I? Th wm i HH J KSnHnl ^" iSB^B DBBk [peaS f I onh mile I \| 275 ac B vation fl soil. ingsa B Labor B and p] B farm. B A Bargain? I Kingstree Ini I fr . - J %80 acres, located about one Iorth of Cooper Bros, 'store, :res 111 mgii suace ux tuiu- ? i, clay subsoil, mixed top . Has 5 large tenant dwell nd plenty of outbuildings. I plentiful, fine pasture lands lenty of mill timber to supply i it $20,000.00; Terms Satisfactory I 5urance,Real Estate & Loan Co. I lothes witl in spirit the scientific manufa ing. Here the industr Here style is king iter number of men r the "flag of fashion." "st!7 ' ig 4i-' * % ^^TBADS'MARr PEClSTE^EO the world over." he royal family of les, but they demand urn nu lixaii. ricans are famous for r ability to size up a uation and for quid n. Some few years ag veil-known makers s lerican public could i luit of medium price v urance as to its standa d its style. This make sfore, to center every e nization in standard! lium price, of correct s rorth. STYLEPLUS CLOTHES ? guaranteed all wool. They i in liberal quantity. And artist does the styling. ilVG llCiAU- Mr ^ can fit you ff ly we will | & Fennell Making a R / CThe straight road from your door to ou: greatest values in ( CThis store is making quality of goods it sel , ness of its prices, for customers. . CIt is making a reput which is bringing it /"}r?tt tirvii'/ili in winlrir wav, wiiiui 10 man.u SATISFACTION. ' The Andrews Dr CORDIE REDDIC1 ANDREWS. - S ! ' i the i icture i y has I eputation to satisfaction leads r store?the store of jeneral Merchandise. a reputation for the Is, for the reasonablethe satisfaction of its ation for reliability, new customers every 1 g it the STORE OF . y Goods Co. Z Mononrai* ..X) ;uaxmgvt y h outh Carolina. I * ' ' v iL -k .? r I'tfrt r~^i n ..... TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL. Starts Your Liver without Making Yon Sick and Cannot Salivate. Every druggist in town?your iruggist and everybody's druggist? (ias noticed a great falling-off in the sale of calomel. They all give the jame reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people tnow it, while Dodson's Liver Tone s perfectly 9afe and gives better remits," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist ivho sells it. A large bottle costs 50 :ents, and if it fails to give easy relief in eyery case of liver sluggishless and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasanttasting, purely vegetable remedy, larmless to both children and adults, rake a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick leadache, acid stomach or constipat?d bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like indent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak.sick and nauseated. Don't ose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full )f vigor and ambition. SHAW SCHOOL NOTES. \ King9tree, April 12:?Following is the honor roll for month beginning March 7 and ending April 2: First Grade?Julius Brunson and Johnnie Hinds. Fifth Grade?Joseph Hinds,Carrie Dennis, Lillie Brunson and Sammie Brunson. Seventh Grade?French Dennis and Belle Brunson. The commencement exercises which were to have been held Friday night were postponed on account of bad weather until Monday night,and the following programme was very successfully and pleasantly carried out: Opening Address Johnnie Hinds Song?"There's Music in the Air" School Play?"Scatt".. Belle Brunson, Everett Hinds, Carrie Dennis it -i ' Kmttll Children Liauui ouug ? Play?"Bettyand Betsy" Mvrtie Barrows, Lillie Brunson, Clarence Branson, Remington Stone *ong?"Wait for the Wagon .. School Play? "A Stupid Witness Laurie Burrows, Sammie Burrows, Fairy Stone Song?"My Bonnie" ? Small Children Play? "Matrimonial Advertisement".. Hennie Brunson, Myrtie Burrows, Lillie Branson, French Dennis. Joseph Hinds Song?"Sweet Roses That Wither".... School Recitation?"When Huldy 'Spects Her Beau" Carrie Dennis Song?"Sweet and Low" School Play?"Wanted, License to Wed" Belle Brunson, Remington Stone, Everett Hinds Song?"Flower Song" School Recitation?"Vacation"..- Fairy Stone Play?"A Slight Misunderstanding"... Lillie Brunson, Laurie Burrows Song?' 'Boat Song'' School 31osing Address French Dennis Splendid (or Rheumatism. "I think Chamberlain's Liniment is just splendid for rheumatism," writes Mrs Dunburgh, Eldridge, N Y. "It has been used by myself and also other members of my family time and time again during the past six years and has always given the best of satisfaction." The quick relief from pain which Chamberlain's Liniment affords is alone worth many times the cost. Obtainable everywere. Church Notice. fVmntv Rpcnrd:?? uu1w& vvmmwj Please allow me space to say that the second quarterly conference for the Salters circuit will meet with Gourdins church next Saturday and Sunday,April 17-18. Presiding Elder H B Browne will be on hand to direct the business of the conference. Dinner will be served at the church Saturday, and the public is cordially invited to attend. The official members at each church on the circuit will please note the date and place of this meeting and act accordingly. J W Bailey, PC.'! Salters, April 10. Told That Tbere Vas No Core For Bin. "After suffering for over twenty " ? ?-i? ?i years witn maigesuuu mm navm* some of the best doctors here tell me there was no cure for me, I think it only right to tell you for the sake of other sufferers as well as your own satisfaction that a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets not only relieved me but cured me within two months, although I am a man, of 65 years," writes Jul Grobien, Houston, Texas. Obtainable everywhere. ? i ^ i For patriotism consider the crow. He always sticks to his caws. i J PENITENTIARY GUARD ' KILLED BY NEGRO, SWIFT VENGEANCE OVERTAKES LATTER-SHOT TO DEATH RESISTING ARREST. j Columbia, April 10:?J C Robbins. penitentiary guard, who was shot down while chasing a negro fugitive, Joel Green, near Pinewood, in Clarendon county, yesterday afternoon, died at the Columbia Hospital at 5:50 o'clock this evening. His remains will probably be taken to his former home in Anderson for burial. His brother is en route to Columbia tonight, and until his arrival definite arrangement for the tuneral cannot be completed, ne is survived by a brother and two sisters, all of whom live in Anderson. The negro who shot Mr Robbing was killed this morning by a Sheriff's posse in a swamp near Pinewood while resisting arrest. Mr Robbins was about 38 years of age and unmarried. He had been connected with the penitentiary for seven years, Since the installation _ r ^ ^1 L- I 3 oi trie eieeLnc enair ne nau ueeu uie electrocutioner. A Sheriff's posse this morning surrounded Joel Green, said to have been a half-witted negro, in a swamp three miles from Pine wood, in Clarendon county, and shot him to death while resting arrest. The negro hid himself in of dense under brush and swamp gvowth and fired into the posse of the Sheriff of Clarendon county, which had drawn a strong cordon around the swamp. He fired over seven times at the pursuers, but the fire of the posse soon struck the fatal spot and the nnr??n rJJarl Moiofintr orroof tft tVia UIVU| * VOIOVIilg MIMW wv vuv last. A heavy steel breast-plate was found on his body, evidencing: his preparedness for desperate deeds. Mr J C Robbins, the penitentiary guard, and his two bloodhounds were taken to Pinewood yesterday morning at the request of Magistrate A P Cooner to trail a negro suspected of robbing three stores at that place. The dogs struck the trail without any delay and soon came within hailing distance of the fleeing negro, who was recognized as Joel Green. The negro turned and fired at Mr Robbins,who was following the dogs on horseback, the shot taking effect in his right hip. The wound was found to be a serious one and Mr Robbins was placed on the first train coming toward Columbia. When the train passed Sumter Governor ' Manning joined the wounded man onrt rr?Hp with him in t.hp h car all the way to Columbia. Mr Robbins was taken to a hospital and his wounds dressed. The bloodhounds continued in full cry behind the negro after he shot Mr Robbins from his horse. The other members of the posse followed the dogs. They got so close in behind the fleeing negro tbat he was forced to take to a tree and from a position in the limbs of the tree he shot the dogs to death. He then made his escape. Early this morning the Sheriff of Clarendon county collected a posse and resumed the hunt for Joel Green. More bloodhounds were secured and the negro was trailed toa swamp. There he resisted and wa& shot to death by the posse. Mr T J Robbins, the penitentiary guard, had chased more criminals and suspects than any other man in the State, it is said, and his blood hounds were in constant demand from every section to try and run down persons thought to have been guilty of crimes. He led the hunt for the desperado, Henry Austin, the negro who terrorized Barnwell and Hampton counties and who killed several men himself before being mortally wounded in Georgia and who died while being brought back to Hampton. Mr Bobbins had one of his best dogs shot while chasing a fugitive in the swamps of the Congaree river, in the eastern section of Richland county, recently. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Heart Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Sinine and does not canse nervousness nor .ginar in head. Remember the fnll name and look for the signature of S. W. GROVE. 25c. N t 'y p - mis % ,,4^1 VTgaB