I Professional Cards, I Dr. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf * wxZT~w* * If^rADF yiir. If. ?l. lUCVHDlj i DENTIST, ' KINGSTREE, ? S. C f Office in McCabe Building, next to Court House. M.D.NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C. W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, Office over Dr W V Brockiugtou's Store, KINGSTREE, - S. C. ^ 5-21-tf. Al866 1914 A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. Qver Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store. jT DeS Gilland Atlorncy-at-Law i Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. G Benj. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. ? at rv %7 U n B. Kater McllNiNt:*, m. u., v.m. vj . VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf .J&t KINGSTREE Lodge, No. 46 meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially inyited. - R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly ?Kingstree Chapter, No. 33. Order Eastern Star Meets every Thursday night after full moon and two weeks later. Mrs B E Clarkson, W M. Mrs Stella Cook, Sect'y. l-28-tf ~ ^ t Kingstree Lodge, No. 91 Knights ot Pythias * " on/t Regular conventions every scwuu fourth Wednesday nights. Visiting . /brethren always welcome. Castle Hall, Wk 3rd story Gourdin Building. 1-14-lyr m 9 BE Clabkson, c C. E C Epps, K of R & S. @imcuk msnwh ll&llyhivlu^to oome up and sit on a stomp or hang about on tbe P H STOLL, J M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com. Pendergrass' Fish Market I I Now Ready! I I The best meat to eat is nice, I I fresh fish, especially for this sea- I son. We get fresh fish two to I three times a week and from now fl on will keep them. You can de- I I pend on getting nice, fresh stock fl at any time. We positively guar- fl fl antee every string of fish we sell fl so if they are not entirely satis- fl factory return them at once and I B we will cheerfully refund your I I money. . The famous Red Fin B I Croakers are now in season, a fine I fl fish and best for this time of year. I fl Special to the readers of this fl fl ad: On Fridays only, by mention- fl fl ing this ad, you can buy a 25c fl ^/B string of Croakers for 20c in fl ^ffl cas^* ?ure a?d call for FISH, fl || Pendergrass Bros. Co. | : I Kingstree, S. C. I I 'Phone 14. I CHICHESTER S PILLS Wics. Tlie DIAMOND BRAND. /, /vH>\ Ladle*! Ask year Org?bt for A\ fe ( kPa ('likiiM'trrll>lii?ondBriiid/A\ PI1U in Red *nd itold nimllic\\// boxes, sealed with Blue Ribboo. \/ ^ Wis no other. Bay of your _Y _ I"/ ^*7? DraninL AskforCIfX-CIfES.TFK 8 I C 2g BlAJiOND ItRAND PILLS, for 25 V V M yearsknownasBest, Safest, Alirays Reliable "<-r SOLO W DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Receipt Books, Blaok Boles, Mortgages and 1 all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at v The Record office. If we have not the form you wish we can print it on short ytice.^^ * | & gAffc e>ipfcr | ; IF NOT, WHY NOT? ? [ Whose fault is it? It is not i 'ours. We offer you the necessary J requirements to place you on the t ! safe side,and would be more than s i delighted to I f (WRITE YOU A POLICY ( that will protect you from all loss r by fires at a very low rate. We h represent the best and most re^ liable companies on earth. e Kingstree Insurance,Real Estate & Loan Co. * W. H. WELCH. Manager. s ? v 0 I Epps' Market I; All meats bought^and sold a for cash. Don't ask for credit. * Epps' MarKet j Cr. Academy A Mill Sta. / F ??? q LIGHTNING RODS. I pmM H. L. WHITLOCK. f I Uk* ? c., o Special Sales Agent ^ H Representing the largest manufacturers of all kinds Im- a proved Copper and Galvanized * Section Rods. (Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Au- v thorities and Fire Insurance o Companies). Pure Copper W ire h Cables, all sizes. Our Full Cost . Guarantee given with each job. t I sell on close margin of profit, a dividing commission with rev ( customers. 8-7-tf ^ WATTS'JEWELRY STORE | KINGSTREE, S. G I keep on hand everything to be found in an 0 up-to-date jewelry house a Repairing and engraving v done with neatness and [ despatch. :: As a home 0 dealer, guaranteeing ii quality and prices, J I Solicit Your Patronage, t Near ths Railroad Station. 0 ???? r Registration Notice. ? The olflce of the Supervisor of Reg- j, istration will be open on the 1st Mod- r day in each month for the purpose of 0 registering any person who is quali- t fled as follows: i, Who shall have been a resident of ^ the State for two years, and of the f county one year, and of the polling pre- f cinct in which the elector offers to s vote four months before the day of K election, and shall have paid, six t xl? ****** vwvll for- fhon duo ? moil tn? UCI UICj auj pun V?A vuyu uuv r and payable, and who can both read F and write any section of the constitu- G tion of 1895 submitted to him by the t Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid i all taxes collectible on during the 0 present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or c more. H A Meyer, r r.lerk of Board. v WEBSTER'S ? \ ^ NEW ? INTERNATIONAL I DICTIONARY " THE MERRIAM WEBSTER ( The Only New unabridged die- a tionary in many years. 8 Contains the pith and essence e of an authoritative library, q I Covers every field of knowl- * edge. An Encyclopedia in a J single book. * The Only Dictionary with the \ New Divided Page. s Jj 400,000 Words. 2100 Pages, s U 60C0 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most I remarkable single volume. 1 this ! i?Lv ,< ' :, -..... . . An Ordinance Creating a Board of Health the Town of Kingstree, S and Defining Its Duties, P rogatives, Etc. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and lermen of the Town of Kingstree. S n Council assembled, and by the hority of the same: Sec 1. That the Board of Health he Town of Kingstree shall consist ive members, none of whom shall b nember of the Town Council, one nore of whom shall be a reputable pi ;ician of not less than two years' sta' ng in the practice of his professi< The Mayor shall designate one of t ioard to serve live years, one to sei our years one to serve three year-, ( o serve two years and one to serve ine year, and thereafter one meml hall be appointed each year to sei or live years. Sec 2. The authority, duty and po rs heretofore imposed by any Or lance lo^ the purpose of preser\i lealth or preventing disease, upon a itiicer or person, are hereby exclusive inferred upon, and shall hereafter xclusively exercised by, the Board -lealth, the members and officers the f; an J the powers of the said Bo< hall be construed to include the p ention of the sale, or offering for sa f imnriinur nrHflpc- thp rpmOVftl ,ny matter or thing in or upon the pi ic streets or places which shall be, heir opinion, detrimental to the put lealth, and generally the abating of luisances injurious to the public heal Sec 3. The Board of Health are ? horized to enact all rules and regu ions necessary to carry out effectua he provisions of this Ordinance. Sec 4. The Board of Health sh neet at least once a fortnight from 1 irst day of April to the first day November of each and every year, a ,t such other times and places as th nay deem necessary and convenient,! he purpose of receiving and commu ating all possible information relati o the health of the Town,and to adv ,nd consult together respecting 1 ame; and shall have full power to ad( ind carry into effect all such measur ules and regulations as they may de< ecessary in the discharge of the tri ereby imposed in them. Sec 5. Each and every practici ihysician within the town is hereby ] uired to give immediate informati f the existence of any contagious nalignant disease to the Board, or ny member thereof, and at all c< enient times to aid and advise the s; loard in the preservation of the hea f the town, and in the prevention uppression of contagious or maligns iseases. Sec 6. It shall be the duty of ea nd every member of the board to cai o be removed from the the stre< rithin the town all offensive substanc r nuisances tending to endanger t iealth of the citizens of the town; a he Chief of Police, and his assistan nd the street committee 01 tne 101 Council are hereby required, withe elay, to obey all orders or precej hat shall be given them, or either hem, by either of the members of si loard, respecting the removal of su nhQtflnpp^ Sec 7. The Board of Health, or a aember thereof, shall have power, a re hereby invested with full authori 0 enter into and upon any lot, grout r possession of any person or persoi nd thoroughly examine the same; a whenever the said Board,or any meml hereof, shall have cause to susp< hat any foul, noxious effluvia original r is collected in any house, cellar, a any enclosure whatever, shut rom public view, they, or any of the aay demand entry therein, and diri he same to be opened and ventilat< r the cause of such effluvia to be ] noved, as it may be deemed necessai nd if the owner or occupant of su louse, lot, cellar or enclosure shall : use or delay to open the same,orsuf t to be examined and ventilated, or noved as aforesaid, or shall in any w bstruct the saia ?.oara, or any merni hereof, or any policeman or any offic n the discharge of his or their offic luty, such owner or occupant shall ined not exceeding one hundred dolla or each and every day he, she or th o neglect, refuse, or delay, after < nand by said Board, or *ny mem! hereof," and shall also defray all? ?enses incurred in the removal or si iression of such nuisances, under 1 lirection of said Board, or any meml hereof. Sec 8. It shall be Xhe duty of 1 .'own Clerk to act as Clerk of the Boi if Health, when called upon so to do Sec 9. It shall be the duty the Ch if Police, or acting Chief of Police, nake diligent inquiry as to all nuisan< vhich may exist in the Town, to eive all complaints which may be ms o him concerning the same, and to : tort immediately to any member nembers of the Board of Health, anc hall be the duty of the said Chief 'olice, or acting Chief of Police, ittend the meetings of the Board lealth when required, and to obey si nstructions as said Board of Hea nay give relative to the health of t Town. Sec 10. The Chief of Police, acti 'hief of Police, or any policeman spe illy designated by the Chief of Police icting Chief of Police, shall have pc r, and is hereby authorized and [uired.to demand entrance into any 1 wilding, cellar, or enclosure when le may suspect any nuisance to exi or the purpose of ascertaining whetl my such nuisance does exist there ind if the owner or occupant of a uch lot, building, cellar or enclosi hall refuse to permit said Chief 'olice or acting Chief of Police or ] iceman especially designated for t mrpose so to enter for the purp< iforesaid, or shall otherwise obstr; >r hinder him in the discharge of 1 ibove duty, such owner or occupi thall forfeit and pay for each and ev< tffence a sum not exceeding twen ive dollars,or be imprisoned for a per lot exceeding thirty days. Sec 11. Every physician of the To >f Kingstree shall report to the Boi >f Health the names and residences ill persons coming under their prof lional care affected with scarlet fev liphtheria, smallpox, chicken pox, iny other dangerous disease that is ci ;agious or infectious, within twe tours after it comes to their prof ,ional knowledge. Sec 12. It shall be the duty of 1 3oard of Health of the Town of Kin; ;ree to inspect each lot, house, hof i restaurant, store, stable, or other piac within the Town, and shall report i: writing to the Mayor and Aldermen th i in locality or several places within th ? Town which are in-any way affected b; ' accumulations of offensive fluid sub stances or nuisance in, around or nea any of the places aforesaid; and th< Mayor is hereby authorized and requir Al- ed, when in the judgment of the Towi (Council it may be deemed advisable, t< au- direct, the owner or agent of the lot 01 other place affected by such offensive i of fluid or nuisance to cause the remova , of or abatement thereof by the owner 01 e a agent of such lot, house, store, restauor rant, stable or any other place aforehy said, upon notice, verbal or written, Rd- from the Mayor so to do. on. Sec 13. The Chief of Police and such ;he of the police force as he shall designate :ve are hereby created Sar.itarv Inspectors >ne j of the town ot Kingstree, ana ior tms lor i purpose they are hereby authorized and jer empowered to enter into the premises *ve of any and all persons and to examine and inspect the same in as full and >w- effectual a manner as the Board of di- Health may lawfully do. ng 1 Sec 14. It shall be the duty of the said my ! inspector to notify the owner, occupant ely ! or agent ir. charge of any premises, be wherein matter and conditions deleteriof j ous to health may be found, to abate all re- such matter and conditions deleterious to ird the health of said Town as may be found re- therein. It shall be the duty of the ,le, said inspector to report the same to the of Chairman of the Board of Health,and to ib- the Mayor, and if such owner, agent or in occupant of the premises on which any die nuisance may exist shall fail to remove all the same within twenty-four hours afth. ter such Notice is given, he shall, upon iu- conviction, be fined by the Mayor in a la- sum not exceeding ten dollars, or be ,!ly imprisoned in the guard house for a period not exceeding ten days, all Sec 15. It shall >ot be lawful for :he any person or persons to connect any of privy, vault or water closet upon any nd lot with any of the drains of the Town iey or to discharge or convey the contents for thereof into such drains. Any violani tion of this section shall be punished by ive a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, jse or imprisonment not exceeding thirty ;he days. >pt Sec 16. In all cases where there are es, drains from any of the lots or buildings em in the Town of Kingstree which cross ist any of the pavements of the town it shall be the duty of the owners of such ng lots or buildings to repair and keep in re- good condition such drains, providing ion the same with a good and sufficient covor ering to be placed on the same level as to the pavement they cross. >n- Sec 17. In all cases where drains are iid hereafter constructed from any of the ''1 Trtum Itinera Itn JULS ur UUlIUIIIgS Ui tuc lunu vx or tree across any of the pavements of mt the Town ,it shall be the duty of the owners of such lots or buildings to lay such ich drains in terra cotta or iron piping,or of ise such material as the City Engineer may ;ts designate, in such a manner as not to :es interfere with the grade of the pave;he ments of the Town, said drains to be ,nd laid under the direction and supervision ts, and in accordance with the specificawn tions of the City Engineer. >ut Any person, firm or corporation vio3ts lating any of the provisions of the two of foregoing sections shall be punishable, aid upon conviction, by a fine not exceeding ich fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, ny Sec 18. No person shall sell or ex>nd pose for sale, in public or private, ty, blown, stale, decaying, putrid, rotten id, or unwholesome provisions, vegetables, ns, fruits, tainted meats or fish, or any im>nd pure or unsound food, or any drink >er liable to be injurious to health, or the act flesh of any animal that has died of distes ease, or which was diseased when killed, or Sec. 19. No person shall adulterate up or cause to be adulterated any substance m, intended for food, or any drug or mediact cine,or shall offer for sale any such adulad, terated article. re- Sec 20. No distiller, brewer, or keeper ry; of any workshop, manufactory or laborai/.K tnrv nr warehouse keeper or owner or re- soap boiier, chandler or other person, Fer shall,?have, keep, or use, produce or re- store, within the limits of the Town of ise Kingstree, foul, fetid, putrid or offenjer sive or injurious matters, substances or er. odors or vapors liable to iniure health, ial and on complaint of the Chairman of be the Board of Health, unless it be at rs, once discontinued, the Mayor shall ley order such places to be forthwith closed, ie- and such business stopped, the continu>er ance of which is liable to injure health. ix- Sec 21. All slaughter houses, dairies, jp- stables and other places where animals ;he are kept for any purpose whatever, 3er shall be kept clear, and wholesome by removal of all manure, urine and other :he offensive matters, and by suitable ird cleansing as often as may be necessary in the opinion of the Board of Health, ief Sec 22. No lot shall be used for to building purposes in the Town of Kings:es tree until the same shall be inspected re- by the City Surveyor, who shall give a tde certificate that such lot is filled above re- the level of the pavement, and graded or so as to be effectually drained, and upI it on such certificate all owners, agents, of contractractors and builders are reto quired to obtain a permit from the of Board of Health before commencing ich the erection of any building. 1th Sec 23. Dry earth, ashes, charcoal ;he or lime shall be used in all privies, and placed on the deposits therein at least ing once each day, and that no slops, rubci bish or refuse or other filthy matter or shall be placed in such privy, iw- Anv Derson violating or not comply re- ing with the provisions of this section ot, shall, on conviction, be punished by a ein fine of not less than one dollar, nor st, more than ten dollars, or by imprisonler ment of not less than one nor more in; than twenty days, with or without hard my labor. ire Sec 25. Any vidanguer, agent or of employee of a vidanguer, or any other ?o- person who shall convey through any his street or public way of the Town of ose Kingstree any excrement not thoroughnet ly deodorized as required shall be liable the to a fine not exceeding twenty-five'dolint lars, and in default of paying such fine, ?ry such offender shall suffer imprisonment ty- not exceeding thirty days, icd Any person who shall convey through such street or public way other manure, wn foul or offensive matter except in such ard receptacles as shall be approved by the of Board of Health, shall be subject to a es- like penalty, and suffer in the same er, manner as prescribed above, or Sec 26. It shall be unlawful for any on- person or persons to place any slop, Ive waste matter, dish washings or foul es- water in any sink, pit or pipe or gutter leading to any street drain or ditch the within the City limits. Any person viogs lating any of the provisions of this sec:el, tion, shall, upon conviction, be fined in V ? e the sum of not less than two dollars, n and not more than twenty dollars or be e imprisoned for a term of not less than e three days, and not more than twenty y days. Sec 27. Whenever it shall appear to r the Board of Health of the Town of ? Kingstree that there are lying within - the said Town limits any low lots or i premises in a condition calculated to in3 jure or endanger the public health, it r shall he the duty of said Board to sumi mon the owner or owners of said prem1 ises before them, and if, after fully hearing the matter and any statement the said owner or owners may make, . apd aay testimony he, she or they may , offer in their behalf touching said matter, the said Board.or a majority therei of, should find that said premises or low > lot is in a condition to injure the public , health,the said Board shall issue awrriti ten order or notice directed to said ownI er or owners, directing and requiring i them within a certain reasonable specii tied time to fill up, level or drain said lowr lot or premises, as, in the opinion of ' the said Board, shall more effectually abate said nuisance; and if said owner or owners shall fail or refuse to comply , with said order within said period, said nu/nor nr nwnpvQ ?hnil linon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not more than one hundred dollars nor less than i ten dollars, or be imprisoned for a period of not more than thirty days; and upon such failure or refusal to comply with such notice, the officers of the Board of Health of this Town shall forthwith enter upon said premises, or low lot, and carry out the said order of said Board, and all costs and expense? incurred in complying with said order as aforesaid shall be chargeable to said owner or owners of said low lot or premises, and shall be recoverable for the use of the Town of Kingstree as other debts of like amounts are now recovered by law, and the Board of Health is hereby empowered to call to their advice and assistance the services of the City Engineer in carrying out these provisions of the foregoing section. Sec 28. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board to make and keep a registration of all births, marriages and deaths which may occur within the limits of the Town of Kingstraa and it shall ha the dutv of everv physician, Magistrate, clergyman, midi wife, undertaker and sexton to report : to the Secretary of the Board every birth,marriage or death that may come under their professional observation or treatment; and every such physician, Magistrate, midwife, clergyman, under, taker or sexton failing to comply with this rule, within five days from the date i of any such birth or marriage, or twenty-four hours after such death, shall, upon conyiction, be fined in the sum of not less than one dollar and not more than ten dollars, or be imprisoned for a period of not less than one day nor more than thirty days, with or without hard labor. i Sec 29. The keeping of any dwelling house, boarding house or hotel in which there has been any contagious or communicable disease, without prompt and thorough fumigation, disinfection and airing of all sucn rooms, furniture and clothing as have been used or worn by the sick person or persons and their attendant or attendants, is hereby prohibited and that such disinfection shall be under the supervision of the Board of Health. Sec 30. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep or maintain any hog or hogs, pig or pigs within the corporate limits of the Town of Kingstree,except as hereinafter provided,and any person violating this rule,upon conviction, shall be fined/in a sum of not more than ten dollars, or be imprisoned for a term of not more than thirty days for each offence; Provided, however, i that this Ordinance shall not apply to any licensed stock yard; Provided, also, that a reasonable number of such swine may be kept within the Town limits during the months of October to and including the. month of March with the consent of the Board of Health; old Ordinance does not include Black River swamp. Sec 31. It is hereby made the first duty of the Street Committee to keep the streets of this Town clean and to remove the deposits of trash and garbage placed in the streets, and they are ; hereby required to fcive precedence and priority to this work over all other work of their department The officers of the Board of Health, their assistants and the entire police force of this Town are hereby required to report to the Couni cil any failure of the Street Committee or the employees of their department to fully observe the requirements of this section. Sec 32. The officers of the Board of Health, their assistants and the entire police force are required to report to 1 the Mayor all nuisances and all violations of the health regulations of this Town that may come under their observation, and in every such case the Chief of Police shall summon or cause to be summoned jaefore the Mayor the party or parties charged with such violation, to be dealt with according to law. Sec 33. All owners of premises on the line of the sanitary sewer of the Town of Kingstree are required to make connections with said sewers for the use of the occupants of said premises in all cases where such connections shall be deemed necessary by the Board of Health, within such time as the said Board shall require. All persons violatOrtrtflAM olioll ing inc pruviaiuiis UI wma octuvu ouauf upoij conviction, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or serve a term of imprisonment for not less than ten nor more than thirty days, with or without hard labor. Sec 34/ No interment shall be permitted within the Town limits without a burial permit from the Board of Health. Sec 35. No body interred in this Town shall be disinterred for transportation to other places,or for removal from one cemetery to another, or from one grave to another grave in the same cemetery or burying ground, without the permission 01 the Board of Health. Sec 36. Any body or bodies disinterred in this Town, under the above rule, for transportation to some point without the Town must be placed in air-tight coffins and incased in tight wooden boxes, the space between the coffin and the box to be filled (in with charcoal or some other disinfectant as may be approved by the Board, and must be accompanfed by a certificate from the Bop.rd of Health giving permission for the removal of the body, and also stat[ ing the name of the deceased, age, col or, sex, place, cause and time of death 1 and point of removal, together with the name of the attending physician. Sec 37. Bodies of any and all persons 1' dying in this Town to be transported to another town, city or place for burial ' must have a permit from the Board of i Health attached to the certificate of the attending physician. Sec 38. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring or keep within the lipiits of the Town of Kingstree any horSe or other animal having the disease known as glanders or farcy, or any cow having the disease known as tuberculosis, or the "foot and mouth" disease. The owner or agent or any other person in charge of an animal having any of the diseases above mentioned, or who may have knowledge of such diseased animal, shall forthwith report the same to the Board of Health, together with the name of such owner and the place where the animal is kept, and it shall be disposed of under the direction of the Board. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, for each and every offence be fined the sum of not less "than ten dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or suffc-r imprisonment or. the public works for. a term not less than ten and not more than thirty days. Sec 39. No owner or manager of a barber shop shall knowingly permit any person surfering from a communicable disease or from a venereal disease in a communicable stage to act as a barber i in said shop. No person who, to his own knowledge, | is sunering irom a commumcaoie aisj ease or from a venereai disease in a ! communicable stage, which might be j conveyed to another person by contact, I shall act as a barber. All birber shops, together with all furniture, shall bekept in a clean and sanitary condition. Mugs, shaving brushes, razors, scissors, clipping machines, pincers' and other steel instruments shall be cleaned and sterilized either by steam, boiling water or in alcohol of at least sixty per cent strength after each separate use. Combs and brushes shall be thoroughly sterilized after each separate use. A separate clea^ towel shall be used for each person. Alum or other material used to stop the flow of blood shall be applied only on a towel or other clean cloth. The use of powder puffs and sponges is prohibited. Every barber shop shall be kept well ventilated and provided with hot and cold water. Head rests of chairs shall be covered with a towel that has been washed since having been used before or by a clean newpaper. Every barber shall cleanse his hands immediately and thoroughly before serving each customer. No person shall use a barber shop as a dormitory, nor shall any part of the shop be so used. No barber shall undertake to treat anv disease of the skin or any lesions of the skin whatever, such as pimples, boils, warts, moles and the like. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined for each and every offense not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars or suffer imprisonment on the public works for a term not less than ten nor more than thirty days. Sec 40. Any person in whose possession any horse, mule, hog, cow, dog, sheep, goat or any other animal shall die within the limits of the Town of Kings-4 tree shall immediately upon the death of such animal, cause the same to be removed without the limits of the Town, or buried in some remote place, not within three hundred yards or any habitation, in such manner as to prevent the same from being offensive; and any person neglecting to remove or bury such dead animal within twenty-four hours after its death shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or suffer imprisonment on the public works for a period not exceeding thirty days, for each and every offence. Sec 41. If any person shall permit any such animal to remain unburied or unremoved from the Town limits longer than twenty-four hours, the Chief of Police, or any of his assistants, shall cause the same to be removed or buried at the expense of such person. Sec 42. Any person violating any of the provisions of any of the sections of this Ordinance wherein a specific penalty is not provided shali, upon conviction of such violation, be fined in a sum not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars, or suffer imprisonment in the guard house or on the public works of the Town, with or without hard labor, for a period not less than than one day nor more than thirty days. ^ * i ?i i.L:. 4i.t_ rassea ana raunea tms 4ui uay ui May, A D 1915, in Council assembled. W R Scott, Mayor of Kingstree. S C. Attest: Walter Steele, Clerk and Treasurer. It Spring Bank Scbool Closes. Cades, R F D, May 24:?The Spring Bank school closed Friday I night. May 21, when the following ? programme was carried out: 1. Song, "MyOwn United States", by School. 2. "Welcome", recited by Nita Wilson. 3. Dialogue,"A Backward Child", by Callie McElveen and Bessie Williamson. 4. Reading, "William Henry at School", by Mary Mimms. 5. Song, "I Can't Do a Thing With My Hair Since It's Washed", by Girls. 6. Duet, "The Quarrel", by Hessie and Otis Williamson. n r\_:n r\ 11 r>?..? tt u.. <. isrui, xiic v^veitui ouya, vjy Six Little Boys. 8. Play, "The Convalescence of Robbie", a comedy in three acts. 9. Recitation, "Goodnight", by Hessie Williamson. 10. Song, "Hooray for the Sunny South", by School. A short musical programme, kindly rendered by Mr Silverman and Miss Meyer from Kingstree, followf l-ici /iKiWrnn'o nrAirromma an^ C U LUL Vili'Ul VU o UliU after this Mr A C Hinds gave an excellent talk along educational lines. The evening's entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were present. S B. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Now will you send us that dollar9