The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 11, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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! NAN ViSITS EUROPE By DOROTHY DOUGLAS. Copyright. 1914. by the McClure New! paper Syndicate. When Nan went on her first \ isi- t Europe she had not the slightest hir that she would arrive in a land hrow into the horrors of war. She ha taken her trip across the ocean on long delayed holiday and had expccte to find only joy and merriment, fo .Aan naa a way 01 meeuiig uai'pmco half way wherever she went. But in Belgium she had ;led fror 'the ad\ance of the common enem into Paris and from the gay city sh had enjoyed a scant three weeks whe with, hundreds of other American she had scrambled onto safer En* lish soil. London was a haven of refuge t Kan, who had smelled the smoke c battle and heard the boom of dii tant fire. She had seen pitiful litt! families of Belgian refugees iieein along the roads from devastate homes, leaving behind them all beat ;ty and all hone and going they kne^ ;not where. But London was waiting with ope arms to receive all of the weary reft ,gees from the courageous little coui 'try, and Kan found herself again fatto face with the realities of wai There were no less than a dozen r these Belgians sheltered in nospitaui bomes in Norland square. It was in the acre of green par belonging to the square that Nan b< came acquainted with little Jea Leman, a Belgian child who had bee brought over from the J vastated cit of Louvain. Jean's mother was a French lad? who was sleeping beneath a flowe garden in Belgium. Her father wa a soldier, Maj. Albert Leman. From that moment on Jean an Nan became fast friends. The romped and played and went on Ion 'bus rides through the city and ou Into country lanes. When the wounded soldiers bega to arrive in trainloads, Nan could n more have left the city of Londo than she could have cut off her ow right hand. She simply had to r< main. Something held her, she kne1 not what. It was during the sixth week of th war that Nan discovered little Jea Leman's photograph on the front pas of the Sketch. Major Leman wa anxiously seeking news of his littl girl and had asked the papers to a: sist him in the search. Nan did nc watt to have her breakfast but wet quickly Into the boarding house nes ;door in search of Jean. Nan explained as swiftly as poss ble In her improved French that Da< dy Soldier was in London and that h was looking for his little girl. "We will go down this mornin when you have eaten your nice breal fast," Nan told her and went off t ascertain the location of the King E( ward VII hospital and the quickes way of getting there. Jean chatted incessantly on th Inurnpv down: she was so excite that Nan felt her own calm engu her as if for the purpose of steadyin the child. Consequently, when the arrived at the hospital and ai proaobed the big Belgian office whose head was swathed in bandage and one arm pinned in like fashio to his side, it was Nan who displave a most wonderful calm. Major Lema broke down emotionally ? perhap more than he had during the entlr weeks of fierce fighting?when Jea was swept intd his uninjured arn Over her head, which he held agalns his breast, he looked at Nan and mad awift apology for having converse In a foreign tongue. "One is apt to forget convention i: -moments of great emotion," he addec "In a moment I will thank you fo having cared for my little Jean." "You are not going away from m again, are you?" Jean was asking he father. 1 "Yes, dearie, as soon as this arm i better, and the more often Miss Nai ny brings you down to see mo th sooner I can get back to help the sol diers at the front." So it was that during the long hour of convalescence Nan came to kno^ love. The emotion was so great an wonderful that Nan was shocked a her own weakness before the attack. Jean did not know what her fathe and Nan were talking about, nor wh her father swept Nan so suddenly int his arms, but she smiled for the pit ture was pleasing and Jean knew tha all was well. Light Humor. In the latter half of the eighteen! century one of the members of a llttl scientific society in Liverpool, Enf land, laid a curious wager. He bet brother scientist that he would read newspaper by the light of a farthin dip at a distance of 30 feet The B. S finding the feat difficult at even a sizt 'of the distance, cheerfully accepts I the wager. The layer merely coated the insid o ah allow wnnrian hnx with ftlODin jpieces of looking glass, so as to for] ,a concave lens, placed behind his fartl lng dip and readily deciphered th small print at the stipulated distance The experiment was witnessed by Liverpool dockmaster. He was a thin] ing man and saw great possibilities i this learned Jest He stralghtwa adapted the principle to lighthouse r quirements and forthwith the model reflex light, with its miles of reflecte range and untold life-saving power aorang into being. < 1 LygTOywgm f|| "Cured" | t. i| Mrs. Jay McGee, of Steph- M t z. IS enville, Texas, writes: ' For H ! 9 nine (9) years, I suffered with & womanly trouble. I had ter- |? rible headaches, and pains in & my back, etc. It seemed as if KJ I would die, I suffered so. At jl| A last, 1 decided to try Cardui, m ? the woman's tonic, and it ? B helped me right away. The J Et full treatment not only helped WU I me, but it cured me." [M j _ take_ _ [||l ; | Cardui I < ? The Women's Tonic I; d K Cardui helps women in time 2|j j f of greatest need, because it a $ contains ingredients which act wl S specifically, yet gently, on the ij?b | weakened womanly organs. & j So, if you feci discouraged. K j blue, out-of-sorts unable to ft j 9 y* do your ho 'schold work, on r. ^ account of your condition, stop j 2 worrying and give Cardui a W j ? trial. It has helped thousands -3 of women,?why not you ? k 1 j Try Cardui. E-71 jF-'/ : y a | The German beet crop this year ^ is expected to produce not less than I g 2,500,000 tons of raw sugar. But j it will take more than that to1 d sweeten Germany's feelings toward y the allies. i autiiie i 5 will be shown in conjunc- . e tion with our regular k programme on Tuesday * a- and Friday nights of each ee week. a n Come and enjoy a pleasy ant hour at the Uwana " & * and see good, clean, a. wholesome pictures. |i J 6 ? it The Government estimates that, in addition to the loss of $200,000,n 000 in the cereal crops caused by ? insects,the loss on vegetables is $53,jj 000,000; on fruit $27,000,000; and on other crops enough more to bring the total loss up to $580,000,000 yearly. 1 k ^>11 By ww 9 \ '* WwB \ y JL ; (Neuralgia g I There is no need to suffer the y I annoying, excruciating pain of > I neuralgia; Sloan's Liniment laid >r I on gently will soothe the aching 8 I ^eac^-^e mag'c* Don't delay. d | | Hear What Othcva Say n '"I have b en a puffercr with Neuralgia for several years au?l have trii d different i H Liniment?, but S'oan a Liniment is the j q be^t Liniment for Neuralgia on earth. I have tried it fluecrpsfuily; it hu3 never ' " failed."?F. H. 11'iWiams, A ujunta, Ark, ilre. Ruth C. Claypool, Independence, it Mo., writes: "A friend of ours told ua p about your Liniment. We have been using ! it for 13 years and think there is nothing d like it. We use it on everything, sores, cuts, burns, bruises, sore t hroat, headaches and on everything else. We can't get q along without it. We think it is the best j Liniment made." : SLOAN S : LINIMENT l- is the best remedy for rheumatism, e backache, sore throat and sprains. I" At all dealers, 25c. Send four cent* in stamps for a 8 TRIAL BOTTLE v d Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. t Dept. B, Philadelphia, Pa. y : Uwana Theatre. h Until Further Notice I "The Perils of : .. d...i: .. y/fj/ WbAB-N DPFNINCI I Jmious Shoe *. SPRING i TH E Spring S< ter preparec to supply yoi Comfortable Foe Prices. The Qu always represent Styles. We extend s tationjto you to ^ our beautiful ne1 QUEEN QU/ Kingstree Dry1 To Newspap We Manufacture the TYPE Brass Rule in Strips Brass Rule cut L. S. Brass Column Rules Brass Circles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Brass Leads and Slugs We will furnish any of fair proportion of our pay i to be paid us promptly eith< which we pay tne nignesi m Please remember that w bination and are sure that w advantage to deal with us. A copy of our latest Sp furnished upon request. i?"We make a specialt Rules, making them as good Philadelphia Pri Manufai Type and High Gra 14-16 Soul Penn Type Foundry. 50 ONE AND TW< to go at A Car Load of the Famous1 6 Celebrated 1 to close out For any of these!articles s M. F. yjB-MY-TI SM Will cure your Rheumatism .->uralgia, Headaches, Cramps, he Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and u ns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects ... Antiseptic Anodyne, used in -onlly and externally. Price 25c Chamberlain's Cough Hemedv Care* C sldi. Croup and Whooping Cough. Send us an order* for stationery l/JL JLJ1 11A1U # A eason finds us bet!? I than ever before s ii' needs in Stylish, i )twear at Fairest 1 een Quality Shoes I the best American | i most cordial invivisit us and look at v Spring Shoes, tLITY SHOES. ? ' ii, boods lompany 11 >er Publishers Very Highest Grade of Brass Dashes Brass Galleys Brass and Metal Quoins Metal Borders Metal Furniture, L. S. Metal Leads and Slugs Metal Leaders Spaces and Quads the above material and take a n Advertising, balance jr in cash or old metals, for arket prices. re are not in any Trust or Comre can make it greatly to your scimen Book will be cheerfully ;y of Refacing worn Column I as new at a small cost. liters' Supply Co., ctur?r> of de Printing Material th Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. O-HORSE WAGONS about cost. I Oxford Buggies Just Received I Deering Mowers I ; at a bargain. I iee I uri t rp 9 i A < d? | _ Catarrh Cannot Be Cured I with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca i tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in , ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is | taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall's > Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. If I was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is B a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the I ! best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina- & tion of the two Ingredients Is what pro- _ duces such wonderful results in curing ? catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. ' _ . F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Tolsdo, O. I CJ Boll by Druggists, prk?s 7Bc. Take Hall's Family Fills for esastipatloa. I ? Currency in the pocket deprei PANDS. A person with a $100 c. all day without cashing it. Wit here is a tendency to SPEND A LIT' o it is with a bank account. A person li BANK OF KI EYES EXAMI] Glasses fitted at a reasor up with Distance and Readin lens. Broken glasses dupl Save the pieces and bring to Watches, Cloc Silverware, Cut G Complete stock of the above Bring me your broken W; elry for repairs. Repairs n T. E. BAGGE1 Kingstree, * I Lessons Con | T F the child has a big, B study by. The jR. | # saves eye strain. It is ( its best?clear, mellow, B The RAYO does not sr | is easy to light, easy to < | j rewick. The RArO o m cannot get a better lamp I STANDARD OIL H Wmhinrton, D. C. (NEW JER5 j 1 Rich mead, V*. BALTIMC WE HA If It's in the D We can fill any doctor's F tions sent for and delivered pi tion work done under the si pharmacist. Our line of stationery anc plete. Give us a call. Kingstree Dm Phone No. 107. obscribe bow for THE i i / I > * CbsefourD< Tfiief. L< ne Easier g I generous light to V*H- BB >ap'o LAMP I kerosene light at B flj and unflickering. B BB noke or smell. It Pv JB clean, and easy to \ ^B osts little, but you 1 I > at any price. K . COMPANY }\"r~m IEY) CharlotU, N. C, |! BB kDr Charleston, W. VW. E IRE fhsiUrtw. i c I; fe fc - VE IT!i I rug Line ^IrjH description. Prescrip- I 'omptly. All prescrip- mZ\ IH ipervision of a licensed I .. I toilet articles is com-1 f. l Company Jill Kingstree, S. C. I f H COUNTYR?COH(^^B DIATES. In the bank it EXheck in his pocket *likely will go / h a similar amount of currency TIE. The check,remains intact. kes to KEEP IT INTACT. I I NGSTREE. Jl nmrnMEEMBBmummmmm B NED F.:ee. kfl jji PI table price iyclj. i fit you I .fl B ig Glasses ground in one I |^D icated on short notice. I inc. :ks, Jewelry lass and China. always on hand.. ? ; i^B - jB atches, Clocks and Jew>> /<* lade same d^.^rf5fved. T HF, Jeweler, I |fl South Carolina. | I ???????? 11 mnhiil!1i;:)ii'- iiiiiiiiiiiiii!4i)iiti^ffTOflHHM ? * ^Bl