The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 15, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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TE ACHERS'METHODS CRITICISED Correspondent Questions Whether They Are Worth Money Spent. Editor County Record:? As we are living in what is called an advanced age and are at much expense for educational purposes, I wish to ask the question: Are our children being benefited according to the expenses to the State? Our teachers attend the teachers' associations and summer schools at nlonas mnnv nt Rock Hill. vai ivuc piuwui , "the best the State affords", and the purpose is, I understand, to exchange ideas and to teach schoolteachers how to teach. Now, what kind of instruction do our teachers receive while attending these schools? The question is asked, as the writer is personally acquainted with some who have been attending the summer schools and associations,and after spending their time and money they make school hours so unpleasant that the whole student body claims to be thoroughly disgusted and dread for time to come to enter upon duties which should be made a pleasant task. Sometimes before reciting their lessons they have to submit to lectures of discouragement, when it should be of another nature. 1 understand that there are some whc actually have gone far enough tc inform their pupils that they have no confidence in them, and seem tc delight in telling them of their back ward *ays and illiteracy, and have reflected on the home training oj whole communities. And some think so little of them selves that they go even furthei using their efforts to impress upor children who have really been wel raised that they have come from f low standing, and haven't seen anj one who can even sign his or hei name creditably. Now, these are a few things which some patrons are having to contend with, and, as I am not a school teacher, will some one answer this question?if our kind editor will allow the subject to be discussed through the columns of his paper: We would be pleased to know if this is a sample of the most impro\fed methods of training the rising generation of today. I am of the opinion of a certain preacher who thought there had thousands of dollars spent on fivecent heads. If such methods as those mentioned are the best that can be found to interest children no wonder many tire of such; they become careless and consequently fail to acquire an education. This article doesn't apply to all school teachers; we have many who are worthy the name in all respects. There are some who are well educated and they have the talent of winning the affections of their pupils and the friendship of their patrons. Patron. Harmony Presbytery Notes. The spring session of Harmony Presbytery conyened in the Presbyterian church here last Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring moderator, Rev J J Brown. He is quite a fluent speaker and preached a very practical and interesting sermon. After the devotional service * * 1 1 T? TT7 rresDyiery was orgamzea ana ivev w I Sinnott of Central church was chosen moderator. In the absence of the regular stated clerk, Rev R L Grier was elected clerk and Mr E R Plowden assistant clerk. Wednesday morning Presbytery was called to order at 9 o'clock and routine business was held until 11 o'clock,when a most excellent sermon was delivered by Rev L B McCord, of the Manning church, after which the communion service was conducted by Dr Parker of Georgetown. The afternoon was taken up with committee work and hearing reports from the various churches. This morning (Thursday) devotional service at 11 o'clock. Sermon on "Faith" by W J McCay. Mr and Mrs E J Epps, of the Pudding Swamp section of Williamsburg, are attending the spring session of Harmony Presbytery. Mr Epps, better known at home as "Cap", is a delegate from Bethel church. The editor and his better half were certainly glad to have them at dinner one day. Just 40 years ago they were pupils of the editor and it was like a family reunion. We would like to have had them all the time during Presbytery, but their son, Burry, claimed them and took them round with him, so we had to content ourselves with only one good Pudding Swamper, Mr John S Evans. We were glad to meet two of the sons of our old Williamsburg friends, Mr Willie Kinder of Kingstree, and Mr J D Singletary of Lake City, who are delegates to Presbytery. Rev P S McChesney, pastor of the Kingstree church, was called home by telegram, as one of his elders, Mr D M Ervin, had died suddenly. Mr David McCutchen, elder from Indiantown, came in Wednesday afternoon over the Seaboard. Sickness in family was cause of delay.?Bish. opville Vindicator. Mr J D Carter Invents Fine-eye. Mr J Davis Carter, a prosperous and progressive merchant-farmer of Leo in the lower section of Florence county, has invented a flue-eye for , tobacco barns which is a valuable adjunct to the tobacco industry. The flue-eye is of cast iron and is to be fitted in the end of the furt nace to form the connection between ( furnace and flue. It is about 15 , inches long and by affording a safe ) connection for the flues both saves expense in flue cost and minimizes ? fire risk. The model of the device f is at the Florence Iron works and Mr Carter says that he will be glad . to have farmers make use of it withr out charge in having castings made j for their use.?Florence Times. 1 Should Not feel Discouraged. 1 So many people troubled with in Kianeys, ana my oacK Degan to acne terribly. I could hardly turn over in bed, I was so sore and lame. I tired easily and could hardly do my housework. I suffered from dizzy spells and the kidney secretions being irregular in passage annoyed me considerably. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills I got some at the Scott Drug Co. Two boxes cured me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs DuBose had. Foster-Milburn Co, Props, Buffalo, N Y. The County Record $1 a year. ' digestion and constipation have been * benefited by taking Chamberlain's Tablets that no one should feel disi couraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pepsin or other digestive ferments but strengthen the stomach and enable it to peri form its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Roll of Honor Bennett School. Bryan, April 13:? DISTINGUISHED (95?100%). Sallie Boyd Pauline Boyd Weldon Boyd Sue Morris Zouleame Shirer HONORABLY MENTIONED (90?95%. Margy Brown Alice Bryan Mamie Bryan Jenny Beck Bryan Nellie McConnell Emma Morris Hnrfpnflp Mnrria Louis Morris Bob Morris Bessie Blakeley School Closing at Hebron* The commencement exercises of the Hebron Graded school will be held at the school building Friday evening, April 23, at 8 o'clock. There will be a picnic the following day on the school grounds. The public is invited to attend the commencement exercises, and also to come and bring dinner on Saturday. HAT PROVE FATAL When Will Klogstree People Learn the Importance ol It. Backache is only a simple thing at first; But if you find 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles may follow; That dropsy or Bright's disease may be the fatal end. You will be glad to know the following experience. 'Tie the statement of a Kingstree citizen. Mrs S H DuBose, Kingstree, says: "A spell of Grippe, weakened my The Ford is lighter than ai and power. Yet stronger, ing. Vanadium steel, tha the hardest, strongest, toi is the only steel that is h same time. It is the high used in automobile constru very low in price. Its qm small cost of operation anc cents a mile, have made it in town and country. Buyers will share in profits i new Ford cars between August Runabout, $440; Tour Car, $690; Coupelet, $7! b. Detroit with all equip On display and sale at Kin THC THE WAR Yes, AD On likewise our Horses, Mule ness, Whips, Lap Robes, Fj all oyer Williamsburg County to every owner. Forget at become one of onr contentei Let us sell you one of oi Yours to Williamsburg L : kingstTee highand : graded school notes. \ HONOR ROLL. Grade I. Elizabeth Fairey 96 Margaret Lesesne 95 Dora Harrington 95 Ruby Bryant 95 Rachel Dove 92 Grade I?Advanced. Mary Catherine Epps 98 Elizabeth Swails 98 Stella Wolfe 97 Mary Louise Flagler 95 Wilmot Scott Allen ?95 Mae Burgess 94 Grade II. Grace Kinder 95 Patty Scott Epps ? ~....94 Genevieve Reddick .. 93 Grade III. Ola Dubose 93 Anna Laura Singleton 93 Emmie McConnell 90 Lola Anderson 91 , Grade IV. May Cook yz ? Grade VI. Hubert Speigner 97 J Nora Kinder 95 Grade VIII. I William Cooper 95 ' Serena Lee 95 Hampden Montgomery 95 James Snllivan ~94 f Grade IX. Erline Mcintosh ?..97 Pauline McCants 94 Grade X. J Camraie Thompson 96 fl Leora Gamble 95 ^ f On account of the fact that all kinds of paper and materials used in job printing are higher than ever before within our experience, we find it necessary to require cash on V delivery for all job work. We feel t< sure our friends will appreciate the necessity that compels us to this 4 course and help us by paying prompt- ~ ly. On account of poor collections and falling off in advertising patronage, we have lost on an average ? since January 1,1915, $100 a month, a Pn'ntorc hava tn Ko noi^ ovorv S A IIUVVIO UU ' V WW KS\ puivt VfV?j w?? r urday night and our other expenses J have increased until it has never n cost us so much to run the business, i Some cash must come in or we shall J be forced to the wall. tf b h Ares Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Ciri e The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, i are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptie Healing OiL It relieves Faia and Heals at the same time. 36c, 60c, $L0Q. 1 m ly other car of its size sturdier, longer lastt's why. Vanadium is ughest steel made. It ard and tough at the est priced steel that is iction. Yet the Ford is ility, terms, price and 1 upkeep, less than two nrnirm*cal noPOCCltv I I I tllV Ulil VV1UU1 liVWUWAVJ f we sell at retail 300,000 1914 and August 1915. ing Car, $490; Town i >0; Sedan, $975, f. o. iment, gstree, S C, by Blrni ir Europe. is, Buggies, Wagons, Harirm Machinery, Etc., are giving entire satisfaction tout the war?yon, and 1 customers, ar Disc Harrows. please, ire Stock Co. i fitlilt 1 1J111UUU1 IIVUIO (U. R. FISHELS* STRAIN). lirds of Beauty, Chicks for Broilers. lest layers, good setters, ideal lothers. Feathers crystal white, esh golden yellow from toe's tip o bill's beak. The finest table owl the world over. EGGS fhile they last, $1.00 per Sixjen selected. MRS V. r. F.PPS -ltf Kingstree, S. C. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be leased to learn that there is at least one Ireaded disease that science has been ble to cure in all its stages, and that Is .'atarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only ositive cure now known to the medical raternity. Catarrh being a constitutional isease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lnernally, acting directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system, thereiy destroying the foundation of the disase, and giving the patient strength by uilding up the constitution and assisting ature in doing its work. The proprietors lave so much faith in its curative powrs that they offer One Hundred Dollars or any case that it falls to cure. Send or list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Phis for constipation. Uwana Theatre. Tuesday night the 8th episode of the "MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY" will be shown and we advise everybody to see this fascinating, gripping, powerful photo-play. You will be delighted?see it every Tuesday. Special Announcement We are pleased to announce we have made arrangements for the famous feature plays made by the World Film Corporation of New York. Each feature is based upon a successful book or play and comes in from 4 to 8 reels. Renowned stars, such as Lew Fields, Lillian Russell and numerous others will be seen in these Elays. The next feature will e shown Thursday, April 15. EGGS! / Vliifn Plimnnnfli Pns?lrc The Scott Di Norris' Candies I We have just recei I shipment of iSi orris for the Easter Trade. All of the latest desi: and Plain Writing Cards just opened up Everything in this best quality. The Scott Drug I THE WAR 1 1 BUT 1 J. L STU I HAS BO Horses and For Sale or Ex J. L. STU Livery, Feed and Sa Lake City, - Si You Can Use Our Useful Jew( Our useful Jewelry for men only stylish but is strongly mad looks alike is not alike. You will we represent to be "solid gold' Ithrough". When we tell you . water" and flawless you can de ity and perfection. ^We sel Jewelry at reasonable prices; th business. . .V S. THOMAS QUALITY JEWEL 257 King St., - CH/ The Meane in lo\ WHO IS HE? Hunt him around and let him feast for ; our high quality eats, and he most angelic fellow in the c the quality and price of groce ALL here. Everything high to the bottom in price. Britton & 1 /iTi n r _ i BHBBHHHHHHHHHHHBHHHHHBHBHHIHH P??id for G Nice Fresh Beef, Pork and Mutti THE PEOPLE'S H. A. MILLER, PROP] Travel Slips Issued at rug Co. ;or Easter. I ved a fresh < 4 Fine Candies / > ? \ I gns in Fancy ' Paper and I. line is of the. Company I ( S ON US | 1 CKEYS 89 SJ i J 1 Mules! | icHange. | vl ckeyi ni Lie Stable w outh Carolina ?: ^ /iTwi-i^T^TuiTwv Wini^ ^?^r? w ? w V \^T%# T ^rTr\^?r> rT>#V :lry for a Long Tune. ^ and women is not e. All Jewelry that find that anything ' will never "wear a diamond is "first pend upon its qual1 our trustworthy at's why we do the , 3 & CO., I I ER3. I ^ st Man , vn i up and bring him a week or two on will become the A ounty. It's all in ries?and they are J grade and down fl LI ] nuison. Store" . , MPip lood Cattle and Hogs * )n Always On Hand. J MARKET RIETOR J this Market. ]