GIN MIXED COTTON SEED. Unless Grower Takes Precaution, He May Get Neighbor's Variety. Washington, D C, August 25:? Few cotton growers realize when ! they take back seed from an ordin- j ary gin to use in planting the next j crop, the extent to which their seed I may be mixed with the seed of the cotton ginned just previous to their lot. Yet this matter is of vital im-1 portance to all cotton raisers who j wish to grow a uniform variety of cotton. As every student Jbf cotton breeding knows, even a few seeds of another variety in a cotton field may J through cross-fertilization cause interbreeding and deterioration in a large number of plants. Instead of getting only a few seeds from a neighbor's lot of cotton, however, J ' Kir anopialia^ ! &CIU&1 lQVtfSU^ttllUUd k/J OpvvtMt^ww I ' of the Department of Agriculture show that in certain cases a lot of ? seed will contain as much as 14 to 16 per cent of seed left in the gin boxes from the cotton ginned just before. In the cases investigated not only has there been a large percentage of seed from the variety ginned just previously, but it is found that some seeds may remain from the second bale preceding. It follows, therefore, that a grower may very readily mix one or two other varieties with his special kind of seed. Where a grower is particular about his seed, he can greatly minimize the mixing by quick, simple and inexpensive measures in which the average ginner will be glad to co-operate. The following precautions, which seem to be entirely practicable and which, in fact, are now exercised in some localities, are recnmmpnded strongly in Department Bulletin No 288, Custom Ginning as I a Factor in Cotton-Seed Deteriora-j tion, soon to be issued, i The patron should accompany to the gin the lot of seed cotton from which he expects to save seed for planting, and he should aid the ginner in seeing that everything possible is done to prevent mixing. He should see that the flues, feeders and cleaners are cleaned as thoroughly as their construction will permit before he allows his seed cotton to enter them. The roll should be dropped from the roll box and the box should be thoroughly cleaned. The dropping of the roll is an operation with which ail ginners are familiar. The con '? A A 1 _ , struction of the gins is sucn tnannei roll can be dropped and the box cleaned in a very few minutes. Some improved gins are arranged so that the roll box may be emptied without stopping the gin, thereby further simplifying the operation. Having cleaned the machinery up to and including the roll ibox, the next step is to prevent the seed of the variety to be ginned from falling into the conveyor. It is impracticable to clean the conveyor satisfactorily, and therefore it should not be used when planting seed is to be obtained. By adjusting the position of the apron of each gin the seed can I be made to fall upon the floor in [ front of the gin instead of into the conveyor. From here it can be sacked easily.' I The floors about the gins should be cleaned to the extent that no seeds are left lying around to cause mixing. Canvas spread upon the floor to receive the seed from the gins is often used. j Such precautions require time in which to carry them out effectively, and time spent in this manner naturally reduces somewhat the amount of ginning that otherwise could be done in a day. On tnis point the ginner may find cause to base objection to such procedure, but it should be possible to meet the objection by fully compensating him for the ex tra time consumed. The expense or special ginning in some sections may be reduced by arranging to have it done on specified days or at the close of the season, when more time is available. In any event, the amount of money that may be required to secure the ginner's co-operation in the maintenance of pure seed is almost negligible in view of the favorable effect such precautions will have upon the farmer's crops in succeeding years. Despondency Due to Indigestion. "About three month ago when I was suffering from indigestion which caused headache and dizzy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Mrs Geo Hon, Macedon, N Y. "This medicine proved to be the very thing I needed, as one day's treatment relieved me greatly. I used two bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and they rid me of this trouble." Obtainable everywhere. P* No. 666 -t TLia it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any cace, and j If taken tben as a tonic ine rever win noi return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c % ? Backache jjH 1111 Miss Myrtle Cothrum, 1111 IIII of Russellville, Ala.,says: IIII MU "For nearly a year, I suf- 1X1 XX fered with terrible back- XX llll ache, pains in my limbs, 1111 11II* and my head ached nearly || 11 all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. I was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE Cardui The Woman's Tonic 1 took two bottles, in all, and was cured. 1 shall always praise Cardui to I sick and suffering wo- I men." If you suffer from I ? pains peculiar to weak I women, such as head- (J ache, backache, or other Ijrl symptoms of womanly |||1 trouble, or if you merely 1111 need a tonic for that tired, IIII nervous, worn-out feel- 1XJ '^BeWctS 1 1 The public is cordially invited to attend any of the services of the various churches of Kingstree. Baptist Church. Rev W E Hurt, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 8:00 o'clock. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesdays at 8:00 p. nr.. Methodist Church. Rev D A Phillips, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 8:30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 5:00 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. Presbyterian Church. Rev P S McChesney, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. hi. Sunday-school 4:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. GLASSES FITTED \ I am now equipped to do this work satisfactorily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with TSfw New Kryptok Glasses, reading and distance vision ground in each lens. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. C. BAGGETT, \ Jeweler and Optician, Kingstree, South Carolina Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident ol the State for two years, and of thr county one year, and of the pQlling precinct in which the elector offers t Supervisors of Registration, or wt. can show that he owns, and has pai all taxes collectible on during tin present year property in this State assessed at thr#*** hundred dollars more. H A Meyer, r lerk of Roam Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail* to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in? to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy Cares Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. t > ^ i/ N otice to Liquor Dealers [ ] To Distillers, Manufacturers and Liquor Dealers: Office of Williamsburg County Dispensary Board, Kingstree, S C, August 14,1915. Bids are hereby requested in accord- ^ ance with the terms of the Dispensary Law, now in force, for the following kinds and quantities of Liquors, Beer and Wines for use in the County Dispensaries of Williamsburg county, for the quarter commencing October 1,1915. 25 to 300 drums each of 70, 80, 90 and 100 proof Gin, in gallons, half-gallons, quarts, pints and half-pints; 25 to 300 drums each of 70, 80, 90 and t 100 proof Rye, in gallons, half-gallons, 8 quarts, pints and naif-pints; 8 25 to .300 drums each of 70, 80, 00 and * 100 proof Corn, in gallons, half-gallons, * quarts, pints ana naii-pinrs; 15 to 50 drums of Rum in quarts, pints P and half-pints; c Case goods, in quarts, pints and half- * pints, including Rye, Corn and Sctoch 1' Whiskey, Brandy. Gin, Rum, Bitters d and Wines in quantities of each kind of 13 from 5 to 300 cases; e Domestic and Imported Beer in pints 1' and quarts in quantities of each kind of from 5 to 1,000 casks. Bids must be 0 made on both car load and less than c car load lots. S Domestic and Imported Wines and ( Champagne in quantities of each kind P of from 5 to 300 cases, furnished in b quarts. J1 All to be full mearsure and to be de- " livered at Kingstree or Trio, SC. J Bids must be sealed with no sign or C mark on envelope to indicate the name of bidder. * All bids must be sent either by ex- * press or registered mail to J W Cook, 0 County Treasurer, Kingstree, S on a or before the 20th day of September, h 1915. E The Board reserves the right to reject S any and all bids, or any part of bids, ? and to increase or decrease the amount b of any awarded contract. All loss or breakage in transit, it is understood, will be borne by Distillers. Manufacturers and Liquor Dealers, and E such amounts will be charged against ? accounts. Bids to be opened at the office of the Board, Kingstree, SC. at 8 o'clock a. m., September 20, 1915. Terms 90 days. Bidders are required to give proof of g all case and other goods. D J Epps. Chairman. T B Gourdin, Secretary, p R E Tarte, Wmsburg Co Dispensary Board. a Tax Land Sales. By virtue of an execution to me directed. I have levjed upon and will sell ? for taxes on the first Monday in Sep- ? tember, 1915, being the 6th day of the * , month, before the court house door in " Kings tree, Williamsburg county, S C, the following described lands, to-wit: ^ Three hundred (3u0) acres of land in P Anderson township belonging to E W !' Boatwright, bounded as follows: On the 11 North by Black river; East by lands of M H Parsons; South by M H Parsons; 0 on the West by lands of L A Parsons; Also 7.' acres of lands belonging to p i the estate of Sharper Nesmith in Mingo township, Williamsburg county, and bounded as follows: On the North, East 01 and South by lands of F Rhem & Sons; on the South and West by lands of f1 Praoolav f Phom fir ?nn? flnH IICIIIJ A 1V0OIVJ) A AVUVtu WV..W ?.V* , John Jones; D' Also one lot in the town of Kingstree, 01 S C, belonging to L P Kinder and bounded as follows: On the North by lots Nos 32 and 34; on the East by lots *' Nos 32 and 33; on the South by Academy street; on the West by lot No 15, ? as shown on town map; , 1 Also YJ}4 acres of land in Mouzons A township belonging to Eliza Benjamin and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of N B Barrow; on the East by lands of the estate of D E Epps and J*A Barrow; on the South and West by D E Epps and Pressley McFadden. Purchasers to pay for papers. tt George J Graham, a 8-19-3t Sheriff Williamsburg Co. tt Estate Notice. I The creditors of the estate of Mary cc L Adams, deceased, are hereby noti- ? fied to render to the undersigned an ? account of their demands, duly attest- 91 ed, and all persons indebted to said in estate are notified to make payment likewise. Samuel B McElveen, A John Chandler, 8-19-3t Executors. Cades, S C, August 16, 1915. Notice to Creditors, g All persons having claims against tb* n estate of Chas W Wolfe, deceased, are I hereby notified to file their claims, duly R attested, with the undersigned, and all I parties indebted to the said estate will fi make payment at The ( ounty Record office. Mrs Bertha S Wolfe, 1 8-19-3t Administratrix. H Notice. I Notice is hereby given, that the Road I Engineer and Auditing Board of Wil- I burg county invites sealed bids at their I office September 7, 1915, 11 a. m., for I the following: One 25 H P Titan Gasoline Engine, ? but little used, manufactured by Inter- ? national Harvester Co. Two Dump Wagons, but little used. Also 17,000-gal Water Tank, pipes and ram. Said board reserves right to reject any and all bids. J N Hammet, g-12-4t County Commissioner. Kingstree, S C, August 10, 1915. Notice of Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, September 4, AD 1915, at eleven o'clock a. m., at the Possum Fork school house, near Johnsonville, S C, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the building known as the Possum Fork^school house. A G Eaddy, | Chairman. 9 C D Cook, J F L Powell, | Trustees. 1 Dated at Jonsonville in said county of | said State August 23, A D 1915. It When You Want to Save 1 JUST COMI Your Table will be well su] market affords if you buy youi from us. Your BanK Account will 1 cause our prices are away dow groceries and provisions of qi they should be. Your Health will be amply p only goods of known purity and Your Appetite will be well groceries of quality that posses nutriment, and they are gooc Britton & Court oi common fleas. ; W McClary, \ Plaintiff, ) DECREE FOR vs \ SALE IN FOREImma B Pittman, ( CLOSURE. Defendant. J Notice is hereby given, that under nd by virtue of a decree issued out of he court of Common Pleas of the couny of Williamsburg in the above entiled action, bearing date the 24th day f June, 1915, to me directed. I will sell 0 the highest bidder, for cash, before he court house door in the town of Lingstree, county of Williamsburg, tate of South Carolina, on the first londay in September, 1915, the same eing the 6th day of said month, durlg the legal hours of sale, the followlg tract of land, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract f land, situate, lying and being in the aunty of Williamsburg and State of outh Carolina, containing five (5) cres. more or less, and bounded on the forth by the Carolina Fiber Company; 1 the East by lands of Solomon Hirschlann; on the South by the Santee Rivr Public Road, and on the West by I inds of the Carolina Fiber Company; | eing lands known as lands of the estate I t S W Gamble. H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg County. 8-19-3t August 16, 1915. lotice of Application for Incorporation. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg. Notice is hereby given that the unsigned will apply to the Secretary of le State of South Carolina, on or after ugust 31, 1915, for the issuance of irtificate of incorporation pursuant to _ le provisions of Article 2 of Chapter LVII, Code of Laws of South Caro,ia 1912, Volume I, relating to the in>rporation of Charitable, Social and eligious Societies in behalf of The elievers Holiness Church, a religious 'ganization which has its headquarters the county aforesaid. Given under our hands and seals this ugust 20, 1915. 8-26-lt Isaac Gamble, (L. S.) Samuel Bradley, (L. S.) Dolly Scott, (L. S.) Have Your Corn 11 Ground at Mouzons 1 * on the best rock the world ? | has ever produced. Meal sifted if you wish. Mill in operation every Saturday until 12 o'clock. Leave your corn as you pass with Daniel Reardon, 8-l2-4t Mouzon, S. C. Eyes! Eyes! I Dr. L. A. Woodruff I of Florence, S. C | I will be in | | Hpmincrwav Xuomt 73 I I 1IVHIBQ ft J * H and will remain until Sep- I tember 4. Will give special | attention to the eyes and I glass fitting. I Dr.LA.Woodruff,OptD. S . ? Notice of Sale for Foreclosure. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Pleas. W V Strong, Plaintiff, against Adelaide Boyd, Rose Gamble, Jane Gamble, Elize Henryhan, Rebecca Singleton, Sarah McElveen, Georgie Dukes, Sylla Chandler, Robert Boyd, Hogan Boyd, Menin Boyd, Lillie Wilson, Telia Boyd, Annie Boyd, Scurry Boyd, Flowers Boyd, Marvin Boyd, Moses Boyd, Bertha Boyd and Minnie Boyd, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and >y virtue of the decretal order in the . ibove entitled action made and renderd in open court by his Honor, Judge I V Bowman, and date March 9, 1915, I, he undersigned, Sheriff of Williamsiurg county, said State, will sell at iublic auction to the highest bidder for ash, before the court house door in Cingstree, South Carolina, during the ?gal hours for sale on the sixth (6th) ay of September, A D 1915, the same eing sales-day, the following describ d, contiguous and adjoining tracts of and, to-wit: % All that certain piece, parcel or tract f land lying, being and situate in the ounty of Williamsburg and State of louth Carolina, containing fifty-two a 52) acres, more or less, known as a ortion of the F W Foyd tract of land, ounded as follows, to-wit: North by ands of W G Cantley, Jr; East by ands of .1 V Brown; South by lands of ames Boyd, and West by lands of looper Brothers. Also, all that certain piece parcel or ract of land lying, being and situate in he county of Williamsburg and State f South Carolina, containing sixty (60) cres, mere or less, and bounded as fol)ws, to-wit: North by lanil9 of James loyd; East by lands of J V Brown; louth by lands of WM Brown and lands f the estate of Jack Chandler and West y lands of Raisbell McCullough. Purchaser to pay for papers. G J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg t ounty. Lingstree.S C. August 14, 1915. 8-19?"t. Notice of Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF VVILLIAMSBUl'G. 292 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. Call or write dor information rega my advanced method of treating Stoi Liver, Nerve, Blood, Skin Diseases, Contracted Troubles, Kidney, Bladdc Private Diseases of men and women, sultations free. Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 Sundays 10 to 2. 4-! Mowers! Just received, one ei >MA(JH1JNJ?]!S. Trice, and examine them. M. F. HE] Get It Now and Use It I I This Elegant Hammock?i Handsome Japanese Art Square great hot weather com forts. We ha designs. There's a lot of Comfort to be Furniture and it doesn't cost much our line before you buy. Our prices The Steele Furnitu Kingstree, / i ... - ? - ; > i - ?*. "The Pure Foo % I SUNDAY EXC TO THE SEASH ROUND TRIP FARE) ife from KINGSTREE Jfi to' CHARLESTON) ^ Tickets sold only for trains Sundays, limited to date of sa SCHEDULEG Leave Kingstree Arrive Charleston SCHEDULE RET Leave Charleston Arrive Kingstree For further particulars, tick ' W Holliday, Ticket Agent, h W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traf. Mgr. WILMINGTON, ATLANTIC CO A 6-17-t9 9 The Standard Raili DR. P. J. O'NEI SPECIALIST lone} on Groceries I TO US! Dplied with the best the groceries and provisions i>e amply safeguarded bern, as low as possible for \ uality, even lower than irotected because we sell \ 1 excellence. | satisfied because we sell I ?s an unusual amount of I 1 to the taste. I II. I nuison. i d Store" I URSIONSI j ORE! 4 1.25. ; specified below on le. > OING. 8:05 a. m. 10:30 a. m. URNING. 8:25 p. m. - 10:52 p. m. ets, etc, apply to W # [ingstree, b C. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A. N. C. lST line, *oad of the South. A derived frc n Summer [ iither. Come in and see 4 are always ri/ht. re Company South Carolina i r / ) .i hitfc - -UL4. . J irding 1 M?|BWy p^ch' ' ?! Mowers! irload MOWING 45.00 each. Call M LLER ' - \ Ill Next Summer! I > only a few left. is or Mattings are also ,ve them in a variety cf