| Professional Cards. | Dr. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building over Kingstree Drug Go's. 8-28-tf Dr. R. J. McCABE nrMTIQT (nj a-ii ^ m. m. j KINGSTREE, , S. C Office in McCabe Building., next to Court House. i M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C. W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, Office over Dr W V Broeklngton's Store, KINGS TREE, S. C. 5-21-tf. 1866 1914 1 A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. Over Gamble }& Jacobs' Drug Store. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple \ Florence, S. C. Benj^M'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Helf ler's Stables. 9-28-tf KINGSTREt Lodge, No. 46 \ F.M. ThLo no olhvr. Uny of vmir v C Zg I?IAM?N!> IJIiAM) i*!Ll.S. f,.r sis V &{ years known as TiostaSaiest. Alwavs r.t-ii.ii le ?-JT SOIDBV DRIGG1STS EVEMLRE Receipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages and all Legal Blank? in demand, for sale at The .Record oihce. If we have not the form you wish we can print it en short ; notice. v * ? / meets Thursday before full moon f ach month. Visiting brethren fcre cordially invited. R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly #Kiffgsfree Chapter, No. 22, Order Eastern Star Meets every Thursday night after full moon and two weeks later. Mrs 1$ E Clarkson. W M. ? Mrs Stella Cook Sect'y. l -28-tf . iff. Kingstree Lodge, No. 91 a( OufhlQC MilglllS Ui rjuiiao Regular conventions every second and fourth Tuesday flight. Our visiting brethren always welcome. Castle Hall, 3rd storv Gourdin Building. 1-14 lvr B E CLAIjfcKSON, C C. ^ EC Epps, K of R & S. _____________ ' *? @tMci.u Mianirat llally^yite?Pto cor e ** p,h stoll. J M Brown. Clerk. Con. Com Fish! Fish! Fish! j Pendergrass'Fish Market I Now Ready! | The best meat to eat is nice, fresh fish, especially for this season. We get fresh fish two to three times a week and from now on will keep them. You can depend oft getting nice, fresh stock at any time. We positively guarantee every string of fish we sell i so if they are not entirely satis- ! factory return them at once and ;ve will cheerfully refund yotp: , money. The famous Red Fin . Croakers are now in season,a fine ' fish and best for this time of year. Special to the readeai* of this ?3 - A^ltr Kw I&Q KJiI X* X~iUQjT9 uiiijj uj iuvii?ivi? m ing this ad, you can buy a 25c string of Croakers for 20c in I _cash. Be sure and call for FISH. I Pendergrass Bros. Co. I Kingstree, - S. C. I 'Phone 14. I ffl $E^?S53B53E5ISBaBaaal CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND A //AjX LadlMl A>)!< j i?f iirue^at (br M fc (( wV^m i'bUclm-ttri Olum4?d Itrand/AX S'HUfa nitrjllicyv*/ * delicti v th I!U;c R-I.boi. V/ gj ARE YOU % & SAFE side? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Whose fault is it? It is not ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side,and would be more than delighted to i?rr?t?r>r< vr\i T a DAT I/~?V | W 1\1 1C I KJ U jt-X M. M. that will protect you from all loss by fires at a very low rate. We represent the best and most reliable companies on earth. Kingstree Insurance,Real Estate &Loan Co. W. H. WELCH, Manager. Epps' Market) I All meats bought and sold' I for cash. Don't ask for ? ICICUIC . WW Epps' MarRet I Cr. Academy (&, Mill Sts, n ??*#* LI6HFNIN8 RODS. PSST!/' H. Lr. WHITLOCK, Lake City, S. C., Special Sales Agent ^nC, . * . Representing the largest man-' " ufacturers of all kinds IinPr?v<*l Copper and Galvanized x?3^ IV^s. ~ Section Rods. Endorsed hy the H. tjliest Scientific Authorities and Fire Insurance Companies). Pure Copper Wire Cables, all sizes. Our Full Cost yjfewffi Guarantee given with each job. BrWrsfMl I sell on close margin of profit, dividing commission with mv customers. 3-7-tf WATTS'JEWELRY STORE KINGSTREE. S. C. I keep on hand everything to be found in an up-tordate jewelry house Repairing and engraving done with neatness and \ Q. 3cC. Merraai Qt>. WKk^LmFn^r^ pprtngCoid, M***. |jpj ? mmt^ despatch. :: As a home dealer, guaranteeing quality and prices, I Solicit Your Patronage. N?*r th* Railroad Station. Registration Notice. The olHce of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of tbe county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid. months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both rea< and write any section of the constitution of 1395 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or whi can show that he owns, and has p?>C all taxes collectible on -luring the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars o? more. H A Meyer, r lerk of Koarti Iii a tew 533i3s? ? WEBSTER'S u NEW "* INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dictionary ill many years. Contains the pith and essence of ail authoritative library. Covers every field of knowledge. An Encyclopedia in a : single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. ESEffiEE *" Write for sample I pases, full particulars, etc. Name this J I SAFETY I IN YOUR HDxirLlxirLgr, I Courtney's Ice is open throughout the year, in Pure Drinks. Pure Creams, We use no substiture for Coca soltftely Pure Juices used in i Pure Cream sold in our place. Vegetables, Meats, Milk, Crei from the farm. Everything agency for a modern Bakery t and digestible foods. I'lESsst, IE503.cL C ? * . T XH I m an up-to-date ice uream ra us. We'll be glad to see you a glad you came. Easy to come Rates very reasonable. Courtney's Ice Cream FATIC Mental Worry? 1 I long hours o A Cold Bottle of ! fresl Relieves Fatigue. C 4 Avoid Substitute ceived. Thei \ % 0 Get The Public Inspection Premise* LAKE CITY < BOTTLINC ^ w 2S3^?i^P9BBBEBRQBE9B^S3B^HB3B3SE98BCLiM i . \ iWrnsm)|v? 3 f [flOj>0| j ummm i r FIRST j EATING I 3estin.g", Etc. Cream Parlor Plenty of good things to enjoy , Pure Candies, Cigars, Etc. Cola?only the genuine. Abill other Drinks. Nothing but The tables are furnished with am, Butter, Fruits, Etc., fresh ilse in season. We have the hat furnishes most appetizing xnd !E3ecrea/te rlor and Cafe. Come to see .nd will undertake to make you here, but hard to go away. Parlor. Kingstree, S. C. bmhmhbhhhJ jrUED ? j Rrain Faororprl frnm i L#? "" - ** g f over-work?' I Delicious and Re- I hing I 'all for it by Name. 3s. Don't be dere is only one ! Genuine I Of Our Plant and 1 * Invited. | COCA COLA I 1 WORKS I j IK($1$T iLNtj UGH fAR E cfJP/1 Vr.^ fl =n (fee- 4 i ?d-South 3 S ? v>u#a. ? : unexcelled for luxury ; vith the latest Pullman g Thoroughfare Cars. g maps or any informa* | H 8 CRAIG, | jral Passenger Agent, t - Wilmington, N. C. jj i i Ycu Can't Point Out a Thing in the automobile line that isn't to be had here. From lamps to license signs, from tire to tools, there is not a thing lacking here Our auto supplies are different in two ways from others. They are better, for one thing; more moderately priced, for the other. King'stree Garage. * ATU Vf n SE IN TEE RECOUP. * " ' COTTON AND TOBACCO PESTS. . I Some Pointers as to How to Fight These Insects. i Control measures for cotton root j louse and suggestions for the use of | poisons on tobacco plants are given j in a circular letter, which has been sent to all the demonstration agents in the State by A F Conradi, entoj mologist at Clemson College, i ' Farmers of the Pee Dee section ! trouhlpd with cotton root louse ! should give a rapid shallow cultivation from the time the cotton is up until it has a good start. This is extremely important, as a farm ; practice, as it demoralizes the ants ! which attend the lice and care for i them. Attention is called to the use of poison on tobacco. Paris green has generally been unsatisfactory on account of its slow action, though it is safe to use on foliage. During the last two years a new form of arsenate of lead has been developed, which contains not less than 30 per cent arsenic and.less than 1 per cent soluble. This is an arsenate of lead which acts rapidly. At the same time.it is safe to use on the plants, in so far as burning is concerned. It can be applied with at! ordinary powder gun by inixing it one-half its weight with sifted wood | ashes. A gun has been put on the i market which will dust pure arsenate cf lead. It gives every promise of success. Easy to Destroy Mosquitoes. "No one is especially fond of mosI q'uito bites, or at least we have not learned of su^h a person," writes ! Professor J E McClintock. "In fact, the irritation from mosquito bites is often intense. The pain may be re-1 iieved by wetting the affected area with diluted ammonia, the ordinary household ammonia answering the purpose very well. But why the continued annual torment of mos| qui toes? "TIipcp np^ts flit nnf flv* fur frnm their birthplace, which is some collection of stagnant water. This need not be in a pond or swamp, in fact, it is more often in rain barrels, open cisterns, tin cans, broken crock ery, small pools, depressions in eaves, or in any other place where a few wrigglers may exist for a few days. It is far more satisfactory to prevent the mosquitoes from breeding around the home than to be everlastingly fighting mosquitoes and doctoring their bites. "Fish, if kept in any small ponds about the premises, will keep them free from mosquitoes. Tin cans and other rubbish should be cleaned up, wet, damp places drained, rain barrels and cisterns covered and pools covered with a film of kerosene. A very small quantity of kerosene is sufficient to kill the mosquitoes." ? Coh'i?hiiny 0 Dispati'li, f.rmrt IVnrk nf the Carnlinas. ! Ih-^ unders'crned tak^-s occasion, i et cetera, I I ?Jagovv, Minister for i'V-veien Af| fairs. Washington, May 28:?It has become known that the Richmond Fed er4? reserve bank has been placed on , a paying1 basis ar d has enough funds ! on hand over and above operating i expenses to pay a 2?, dividend for the first six months of its existence, which is at the rate of 6"i; a year. The Richmond bank is the only one in the whole system which has accomplished this, and the principal explanation is the large amount of profitable business it has dong with | the banks of the two Carolinas. GERMANY'S REPLY TO THE UNITED STATES. (Continued from paie 3 London as a basis for a nvi'ht* vii\ n J f(i for conducting the maritime war-1 ; fare between Germane and Great1 I . . ! Britain. J | j The Imperial Government, by its | readiness to enter upon a discussion; 1 of these proposals, tlirr, dcmonsfat-1 j e-1 its good intentior* in ample fash-' | ion. The realization of these pro-j i posals was defeated,as is wed known, | by the declinatory attitude of the j British Government. FISHERMEN LOST IN CHARLESTON STORM. NINE OF MOSQUITO FLEET SAID tTO HAVE BEEN DROWNED IN THURSDAY'S GALE. Charleston, May 28:?The storm that swept over Charleston yesterday played havoc with the mosquito fleet that puts out from here, claiming a toll of several lives and wrecking a number of the little craft. One fisherman reported positively that nine men had been drowned to his personal knowledge, saying that the number may exceed twenty. Various reports' were current, placing the number of dead at from five to twelve. Three of the fishing boats made i.I : L _ T T _ 1 ] i.1 uieir way jauies iMaim, uiree uuiers to Morris Island, two were rescued by the life-saving crew of the coast-guard station on Sullivan's Island and anumberof the larger boats made their way to Charleston. It was stated that about twenty-five members of the crew were in six boats that reached James Island and Morris Island. Four men were rescued by the life-saving crew. The gale of wind, accompanied by a high spa.developed suddenly.catching the fishing fleet frorti the shdre and giving the fishermen little warning that such a severe storm was developing. Not less than five of the smaller craft were capsized by the wind and a large number of the fishermen were swept overboard by the rushing waves. The amount of damage dune and the number of lives lost could not be ascertained with any degree of accuracy last night. It was not known how many of the boats went to sea because of the widely scattered places from which they left. Some sailed from various places on the Cooper river, others from the Ashley river and still others from Mt Pleasant.All estimates agree that there were more than twenty of the little vessels that were caught in the squall. One estimate placed the number as seventy-five men. - Items from Salters. Salters, May 31:?Rain, rain, rain , for the past few days and "General Green" is leading the farmers in this section a lively chase. . ..i . f .Mr and Mrs E W Tutle have moved into their new cottage. Mrs?Thrower of Ridgeville has moved into her cottage next door to Capt C Fowler's. You see, Mr Editor, our little town is growing despite the hard times. Mr and Mrs J A Ferrell and daughter, Miss Leila, have returned from Greenville, where they attended the commencement exercises of Chicora college. Misses Frankie Cook and Wylma McCullough are at home for their vacation. \ Miss Emmie Ferrell, who has just ' graduated frofh Chicora college, is at home again. Mr J H L Chandler has returned from Orangeburg, where he went as a delegate to the Grand Lodge K of P, held there last week. ? Mrs J H L Chandler, with Misses Emmie and Leila Ferrell, spent Suniitif L U/-* ? * > ilt? f* LJ A n T / 1 ( - _ Ua) wild iiic laiiiu.y nun u uiaham near Gourd ins. Rev IV 1 Sinnotc filled his appointment at Central church Sunday. Some of the Salters folk motored out to the Boyd school house Sunday afternoon to attend services conducted by Rev H D Bull of Kinjrstree. Mrs Ernest Shirer, hm Miss Ruth % Lifrajre, of this place, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr Frank L Richardson has just come in from Kin>rstree in his Ford runabout, which he purchased from Mr L T Thompson. Look out. K'i*ls. vrm will crpt a rido snnn Look Out. (ireaiiv beneUled by ihiimberlain's Linimenl. "i .luvi used Ohamhk-rlair. s Liairiit i.t for sprain?, bruises and rheumatic pairs, and the jrroat benefit I have received justifies my recommending it in the highest terms," .v rites .?!rs Florence Slit'e, Wabash, Ind. It' you arc- troubled with rheumatic pains you \vi!i certainly be pieced with the prompt relief which Chamberlain's Liniment affords Ohtfonahie evei v where. ' " slA