j JOHNSONVILLE GRADED SCHOOL \ Johnsonville, May 22:?The closing exercises of the Johnsonville Graded school were held here Thursday and Friday, evenings of this week. On Thursday evening a very interesting and amusing play was presented by the pupils of the higher grades to a large and appreciative audience. On Friday evening another inter?i.: i,rocs rloliorhtfnll V eSUIlg yiugiailimc new rendered to a large crowd, after which the literary address was made by ex-Lieut-Gov T G McLeod of Bishopville. Mr McLeod said were he asked to suggest a symbol of education, it should be an interrogation point, and if he were asked to inscribe theron a motto, it should be the one word, "Why?" In his enlargement of this theme he said that all education is the direct res alt of intelligent questioning, and was particularly happy in his remarks throughout the discourse. He del;ghted his audience, and Mr McLeod will always find at Johnsonville a glad welcome. After his addre^ Mr McLeod was ? : called on to deliver a certificate in J music to Miss Rowena Adell Eaddy; I . a medal in music, Miss Birdie Eaddy for the greatest progress in music during the session; and prizes in spelling for the highest averages in . the 5th, 6th and 7th grades as follows: Eva Tanner, Albert May Ead. dy, and Ella Russell Poston, respecfttralu . VI T VIJ Mr McLeod was particularly pleasing in his remarks to the winners of these certificates and prizes. _ There were no graduates from the high school this year on account of the school having put in the eleventh grade. Johnsonville having recently voted to issue $15,000.00 in bonds for the erection of a modern school building, the architects are now engaged on plans and specifications and we hope to have the building ready for the next session of school. For the session of 1915-16 the following teachers have been re-elected: Misses Elise Rollins, Myrtle Poston, Henree Newell and Gertrude Culberson. The principal and masic teacher not yet elected. At a recent meeting of the build^ ing committee and members of the Methodist church it was decided to commence at once the erection of a modern and commodious church building which will be a credit to Methodism here. Mr Walton McLeod of Lynchburg and Mr Singletary of Bishopville were here Friday evening to attend the school exercises. % / There is a movement on foot - which we are informed will soon be put into execution to build a new block of brick stores on Broadway street., This will fill a long-felt want here, as there has been a continued cry for store buildings which 80 far have not been furnished to #rceet the demand. Mr Jackson Huggins, who recently znbved here with his family from Hemingway, has moved into his new modern home and is now erecting a large market building on Broadway, which he will occupy with his general market business immediately on completion. Two new mercantile firms have recently opened up business here, and others are only awaiting the completion of store buildings. Watch Progressive Johnsonville. Best Thing for a Bilious Attack. "On account of my confinement in the printing office I have for years been a chronic sufferer from indigestion and liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an attack that was so severe that I was not able to go to the case for two days. Failing to get any relief from any other treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man," writes H C Bailey, editor Carolina News, Chapin, S C. Obtainable everywhere. A fellow in this town ate German noodle soup and French fried potatoes yesterday, and now he can't understand the war that is rafrin# in his stomach. A wise man talks of others. The fool babbles of himself. Bennett School Closes. Salter3 Depot, May 24:?Bennett school,about five miles from Salters, closed its session Friday night, May 21. After an opening prayer by Rev W I Sinnott and a welcome song by the entire school, the welcome address was delivered by little Miss Zouleame Shirer. The exercises consisted of songs, dialogues and drills, and the excellent way in which the children performed their parts reflected great credit upon their teacher. Miss Motte L Clement. While it may be invidious to select any portion of the entertainment as worthy of special mention, tun PYPreises seemed to be Darticu Iarly enjoyed, viz: The drill in which : eight girls with sunbonnets placed backwards upon their heads went through various movements on the stage, and "The Sick Doll",in which little Dr Emmett Brown,s?ven years of age, wearing long trousers and otherwise fitted out as became the dignity of his profession, ministered to the sick doll of little Miss Sallie Boyd. Delightful music was furnished by Misses Minnie and Lucile Bryan, the prizes were delivered by County Su perintendent R N Speigner and ar. interesting and instructive address was given by Solicitor Philip H Stoll, which was followed by the closing song, "Vacation Song", sung by the entire school. WIS. Faith in your husband will save him many explanations. Lame Back. Lame back is usually due to rheumatism of the muscles of the back. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from it. Relief may be had by massaging the back with Chamberlain's Liniment two or three timoo a rlnv Trv it. Obtainable everywhere. Notice of Election. Whereas, a petition signed by a majority of the freeholders of the Town of Kingstree, S C, has heretofore been presented to the Town Council of said Town, praying for the construction, establishment, equipment and maintenance of a free public library in and for said Town, at a cost not exceeding the sum of Seven Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) and for an election forthwith to be held and conducted in said Town, thereby submitting to the qualified voters of the Town of Kingstree, S C, the question of subscribing and furnishing and contributing from the Treasury of said Town annually a sum not exceeding Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) for the purpose of operating and maintaining such free public library within the limits of said Town, such election to be held and conducted as provided for and prescribed by the laws of South Carolina regulating the same; And whereas, pursuant to said petition the said Town Council of said Town, in Council assembled, did, on the 4th day of May. 1915, by resolution duly passed, adopted and ratified, order an election to De neia in saia lown 01 rungstree, o on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, 1915, thereby submitting to the qualified voters of said Town the said question of subscribing and furnishing and contributing from the Treasury of said Town annually a sum not exceeding Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) for the purpose of operating and maintaining such free public library in said Town; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, pursuant to said petition and resolution and the laws of the State of Sauth Carolina regulating and providing for the same, an election will be held and conducted at the County Court House in the said Town of Kingstree, S C, on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, A D 1915, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said Town the question of subscribing and furnishing and contributing from the Treasury of said Town annually a sum not exceeding Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) for the purpose of operating and maintaining a free public library in and for said Town of Kingstree, such I free public library building to be constructed, established and equipped with- in the limits of said Town at a cost of not more than Seven Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars, the said Town not being chargeable with any part or portion of the costs of such construction, establishment and equipment of said building excepting the donation of the building site therefor; and that, in and by said resolution, R B Smith, B E Clarkson and R W Fulton have been, by said Council,appointed Managers of Election to hold and conduct said election; that, for the purpose of said election, the polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon and closed at four o'clock in the afternoon; and that said election shall be held and conducted pursuant to said petition, resolution and this notice and in accordance with the provisions of .i i r .l? Di.i. o?,*.u me laws Ui UlC OLaw: Ul OUULH v/aiuuua regulating and providing for the same; that at said election the qualified voters of said Town of Kingstree, S C, may vote for or against said annual subscription not exceeding Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, in the manner following: Those in favor of such said annual subscription and contribution shall vote "For annual subscription not exceeding $750.00 for library?Yes"; and those opposed to such said annual subscription and contribution shall vote "For annual subscription not exceeding $750.00 for library?No". By order of the Council, W R Scott, Attest: Mayor. Walter Steele, 5-27-2t [corporate! seal] Clerk and Treas, USE "CARl (Non-Corrosive and Insecticide, Germic Kills Fleas, Flies, Bed-bugs, 1 other Vermin and Insects. Fine as a general Disinfectanl hold uses, stables, kennels, garba use in the sick-room or disinfec Price, 25c. King'stree Dru KINGSTREE, MrtWPlTQ AT JIV TV VJ. Vt Just received, one MACHINES. Price, and examine them. M. F. HI On a personal visit to Mr Henry Ford 1 sible August 1 Rebate. (The Ford Company announced last year?as : sales reached 300.000 cars between August 1,1914. t ir.g that period would receive back a refund of $40.i "Mr. Ford," I suggested, "Is there with regard to the Ford Motor (Company "We shall sell the 300,000," was the a full month ahead of August 1st!" "Then a refund is practically assure "Yes?barring the totally unexpect behind orders today. Factory and brant I then said to Mr. Ford: "If I could ment we would increase our local sales 5 11 You may say" was Mr. Ford's de io this?" You may say that we shall ] Ford car between Auyxst 1,1914, and unforeseen, the sum of%50. You ma make this statement!" On display and sale at Kinj THO A CAR Mowers, Rakes just received. The I ?the best made an We handle these an to have you call to i is time to start harv or hay crop. Prices and T< isfactory to F Williamsburg li Making a I MT The straight road ? i _ w irom your aoor to 01 greatest values in CThis store is making quality of goods it s( ness of its prices, fo customers. CIt is making a repi which is bringing it " day, which is maki SATISFACTION. Hie Andrews D . CORDIE REDDIC ANDREWS. - J * BOLEO" Will Not Stain) :ide. Disinfectant . loaches. Ticks. Lice and all ! ; and Germicide for house- I: ge receptacles, etc- Also for $ :ting linen and bed-clothes, u ig Company I South. Carolina I % | Mowers! j carload MOWING $45.00 each. Call j I i iLLER s ? 113 I broached the subject of a pos- ? pou well remember?that if their total T ind Augrust 1, 1915, each purchaser dur- 5 00 to $60.00). f anything I can say to our people $ 's 300,000 car rebate plan?" Jj ! quiet reply?"and in 11 months, ? W d?" ft ed. We are 50,000 to 75,000 cars C ;hes are sending out 1800 daily." s make a definite refund state- ft >00 cars." m !liberate and significant reply ~ my back to each purchaser of a m August l, 1915, barring the I y say that I authorized you to 1 jstree, S C, by S. McCUTCHEN. ? LOAD and Binders cCormick kind d the best sold, d would be glad see us before it resting your oat I erms Sat'urchaser re Stock Co. =n, Leputanon to satisfaction leads iir store?the store of General Merchandise. I a reputation for the ills, for the reasonabler the satisfaction of its itation for reliability, new customers every ing it the STORE OF ry Goods Co. JK, Manager, SoutH^Carolina. bhhhhhJ a a A Fine, Sweet P: for you it the Wellington. With it, you c of a cool, sweet, dry smoke. You won' slightest trouble keeping the Wellington tractable. Saliva can't get to the fire t< vretuiu^uj is made on the correct pipe principle, foul and it can't clog. Come on in and shape you like best?every one a m< ^5c, 35c, 50c, up. - Sfte Scott Drug THE WAR BUI J. L STl I HAS B< I Horses an I For Sale or E I J. L. STl g Livery, Feed and | Lake City, You Can Use Our Useful ie Our useful Jewelry for m only stylish but is strongly rr looks alike is not alike. You \ we represent to be "solid g( through". When we tell y< water" and flawless you can ity and perfection. flWe Jewelry at reasonable prices; business. .S.THOM^ QUALITY JEW! 257 King St., - CI EASE ON IUUK FUl Begin the easing proci Look into the size of your try us. If you are not one of ot we want you to try our ver Teas, Coffees and other gr< We sell everything for antee its quality and keep Britton & "The Pure Fo< Nice Fresh Beef, Pork and M THE PEOPLE'! H. A. MILLER, PR Travel Slips Issued 11 an be sure /W ?1l 0 p Made In ? A * rum M IQ AN HQ I f iu vn uu I v; jckeyIj OTH I d Mules | 4 Exchange. 1 1 JCREYI .1 Sale Stable J| | jl South Carolina |i I B38^e?e^g3e^i I iwelry for a Long Time. en and women is not 1 I lade. All Jewelry that vill find that anything a )ld" will never ''wear tM )u a diamond is "first H depend upon its qual sell our trustworthy ^ ; that's why we do the M . / .s acco., i>I^?RS( i lARLESTONVSrC. j W fup 1 :ketboor I pcc vl ith vmir tnhle. grocery bill. Then yW tr regular customers , WM y high grade Flour, V >ceries. H the table, and guar- fl the price way down. fl Hutson. I od Store" fl siUFil1! r Good Cattle and I Hogs fl utton Always On Hand. 1 MARKET I OPRIETOR fl at this Market. 1 vJ - H