy rains of the past ten ays have been very injurious to otton, making it shed and rust. Tobacco has about all been gathred. The crop was a small one nd prices still smaller. Much comlaint is being made, many saying hey will plant it no more. Large quantities of fodder were >st during the rains last week. Miss Margaret Layton or r lorence i the guest of Miss Carrie Moseley ere. The home of Lazarus Jackson, olored.was destroyed by fire Friday ight. The flames originated in the itchen from an unknown cause. A art of the furniture was saved, here was no insurance. Look Out iounty Fair Oct. 19-22 Notes from Mouzons. Mouzons, August 23: ?There will e a basket picnic at Mouzons school ouse Tuesday, August 31, at which me Mrs Amy C Weeks of Alexanria, Va, will deliver an address on ?mperance. Other speakers are also xpected to be present. Come, bring rell filled baskets and let's have a ood day. Crops have improved in this seeon since the rains set in. Mr W M Frierson has returned rom a hospital at Charleston where e had gone for treatment. Tobacco curing will soon be a ling of the past. The prices at 'hich tobacco is selling do not cause le planters to rejoice a great deal. People of this section are looking arward to the election September 4. I think that a great majority of ie voters are going to vote for tate-wide prohibition. J T F. laly Declares War On Turkey. London, August 21:?Marquis di arroni, Italian ambassador to Turey, today handed to the Porte a ote declaring Italy considered her?lf in a state of war with Turkey nd demanded his passports, accordlg to an official telegram from onstantinople received at Amsteram and transmitted to the Central lews. The reasons given in the note for taly's declaration of war were the upport given by Turkey to the reolt in Libya and the prevention of he departure of Italian residents rom Syria. ecommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I never hesitate to recommend lhamberlain's Colic, Cholera and t> 1- >> ?nr:i ziarrnoea ivemeuy, writes out mr ams, merchant, Jesse, Tenn. "I ell more of it than of any other reparations of like character. I ave used it myself and found it ave me more relief than anything lse I have ever tried for the same urpose." Obtainable everywhere. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless hill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the rell known tonic properties of QUININE nd IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives nt Malaria, Enriches the Blood and luilds up the Whole System. 50 cents. LIGHT IS ENERGY. If the Rays Are Not Absorbed They Will Travel on Forever. If one could get an inclosed room with perfectly mirroring wall.- and ^ light an electric buib in it for a sec ond and then suddenly annihilate J the bull> the light would go on refleeting back and forth forever. So if one couid look into tin's room a year later he would see tlie lighted bulb, which no longer existed, mirrored in all the walls of the room. However, if the bulb had been left in the room alter being extinguished it, being dead and not a perfect reflector, would finally ha reabsorbed all the light back and have converted it into heat. If light from an object is not absorbed it, being energy, travels on forever. Take a church steeple with the sun shining on it and no clouds TVia lirrVtt rnflnnto/l frnm tlio QUUTCi XUU llg Ub A ^UVV ivu 41 VU4 fuv steeple will go out into space and travel forever unless it strike some matter in space. So a person on a distant planet could see the steeple if he had glasses strong enough? the matter of seeing being merely to receive enough light from the seen object to impress the retina. If this celestial observer were very far away the light of course would take some time to get to him and he could not possibly see the steeple as soon after the sun struck it as could an observer on the earth. In the regions of space there are rays of light that were reflected from people and buildings ages ago. , If some one were there to catch these rays he could actually see things that long ago ceased to exist except as light rays. Astronomers do actually see such things, for they can look at stars lar." "I am very sorry, father/' said | the youth contritely. "You don't happen to hare the dollar with you, do youf No. Six-Sixty-Six This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVE R. 1 Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as tonic the Fever will not ] return. It acts on the liver better than Caiomel and does not gripe or sicken At-c ^ The County Record SI a year, j1 \ whose light has taken forty years to get to the earth. If these forty year stars were to go out no one on the earth could possibly see them go out for forty years. They would still be seen in the sky as bright as ever for forty years more. This fact demonstrates more plainly than any other that what one sees is light and not objects. A friend's face, for instance, is not seen. Nothing is seen but the light reflected from that friend's face. The friend could be annihilated and J one would see his face for a short time thereafter?that is, would see the light from his face.?New York American. The Arabs of Syria. Among the Arabs of Syria a man changes his name after the birth ol his eldest son, assuming the name which has been bestowed upon the heir, with the prefix Abu, meaning "father of." Thus, if the son is called Fudlc Allah, "God's bounty/' the father will henceforth be known as Abu Fudle Allah, "father of Gud's bounty." In like manner the mother would become known as Em Fudle Allah, "mother of God'? bounty." This custom is not merely one of common speech, but extends to all occasions and even to legal documents. Still more strangely, even when a man though married has no son the courtesy of ori- i ental society demands that he ? should be addressed as Abo Salim \ or Abou Mahmoud, after an imaginary son whom politeness confers upon him. A Bird In the Hand. Young Barnes'had married contrary to his father's wishes. Meeting his parent soon afterward, the father said angrily: "Well, young man, I have made my will and cut you off with a dod e only thing* ill this *slo the man behind has this secretive iy generous oppor* your self ^ and DO. c , Share It.,; Ji muuu i mil -Let us contril comfort by regularly wit' good to eat. antee the qus price to pleas Lewis 0 202 West Main St. HE WOFFORD M. n#w% A %TD1 ar/in a. r&nu? A Christian College with high sta Laboratories and Library. Strong Fac begins September 15th. Write for cat HENRY N. SNYE WOFFORD COLLEGE A high grade preparatory school foi ful moral training. $185.00 pays all ex] For catalogue address HEADM/ 7-29-4t What Is it a New Roof ?/inriAlinLl A ni*l/ Weill l rciisuiiauiu pin I also do any kin work and Repairing dors, Radiators, Lai Leave your order a ware Company for B. M. PI All Work Guaranteed All Fresh Meats and Veget THE PEOPLE' H, A. MILLED, IT PAYS TO AflVERTlf " - mti subscribe now tor 1H Owi7 ASK any business man *n town v k OVER HIS HEAD. CERTAI1 ness and he couldn't live at ho these days the AVERAGE MAN is NEATH the COVERS of a BANK idect a RELIABLE INSTITUTION LET US PUT A COVE BANK OF K finnrl Thin I i8'j:' V vl : |i- ' OTiHEADm , 1 j whether he has a CHECK BOOK YLY he has. He couldn't do busi- | be unless he had. More and more PROTECTING his FAMILY BE- kt BOOK. Of course you want to j 5 where SERVICE is PERSONAL, \~ R ON YOUR HOME. A INGSTREE. c ft gs to Eat' bute to your E serving you h something ,1 We guarility and the e you. ' , Carter ! Phone No. 143 1 " ' rni i err ? I ( iE IN THE RECORD.; E COUNTY RECORD \ V/ULLLUCi JRG, S. C. j mdards and ideals. Well equipped 11 ulty and full courses. Next session j alogue. I?R, President ?? * ; FITTING SCHOOL boys. Individual attention. Carejenses. Next session September 15. VSTER, b Spartanburg, S. C. ^ Is It? || or an Old One you I ces on. | id of Sheet Iron I such as Auto Fen- I nps, Etc. I t Kingstree Hardprompt attention j CQUET Phone No. 18 Ml Ml ist Market Price Paid ables on Hand in SeasonS MARKET , Proprietor. Professional Cards. |^| DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, 1 Dental Surgeon, I Office in Hirsch building, over Kings- V ree Drug Co's. 8-28-ti jPJj DOOBERTJ.McCABE, DENTIST, CINGSTREE, / S. C V iffice in McCabe Building, next to Court House. m.d. nesmith, i DENTIST, * -ake City, S. C ^vTlTtaylor" DENTIST, 1 t Mice over Or W V Bmekin^toti' s Store, I rivr.STWF.F. . S.C. I tim. ] 866 1914 ' M. SNIDER, r SURGEON DENTIST. , >ver Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store. J. DcS. Gilland J Attorney-at-Law | Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. G 9 General practicioner in,all State and fl 'ederal Courts. H Benj. M~'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. 9 Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D 9 VETERINARIANS. fOne of us will be at Kingstree the rst Monday in each month, at uei- ^ ?r's Stables. 9-28-tf J KINGSTREE i "mgrnk l-Qdge, No. 46 1 A. F.M. % f leets Thursday before full moon tach ^ Tonth. Visiting brethren are cordially ] lyited. ? R K Wallace, W m. J J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly 1 /^v Kingstree Chapter, j Order Eastern Star A leets every Thursday night after full m loon and two weeks later. fl Mrs B E Clarkson, W M. j Irs Stella Cook, Sect'y. 1-28-tf J fl &, Kingstree Lodge, J No. 91 1 JHI Knigiits ot Pythias J w W _ Regular conventions every second and Durth Tuesday night. Our visiting J rethren always welcome. Castle Hall, M rd story Gourdin Building. 1-14 lvr * BE Clarkson, C C. I E C Epps, K of R & S. jM @Kingstree OAMP NO* 27. MCUl MUnUM I The Third Monday M Night in each Visiting choppers cor j ilally Invited tocoire up and sit on a stomp ' * or hang about on tbe limbs. P H STOLL, S M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com. J NOTICE ! I Tobacco will bring best I prices at Kingstree and I t T. J. Pendergrass I A will give you best values I for your money. Nice fresh I Fish always on hand. We I also carry a full and com- I plete line of Groceries, Cold I . Drinks, Crockeryware and I ijiassware. If you spend a night in town and miss Pendergrass' Boarding House you will regret it. Six bedrooms up ? stairs and everything com- fl plete. m Our Restaurant is under | the management of Mrs. J. 1 Hamlet, who will give you x ) A-l service. Call and see J her. ( Pendergrass Brothers Co. Klngatr**, S. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS ULrv THE DIAMOND BRAND. A x J L?dle?t AfUyonr Dr?MUtfor A\ jJ ' ? A'AI?I.?-I. p .. Dla.non dBr?nd/A\ MVuTnir j'sirf