The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 18, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Wh< j Do You H h Tf If you are ( II at home, we wiJ ed to handle am I material second prices are very j | Letter Note Bil Well printei J A neat heading the same time, < tionery?busine; 9 workmanship at ' ' I'l - _ The , Kingstree \ i EVENTS AT EARLES. Neighborhood News Condensed Into Paragraphs. Earles, March 15:?Misses Flo ride McKelvey and Loraine Lathan, with Mr G W Camlin, visited Andrews yesterday afternoon and reported having had a very nice time. . Mr G W Camlin is having some \ trouble with his stock farm. He secured the services of a veterinary surgeon from Clemson College yesterday, who killed one of his hogs that was ailing and upon investigation pronounced it affected with cholera. ' Mr J J Marshall is building a nice dwelling at his place, which will be very attractive when completed. Mr R C Marshall is very ill. - His trouble seems to be a relapse following an attack of grip. We hope that he will be on the improved list Iin a few days. Mr Hamp Plumer, who has been farming in Texas for some three or four years, spent Sunday with the writer. - It was very interesting to listen to his conversation about Texas lands and how the farmers have to fire dynamite at the clouds to get rain. This seems marvelous indeed. The Spring Gully Baptist church organized a nice Sunday-school a #ow tvMklra norn whirh sppma vprv prosperous. The Harmony Sunday-school is thriving. There is a very large enj rollment, and both teachers and pu1 pils seem to take great interest in carrying it on. These two Sunday-schools are in reach of everybody in this section. The Spring Gully school meets at 10 - o'clock a. m. and the Harmony (Methodist) school at 3 p. m. Both Baptists and Methodists seem to work lovingly together. Mr and Mrs J B Thompson spent Saturday and Sunday with their children at Kingstree. Mr and Mrs W D Camlin, of the Trio section, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs W A Moore, of this place. j Mr Roy Paine and Miss?Hinnant 1 of Andrews were noted in this sec ^w6HBs3S&?',: i. ..A-.* , CS>;; 3 Do It Dnnp U V V AC l/VIIV J me of those skeptics I appreciate a trial ( ^thing you may nee< in quality and vark reasonable, quality ? Heads, ruled or uri Heads, II Heads, four sizes Statements, four le Envelopes, all siz . Receipts, dupli< Hand Bills, a d stationery will adc on your business pa creates confidence b( ss or social?and we ; very reasonable pri Recc tion Sunday. A great many wedding bells are ringing hereabouts. The chimes of some of them seem to echo close by. Farmers in this section are getting busy with their farms. All seem to be filled with energy. The daily school seems to be flourishing, and the pupils are apparently deeply interested in their studies. They are being actively trained for the field day exercises, which will be held shortly. There are about 85 pupils in regular attendance, and all are striving earnestly to win the medals to be given - ? ? i /N m to the two Dest scnoiars. une 01 these medals will be awarded by the principal, Miss Floride McKelvey, to the scholar in her room making the highest average, and the assistant. Miss Loraine Lathan, will bestow the other medal on the leading pupil in her department. H A C. i jqbssonyille' eifia'sckoflL^S Johnsonville, March 15: ? The Woodrow Wilson Literary society met Friday evening, March 12, and we had a very interesting debate, the query being: Resolved, That Home Missions are More Important Than Foreign Missions. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. Miss Annie Capel of Nichols has been visiting relatives here. Miss Geo Attaway gave a very interesting lecture on Temperance Monday evening of last week. Miss Mamie Burch, who teaches at Hannah, will spend the week-end at the home of Mrs S B Poston. Mr Elting Chapman is at home on a short vacation. Corresponding Secretary. Keep Tour Bowels Bejolar. As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewerage system of the body, and it is of the greatest importance that they move once each day. If your bowels become constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets just after supper and they will correct the disorder. Obtainable everywhere \ es y /It Home, or * > who believe they c )rder from you, so v i in the printing line ity to none in this se ind workmanship co iruled', :ngths, ;<es, :ate or stub, ill sizes, i 1 a degree of tone tc per is one of the mo itween you and the i will do it right, giv ffarrmlps sprit: < are very popular and will be a wel-1 come addition to Rhems. Miss Myrtle Cooper spent Wednesday night at the home of her sister, Mrs Sadie Richardson, at Rhems. Nesmith Graded school is progressing nicely with Miss Hettie Stone as principal and Miss Ethel , Seybt as assistant. Mr Editor, if this escapes the ' waste basket I will approach your columns again. Wishing you and ( your staff a prosperous year, I will < say good-bye. Reporter. I The County Record $1 a year. : ') I 1 . * IWUl V/KJ wv/ii W ' >rd J THE NEWS AT NESMITH. Events of Passlnn Interest Briefly Reported. Nesmith, March 15:?Farmers in this section are busy preparing for the year'8 crop. Tobacco plants are coming up and growing well, despite the recent cold snap. Miss Lois Nesmith will entertain at the home of Mr F E Johnson tonight. We hear that the Seaboard Air Line railroad is contemplating establishing an express office at Nesmith. This will be a great conven lence to our section. The WOW met at Nesmith last Tuesday night and several new members were given their first degree. They say "billy" is some "kicker". There seems to be a great deal of sickness around this section; Dr J H Pratt, our popular young physician, is kept busy of late answering calls. Messrs G B Cooper and Herbert Brockington visited the county seat Monday. Much interest is centred in the election of the rural policeman for this district. There are several in the race. Here's hoping the best man wins. Mr Paul McElveen was noted in our little town Monday. Listen for the wedding bells soon! Capt Joseph Richardson, the popular captain of the "Brunswick",has moved his family to Rhems, where they will make their home in the future. Both the Captain and his charming wife, who is pleasantly recalled here as Miss Sadie Waldron, our Do You Sen an get better serv may convince yoi We keep on ham ;ction of the State, nsidered. Do you r Trespass Notice Placards, any Imitation T1 Book and Invitatii Visitii Leg ) your business that >st impressive advei firms with whom ing you the best to 9n request. ob D CADES COMMENTS. Things Seen and Heard In Town and Vicinity. Cades, March 15:?Last Wednesday Mr John W Dennis celebrated his 29th birthday by inviting a large number of friends to take dinner with him. About 2:30 p. m. the table was ready with turkey, chicken, barbecue, rice, all kinds of cakes and many other delicious edibles. After the dinner was over an enjoyable ride was taken up Black river in a gasoline launch. That night the "Perils of Pauline" was seen at the Uwana theatre and we think all | enjoyed themselves very much. All that ye scribe hates about it is that those days do not come often enough. Mr and Mrs W W Willhoyte will leave tonight for Florida and after visiting friends and relatives there will return to their home at Monterey, Tenn. Mr ? Clark of Bennettsville was noted in town Sunday. Messrs W L, J F and J J McElveen of Olanta visited friends and relatives here Sbnday. We regret that Mrs J P Epps has been very ill for the past few days but are glad to know that she is a little better at present. Mr T M K McElveen of Shiloh died Friday of last week; he leaves eleven living children and three are dead. He was laid to rest in the Thompson burial ground Saturday. Mr J R Haselden spent Sunday with the home folk at Lake City, Mr E S Sauls went to Charleston Saturday on business. Miss Hattie E Thomas spent the week-end at Kingstree with friends and relatives. Mr Carl Sansberry of Lake City was in town recently. UNO. A man with horse sense is hardest to drive. Wheoever You Need a General Toole Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a 1 General Tonic because it contains the , well known tonic properties of QUININR tod IRON, It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builda up the Whole System. 50 cents. Print id Your Ordc ice from some fore: u that we are comp iat all times a c< We give prompt leed any of the foil +.AU 3, tai uuuai u ui tn size up to 17 x 28 ypewritten Letters Catalogue Printir ons or Announcer) rig Cards, Etc. al Blanks, all kin you cannot secure ii ^isements you can you deal. Have u i be had in quality eparti > South W. C. Hemingway, M. D? President Capital A Bank Has Many Let us give you a 1?Your Deposits are In: 2?You are able to keep i 3?Your Financial Affairs 4?Your Thrift is Stimuli 5?You are placed in thi Why not take ad1 We would be plea business. Bank of Shaw School Notes. Kingstree, March 16:?Followinj is the honor roll of the Shaw schoo for month beginning February ? and ending March 5: Grade I. Johnnie Hinds i. ?93 Julius Brunson -93 Grade III. Fairy Stone ? 94 Grade V. Lillie Brunson - - 95 Carrie Dennis...- 94 Joseph Hinds 95 Grade VII. French Dennis 98 Proper Treatment for Biliousness. For a long time Miss Lula Skelton, Churchville, N Y, was bilious and had sick headache and dizzy spells. Chamberlain's Tablets were the only thing that gave her permanent relief Obtainable everywhere. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedv Carts Colds, Croup tad Wbdopiag Coagfc A 1 wmmmmmmmammm?mmmm?m?mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmT ing? :r Abroad? ign concern than etent and equip)mplete stock of service and our 4 owing: > >th, in. tients, ds, 1 any other way. circulate and, at s print your star of material and" ment i Carolina I ??1 D. 6. Huggins, Cashier I $15,000 Account Advantages few of them: suredCorrect Tab on your Income, are Systematized, ited. t Best Position to Get Ahead. vantage of this opportunity? sed to hare your banking ; Hemingway j -j. We Handle an Automobile as a delicate piece of machinery, not as a lot of metal. Send us yours to be repaired and the result will show our skill and knowledge of autos. Send it to us while there is only a little the matter. That will save you money and the chance of a bigger repair bill later on. Kingstree Garage* L. T. THOMPSON. Mgr. v , ." ? '