The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 06, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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lOCAllH HEWS It Dr L B Johnson of Rome was in Kingstree yesteraay. /' Mr H R Russell of Bloomingvale / was in town Tuesday. * P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of Lake City was in town the first of the week. Mr P B Feagin of Trio was a caller at The Record office while in town Monday. Mr and Mrs I C Player of Greelyville were shopping in Kingstree Tuesday. Mr L A Taylor has been appointed postmaster at Vox to succeed Mr E F Prosser. Mr J I Hazard,cashier of the Bank of Georgetown, was noted in Kings| tree yesterday. Mr Bartow Smith and his little son,Hank of Hebron,were visitors to Kingstree Monday. Mr W E Thompson of Georgetown spent last Monday in town with relatives and friends. Mr .T R Lesesne. and son, Master Bonneau Lesesne of Florence, spent last week in town as guests of Mrs E E Fluitt. Miss Hallie Hinds, a student of Coker College, Hartsville, spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs Belle Blakeley. / Mr P S Courtney has installed an automatic piano at his cafe. All one has to do is to drop a nickel in the slot and the machine does the rest. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Kingstree Building & Loan association takes place at 8 o'clock this evening at Kelley & Hinds' law offices. V x Mesdames R B Smith and B E Clarkson were called to Jefferson yesterday by a wire announcing the unexpected death of their brother, Mr John Garland. Dr E 0 Taylor of Greelyville was operated upon at 8 o'clock Tuesday night in Charleston for appendicitis. The operation is said to have been successful and the patient is doing li weu. t Messrs W R Scott and J D O'Bryan, accompanied by Misses Julia Cork and Cornelia Plowden spent Sunday in Manning at the home of Miss Plowden, going over by automobile. Misses Mamie McLees and Amanda Edwards are visiting the schools at Indiantown, Johnsonville, Hemingway,Mulberry and Ard's X Roads i this week, having left Kingstree * Tuesday morning. Miss Gladys Odom, the efficient teacher of the Shaw school, passed through town Monday en route tc ' her home at Bamberg. The patrons and pupils hope to secure the services of this popular young lady next session. Messrs L C Dove, Thos McCutchen and A C Swails and P H and C W Stoll, Esqs, went to McCottry's lake Monday afternoon on a fishing excursion. The party returned Tuesday and report having had a good time but that fish were not biting ^ well on account of high water. The Kingstree High and Graded school will close its present session Thursday,May 27,at which time Hon A F Lever of Lexington, member of Congress, will deliver the literary address. Rev W M McPheeters, D D, of Columbia will preach the baccalaureate sermon Sunday, May 23. Mr F K Graham has secured the services of Mr Jack McCullough, of this county, as his assistant in the insurance business. He will also act as assistant manager of the Caroline Teachers' Agency. Mr McCullough is a son of Mr J G McCullough V of Benson. We wish Mr McCullough f much success. v A called meeting of Kingstree Lodge, No 46,A F M, will be held tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, when the third degree will be conferred upon a number of candidates. Representatives from each of the lodges in this Masonic district have been in 4 vited to attend and the meeting will doubtless be an interesting one. Monday was public salesday, but there was only one sale to take place, which was in the case of the Kaminski Hardware Co of Georgetown against the Nesmith Gin Company and involved the sale of a small tract of land containing 25,288 square feet and situated on the G & W railroad. The sale was made by Sheriff Graham for $280.00 to Mr E C Burgess. i. ..... .... The county delegation met here last Thursday and heard the charges preferred against MrW P Thompson, rural policeman at Trio, and recommended that he be suspended. Mr. McRoy Gasque, rural policeman for the Cades section, tendered his resignation and the Sheriff was authorized by the delegation to accept the same. No appointments were made to fill these vacancies. Another heavy rain and hail storm visited this community Tuesday about 1:30 p. m. Some of the stones were as large as hens'eggs. Fortunately, though, the bulk of them were much smaller and the damage wrought to growing truck was not so extensive as on April 21. The storm Tuesday, however, seems to' have been more general over the ' State and in many sections considerJab'e damage to fruit and growing ! crops is reported. . Ashton Williams was down from Washington several days recently looking after the opening of his law rkffi/m Hp i? hnvintr the rooms over the Bank of Lake City fitted up. W L Bass,pleasantly remembered by so many,will return from Florida,where I he has been practicing law for the I past four or five years, and will be associated with Mr Williams under the firm name of Bass & Williams. This will add another strong team to Lake City's legal force.?Lake C\i\j News. The officers of the Kir.gstree Baseball association are highly gratified 1 over the success they are meeting ! with in the way of obtaining sub: scriptions. Already nearly $500.00 has been subscribed and a good baseball team for Kingstree is practically assured. The president of the association, P H Stoll, Esq, informs us that he has already received a number of applications from good amateur players offering their services. It is proposed by the officers of the asssociation to have their team organized and ready to ; play ball by July 1. Mrs M L Baggett, the well-known n?nnn'atroaa nf thp Moo? Hntp] Rflff. 1 piU[/l IVVIVUU V* V??V t* ? o | ) gett at Lanes, celebrated her fifty-, I fourth birthday last Sunday. The | occasion was marked by one of the ! most elaborate feasts that, perhaps, has ever taken place within the confines of this widely known little junction on the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. About thirty relatives j and inyited quests sat down to a ; table d' hote dinner in the dining; room of the hotel. It was ao elegant spread and all whose privilege it was to partake of the repast will long recall this natal day celebra; tion with pleasure and heartily wish 1 their hostess many others. Mr A G Trenholm, engineer of the Home Telephone Co at Georgetown, was in Kingstree last week 'looking over the local company's ; 1 plant preparatory to making several , < changes in the system, the most im, portant of which will be, perhaps, , the placing of all telephone wires in the main section of town into underground cables. There will be in ?; all about 7,000 feet of lead cable of I | various dimensions put down, which II will extend from the company's new t Vis\mo nn onntK A r?oHemv strPPt to the corner of Brook? street, from ' this point down Brooks street to the railroad; and from Harper's shop* on East Main street to the corner of i Jail street on West Main street. This new system will enable the local company to give its subscribers in the cable district a metallic service instead of a grounded service as at , present, and will also do away with all telephone poles and overhead wires in the district. With Oar Advertisers. See the King Hardware Co about garden tools, especially the "Planet Jr" tools. They will make gardening a pleasure. The Silverman Department Store is still daily receiving attractive ad; ditions to its handsome line of goods. Messrs Jenkinson Bros Co have a ; change of ad in this paper in which i they call attention to a handsome i line of dress goods for com men cei ment gowns, etc. ' Read the new ad of the Scott Drug Co in this paper. It tells a otni>n in a littla anona v ai ua uit owi j iu u nwviw upuvv. | Note the new ad of the Uwana Theatre, and don't forget the splendid special attractions for Thursday nights during May. The Farmers & Merchants Nation1 al Bank of Lake City publishes its called statement on the first page of this paper. Note the attractive ad on page 8 , of this paper of Messrs Davis & Fennell in re their line of Styleplus 1 clothes for gents at $17 the suit. The Bank of Hemingway has a i change of ad on page four of this paper. If you hope to be successful I in life read it and try to follow its sound advice. | I *<** ?'vs. _ ., I I'MNGSTREE HIGflANO J ; I GRADED SCHOOL NOTES- J | ??- ?? HONOR ROLL. Grade I. Elizabeth Fairey 98 ! Philip Stoll - 94 Rachel Dove 94 ( Dora Harrington 94 Margaret Lesesne 93 Katherine Steele 93 Grade I?Advanced. j Mary Catherine Epps 98 j Elizabeth Sw ails 98 Jane Gilland 97 Stella Wolfe 96 Mary Louise Flagler 95 Wilmot Scott Allen 94 Grade II. Grace Kinder 95 Genevieve Reddick 95 1 Grade III. Anna Laura Singleton 94 Ola Dubose 94 | iheodosia tooper J Lola Anderson 92 Robert Smith 91 Grade VI. Hubert Speigner 96 Nora Kinder 96 Madge MeCants 95 Madge Blakeiey 93 Maude A Kinder 92 Grade VII. Serena Lee 95 William Cooper 94 Hampuen Montgomery 93 James Sullivan 92 Grade VIII. Delle Sexton 95 , Agnes Fulton 93 Grade IX. Erline Mcintosh 95 i Lula Sexton.. 94 Grade X. Leora Gamble 95 Graham-Snider. I A 11 Xf Cni/^an fkft tttaIl_l/nAnrn ' Lfl miCIl 1U UlllUCl^llc ncii-niiunu i dental surgeon of this place, was married at 10 o'clock last Thursday morning at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs M H Cooper, at Salters Depot, to Mrs Theodosia Graham, widow of the late Mr J J Graham. The ceremony was performed by Revs P S McChesney, of the Presbyterian church, and Henry Snider, a son of the groom, of the Baptist church. After the ceremony Dr and Mrs Snider left for Charleston, where thev spent several days, returning to Kingstree Monday evening. ^ Items of General Interest. Governor Manning has ordered all the dispensaries closed in Aiken pending the settlement of a row among the local dispensary officials. XXX Governor R I Manning, Senator E D Smith, Congressman Lever and Commissioner Watson delivered addresses before the Leesville Chautauqua Monday and Tuesday of this week. XXX A carload of strawberries was shipped from Georgetown to Washington Tuesday over the Seaboard Air Line railroad. This is said to be the first large shipment of strawberries from the State this season. XXX Anderson was swept by a $70,000 fire Tuesday night,caused by a spark from a locomotive falling among jufe in one of the warehouses of T Q Anderson's horse collar factory,in the yards of the Blue Ridge railway. The flames were swept by a swift gale toward the heart of the business district of the city, destroying property conservatively estimated to be worth $70,000, the most valuable of which was the elegant new $20,000 freight station of the Piedmont and Northern railway. CALOMEL SALIVATES , AND MAKES YOU SICK. Acts Like Dynamite on a Sluggish Liver and You Lose a Day's Work. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a nprfeet substitute for calomel. it is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as i surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and cannot salivate. Children and grown folk can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. 1 Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work, Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and i you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue ! or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible cal- : omel your money is waiting for you. V IIUUpiUJJ UUUIJUl "When my daughter had whooping cough she coughed so hard at . one time that she had hemorrhage of the lungs. I was terribly alarm- c ed about her condition. Seeing t Chamberlain's Cough Remedy so highly recommended. I got a bottle and it relieved the cough at once. Before she had finished two bottles of this remedy she was entirely well," writes Mrs S FGrimes, Crooks- ville, Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. Don't fail to go to the big fire sale next door to WT T Wilkins. Many excellent bargains are still being offered at a lower price than ever. We want to close out. Come and get what you want and save your money. L D Rodgers. It. Commission for charter was issued yesterday by Secretary of State McCown to the DuRant-Butler Co, of Lake City, with a capital of $5,000, the petitioners being F. M DuRant and B W Butler. Bow Mrs. Barrod Got Rid ot fler Stora acti Trouble. "I suffered with 3tomach trouble for years and tried everything I heard of, but the only relief I got was temporary until last spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them otAro T rrnf immorliflfo at UUl UI U& X ftvv iiiiuivuiMw relief from that dreadful heaviness after eating and from pain in the stomach," writes Mrs Linda Harrod, Fort Wayne, Ind. Obtainable everywhere. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly! The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, i GLOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out ; Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds up the sjrs- i tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c , I - i Our Clubbing Rates- j We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular newspapers and periodicals. Read carefully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and we shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course all cash in advance, which means that both The Record and the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2,3, /?K?7SQ10 11 hilt TWRT.VE vl t v? v> *vl ??f - ? - ? months ahead. Below is the list of our best clubbing offers. The County Record and the SemiWeekly State, one year $1.85. The County Record and the Southern Ruralist (twice a month) for $1.25 a year. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a week) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Bryan's Commoner, $1.65. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical . is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. The County Record. SPECIAL NOTICES jfA Phone us when you want /g; to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a A5 word for each insertion. No i ad taken for less than 25c. J Phone 83. For Sale?One second-hand single- ?. ?Jam U a m1 T* Intri /^OAn M nf AT?OtT/?ln m Ly illlUCI HOLICJ-JL/OVI iov/u 1UVWV4VJ V?v, I guaranteed in good condition. Dr E T '" Kelley, Kingstree, S C. 2-4-tf Lost?Friday, April 23, 1915, a Gold Medal, between Workman and the I Bethel section, with following inscription on front: "Scholarship 1913, 0 G S," and "M D E" on back. "Return to Record office and receive reward. Miss DeBelle Evans,New Zion,S C. 4-29-lt The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXAtive BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and 1 look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. * ICOMMENC Seas In all parts of the ers are now gettin about the Comma their daughters oug the closing exercises | We Can Ass I We can assist you selection of a nice E have on display a b( materials and trimr suited to the makin mencement Dresses evening wear. Sill gandies, plain and r Crepes of all kinds line of Laces and Ri mings. See us when yo' Evening Dress or ( Dress. Toilet Ar We want to tell yc in stock a nice line oi Colgate's Talcum P( I can, Colgate's Dental Colgate's Cold Crc Soaps of all kinds. Jenkinson Brothi rhe Record * Sent Only $1.81 UX THE NEWS OF COl The Record J< 1 j x 8 equipped 10 priiu .vuu i Vi.V IV * J IVi iIAMSBURG EIWENTl on ! country mothg, or thinking ncement Dress ht to wear at 5 of the school. sist You. greatly in the ress, as we now Bautiful line of nings specially g up of Comand Dresses for cs, Satins, Or eal Net Voils, 5. A beautiful bbons for trimu need a nice Commencement tides. >u that we have ; Toilet Articles: >wder at 15c a I Ribbon Cream, sam and Toilet ers Company i-Weekly State 5 a year UNTY AND STATE ob Office r 1915 stationery kjkP^ ffilUZER' LIGHT uccess with his aeroplane stabIn life's flight you need several in need the balance wheels of tg, of money. One might write . we suggest that you THINK \ rwFpfiT RAOfcr A CHECK BC THE REST STi IN LIFE'S F y OTJ'VE read about Orville Wright's s JL ilizer, the balance wheel of flight. balance wheels. For instance, yo lonesty, of morality, of physical well beir i column about life's stabilizers. Instead his sketch over. THEN COME GET A BANK OF WILL Klngstree Teachers Re-elected. I At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Kingstree High and Graded school last week all the present teachers were re-elected for next session as follows: Mr J W Swittenberg,superintendent; Miss Laura Cromer, principal; Miss Julia Cork, music; Miss Agness Erckmann, 1st grade; Miss Lizzie Heape, 2d and 3d grades; Miss Cornelia Plowden, 4th grade; Miss Quinette Dantzler, 5th grade; Miss Belle Harper,6th grade; Miss Sarah James, 7th grade; Miss Ada Brockington, T .otin It is not yet definitely known whether all of the old teachers will accept their positions here for another year or not, but it is probable that most of them will. U'hnnninn fminh