The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 21, 1915, Image 1

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rr.Wv1."; t K -v v M I VOL. XXVIII. KINOSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, .JAM'A K Y 21, 1915. N0~ 4(>~~ I We W '9 BB We wish you I , Coffins and Caske ^^^wr > RICHARD I. MA y INAUGUARATI i Great Throng Witnesses -" Tone of New Governor's Addr< 1 val of Thousands I Columbia, January 19:?Amid the 1 I acclamation of thousands Richard i Irvine Manning was inaugurated < k 1 Governor of South Carolina today i | at noon. The oath of office was \ them to help him put behind all of .. the factional bitterness and strife and to march onward, lifting South Carolina ever higher and upward. He touched the hearts of his auditors for they broke into thunder^ ous applause, while cries of "Hurrah 3L for Manning" rent the air from thousands of lusty throats. Immediately after his short speech > * from the Capitol steps Governor > : Manning held a reception in the & library of the State House and thousands filed by and shook his hands and wished him "God-speed" in his H;' task of administering the laws of Soath Carolina for the next two rjjljK;' years. He was tired but happy taken by the new Governor in the 1 hall of the House of Representatives in the presence of the joint session < of the Senate and House, Supreme j Court Justices, State House officials , ' and a tremendous crowd of people, ( i* thousands of whom were unable to , > get even into the lobby of the Cap- j itol. Chief Justice Eugene B Gary, ] of the State Supreme court, admin- j I istered the oath of office to Gov- , ernor Manning and immediately , * thereafter he delivered his inaugural j * address. Lieutenant Governor An- ; JLk drew J Bethea took the oath of , Wtr office after Governor Manning con- , eluded his address, Chief Justice \ j Gary administering the oath to him. The largest crowd which has attended an inaugural in Columbia in K- years witnessed the induction of Governof Manning into office. All X ^ night last night and early this morn. J;. ing the people poured into the city J - / on special and regular trains, and ' long before the hour for the inaug. ural the hall of the House of Rep resentatives, where the exercises were to be held, was packed. Plans to have Governor Manning deliver his inaugural address from the steps of the Capitol had to be abandoned, ?*/ owing to the disagreeable cold day. L* Governor Manning arose from a sick K bed to take the oath of office, and friends would not hear to him riskI* ing the cold wind, however much it was regretted that it was necessary. j OPEN AIR ADDRESS. wkk However, owing to the inability of thousands to hear the address GovW ernor Manning, after the exercises in the hall of the House, addressed* the multitude from the Capitol steps. A mighty shout went up as he followed his escorts through solid lines of humanity from the House to the Capitol steps, and his few re> marks were tumultuously cheered. Governor Manning thanked the peofnr rpopntfnn and asked ish You May you al NEW Yl the fullest enjoymer ~?i K i nj ?1 EV NNiNG 1 !D GOVERNOR. ; Impressive Ceremony. ess Met With Hearty ApproWlio Heard Him. """ I when the multitude had all filed by, ind his face was constantly wieath?d in smiles at the good fellowship ind the earnestness with which the people rejoiced at his accession to die Governorship. It was exactly 11:55 o'clock when Speaker James A Hoyt dropped his ravel and called the House to order. \s the clock on the City Hall rang iut the hour of noon Sergeant-atkrms Wilson announced that the Senate was in the lobby and the House arose while the Senators filed in and took their seats. Walking at the head of the Senators was President Pro Tern Walker, with United States Senator E D Smith on his right hand. Senator Walker ascended the Speaker's stand and took charge of the joint assembly, and Rprmtnr Smith occupied a seat with the Senators. The House galleries were packed and jammed long before noon, and all of the available space on the floor of the House was utilized, but thousands of people continued to jam into the lobby of the State House, the space way over the Senate being crammed closely. The jam continued on the piazza of the Capitol and down the north atep9 almost to the foot of the Confederate monument, and each minute, as the hour of noon grew nearer, hundreds more joined the waiting throngs and tried to get in to see the ceremonies. The sergeant-at-arms and the doorkeepers had a herculean task in holding back the crowd, and several times the crowd flowed over the outer doorkeeper, only to be halted and turned back at the inner door, MR MANNING ARRIVES. The wife and family of the Governor-elect arrived and were given seats occupied by the Richland delegation on the floor of the House. At five minutes after 12 o'clock the sergeant-at-arms of the flouse announced that the Governor and Lieutenant Governor-elect, with their escorts, were at the door. President Walker called the joint assembly to their feet, and as Governorelect Manning appeared at the door of the House on the arm of Chairman George W Dick, of the Ways and Means committee, a cheer broke out, which swept over the crowded floor and through the galleries, and was taken up and re-echoed by the thousands who filled the lobby and stood out on the north steps of the Capitol. The new Governor walked down the aisle to the Speaker's stand to continued cheering, which would ever and anon break out with renewed volume. First came Governor-elect Manning, escorted by Representative a Merry 11 enjoy yourse LA.R GF it of Health, Peace, jfstree Hi ENTUALLY-V IMPOR 'M It is the general op gg curing makes good tobacc gg good terms make them e* gg We have all three, ^ ~ ~ ~ nn v> nn W nave seeu ut>. rv c caii 1 WILLIAM 1 Hei iv-5 *vs5v-**v*2v-?*v4/v^/v-<*v^5v"<*v\*v43vG George W Dick, followed by Governor Charles A Smith, escorted by Senator Laney, and right behind them Lieutenant Governor-elect Andrew J Bethea, escorted by Senator R D Epps. Then Chief Justice Eugene B Gary, with Senator Sinkler; Associate Justice Hydrick, with Reppresentative Liles; Associate Justice Watts, with Representative Robinson; Associate Justices Gage and Fraser, Circuit Judge John S Wilson, IUUVI A 9 meet with hearty responses. When Governor Manning paid a tribute to 7 ' ' v:.. Rev Arthur R Berkeley and the State House officials, walking two and two. President Walker rapped for order and introduced Rev Arthur R Berkeley, rector of the Church of the Holy Communion, of Philadelphia, Pa, and a son-in-law of Governor Manning, who invoked the Divine blessing on the day's exercises. OATH ADMINISTERED. j President Walker announced that ! the Governor-elect was present and ready to qualify. In an impressive manner Chief Justice Gary administered the oath of office to the new Governor, the Governor's repeating of the oath being in a clear and calm voice, audible in all parts of the crowded chamber. At its contusion another great cheer went up, and it was several minutes before the Governor could begin his inau gural address, so great was me applause and cheers. By this time the crowd had pushed half-way up the main aisle, sc eager were the efforts of those jammed in the lobby to see. Sergeantat-Arms J Fred Schumpert, of the Senate, held the crowd in check, while the Governor began his speech, Twice the speech was interrupted by efforts of those in the rear tc push into the hall, and finally President Walker ordered the inside dooi closed, which checked the disorder, and Governor Manning proceeded with his remarks. MET WITH APPROVAL. The tone of the inaugural and the keynote of constructive legislation, which the new Governor struck, met with the warm approval of the people, who listened closely to every word and outburst after outburst of applause would force Govern or Manning to suspend for several minutes. Especially did his recommendation for compulsory education with local option feature, increase of child labor age limit to 14 years, Working Men's Compensation Act, lend rpcnotrfttinn. tax commission. and Ha Ives to the full LEETINC Prosperity and Hap ardware VHY NOT NOW rANT TO Tl >inion with large buyers that :o. Good flues heleps make g isy to buy. the Flues, the Price and the ive you money. SBURG HA idquarters for ( the last Democratic State Convention and the good work they did in ordering a personal enrollment of the voters tremendous cheers burst out. His recommendation for liberal support of the National Guard, which he said must be made effective and efficient, drew more cheers. His declaration that he intended to ^ ^' 1 ? ? -iiAwiA/1 itma eniorce me laws sianeu wuat was little less than an ovation and his appeal to the people and the Legislators to help him in his task of getting away from factionalism and bitterness drew further applause. THE SILVER LINING. Just as Governor Manning was concluding his inaugural address the sun broke through the clouds and lit up the hall of the House and shone with vigor on the man whc will hold the reigns of Government for the next two years in South Carolina, adding nature's smile tc the rejoicing of a people at the installation of Bichard I Manning ir the office of Chief Magistrate and making an auspicious beginning foi his administration. Another ovation was given Gov ernor Manning when he concluded Chief Justice Gary then admin -1 i.U -OK..,, T iantan istereu uie uttiu ux uma iu iiicunu ant Governor Bethea and he tool > charge of the joint Assembly. Th< . Lieutenant Governor thanked th< people for their warm-hearted re. ception, cheers having greeted hii , induction into office. He pledgee . himself anew to the service of th< . people and was given a rousinj , cheer. Governor Manning was escortei to the Capitol stejs, where, after i I brief speech to the assembled thous j ands, he went to the library an< . shook hands with several thousand . The joint Assembly was then dis solved, the Senate returning to it II chamber. Governor Manning took charge o the Chief Executive's office and wa greeted by scores of friends, wh< - pressed in to shake his hand and t< . offer congratulations. Telegram - of congratulations arrived fron friends in various parts of the Stat< ' and the new Governor was kepi ' busy responding to the congratu ' latory messages. Governor Manning and family wil be at a local hotel for a few days | until they can arrange to move int< ' the Mansion.?News and Courier. The next legal holiday will b< - - ? ?? i n i. Washington's Dirtnaay, reDruary ,'22- . . . t ppy Christn est extent. iS, 1915 piness throughout the New i c?. r We Lead?Others ! 1BACC0 GROWER good tobacco will sell high the coming se ood curing. Good prices reduce the cost Terms, to suit all. Don't give your ord< RDWARE O MP Guaranteed Goods. ?4?S3v*5v?A'*Jv</v*5v^/vQv*Jv^2y'Ov"\Jv>Qv"tJv??}v^5v?5v^Jv"Q rHHHHHMMBHHHHSHBMMHMMi WILL YOU HAVE A VICTROLA IN TiiiA nnnioTiiAo nn uruj IM5 unifidimAd un ntn j A complete stock of al !; Kingstree, including var 'I musical instruments. See Virgil Kinder, Kingstree "The Best of Everything i SIEGLING MUSIC 1 I No. 243 King Stree CHARLESTON, I ; SAMUEL D. CARR, Manager G3^Vk*?2i?*? i ^C0NS f The boy who builds a fine physique s have a strong constitution to fall back 0 AGE. He won't be so liable to contrac 3 have the STRENGTH to fight it off. s BANKING YOUR MONEY. Build a FI] 1 STITUTION for the years to come. 3 Make OUR bank YOUR ba t We pay 4 per cent, interest on savin, Farmers & Merchants Nat 1 "ABSOLUTELY SAFE" LA ' Branches At Tohmonvill?. CawawHh ) |^mamm am Patronize OUR Ad And Qet Satisfai > _ , -' ? ,<_ J, . -* _il*i ' _ ^ r - ? *CAfl las ri ' - \ I ear Follow. | | s. i jason. Good w of flues and er until you gg ANY, I ,: YOUR HOME I H ? -.V ' YEAR? / II styles at . Jj ions other ; !, s. c. n Music." I HOUSE f s. c. I pie 1 W irdware Co.J B TANT I 3CISE 1 MAKE YOU 1 RONG I >tant | 05its in i r Bank i ILL MAKE . j rou ^ RICH 00 you want to grow old i 40 FE&BLE : without ' :y in the nk ? in his youth will upon in his OLD t disease; he will The same with NANGIAL CON,nk. gs accounts. ;ional Bank, lke city. s. c. and Pamplico. | wmmmmsmmmmm vertisers ction. i ..V 4^.