The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 08, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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f ?:= Tobacco ( , Give Us Your We are running Centra son and are making every im you and more money for us, therefore tobacco properly primed, clear of wor properly before you cut it. Tobacc properly cured will mean a lot to y prices, for there is less demand for W Indications are that good tobac season and we are going to be in a be for handling your tobacco and takii when you are ready to sell drive slra house, the home of high prices and sc Very truly GAS' } ^XT'T-T-TT'T-T-XT * * Hester i ^XXZX-X-XZ-Z-X'X ' ^ Ta TT?n Tnkoppft n*"AW/ | ^ IU 111C 1 uuavvv v?iv?i< ' K and Adjoining Coin \ We take this method of inform U GORRELL'S NEW fwill be operated this year as it was la prietors of this warehouse, who is we cated in Kingstree, where he expects of tobacco has been brought to our highest possible price. ^ Between now and the time foi Gass will be glad to give you any info cerning the cultivation and curing of upon or write him he will cheerfully < We realize that the better tob* be the price paid for it by the buyers, (our house for the benefit of c We wish here to thank liamsburg and adjoining coi eral patronage in the past ai uance of the same. I We want you to make C< I quarters and assure you tha I power to make things pleasa I Our Mr. Hester, who h* ^ I time study, will be on the j I that you get every dollar 3 I Keep this important fact in 1 I I ready to sell come right on t f I Your frie Growers! Attention 1 Warehouse this sea= iprovement necessary in >ur trade. $ the t^od oeoole of Wil= I O i inties for their very lib= rid ask you for a continentral Warehouse headit we will do all in our int and profitable to you. is made tobacco a lifet job at all times to see four tobacco is worth. mind and when you are o Central Warehouse. nds, & Montgomery ^ k;i Mrs of Wlamsburg * ides: | kTJ ing you that WAREHOUSE 8 ?4 ist. Mr. Gass, one of the pro= U-known to you all, is now lo? ^ to remain until the last load warehouse and sold for the . * r harvesting your tobacco Mr. rmation you may desire conyour crop,and if you will call advise with you. mm vnn make the larger will *VVV J MMM -w ? _ J ? r a ^ , which means more money for ; we advise that you keep your ^ ms and, above all, let it ripen o well ripened in the field and ou this season in the way of te green, inferior grades. co will bring a fair price this itter shape than ever before ig care of your interests, so lieht to Gorrell's New Wa r luare dealings. yours, rej S & GORRELL, Proprietors 0 i K*X*X*XX*XX? Igoo M ANI g NOT PR( ^ are our stock ir kTJ are the only thi W n rei mis store. | won H who want the I M Goods will find ^ selection of new this store, and ^ goods that need 1 M no promises, no Ini or guarantees. A sold on merit ale g ECON< will be fully obse make your sele A these articles. S HiinlrHll KfrX'X'Xsg PS1 USES | t trade, and ^4 ngs sold at ^ [EN 8 )est in Dry R3 a splendid m arrivals at ^ these are ^ 10 boosting, M false praise M They are ^ me. | 3MY K irved if you M ction from JhI rvUnii ^ 1] UUUUl) M South Carolina M injoys Life ircus | lE! ;o look at those ;s that are at,ttention at our i " y to try them ir fit and workral appearance. joy of all comes the mental and of a suit which le elegance of 3 art with solid rvf-f^Qf Qnmmpr ISUKsKJVJ UVii^AAAVA well, feels well I d the price is a I n. people and all When You hese Suits! M JLUUgUll UU JJ I Coin M Kingslree, - ! l??x?x?x?x"x?x<>! Everybody E HEF It is a real joy t new Summer Suit tracting so much a store. It is a greater jo on and admire thei manship and gen? But the greatest in the wearing, in bodily satisfaction combines all of tl the manufacturer's comfort on the h< days. Every suit looks and wears well, an minor consideratio: And they fit all pocketbooks. You Bay Right, D A Af Ti puy une ui 11 s. A HUERTA REARRESTED. Could Not Furnish Additional Bond?Orozco Escapes. Washington, July 3:?Gen Victoriano Huerta was rearrested today at El Paso by agents of the department of justice, it became known to, night, to prevent the possibility that he might follow the footsteps of I* Pascual Orozco, who apparently has forfeited his bond in escaping the espionage of Federal agents. The war department had authorized Gen Funston to imprison Gen Huerta at Fort Bliss if the ftrmer dictator were rearrested today, and in view of the sympathetic feeling displayed in El Paso toward Huerta, the possibility of his removal to some city distant from the border was considered certain tonight. Officials here were much disappointed when Huerta was promptly released on bond when first arrested. The first belief prevailed tonight that the new bond has been made practically prohibitive. The position of the Washington Government is that Huerta's return to Mexico would complicate the situation at a time when President Wil- ^ son is working out plans for a pacification of the country. Conditions in Mexico City are still [critical, according to such meagre advices as have been received. From the fact that foreigners are unmolested, however, and that the international relief committee has sufficient supplies to feed the poor families, officials believe the situation might be considered as having improved. Orozco eluded 3ix guards at this local residence and disappeared early in the day. He is supposed to have climbed through a back window, dodged into shrubbery, then made his way to an automobile. Reports early tonight had him at various points on both sides of the border ready to lead armed Huerta followers against the Villa garrison. Officials pointed out that they really -?j had no information that Orozco would not appear in court here when his case is called for arraignment TU/t.'. ?u :_ t j. mew- men ciiagnu ill. niS QlSappearance was nevertheless patent. Gen Huerta's incarceration was caused by his inability to furnish $15,000 in addition to the bonds of like amount under which he was released after his first arrest. Today's proceedings were not at all to Huerta's liking, and he unburdened himself in a speech in the court to Commissioner Oliver. He told the commissioner that had cir9 cumstances been different, he would have shot one of the deputy marshals today. Huerta reiterated and added to this protest when he appeared before Commissioner Oliver. Assistant Federal attorney R E Crawford had asked that Huerta's bond be fixed , at ?100 OOO urhon T-fiiorta aob-orl tr? WW yAWfVVV) "UVU xx UV- A tu UOUV. U VU be heard. BURDENS LIFTED From Kioyslree Bocks -Relief Proved by Lapse of Time. Bachache is a heavy burden; Nervousness, dizziness, headache. Rheumatic pain; urinary ills; All wear one out. Often effects of kidney weakness. No use to cure the symptoms, Relief is but temDorarv if the * * ? cause remains. If it's the kidneys, cure the cause. Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidney ills; Read about your neighbor's case. Here's Kingstree testimony. The kind that can be investigated. Mrs T S Kelly, Kingstree, says: "I had dull pains in the small of my back, and was sore and lame in the morning. I had nervous headaches and spells of dizziness. The kidney secretions were unnatural. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pill3, I used two boxes, that I got from the Scott Drug Co, and they rid me of all signs of kidney trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs Kelly had. Foster-Milburn Co, Props, Buffalo, N Y. Benefited by Chamberlain's Liniment "Last winter I used Chamberlain's Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiffness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never used anything that did me so much good."?Edward Craft, Elba, N Y. I Obtainable everywhere.