HEED CREEK SPRINGS. Klngstree Citizen's Glowing Description Thereof. Editor County Record:? Two weeks have died since I began the story of my visit to Reed Creek Springs, and as I am two weeeks nearer my end, I shall resume that story lest it become stale in the minds of those who have never been there, but would like to go. 'Tis a great pity that these waters, so rich in nature's curative remedies and so burdefted with healing properties, have never been advertised, that those who -jire every summer seeking health might know that their opportunity lies at their very door. From my own home town all one has to do, is to buy a ticket for SI.80 and you will be landed at this resort where you can begin life again. The hotel is spacious for the patronage it receives, there being only about thirty rooms, including baths?but it is not spacious enough for the patronage it ought to receive. Among the many comers and goers while I was there, I made many new friends and among this number are those annual visitors who go there for the great benefit they receive, and after listening to * their story, and from the experience and benefit my wife and I received, I can not do otherwise than lift my voice at an angle calculated for disA tance and loudness in its praise. We came away with our mouths full of harmony and our souls gushing out with gratitude, feeling much as astronomers who have discovered a now nlanet. with the advantage with us, not the astronomers, making us feel full of citified airs, that ate into Our very vitals. m Here, at these charming springs, there is a song in every heart, even in the heart of him who doesn't sing, and there's cheer in every face and a spring in every step. Life to one before coming here seems hollow and monotonous and existence but a burden. On going away one feels like singing Tom Sawyer's Buffalo Gals. If you go there with a sore toe and apply the yellow cream of^that water to that sore, it's well in a day. If you go there with sorrows put down in long division and multiplied by nine figures, when you come away you'll feel like you have paid passage to the Panama exposition with new inspirations continually bursting upon you with a skip, hop and a jump and considering yourself a steamboat drawing fifteen feet of water. Yes, you'll think yourself a steamboat and captain with engine and bell 8 thrown in. Go there and you'll find 100 per cent of these statements true. If you feel like a dismantled hero, stript of all honors, go there and you'll be reinstated. If you feel like a dead cat, or a dried persimmon, go up there and you will - * x 0 ieei use you Cttii turn a iorc iuw ? mountain and a mountain into rivers and rivers into a continent and war into peace. These waters restore your bad feelings into norrpal and'soothe the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of the sighing pines. These springs have been the mecca for ailers for over one hundred years. I would utter this incantation?who hasn't been here before, come, and whoever is here, stay here if you can and enjoy health, but leave behind your heavy woes, > ' long complaints and your dogged meanness, and when you're there a little while you'll be no longer infatuated with patent nostrums and all new and old methods of producing health or mending it. Go there gnce and you'll be an easy victim to go again. That spring, speaking metaphorically, is an angel of healing and the balm of Gilead to suffering humanity. Mr Editor, these waters are not a cure all, nor a raiser of the dead, but dyspepsia, malaria, lassitude, eczema and many other ill will be snubbed out of you as with a coarse file, though you be as dismal as a hearse. But these conditions must be complied with: Leave your pain-killer at home and come with as hearty an interest in your coming welfare as if you had fire built under you, and when you go back home takev all your patent stuff you can lay your hands on and mend the cracks of the floor, walls and ceiling with it quit your meanness and nobody will say you are; mean for doing it; then you'll sleep the sleep of the just and live as long as a graven image. Selah! i A M Snider. j i SalterS Snap-Shots. < ] Salters, July 26:?Crops have im- j proved considerably around here the i past two weeks. ] Tobacco is being cured now and , will make a very good crop, but the price is so low that many complaints have been heard from both up and 1 down the river and many farmers 1 say they will plant no more after ! this season. 1 Miss Emma Watson spent last j \ t \ week with her brother, Henry E Davis, Esq, of Florence. Mrs Eva Sims of Charleston has returned after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs Chas Fowler, of this place.! Miss Carrie Sparks, who has been spending some time with Miss Leila Ferrell of this place, has gone on a visit to relatives in Florence. Miss Virginia Wilson visited relatives here last week. Mr J T David visited friends at Lake City last Sunday. Henry E Davis, Esq, of Florence spent the week-end here with his father, Mr J E Davis. Dr W S Boyd and children have gone on a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va. Protracted services were held in the Methodist church here last week, conducted by Rev Mr Burnett, of the Jordan circuit. Good congregations attended the services and we [ hope much good has been done. Mr C W Boswell spent Sunday | with his parents at Silver. His mother, who has been quite sick for some time, is, we are glad to say, much better. Look Out. ONE DEAD, ANOTHER DYING. Negroes and Officers Exchange Shots at Nichols. Mullins. July 25:?One negro,Jake Davis, is dead, and another, name unknown at this time, is fatally m ' wounded, as the result of trouble ~ between about thirty negroes and | several officers at Nichols, this coun- jj ty# about eight miles from here, last night. It seems that the negroes were at a church and dissension arose among them, and that the Mayor, Magistrate and policemen went to the nhnrf?h to ston the auarrel. when the negroes opened fire on the officers, who returned the fire. Policeman Walter Powell was shot through the arm, but the Mayor and Magistrate were unharmed. The Coroner arrived on the scene about 1 o'clock this morning, but decided to postpone the inquest un- 2 til after daylight. ? One arrest has been made and I others are expected shortly. E TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL. Starts Your Liver without Making You Sick and Cannot Salivate. Every druggist in town?your druggist and everybody's druggist? has noticed a great falling-off in the sale-if calomel. They all give the | same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is _ taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people a know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasanttasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick I headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak,sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, ful of vigor and ambition. W S Wightman, aged 68, one of the best known citizens of Saluda county, died at his home a few miles from Saluda Wednesday afternoon of last week. He was stricken with paralysis Saturday afternoon while in his buggy on his way home. Mr Wightman was a veteran of the Civil war. He was County Superintendent of Education of Saluda county several years ago. * Traveling Man's Experience. "In the summer of 1888 I had a very severe attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over me from four a. m. to ? p. m. without giving me any relief and then told me they did not expect me to live; that I had best telegraph for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter fifty cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and take no substitute. I tojk a double dose accord mg to directions ana went 10 sieepi* after the second dose. At five o'clock | the next morning I was called by my order and took a train for my next stopping point, a well man but feeling rather shaky from the se- j verity of the attack," writes H W| Ireland, Louisville, Ky. Obtainable everywhere. Mr Henry Tomlinson died suddenly last Friday at the resience of his brother at Olanta, Mr S J Tomlinjon. Though in bad health for some time, he was on the street Thursday and appeared as well as usual. fi % TURNI! We have just received a 1 Seed in the lollowing varietiei Amber Globe, Golden Ball an ties we give you at 40c per po We have also placed our Field and Garden Seeds, whi( seasons draw near. We are any. kinds of bulk seeds and i tions. Youi King'stree Di KINGSTREE, - ? ? ? Mowers! Just received, 01 MACHINES. Pric and examine them. M. F. I Farmers of Wi Dear Sirs: Bring your t( tree, the best to ~ ~ J the State, and se( Mules, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Grain Drills, Etc. Yours t( Williamsburg I Kingstree, I ^ aaoBBnnaHi ' Get It Now and Use This Elegant Hatnmc Handsome Japanese Art S great hot weather comforts. 1 designs. There's ^iot of Comfort t Furniture andlt doesn't cost n our line before you buy. Our ] The Steele Furn Kingstree, REME When in need of a II Jewelry go to T. E. Bagi Ask fo see the $5.5! urofoli An tliA marlrjrf fnr TTCUVU VII UIV inui nvi i vi this watch in curing toba If you are troubled wi you with glasses with wh print. Broken glasses du Watches, Clocks and Jt received. t7 e; b a j ? i P SEED arge shipment of bulk Turnip s: Wood's Improved Ruta Baga, d Cow Horn. All these varieund or i pound for 10c. order for a complete line of :h will arrive as the planting able to handle your order for vill be pleased to furnish quotars for service, rug' Company South Carolina m Mowers! le carload MOWING e, $45.00 each. Call 4ELLER illiamsburg: )bacco to Kingsbacco market in j us for Horses, Surreys, Wagons, Mowers, Rakes, i * i ' 1 ) please, Live Stock Co. - S. C. . It All Next Summer! ck?only a few left. Squares or Mattings afealso We have them in a varietv of % o be derived from Summer luch either. Come in and see prices are always right. liture Company South Carolina MBER, || Ifatch. Clock or Piece of I jett, the Reliable Jeweler. 8 Elgin Watch, the best the money. You need cco. th your eyes, let me fit lich you can see the finest iplicated. Save the pieces Bwelry repaired same day GGETT % The Ice Hal Comes Early ai I Our Fountain is run: with you as long as yoi give a lot of joy for a i A fresh supply of I ways on hand. Wher come to us and get N< Scott Di Kingstree, - i? ========= JllwAR 1 1 J. L. ST' I HAS J I Horses ai I For Sale or J. L. ST Livery, Feed ar Lake City, ? I WATCHES JEWELF OPTICAL GOOD; CUT GLASS s. QUALITY JEV 257 King St.,, * ( [EASI I nv vox tw pn I Begin the easing pro Look into the size of you try us. If you are not one of < we want you to try our v< Teas, Coffees and other g We sell everything fc antee its quality and kee] Britton & / "The Pure F. Nice Fresh Beef, Pork and i THF PFDPIF' M W MM I H. A. MILLER, P I Travel Slips Issued : . # a. * Cream bit id Stays Late ^ ning and wi!i stay a stay with it. We nickel. Morris' Candies al i you want banay, )rris'. ug Co., ? South Carolina. m B ON US I uckeyJ iOTH id Mules IB Exchange. 11 U C K E Y ifl id Sale Stable *|j South Carolina |j 7 (Y DIAMONDS S SILVERWARE NOVELTIES ETC. * &. s <35 co., fclcrsi # :h arleston, s. c. ^ ????tM fUPl CKETBOOR cess with your table, ir grocery bill. Then J ' A >ur regular customers ery high grade Flour, rocerie's. >r the table, and guarp the price Way down. ' T T rlutson. Dod Store" a si M fit I sr Good Cattle and Hogs Mutton Always On Hand. * S MARKET 1 ROPRIETOR J at this Market. J %