V "."- -- ' - ?- . " V" : . ' rj 1 ' ' : "" ' i V-- ii ^ 'i * ' ,K - '. J V .N ? " ' ' ' 31 /' ' ' , i ?]f (?nunt|) litcorCi. | VOL. XXX. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915. NO. 14 = : I su I We J I Ice Cream Freezers I Ice Tea Tumblers I Hammocks | We have a full and c< g tion. You know we always | | Coffins and Cas ' BRYAN RESIGN SECRETj > ? I, ' Differences with Presi \ Hnn with Germani r . Amazement Fell both at Hon 0 Washington, June 8:?Willian Jennings Bryan, three times Demo cratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States, and author o nearly thirty peace treaties with th< principal nations of the world, re signed tod^y as Secretary of State a a dramatic sequel to l>is disagree ment with President Wilson ove: the Government's policy towar( Germany. The resignation was accepted by the President. The Cabinet ther approved the response which hac been prepared to the German reply to the Lusitania note. Acting Sec retary Robert Lansing will sign th< document and tomorrow it will b cabled to'Berlin. Secretary Bryan will return t< private life tomorrow, when hi resignation takes effect. It was learn ed that lie intends to continue hi political support of the President. f Rather than sign the documen r nrKinVi Via holiouwl micVit. nn4<:ihl' % . n 11IV11 l?v wuv* W* J/VWK-. draw the United States into war Mr Bryan submitted his resignatioi in a letter declaring that "the issu involved is of such moment that t remain a member of the Cabine "AS THE TWIG IS BENT S WHEN YOUR BOY IS YOI UPON HIM THAT HIS MONE PUTS IT IN THE BANK, HIS PF I HELP HIM TO INCREASE IT. TIME QUICKLY STEALS AV HE WILL BE INDEPENDENT HIS MONEY NOW. BANK WE PAY H PER CENT INTEI Farmers & Mercl "ABSOLUTELY SAFE" Branches at JoKnsonvili MMER ^re Well Prepar Screv-i Wir Screen W Fly Tra miplete stock of any of the above it< 5 have a most complete stock of Har kets. I KlOJ ??1 EV is as AlRY of state. dent Wilson over Situaj Cause His Actiont at His Conduct ie and Abroad. \ * * 11 wnnlrl as unfair to vou as it would - be to the cause which is nearest my 7 heart, the prevention of war." f The President accepted the resig5 nation in a letter of regret, tinged - with deep personal feeling of affec3 tion. That there had been friction !>er tween the President and Mr Bryan 1 has been the undercurrent of comment for several weeks, but as the f President, heretofore, had always i been able to secure tlie acquiescence 1 of the Secretary in his point of view, / talk of resignation was discounted - generally. It came to light today b that the position of Mr Bryan in e the Cabinet recently become embar* J rassing?his advocacy of peace being o1 so pronounced that other members s of the Cabinet who felt that the .! United States should assert its polis cy, irrespective of the consequences, ! were understood to have on one oct 'casion declared their intention of y ' resigning if a policy of firmness and vigor Were not adopted,. 0 THE B0UGH1S INCLINED." UNG IS THE TIME TO IMPRESS Y IS HIS BEST FRIEND. IF HE IIDE IN HIS BANK ACCOUNT WILL VAY; MONEY QUICKLY PILES UP. SOME DAY SOON, IF HE BANKS WITH US. *EST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. iants National Bank, LAKE CITY, S. C. le. Cowards and Pamplico. \ l . v . X: WILL * ed to Supply Y e Doors ire Windows ps Rubber Garden Hose err?. Also any and everything y dware and Chinaware. At no otl ^stree H, rENTU ALLY?\ f!oRw/RrS^PH?SPW?QHW r Blj I We have I which we car I of any Twine I WILLIAM 1 Hei *5i Ur&v&v&v&AJ'vZfrAfo the sinking of the Lusitania, was 1 ! , WHEN DISCORD BEGAN. e| The real disagreement dates back o to the famous session of the Cabinet t when the note of May 13, following IfKla/H ;tfuct | Mv^rv * -?ji^^hhh|^H^^ .blues ana tneir guests,the nrst company,Governor's Foot Guard of Connecticut. Major William A Anderson,former Attorney General of Virginia, delivered the address at the corner-stone laying. The monument will cost $30,000, contributed by school children and patriotic societies of the South, the Legislature of Virginia and th#? r?it.v nf Rinhmnnd . I BOON E our Needs With Cotton Garden Hose Florence Automatic Oil f Florence Blue Flame ( ou can think of or need in the Har her store will you find as great a va ardware VHY NOT NOW NDER ? st limited amou i sell for 10c per see ours before SBURG HA] adquarters for C SCRANTON SKETCHES. Death's Grim Harvest?School Notes?Personal Mention. Scranton, June 8:?One of the town's aged inhabitants passed into the great beyond Tuesday, June 1, in the person of Mrs Hester Poston. The deceased was about 77 years of age and had been confined to her bed for sixteen months. Skilled physicians and willing hands did everything possible for her relief. Interment was made the following day ( in the Beulah burying ground. The town was again shocked Thur3day,3d inst, when the announcement was made that little Isabelle, the 18month3-old daughter of Mrs Chessie WarH Shp had been sick only a short time and was thought to be better, but a relapse set in and death resulted. Interment took place at Bethel cemetery, Rev J W Truluck officiating. The report of I)r C H Pate, vital statistics registrar for Lee and Lake townships, to June 7 shows 53 births and 26 deaths, with the report of his assistant for May yet to be received. A petition asking that the county school board declare compulsory school attendance in force in Scranton school district has been presented to the Board of Education. As three-fourths of the electors signed, no election will be necessary. Mr C E Graham attended the t commencement exercises at Coker college last week, where his sister, Miss Saddie, completed a post-graduate course. Miss Hessie Graham also attended. Scranton Couitcil, Junior Order American Mechanics,held its regular meeting last Friday night. Several encouraging talks were made. The next regular meeting, Friday, June 118, will be made a big eyent. A | prominent speaker \vill be secured 'and cold refreshments served.. IJnfavorable weather the past winter; prevented a full attendance, but the; ' council is taking on new life now, | 1 and every member is urged to be present June 18. Several speakers will be on the programme, and an enjoyable evening is assured. Visiting Juniors cordially welcomed. Mr W W Graham attended the Confederate reunion at Richmond, Va, last week. Miss Fannie Cannon has been j ' elected a teacher in the graded i school, which completes the faculty | for the next term. Several citizens are attending court at Florence this week. I M G. A town is like a girl. It's wonderful what a little fixing ud will do " " r? j I for her.?rsarniceii rtopie. I i drafted, informing Uermany tnat the United States would not omit "any word or any act" to protect its rights. At that time Mr Bryan made a speech counselling peaceful measures and cautious action. He gave his consent to signing the note ouly after it was tentatively arranged that a statement should he issued at the White House and transmitted to the German Government announcing that, inasmuch as Germany had accepted the principle of the peace treaties negotiated between the United States and other countries, differences between the two nations might be adjusted by a commission of investigation. Opposition to this course was most ve* * i x A. nenient in some * anmei. quarters, and the President after having considered at length Mr Bryan's^suggestion finally disapproved it at the hour the note was sent. Some Cabinet officers argued that such an appendix to the note of May Id would be construed abroad as a weakening of the American position, and their counsel prevailed. Since then the official relations of Mr Bryan with the President and iop Cflhinpt hjive hef?n somewhat strained, although the closest personal friendship lias been maintained. Mr Bryan's action was received in official circles with undisguised amazement. It is said that his intimate friends advised against it. The resignation occupied the leading position in the London newspapers, which also expressed great astonishment but believed that President Wilson's hands were not weakened. Confederate Vets.Honor Jackson Richmond, Va, June 3:?Nearly 6,000 veterans of the Confederacy braved wind and rain today to march through the streets and to lay the corner-stone of a monument to "Stonewall" Jackson. The ceremonies marked the close of their annual reunion. In the parade,with the veterans, were the fa mous Richmond Light Infantry 3E HEF Seasonable Gc Blue Belle Oil Stoves Water Coole )il Stoves Refrigerat dware line and will sell it to you t iriety. better quality or cheaper p Co. J We Lei ? ? A$v>C#Y"C TWII [nt of Binder T< ' pound. If yoi ?1?/M?rr irrmiT f\Y |/lUVtllg J VVtA VA RD W ARE C Guaranteed Go< Harvln Happenings. Harvin, June 4:?Master Alvin Blackwell of Brogdon, the youngest son of Mr and Mrs John A BlackwpII u/hn has hppn Hpsneratelv ill in the Tourmey hospital at Sumter for the past week, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock and was buried that evening in the old family burying ground, near Brogdon, on Boots Branch, where sleep the earthly remains of his ancestors for more than five generations. The services at the grave were conducted by Rev W D Spinks,pastor of the Graham Baptist church. The youngest child of Mr and Mrs W fe Merritt, who now live at Wallace,N C,died yesterday in that town and the remains will be brought to Mullins today for interment in the Merritt family burying ground near that place Saturday. Mr and Mrs ' Merritt lived at New Sumter for a number of years. Harvin is the old home of Mrs Merritt,who before her marriage was Miss Marina Manning Harvin, only daughter of the late Arthur and Mrs Sallie Maybin Harvin. Mr Merritt, who is a nephew of Capt D W Alderman, at one time lived at Alcolu. Mrs Emma Faunce-Ross of Philadelphia,who has been visiting friends "Pittsburg >?Ssii {the quality fas 11 We wish to say tha 4 ea our new hardware q had calls for "Pittsburg j* but as we were not agen % tifically designed fence 1 any in stock, we simply ] _c of the fence business. r | solved. We are agents r -fpnpp nnrl enn takft care j are unloading a car of s< When it comes to buyii I wants a fence that has rability. These are just burg Perfect Fence" ha perfect. We are satisfh we now have the purpose. Just re ures on what we < jj^pf That is ail ^ 1^^^^ The King wW vT^v Kingstre? \B\ | >ods. Stoves # rs ors it prices that defy compeli- rices than at headquarters. id?Others Follow, j ? " p VE 1 a wine on hand 1 | u are in need | der- . i 1 OMPANY, | S8 ods. m at Greelyville and came up to Harvin to be present at the BradhamHarvin wedding last evening, will spend some days with Mrs Alexander Manigault Keels and Miss Kitty McFaddin before returning home. Mrs Faunce-Ross has many warm friends | in this section, who are always glad J tn hnvp hpr with them. 'Mr and Mrs Evan Eugene Hodge V . " 73 of Beaufort have returned to Harvin for a short visit to their rela. tives, Mr and Mrs Wm BlackWell. Miss Lula Keels, who has been at| tending college at Littleton, N C, has returned home for her summer vacation. There is much complaint throughout this section at the apparent great error mate by some in reporting the condition of the cotton crop in South Carolina to the Federal Government to be greater4 than the facts warrant ^nd many have registered complaints by addressing their respective Congressmen and the United States Senators from this State asking that the matter be investigated. The crop in this section, according to the most conservative farmers, is at least 25 , ' days late and the average condition / at best is not,or was not at the time, more than 62% compared with a perfect crop May 25. Evidently, according to the opinion of the best farmers hereabouts, some one had ! made a great mistake. I B H11. j ' * . > -J t since we open- I ^1 store we nave vl i Perfect Fence/' lfv*l ts for this scienand not having 7 lost the greater part Ihat question is now for this guaranteed of the fence trade. We J| everal styles this week. ^ j lg fence, every person quality, strength and du; the features that "Pitts- v s. Every rod guaranteed 3d, without a doubt, that , fence for your particular quest us to give you fig:an do your fencing for. ve ask you to do. w? i o Hardware Company jpular Hardware Store 3, - So. Car. % ' ' -M