The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 29, 1915, Image 1

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* " i > * v ' 1 \ VOL. XXX. KiypSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1915. >0. 8 I I We A p Ice Cream Freezers I Ice Tea Tumblers f Hammocks I We have a full and co t Hnn You know we always F Coffins and Cash < ====== I. SEABOARD AIR LINE t BUYS G. & W. R. R, > ______ WILL MAKE IT PART OF BIG SYSTEM-COAST LINE SHUT OUT BY DEAL. Georgetown, . April 24: ? The Georgetown and Western Railway has been sold to the Seaboard Air ' t Line. President Clifford, of the Atlantic Coast Lumber corporation, went to New York last Saturday to mAaf fka Qooknor^ nannlp and WlTPS UI^VV UUV WVMWWAV {/Wfr.v, ? WW from that city to officials here confirm the rumor printed in the News and Courier a few days ago. The t sale includes all properties of the r Georgetown and Western?the line v to Lanes and from Andrews to Poston. The Seaboard will take up the operation of the new property at once. The News and Courier corres> pond en t talked with Superintendent Emart, of the Georgetown and Western, this morning and he confirmed the sale. Mr Emart asserted that the property will be greatly improved for heavy service. The line from Andrews to Poston will be a link in j the through line from Hamlet to ^ Charleston and will be put in the best of condition for fast and heavy trains. The heaviest rails will be laid and the grades reduced to a minimum. The same improvement will be made on the line from Georgetown to Andrews. ?? ^ i. n The Se&ooara win pui iieorgetown sixteen miles nearer Charleston and such schedules will be made as will make the trip between the two cities very much more convenl ient and quicker. Mr Emart says I that the introduction of passenger business on the Seaboard to Charleston will probably follow immediately the completion of the connection with the union station in that city. Very probably, in the opinion of Mr Emart, Georgetown will have a special train to Charleston in addition to the through trains from damlet. A gas-electric car service between the cities is in contemplation. No information as to any changes in the officials of the line is available. , R J Clifford has been president; W \ ' H Andrews, general manager, and J A Emart, superintendent, and it is earnestly hoped in this city that these gentlemen will continue with the road. rr V-LI very pruuauiy uew vcimiuoi lenities will come with the change. The , Seaboard now has this port to itself. j The Atlantic Coast Line, which has had a free hand for all these years, i will be completely shut out if itj v does not build its own line. > Attention. Vetera A meeting of Camp Pressley will I be held Monday, May 10, in the ' court house at 11 a. m. A full attendance of members is requested. The co-operation of the members of the U D C Chapter is earnestly solicited. Also the teachers and pupils of the graded school (in Kingstree) are cordially invited to attend and participate in the exercises of that day. The public is invited. H H Kinder, H O Britton. Commander. Adjutant. 4-22-2t Kingstree, April 16. Send u* the new?. _ * MMER kre Well Prepare Screen Wire Screen Wi Fly Trai mplete stock of any of the above ite have a most complete stock of Hare Kim ' -EV BETHEL BREEZES. | Neighborhood News Condensed | Into Brlel Paragraphs. j Bethel,April 26:?Farmers around f here are busy planting their crops, r We hope thej will have good luck I this year. I School closed here Friday. I think l all the children are really glad. The I teacher will leave for her home about f Thursday. C Quite a crowd from around here ? attended the entertainment at He- I bron Friday night. ? Miss Lee Cooper spent the week- c end with Miss Jeddie Coker, in the C Hebron section. c We are sorry to hear that Mrs J T Wilson had her leg broken. We hope she will soon be well again. a Miss Ruth McElveen is visiting n friends at Olanta this week. n Miss Alice Frierson.who is attend- e ing school at Lake City,spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, ii Mr and Mrs J T Frierson. Miss Mary Brooks, who has been teaching school "over the river", is spending awhile with friends around < here. The Mouzon and Oakdale ball teams crossed bats Saturday after- ( noon and of course Mouzon won the t game. The score was 11 to 14. We t hope the boys around here will con- f tinue to play ball like they did Saturday. If they do they are sure to { win every game. 8 The picnic given at the river Sat- f urday was enjoyed by everybody \ who was there. Mr Editor, we all ? wish you could have been with us. We didn't get to eat dinner until about three o'clock. You know we were "sure" hungry. The fishermen E didn't get back until twelve and we j had to cook the fish stew after they j came. ' Mr Daniel McElveen went to town 4 Friday on business. Daisy. e SEEN AT S ALTERS. t e Recent Occurrences Abont Town { and Vicinity Tersely Told. % Salters Depot, April 26:?Mrs ? a Stanton, who was operated on for t appendicitis at a Florence infirmary about three weeks ago and came \ home last Sunday, is, we are sorry a to say, not doing so well. She improves slowly. ( Mrs Netta Cooper, who has been \ at home here for about ten days, <3 returned to Charleston Wednesday. g Mrs J C Everett, who has been i quite sick with la grippe, is out i again, we are glad to say. e Quite a number of the Salters t folk attended the Chautauqua at v Kingstree and were very much 1< pleased with the entertainment. Field day exercises in Kingstree I were largely attended by the folk e from this place. They all report t having a good time. p Mr and Mrs J H L Chandler mo- v tored over to Sumter Sunday and t spent the day with relatives. ti Mr C W Boswell spent Sunday t with relatives at Silver. Mr A R Moseley, our progressive & farmer, has been quite indisposed v for several days. a Quite an electrical storm passed ti over this section Wednesday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock, which lc was accompanied by very peculiar p phenomena. It was as dark almost & WILL ed to Supply Yc 5 Doors < re Windows >s Rubber Garden Hose ms. Also any and everything you Iware and Chinaware. At no othe j^tree tie ENTUALLY-W wij I | Just received I including Poultry I celebrated line of 1 WILLIAMS 1 Hea " I s night, and lamps were lit and re- t sained so for the rest of the after- h loon. The oldest resident here can- g tot recall any such phenomena. a Miss Mildred Sires of Charleston f 3 visiting friends at this place. t Look Out. I n SCHOOL CLOSING AT BENSON. , Commencement Exercises At- r tended by Large Crowd. , r Benson, April 27:?Cedar Swamp traded school commencement,which ook place Friday evening, brought jo an end a most auspicious school 1 < erm. k The auditorium was filled with ? >atrons and visitors to the last seat c ind only standing room permitted 1 he large crowd to witness the nice- 1 y arranged programme, which was c is follows: 1 Song, by the school. c Recitation,by a little boy and girl. * Wand flag drill, by eight boys and e fight girls to music entitled "March- r ng through Georgia". This was * ollowed by several pantomimes: * 'Just Before the Battle, Mother," e 'Star-Spangled Banner" and "Am- 8 >rica" (peace). These series of ac- f ions, gestures and postures convey- * id the idea very plainly to the specators. The little girls and boys * vere plainly attired in white gowns 1 ind suits and made a charming picture upon the stage. ^ Music was interspersed at inter- j 'als, delightfully rendered on the pi- c mo by Miss Pauline Watson. A play, "Crowning of the May Jueen", by sixteen boys and girls, ras beautifully executed to the calence of music by sixteen boys and firls who danced around the May*>le, which was decorated with rib>ons, they plaiting it to the lower ind of the pole and unplaiting as h*?v reversed. Miss Carrie Watson I ?as the gypsy fortune teller, who O'Oked like "a real old gypsy". An address was delivered by Prof iester Lewis, who has been doing xcellent service in his profession for he lndiantown school during the t&st two scholastic years. His theme ras appropriate and evidenced inelligent and thoughtful preparaion, forcibly illustrating the imporance of community co-operation. The principal of the school preen ted to twelve pupils each a regard of merit as a testimonial of pprobation for regular and puncual attendance, deportment, etc. Last Saturday morning a wagon ? >aded with fair feminine faces comosed a merry party, Miss Bessie [cCutcheo, a young daughter of Mr ? t . , I .. tr\rim c ;v/v/i ^ L. >ur Needs With Cotton Garden Hose Florence Automatic Oil S Florence Blue Flame 0 i can think of or need in the Hard sr store will you find as great a vai irdware rHY NOT NOW RE FI , two car loads Pitts and Garden Fencim fencing. 5BURG HAI dquarters for G ) E McCutchen, with her skilful 1 ands holding the reins behind the entle horse conveying the party long the lovely country drive. The ollowing young ladies comprised he party: Misses Emmie Snow, )oar, Annie Cunningham, Huffnan and Bowman, who made a hort call in our vicinity but soon eturned to the Indiantown commu- | lity. WES. ! Mr. W. E. McDanlel Dead. Mr W EMcDaniel, Magistrate for t * mi. j: j I U DEFIES TIME&WEAT If Look for the trade-mark b H tee of satisfaction and youi W "SPHINX" PAINT V? Made in white, black and ml mixed. If your dealer cann< If Leland Moore Pain! Kinc Hai O The Poj .ne jonnsoovuie uismi'i, meu tost, Saturday at his home near Johnsonlonvilie after an illness of only four lays. Mr McDaniel was stricken vith pneumonia Tuesday, which apidly developed into pleurisy. The leceased was about 50 years of age ind leaves a wife and several chiliren. Mr McDaniel was elected to he office of Magistrate at the general election last fall. He was a nember of the Masonic order, and faster of Johnsonville lodge at the ;ime of his death. He was regardjd as one of the best and most subitantial citizens of the community ind was held in high esteem by all vho knew him. The remains of the deceased were nterred Sunday in the old Johnsonrille burying ground. Good times are ahead for those vho go after them. But the lagcard will always have a grunt ?ming. n IE HERE Seasonable Gooc Blue Belle Oil Stov toves Water Coolers il Stoves Refrigerators ware line and will sell it to you at pric iety, better quality or cheaper prices Co. j We Lead?( 7 iNCIN' iburg Perfect Fence i y. Call and let us s JDWARE CO! Guaranteed Good ^rV\rV^#T%fV\#nr\rTr\rV^#V,\rV*\#TW^r^FV,WV^F? ,T 15 Jfll IT PILES ' / V BEFORE ' AND SOMI WORKING It seems almost unnecessary f the words in the above drawing, ment they contain is absolutely ti is doubly valuable; it adds to yoi YOUR CREDIT. It gives you a i nity and acts as an incentive to i Make OUR bank Y( We pay 4 per cent, interest o Farmers & Merchants "ABSOLUTELY SAFE" Branches at Johnsonville, C< m earing the words It i r protection against cracking, scaling IS MADE FOR SOUTHEI forty-five beautiful tints and colors Dt supply you write for free color card I A Oil rnmnnnv ri ^ VV?Bl|r?AU^ | VI wvnMFF?lWTlinrrTfl For Sale By rdware Cc rnlar Hardware ? -I is." res ies that defy compelithan at headquarters. Xhers Follow. gTI n all heights, |i show you this | MPANY, I | S. ' I >OLLAR I THE BANK VORTH TWO THE HAND iECAV/SE TWICE AS SAFE I up in the Bank fou know it eday will be for you* r*?' :or us to add anything to Read them! The staterue. A dollar in the bank jr self-respect and helps standing in your commumake you GET MORE. DUR bank, n savings accounts. i National Bank, LAKE CITY, S. O >warda and Pamplico. / /il I k*aggi MMMaaMMHaaMManJ FOR THE SOUTH Yl s your surest guaran- 1J and peeling. a Ji IN PINE. AW All ready w J Is and prices, . I m liarloclnn C T - II UU?1V0IVU| v? I >mpany itore r