The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 10, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I Salters Sittings. Salter3, June 8:?The few days of sunshine we have had during the past week have enabled the farmers to get in some much needed work. Oats and wheat are being cut. Crop prospects are not very good at this time. I noticed in the report on the condition of crops in Williamsburg county that it was placed at 90 per cent,with the use of only 40 per cent of fertilizers as .compared with last year. Now, if this be true, what is' the use of using 100 per cent of fer tilizers to make a 4U per cent crop; ft seems as if the reporter had his j figures muddled, unless he took in the crop of grass. Miss Florence H Stubbs is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs J A Ferrell, at this place. Miss Aileen Turner, who has been j teaching at Union High school the j past session, spent several days last j week with friends here en route to j her home at Ninety Six. / j * Mr and Mrs N M Laurence of! Florence spent a short while here Saturday. Mrs W H Mclntireand children of Marlboro is spending some time with v- relatives here. Misses Winnie and Jeannette Davis are home from Winthrop college for their vacation. We sympathize very much with the editor in his sickness and suffering and sincerely hope that he will be greatly benefited by his stay at Hendersonville. Mr W E Davis is at home from the Presbyterian college, Clinton, where he graduated at the session i just closed. Mr and Mrs Jas A Ferrell were at JDarlington Monday. / Mrs J H L Chandler is visiting ^ friends and relatives at Florence ' this week. We are sorry to say that Mr Everet David is quite sick. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr S D McKay is visiting relatives w ? at Sumter this week. Miss Leila Ferrell is visiting This is a remedy that every family should be provided with, and especially during the summer months.. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured when medicine must be sent for,or before relief can be obtained, mis remedy is tnor-1 oughly reliable. Ask any one who | has hsed it. Obtainable everywhere. When you speak a good word for your town you speak two for yourself. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood and - Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. ?jan?" r-i i \ ' Mrs. M. G. Stokes Dead. Gergetown. June 8:?News came to this city of the death at Waverly Mills yesterday afternoon, of Mrs M G Stokes. Mrs Stokes, before her marriage, was Miss Hemingway, of Williamsburg county. Ht-r husband was a brother of the late Rev A J Stokes, 1) 1), of the Methodist church. For many years she made her home with 1 rr daughters, Mrs Claude I.aehicotte and the late Mrs Frank I.aehicotte of Waverly Mills. Another daughter of this section was Mrs Lewis, several years deceased. Mrs .Stokes had a large and influential connection in this section and and in Colleton county. She was in her eighties and until recently enioved excellent health. She was an excellent ladv and -dowl high in the est en u of all who knew her. She leaves one sister, .Miss 11 ilia Hemingway of Waverly Mills. Sir Thomas Lipton. the nucleus of whose fortune was his toil in the rice fields of South Carolina, has placed his famous yacht, the Erin,at the disposal of the Red Cross societies of the United States and Great Britain for the relief of Serbia, where conditions are said to be even worse than in Belgium. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. 17?5 1915 College of Charleston South Carolina's Oldest College. 131st. Year Begins October 1. Entrance examinations at all county-seats on Friday, July 2, at 9 a. m. Full four-year courses lead to the B. A. and B. S. degrees. A two-year pre-medical course is given. A free tuition scholarship is assigned to each bounty of the State. | Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms and catalogue address sr 6-3-41 HARRISON RANDOLPH. President. ______________ ? EYE SPECIALIST FLORENCE, - S.C. will be at the Kingstree Drug Go/s Store on Thursday ot Every Week. Special Attention Given to i Fitting Eyeglasses. DR. F, J. INMAN FLORENCE, - S. C ? ( [ ? AN^^CnON f \\yff/lrllGH^X / / wW ^?J^y WINTHROP COLLEGE. Scholarship and Entrance Ex- j ami nations. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 2. at 9 a. m. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 2 they will be awarded* to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and fre"e tuition. The next session will begin September 15,1915, For further information and catalogue address, President D. B. Johnson, t7-l-pd Rock Hill, S. C. No. Six-Sixty-Six This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS &. FEVLR. Five or six doses will break any case, anr if taken then as a tonic the Fever will no. return. It acts on the liver hener b; n Caiomel and does not 4ripe or sicken. 2ot . * A shows that our fears last fall were not well founded. Our people are learning how to get along with less money/and bankruptcy is further away today than it has been in many years.?Dillon Herald. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lliciiua at nuuuci, The Kingstree and Salters boys crossed bats Saturday afternoon in a game of ball, which resulted in a score of 26 to 5 in favor of Salters. Come again, boys, we are glad to have you. Look Out. Hard Times a Myth? 1 . \ A few days ago a local attorney told us that he had $20,000 to lend for a client but that he could not find any borrowers. A big insurance company has set aside $2,000,000 to be loaned in this i State at 7%L Dillon county's apportionment is $100,000. So far the insurance company has not been able \ to make a loan in this county. Last week the State of South Carolina borrowed $600,000 from a na. f tional bank in a nearby town at 2.67%. Last year at this lime money cost the State 5%. The last statement of the State Bank Examiner showed that loans in South Carolina had fallen off 30 per cent as compared with a corresponding period for the previous year. Cheap money does not indicate that the State is making any substantial progress along industrial lines. It is rather the reverse. How fp 4u JLJuS] ^^ONSIDER what business would should think of starting an en;< AN ACCOUNT. HOW DOES ! : question asked at some time about ev( | A good WORKABLE BAN ; every successful business mar BANK OF II a?e?i n FRESH AIR BiS BETTER ( "X/'ES! I am doin I a NEW PEREEC NEW PERFEC stove this summer." "It bakes bread so ricl delicious biscuits ? i) cake." The secret is the curr passing continually o food?drying out the ting sogginess, an e: r .1 \fmir nrniv I or tne i\r,vv rr,i\r With a NEW PE CookstoveandaNEY Oven you can have a < all summer. No wo to carry; no smoke c The NEW PERFE gas stove. It is re; Needs no priming, and 4 burner sizes, and general stores evi Use Aladdin . or Diamond to obtain the best Stoves, Heaters s PER|f< STANDARD OI Washington, D. C. (New Jer Norfolk, Va. (BALTIMt Richmond, Va. 1 < I I I KING fhe J7ARK of fKHPCC LLuUU | be WITHOUT BANKS. No man irprise before he arranged to OPEN HE STAND AT THE BANK? is a sry business man. K BALANCE is essential to [INGSTREE. l i j r i ( iking means ;ooking * g all my baking in rriON Oven on a TION Oil Cookrrvitrn a*/-I ci l r?V? iiy uiuuntu otivii w such light, fluffy 1 cut of fresh hot air | iver and under the I steam and preven- js occlusive advantage H , ECTION Oven. $ RFECTION Oil V PERFECTION cool, clean kitchen 3 >od to cut; no coal | >r ashes. | :CTION is like a I ady day or night. 8 Made in 1, 2, 3 I Hardware dealers R erywhere. gj Security Oil H White Oil f] : results in oil gj and Lamps. ^ il W ' f I L!$j|>ES | I iL COMPANY | sey) Charlotte, N. C. ^ DRE) Charleston, W. Va. [*j Charleston, S. C. |j| I Who Does Your Repairing? We can save you money on four work. Let us prove it. Keep Dosted on the shop that does the )est work in this line and you can lave it repaired in quick time, in ' ;he most expert manner and at' nost reasonable prices. Our vork in this line is beyond com-1 jetition. We stand alone. fiingstree Garage. ..T.THOMPSON, Mrfr. \ " . N ^ XEEEEEE M A PLAINT ^ WO M Candidly, Madam, 1 telling you that we sell Goods? You already k the gentler sex hereabc And why should we ^ any particular fabric, what to select? You want, and your intellij guide. * BUT bring forcibly to y< 1*2 STAMP INDELIBLY ^ ORY. And this is the fact: K There Is N M in this Who] of Territory Give You. 1 H Dollar,the G the Service pMj Give You. mA This one fact has cor the MAKING of this ^A tinue to keep it far in 1 0ur customers are o ^A and we accord them treatment due a guest. mA to become a guest of tl % Kinsirec I 1 Ceip; M Kingstree, - ^ DR. P. J. O'NE SPECIALIST 292 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, Call or write for information re my advanced method of treating S Liver, Nerve, Blood, Skin Disease: Contracted Troubles, Kidney, Blad Private Diseases of men and womer sultations free. Hours: 9 a. m. to SundayS'lO to 2. Tll'lUfffcatwr -rtiThTTCSSSaCTB'ffffT" ttt To People1 WE SELL MEAT?JUST THE REAL MEAT, TEND! ING?NOT LEATHER WIT TIED TO IT. WHEN [YO\J YOU EAT MEAT. DRESSEDPOULTRY Palace 1! (People's Mercantile Go PHONE NO. 120. Watches, Clocks Of the Best Makes an Silverware, Cut1 Suitable for Wedding P Bring your Watches, Clot for repairs. Repairs made T. E. BA C I % store and will con- fl ur honored guests, pj A the courtesy and mA J We invite YOU lis store. kJ V rj Gills || South Carolina M j M\ ' fl IVho Eat! 1 MEAT?BUT IT IS fl CR AND APPET1Z H A MEAT LABEL BUY IT FROM US A SPECIALTY J I ^ *?12" iiai nci 11 's Old Stand) 1 and Jewelry II id Latest Designs. || Glass, China 'resents. '? _____ iIta tnil Innrnlnnr tA mn <UIU JCYTCII Jf IU 11IC i same day received. ;gett ? t: y V i XXXXX3 j ALKTO H IEN. R what is the use of everything in Dry A now that, as do all feAl nits. ^ejF j dwell this week on BhW or try to tell you KNOW what you Wkd ^ence is your best H . There is one fact that we DO want to empnasize?to 3ur attention?TO ON YOUR MEM- . &4Q v " ot a Store ^ J le Section ^1 That Can [Dollar for ^1 ioods and Wl That We M l ifriVmtprl larcrplv to I