HONOR ROLLS TRIO SCHOOL For the Months of January and February, 1915. Trio, March 13:? JANUARY 11?FEBRUARY 5. First grade?Annie Lee Moore 91, Robert Rowell 92, Madge Moore 91, Johnnie Thomas 91. Second grade?Carrie Bell Lockliear 90, Ector Shepard 90. Third grade?Willie Gamble 92, Tom Rowell 90, Bessie Lockliear 91, John Lockliear 90. ? 1-1 - Fourth grade ? Dudley uamDie 92, Eulalia MeGee 90. Fifth grade?Annie Files 92, Neil Shepard 91. Sixth grade? Thelma Loekliear 94, Pritchard Moore 91. Eighth grade?Sulie Bryan 93, Tennie Rowell 91. Tenth Grade?Ackie McCants 97. , FEBRUARY 8?MARCH 9. First grade?Annie Lee Moore 91, Robert Rowell 92, Madge Moore 91, Johnnie Thomas 91. Second grade?Ben Cooper 91, Ector Shepard 91, Carrie Bell Loekliear 90. Third Grade?Willie Gamble 92, Tom Rowell 91, Bessie Loekliear 91, John Loekliear 90. Fourth Grade?Dudley Gamble 91, Marietta Moore 91, Eulalia MeGee 90. Fifth grade?Annie Files 93, Neil Shepard 94, Mae Gordon 91, Claudie ' Taylor 90. Sixth grade?Thelma Loekliear 95, Pritchard Moore 92. Seventh grade?Talbert Loekliear 91. Eighth grade?Sulie Bryan 94, Tennie Rowell 90. Tenth grade?Ackie McCants 97. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Ssne People Ve Know, and We Will Profit by Bearing about Them. This is a purely local event. It took place in Kingstree. Not in some faraway place. You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a citizen's statement. Any article that is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. Mrs S A Nettles, Mill St, Kingstree, says: "I suffered awfully from disordered kidneys. My back was so sore and lame I could hardly do any sweeping or other housework. The kidney secretions passed irregularly, j When I caught cold.it settled on my kidneys and made me worse. Final-! ly I got Doan's Kidney Pills at the Kingstree Drug Co's, and they relievedme of all signs of kidney trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers, pon't - ? ? J? . * simply asK lor a Kianey remeuy? get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs Nettles had. Foster-Milburn Co, Props, Buffalo, N Y. Hemingway] Happenings. Heemingway, March 16:?Dr L G Day spent Friday and Saturday in Columbia. Miss Florence Doty"|spent the week-end at herlhome at Summerton. Mrs?Edmons of Savannah, Ga, is visiting her parents here, Mr and Mrs Venters. ' Mr J M Eaddy went to Kings tree on business Saturday. Mr Manly Poston and Dr B M Montgomery spenCMonday at Andrews. Rev P BIngraham could not fill his appointment Sunday on account of his wife being critically ill. Mr and Mrs J MjEaddv spent Sunday at Johnsonville. Messrs Clarence Davis and Kenith Creel attended the play at Rome Friday night. Mr and Mrs Harry Tallevast are visiting relatives here before going to their home at Georgetown. Mr Fitzhugh Eaddy is spending some time with relatives here. Quite a number from Johnsonsonville attended the music recital how* Friday niirht. Miss Ruth McDonald of Georgetown is visiting Miss Gertie Davis near here. Dr B M Montgomery and Mr Clarence Davis called on friends at Henry Sunday afternoon. tiDLDS & LaGREPPE 5 or 0 dotes 000 will break any case of Chilli & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not trine or sicken. * Price 25c iLegalAdyertisenieiits^j Notice of Election. Whereas, By an act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina entitled "An Act to authorize Hemingway School District, No 12, in Williamsburg county, to issue and sell coupon bonds for the purpose of erecting a public school building and to provide for a sinking fund commission and define its duties" approved the 16th | day of February, 1915, the school trusi tees of Hemingway School District, No j 12, in said county, are authorized and I empowered, for the purpose of erecting a public school building therein, to issue and sell coupon bonds of the said school district in the sum and to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000,000) bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually on January 1 and July 1 of each year, at such place as said trustees may deem best, provided the question of issuing the said bonds authorized as aforesaid, shall ! be first submitted to tne quaunea voters j of said school district, at some time and j place in the discretion of the said board J of trustees, all of which more fully and ; at large appears by reference to said ! act aforesaid: J And. whereas, the said sum of fifteen I thousand dollars ($15,000.00) does not exceed eight per centum (8'A,) of the assessed value of the taxable property in seid school district No 12: And, whereas, the said school trustees of Hemingway School District. No 12. by a resolution duly adopted, passed and ratified in session assembled on the 3rd day of March. 1915, did, pursuant to and by and under the authority of the aforesaid act of the General Assembly and in accordance and compliance with the conditions and provisions thereof, order and direct that an election be held and conducted at the office of Eaddy & Creel Brothers Co in the town of Hemingway, S C, in said school district, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of March. A D 1915, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters in and of said school district, the question of issuing coupon bonds of the said district No 12 to the amount and in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) for the purpose of erecting a public school building in and for the said Hemingway School District, No 12, and the citizens thereof, by which said resolution, passed, adopted and ratified as aforesaid, it was further ordered and provided that, for the purpose of said election, the polls shall be opened at Eaddy & Creel Brothers Company's office in Hemingway, S C. at eight o'clock in the forenoon and closed - - . !_ ,u. u.. n t at lour O ClOCK in me aneniuuu, ujr v u Creel, H E Eaddy and J T DuRant, the managers in and by said resolution duly appointed and directed to hold and conduct the said election as required by law Now,therefore, notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the aforesaid act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, approved the 16th day of February, 1915, and by and under the authority of the same, an election will be held and conducted at the office of Eaddy & Creel Brothers Company in the town of Hemingway, S C, on Tuesday, the 23d day of March,A D 1915, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified yoters residing in said school district the question of issuing coupon bonds of said Hemingway School District, No 12, to the amount and in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) for the purpose of erecting a public school building in and for said school district; that for the purpose of such election the polls shall be opened at eight o'clock in tne forenoon and closed at four o'clock in the afternoon by C L Creel, H E Eaddy and J T DuRant. managers of the same duly nominated and appointed; that only the qualified voters residing in said school district shall be entitled to vote at said election, which shall be held and conducted m accordance with and pursuant to the aforesaid act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, and in and comnliance with the laws of the State of South Carolina providing for and governing such elections, and that at such election those voting in favor of the aforesaid issue of bonds shall vote "For Bonds" and those voting against the aforesaid bond issue shall vote "Against Bonds". By order of the school trustees of Hemingway School District, No 12, in Williamsburg county, S C. [ J M G Eaddy, W G Carter, F E Huggins. School Trustees of H -ningway School District, No 12, Williamsburg County, SC. 3-ll-2t I ____________ ? Citation Notice. ' THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg. By P M Brockinton, Esq, Probate Judge. Whereas, Abe Schultz made suit to me to grant him letters of administration of the estate of and effects of Sol Peres, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said Sol Peres, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, S C, on the 29th day of March next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. * * 11 xl _ < Ail J! _ ? liiven unaer my nana uhs xoui a ay ox March. Anno Domini, 1915. Published on the 18th day of March, 1915, in The County Record. P M Brockinton, 8-18-2t Probate Judge. Notice Is hereby given that at her late residence in the town of West Andrews in the county of Wiliiamsburg in the State I of South Carolina, on the first day of I April, A D 1915, 1 will sell to the high. est bidder for cash, all and singular, the goods and chattels belonging to the late Mrs Mary Hutson Doar, deceased, between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock ' a. m. J W Doar, { Qualified Executor, Estate Mrs Mary Hutson Doar. 3-18-2t Notice of Final Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of April, 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg County, for Letters Dismissory as Guardian of the person and estate of D T Floyd. J L Gowdy, Guardian. March 11, 1915. 3-18-4t Notice to Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of J A Bradham, deceased, will please make payment to the undersigned, and all persons to whom the said estate is indebted will render an account of their , demands, duly attested. Frances Allicenia Bradham, 3-18-4t Executrix. Notice of Final Bis chargeNotice is hereby given that on the 29th day of March, A D 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon, I will apply to P M Brockir.gton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters I >ismissorv as general guardian of the persons ana estates of Eloise and Robert W Moore. Mrs J F Mooke, General Guardian. February 25, 1915. 3-4-4t Estate NoticeThe creditors of the estate of Mrs Louisa Snipes, deceased/ are hereby notified to render to the undersigned at his office in Kingstree, S C, an account of their demands, duly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment to the undersigned. M A Shuler, 3-4-3t Executor. mma I Botes I The public is cordially invited to attend any of the services of the various churches of Kingstree. Baptist Church. Rev W E Hurt, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock and evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 10.00 a. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesdays at /1:30 p. ir>. Episcopal Church, Rev H D Bull, Minister. Services for 5th Sunday in Lent, March 21: Sunday-school, 10 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. m. Tuesday:Bible Class, 8 p. m. Wednesday: Lenten service,8 p.m Friday: Litany, 4:30 p. m. . _ Me mod 1st citurcn. / Rev D A Phillips, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock and evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 10:30 a. m. Mid-week prayer meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Presbyterian Church. Rev P S McChesney, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school 4:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. A Specific Against Colds. "If there is such a thing as a specific against colds, it is to be found in the sleeping porch or the open bed room. Next to that comes the cold sponge bath in the morning." says the Youth's Companion. Be as careful as you can you will occasionally take cold and when you do you , will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. Our Clubbing Rates* We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular newspapers and periodicals. Read care- i fully the following list and select I the one or more that you fancy and | we shall be pleased to send in your | order. These rates are of course all cash in advance, which means that both The Record and the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2,3, 1 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1(), 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of our best clubbing offers. The County Record and the SemiWeekly State, one year $1.85. The County Record and the Southern Ruralist (twice a month) for $1.25 a year. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a week) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Bryan's Commoner, $1.65. The Record and Youth's Companion (New Subscribers) $2.75. The Record and Lippincott's Magazine $2.50. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. ? ! THE (JOUNTY KECORD. | f?iyTrx,'i i I fMBMMW???? WtjMl A iSmt @smsMmers. Call and jug * FENNELL - South Carolina - ^ | ier Feast [ j [VTAlimi ffUMLN ; ij 'V f * I# -rfS he community rything desired id Spring Wear j. We have a J attractive line I A ^ -ttLJjpclI CI UUtll and fabrics? iece serviceable ict design and ;ing that indenething" which rming tone to ? ' * Bros. Co., - South Carolina 1 \ \ i