The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 20, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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-7/ | Professional Cards. | Dr. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over'Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf DrTRrjTMcCABE DENTIST, < KINGSTREE, ? S. C V v Office in McCabe Building, next tc Court House. M.D. NESMITH, |k dentist, ike City, S. C W. L. TAYLOIT dentist, Office over Dr W V Brockiugtou's Store, K1NGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. 1866 1914 ^ A. M. SNIDJLK, SURGEON DENTIST. Over Gamble & Jacob*' Drug Store. J. Dcs7 GiUand Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. G Benj. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the r first Monday in each month, at Hel' ler's Stables. 9-28-tf KINGSTREE Lodge, No. 46 /%?^A.F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially inyited. R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly ff v Kingstree Chapter, | No. 22, ^ Order Eastern Star Meets every Thursday night after full moon and two weeks later. Mrs B E Clarkson. W M. Mrs Stella Cook Sect'y. 1-28-tf J&,Kingstree Lodge, plljf No. 91 Jfpl Knights ot Pythias Regular conventions every second and fourth Wednesday nights. Visiting brethren always welcome. Castle Hall, Owi 0fnrv flourdin Building. 1-14 lvr UiU OW* j ? BE Clarkson, <j u E C Epps, K of R & S. u @iMtrLAi mmiiu The Thiid Monday Visiting choppers torlially invited to con-e up and sit on a stuiuj or hang abonton tbr P H STOLL, J M Brown, Clerk. Con Com I Fish! Fish! Fish! j I Pendergrass' Fish Market g I Now Ready! 1 a I The best meat to eat is nice, fresh fish, especially for this sea Bl son. We get fresh fish two to E Hkl three times a week and from now E on will keep them. You can de- | pend on getting nice, fresh stock I at any time. W e positively guar antee every string of fish we sell fl I so if they are .not entirely satis- I Br fl factory return them at once and I " fl we will cheerfully refund your I money. The famous Red Fin M X* I (Croakers are now in season, a iwe fish and best for this time of year. B Special to the readers 01 this B ad: On Fridays only, by mention- B ing this ad, you can buy a 25c string of Croakers for 20c in cash. Be sure and call for FISH. B Pendergrass Bros. Co. I Kingstree, - S,C | 'Phone 14. 1 CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladle*! A*k your DranUt for A\ AM rf-'vSa <"hl-<-hei?-ter B lHHTnon<rTlrnnd//V\ 1*111 s in Red and Void metaJlic\*// boxes, sealed with Blue Ril.bon. \/ Take no other. Buy of your " /If Drurrlot. Ask forCIII.Cires.TER S Jf DIAMOND BRAND PILLH, for 85 m years know n as Best, Safest, Always ReliaMo r SOLO fV DRUGGISTS EVERVWHERE Receipt Books, Blank Notos, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at The Record office. If we have not the form you wish we can print it cn shorl ;hstice. , t |L> m | ^ ajtffc owe r : IF NOT, WHY NOT? > Whose fault is it? It is nc ours. We offer you the necessar requirements to place you on th safe side,and would be more tha delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICE ' that will protect you from all los ' by fires at a yery low rate. W represent the best and most n liable companies on earth. Kingstree Insurance,Heal Estate &LoaifC W. H. WELCH, Manager. | Epps' Market All meats bought and sold ? for cash. Don't ask for L creditEpps' Market Cr. Actdamr (St Mill Sfts. ?p, LIGHTNING RODS. grayUlr H. L. WHITLOCK I#all? City, S. C., Special Sales Agen f .. Representing the largest mar afacturers of all kinds In proved Copper and Galvanize ^Ka^aR.^^ Section Rods. (Endorsed b the Highest Scientific Ai I" -If raL thoritieB and Fire Insuranc Companies). Pure Copper Wii Cables, all sizes. Our Full Coi ' - Guarantee given with each jol 2.-. I sell on close margin of profi dividing commission with m customers. 3-7-1 by destroying me luuuuauun w<. ease, agd giving the patient strength hj building up the constitution and assistinj nature in doing its work. The proprietor; have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollar; for any case that it fails to cure. Sen< for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. 0 Sold by oil Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Chamberlain's Cough Remeoy lo Cures Colds, Ci jup and Whooping Co: #0. / ? V rfrrJ WATTS' JEWELRY STORI KINGSTREE, S. C. I keep on hand everything to be found in an up-to-date jewelry house Renairingand engraving done with neatness and despatch. :: As a home dealer, guaranteeing quality and prices, I Solicit Your Patronage. Nmmv the Railroad Station. a ??? Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Reg istration will be open on the 1st Moi day in each month for the purpose c registering any person who is quali fled as follows: Who shall have been a resident c the State for two years, and of th county one year, and of the polling pre cinct in which the elector offers t vote four months before the day o election, and shall have paid, si: months before, any poll tax then du and payable, and who can both rea and write any section of the constitu tion of 1895 submitted to him by th Supervisors of Registration, or wh can show that he owns, and has pai all taxes collectible on during th present year, pioperty in this Stat assessed at three hundred dollars o more. H A Meyer, r lerk of Board P AiftrBar (G-feggMaffia i WEBSTER'S . ! ' NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dictionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowledge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. SBw"'o'or,?r,p'.e " - - - - ^V V, .-1 ICfturtf)! I Bofw The public is cordially invite to attend any of the services of th various churches of Kingstree. Baptist Cburch. Rev W E Hurt, Pastor. , Services every Sunday morning a 11:00 o'clock and evening at 8:0 o'clock. >t Sunday-school at 10.00 a. m. y Prayer-meeting Wednesdays a ,e 8:00 p. m. n Episcopal Church, Rev H D Bull, Minister. f Services for Whitsunday,May 23 ;s Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; morninj e prayer and sermon, 11:30 a. m. i. Thp-sday: Bible Class, 8 p. m. Friday: Litany, 4:30 p. m. Methodist Church. 0. Rev D A Phillips, Pastor. _ Preaching every Sunday morninj at 11:30 o'clock and evening at 7:3i |a o'clock. Sunday-school at 10:30 a. m. Mid-week prayer meeting ever; Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock Presbyterian Church. Rev P S McC hesney, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a m. and 8:00 p. in. Sunday-schoo 4:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:0( p. m. I Arrival of Passenger Trains a KIngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroa< has promulgated the following sched ule, which became effective Sunday June 1, 1914: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:23 a n *No 46 - - 11:35 a n No 78 - - - 6:02 p n South Bound. No 79 - - - 11:09 a n *No 47 - - - - 6:38 p n ,t No 89 - 9:18 p n *Daily except Sunday, H "* | AND REPAIRING tlt.'anHBiHBnUKSBBBmns A Pertinent Question * How do you like to be the re pair man? Not a very pleasani subject. No doubt the job woulc ruffle your clothes. - {| Save a Lot of Trouble. Bring your car to us for inspec tion and repairs. This will wir in the long run. Have you evei ?f tried our livery service? You wil find quick action and low prices, Kingstree Garage, I. L.T.THOMPSON. Mgr. 0 ? 1 Undressed Lumber, e ** I always have on hand a lot of un" dressed lumber (board and framing) al e my mill near Kingstree. for sale at th< ? lowest price for good material. See 01 ? write me for further information, etc. I F. H. HODTR. i ? : The New Jersey Fire Insurance' Newark, - New^Jersey is old, strong and reliable and solicits your J natrona^e. Whether your business is small# or large we will give it" our undivided attention. F. K. GRAHAM Exclusive Resident Agent Kingstree, - South Carolina $100 Reward, $100 I The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medica fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the bloo<3 and mucous surfaces of the system, there * 1 A f V? flic. | Advertising Talks !f ? GREAT POWER OF t LITTLE WANT A 0 | t Have Prevented Suicides, Reu ed Families and Done Othe Remarkable Things. The want ad is the modern mil s worker. It performs feats daily could be accomplished in no other with the same swiftness and surer says the Chicago Tribune. The \ ad finds homes for abandoned dren. It has been the direct caus the marriage of young couples ^ providing a position for the man ' ^ an income sufficiently large to en him to support a wife. It has ret ed families?restored the lost soi y his mother, published the wife's i sage of forgiveness to the runa husband. Want ads have been published ing for rain and it rained. Can any question the cause of the downp< J Lost engagement rings, love letl and Boston bull pups have been fc ) through means of the want ad. The want ad has prevented suici . Men, despondent, moneyless, fri less, alone in a hurrying city, i turned to the want ad as their resort. With no friend3 to tell J "down and outer" of possible positi . lacking the car fare and perhaps, deed, the energy and determinat because of continuous rebuffs, to f a place by a personal canvass?ar most hopeless task in a city the 1 of Chicago?these men have fo ) their chance in the want ad colum , In some cases suicide may' I seemed the only way out, in e cases a distant possibility?but sti l possibility?but with the appears 3 of the want ad, carrying its mes* 3 of a chance to make good, hope vived. Ta oAmo nAnnlo tha want a/1 bfl/V of a newspaper contains more mance than any other section, beet the romance found there is real mance, boiled down and not eml isbed by a finished writer. Rea< between the lines, one can gather tie stories of the various activltiei life. A classified section of toda: read a hundred years from now w< give material to the thinking man drawing a fairly accurate picture the life of this age. The lines of w men were engaged in, the amounl pay they received, the cost of m articles we use today?these and m other facts could be deduced. These little stories contained g tween the lines of the want ads stories of the young and old as wel * of those in the prime of life. H t we see a little girl seeking a homt 1 CONDITIONS FORCE A 12 YEAR C girl to seek u home. No relatives kn financially able to care for her. Can assist? X The Tribune. , In another place a childless coi . or perhaps one whose children h j grown up?are looking for a chile . adopt. | A home broken up is indicated the following: WILL J. M.-YOUR BABY DAUOH1 ill; wife heartbroken: let us hear f: * you. C M, The Tribune. The list?fortunately not large* those who will be "responsible c for debts contracted by myself" I: cates broken partnerships either b ness or matrimonial. But the foil - ing perhaps has a happier explanat t ?the children have grown up: 5 FOR SALE)?SULKY CART FOR TWI X, Jhe Tribune. This advertisement would indie that some young couple were sett ! up housekeeping: WANTED?SECOND HAND SET silver for family of two. X, The T une. But this one appears to contain story of a jilted or socially dlsappo ed young man: FOR SALE-BRAND NEW DRESS SI for young man. X. The Tribune. And this one, that illness no ion afflicts some member of the family INVALID'S CHAIR FOR SALE. X, 1 Tribune. In the want ads one can find sale cradles, feathers for the nest, i even tombstones. A second-hand n rlage license has yet to be adverth The want ad section has its humor side as well as its romantic. At dil ent times many queer ads have peared. If you are a reader of t section you will remember examp A look through the classified colur any day probably will reward you v a problem to ponder over or a Joke " amuse you. This, the modern market pi; ; where buyers meet sellers In print ' they used to meet on market day, < 1 tains a strange assortment. We ] I an offer made to exchange lessons 1 dancing for "time watching a t phone;" a man, apparently with a ! experience wants to exchange an a for a horse; another one has 200 do I tin boxes of healing foot salve to 3 change, which should last one I considerable length of time; an ice l is offered for a parrot cage; a " , old violin, typewriter, and Ave a< for a foot lathe;" a dramatic teacfc for tailoring (a sartorial Hamlet prospect?); and if you will excha what you have for a new face, an t fT] D. face expert makes old faces yona " at one sitting for what have you? J One finds for sale a "dump" and p "candy wheel," whatever they may b< > And anything from medicine for yot poodle to second hand steel rail may be purchased. Positions are offered to a "bul dozer," a young man to learn the aen 4 plane business, a "collar stuffer," "plllmaker?mass," a "piano chipper ? " and to "teachers of everything from to z?aviation to zoology." I.ost articles, from a pencil to "shipperke dog," are sought, an Uq man's inhumanity to woman is d plored in the following: PARTNER WANTED?LADY WANT gentleman partner to operate on hoar of trade. I understand board operatlni "> ? Diu nave to nuve a gentleman iur nu n ber.'hlp. One finds places for everythtn, from coring for trees, making bonnet and ragtime playing to chemical l saying is taught. A naive ad is tb acl? following: a SITUATION WANTED?ON STAGE B wa-v young man. No experience as actor, bi less, T am a genuine comical character, vant Wouid that there were more of th chil- kind on the other side of the foo e of lights! by ^ PLAIN COPY MAKES ADS PA' * ?* Don't Shoot Over Heads of Peopi You Want to Reach?What an w Illinois Merchant Did. ask By HINTON GILMORE. one Much is said regarding the ps: iur? chol?8y advertising, but there ar ers plenty ?' fellows who never took lesson in their lives who get return ' n for their advertising outlay. I In an Illinois town of 15,000 ther 68' I is a dealer in men's furnishings wh en ' i believes in advertising through th lav 6 newspapers, but It took him a Ion a8t time to make It pay. For years hi 6 copy didn't possess the sellin ?^8, "punch." It was being written by i ' n~ specialist and had won commendatioi from people supposed to know goo< 5, advertising copy when they saw II 1 ? . ? J 9 *" But It was costing money ana wn?n 8 ZQ getting the business, so the deale >u let the specialist out and began wrii nB" ing his own copy. iava He made a close analysis of previou advertisements and noticed such gem a as "plu-perfect tailoring" and "acm ince of sartorial achievement," and i 'age dawned upon him that the copy wa re" over the heads of the crowd. When he sat down to write his firs tion ad he recalled a boyhood acquainl ro* ance?"Buck" Ransome, the villag lU8e bus driver back in the old home hair ro" let. Now "Buck" happens to be i man of low powered intelligence, witl Uns j a mere smattering of educational ele | ments, but the dealer seized upon hin 3 ! as a sort of composite customer am y ^, addressed that advertisement t< )uld Tt was written so tha ^or | "Buck" could understand; anythin, ' of | that seemed beyond "Buck's" gras] '0I"k | was left out. The result was tha ^ i the copy was plain as day. any , The merchant kept up this simpll any fled ad writing, sending typical "Buck' copy to the printer every day. Busi be- ness began to pick up and it's stil are picking up. 1 as Twice a year "Buck" Ransome re lere ceives a suit of clothes for his -unwit >: ting service as an advertisement mod )LD el- The fact that he doesn't knov r>wn i where {he clothes are coming fron you keeps "Buck" worried. lple ave Miss September Morn Again Rebuffed I "September Morn" as a work of ar will not be barred from the Milwaukei . postoffiee. "September Morn" as an advertise nient, intended to attract attention be cause of her suggestiveness, Is "per pom . ? sona non grata. _of "September Morn," if she appear m]y as a real lady, intending to appeas< ndi- hy the beauty of the artist's lmagina U8i. tion, Is all O. K. But her ladyshij ow. must travel under cover or not at al don If she is intending to slip somethinj over on your Uncle Samuel. N0 That is the mandate of Postmaste: David C. Owen. And he is "the pow :ate ers that be" in the Milwaukee office. ,Jng To Insure Success. qF Advertisers should not indulge li rib- random, unsubstantial claims. Ever] ad should put forth a real reason foi the the purchase. Price an article so ai int- to bring a fair margin of profit, ther stick to the price rather than stick th< JIT customer. Advertising is a part o the sales force and by truthful adver ger tising and carrying out a policy of do lng exactly what you promise to do The having one price, marking all goodi with plain figure prices, one bram for of treatment for all customers an( and selling a line of reliable goods tha iar- best meets the requirements as t< ied. style and price of a majority of custo ous mers?you then cannot help but b< fer- successful. ap this Buyers Being Educated. lea Thp nff reneated saving of Barnun nns that it was easy to fool some peopU nth continually, and all people occasion ' to ally was probably true in his day bu' it is a known fact that it is only part ico, ly true now. The buying public ar< as being educated to the extent that it i.? :on- a case of "show me." I am from Mis find souri just a short time until It wil i in be the only honest dealer, the 'ruthfu ele- advertiser who can deliver the goods sad uto zoo lame Back. exfor Lame back is usually due to rheu box matism of the muscles of the back fine Hard working people are most like jres ly to suffer from it. Relief may b< lIu8 had by massaging the back wit! In Chamberlain's Liniment two or thre< n?e times a day. Try it. Ubtainaou everywhere. ! DANCING COMPLICATIONS 6. ir fP~* * fl A DANCER'S STORY. i5 "Well," began the father of the famt ilv as he shook out his dinner napkin, j "how is the dancing class going? Are ; you learning all the new steps?" "I guess so," Caroline admitted gin^ gerly. "It's swell!" "Gee!1" said her brother. 1 just hate the old class!" ,g "What's the trouble?" their father d i inquired. ? ! "Oh," Caroline piped up happily, l* . "he's mad because Bunny danced with , I his girl all last time, and " g' | "No such thing, tattletale!" protest\ j ed that young man. "I guess I don't ' care anything about that stuck-up Hallift Bliss! I guess I wouldn't notice y her if there wasn't hardly any other it girl on earth! And she can dance with Bunny a million times for all I care! is You needn't be so smart!" "Tut, tutt!" reproved his father. "If she isn't your girl how did you know which one Caroline meant? Ap^ pearances are against you, Edward! Though I would say that at your tene der age I should regret knowing that your affections were becoming entangled " "Aw," his son burst cut, red faced, "Caroline needn't talk! vShe has an f. awful case on Larry Jones, and he e don't give two cents for her!" a "He danced with me more'n with s anvone else," Caroline came back calmly. "If he'll dance with me I e don't care whether he gives two cents o for me or not, do I?" e "There!" cried her father to the g abashed Edward. "I trust this glimpse s of feminine reasoning will teach you g something, my son! It may keep you a from big-headedness when some fair lady smiles on you!" d "I don't know whachu talking t. about!" protested Edward huffily, t "Anyhow, I don't see what Caroline r likes about Larry, for he's a punk , n| t- aancer: "He isn't!" Caroline defended. "Not s when you get used to him, as I have! s It's just his legs are queer! They e wabble below the knees and lag bet hind the upper part of him! You s can't help dancing a little queer if your feet are two or three steps bet hind you!" t- "Huh!" jeered her brother. "I'd pick e out someone else to have a case on i- then if I was a girl! Why don't you a take Pinhead Warble? All the girls ??. fi are crazy about him, because he looks like a picture in a magazine?but, anya j how, he wouldn't look at you!" 3 ! "Pinhead!" hissed Caroline. "Him! 0 He doesn't dance a bit better than * Larry! His legs wabble, too, only R > they cave in at the knees something P I awful, and he's so tall you're afraid ] -* 111 i Best Thing for a Bilious Allack. I "On account of my confinement 1 in the printing office I have for years < been a chronic sufferer from indigestion and liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an attack that was so se vere that I was not able to go to the . case for two days. Failing to get ! - any relief from any other treatment, ? I took three of Chamherlain'sTablets I i and the next day I felt like a new ; man," writes H C Bailey, editor J ? Carolina News, Chapin, S C. Obtain- 1 I . nis sister saia au^uu) iu mc ?imvu . phere. Edward wriggled in his chair. "Say," he offered beguilingly. "Hon3 est, 1 didn't mean anything?what I 1 said about Larry. His legs don't wab1 ble so awful bad. Wh-what did Hallie t say?" j "Said she was saving three dances - for you." Caroline told him between j spoonfuls. "Gee!" Edward gasped ecstatically. "Did she. honest?" "I take it," their father remarked, l "that the dancing class, as a dancing i class, leaves nothing whatever to be - desired in the way of progress!" t "I guess so," said Caroline and her brother agreeably.?Chicago .Daily ; News. 3 1 I lie's going 10 snui up lme a jttwn.n.uuti ! I know, because Susy told me it made j* I her so nervous she never could have j stuck it out, only she knew the new " j girl was jealous of her and she 1 couldn't let her get a chance at Pin* j head!" "These social complications are dis* j tractiug!" their father mourned. "I * 1 can't seem to get them straight. Aren't -! there any young gentlemen in the 1 i class with full command of thsfr' limbs?" I "Gee! You oughta see Bill do the ^ high jump!" cried his son. "He's ath* j letic, all right! We piled up all the i girls' cloaks on a chair in the dressing I room when they were dancing the Ta Tao and Bill he jumped clear over the , whole lot!" "Then that's where my vanity box g got smashed!" shrieked his sister in a , fury. "And Susie's white fur was all mussed up and grimy! I'll tell the , teacher on you!" "She'd take your powder box away , from you!" reminded her brother. "You don't dire. You're just mad bef cause I told you you were stuck on , . Larry!" i "I have got a dreadful case on him," said Caroline, surprisingly complacent. She preened herself. "He asked me i for four dances at the next party?so j there, smarty!" r "Aw-w-w-w!Edward was momen3 tarily breathless. Then he rallied, i "Betcha Pinhead won't ask you or 3 anyone else!" f "Hallie Bliss told me something," " * *-A? ?f J - f#* +V?/% ofmAQ.