An Insurance Policy is a protection against loss by fire, t life'or accident, as yon may designate, There are a greater number of - ? t .1 m m Levei-Meaaea men >*' than there used to be, and insurance I is becoming more popular every day, ^ 'because people now realize that they should not be without it. Let us give you some figures. . postal will bring you the information desired. Kingstree Insurance, Reati state & Loan Co. R. N. Speigner. Manager. | NOTICE OF | it Dissolution of Partnership f 1 To Whom It May Concern; 4 Take notice. That the law firm of Gilland & Gilland, co-partners, 1 "* * CornltnB & 01 Mngstree, ouuui v?v.. , . composed of Thomas McDowell Gilland. Louis William Gilland 4 < and John deSaussure Gilland. has ^ *> been dissolved b*; the mutual con 11 sent of the surviving partners on 1 < this twentieth day of December, ^ < A D 1913.on account of the death * of Thomas McDowell Gilland, the 4 4 senior menber of the firm, on < > $ the fourteenth day of December, f | AD 1913. | John ;>e Saussure Gileand. ^ ?4444^ 4 FIRE! 1866 1913. I am pleased to announce to my old patrons and the ji public at large that After the lOth inst. I will be fully pref pared to carry on | 5khe practice of * DENTISTRY in all its departments. Call on me if you want * First Class worn r at ^ Prices to Suit. A. M. Snider. Office over fanble & Jacobs' Dreg Store, Opposite Tbc Record Office. 9-7-tf WATTS & WATTS THE KIN6STREE JEWELERS We keep on hand everything to be found in an up-to-date jewelry house . Repairing and engraving V _. done with neatness and despatch. :: As home i 4k Hpalf rs. cruaranteeing i v quality and prices, Hre Solicit Your Patronage V I s?r th* Railroad Station. ! I redressed LumberI X5 '8 have on hand a lot of unI aLid. fcfcjjfcr (board and framing) at . near""Kingstree, for sale at the r . , : rr/vn-^ matcrif) SpP fir lowest price lui write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE. F Why Scratch/: "Hunt'sCure"iL t anteed, to stop a:. permanently cure thcr. terrible itching. It ir IS J comPoun(^e^ -?r i. jKi purpose and your money j iWM IfmI promptly refunded IwPi w1 007 question! I Kpjmi wgKm if Hunt's Cure fails to cure 1 L L^lw*Sf IB 'tc^* Eczema, Tetter, Ring j r tHkLcwv/ W Worm or any other Skin Disease. 5 )c at your druggist's, or by mail j direct if be hasn't it. Manufactured only by 4. B RICH '.PDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman. Tctas f Legal Advertisements. |j Notice of Foreclosure ciale. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i THE C 'UNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. John M Nexsen, Plaintiff, against Annie M Tharpe, Defendant. Notice is hereby given, That, under and by virtue of a decree issued out of the Court of vommon Pleas for Williamsburg county in the above entitled action,bearing date-the 26th day of November, 1913, to me directed, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash before i +Ka owrt hnusp rinor in the town of i ! Kingstree, county of Williamsburg, I > State of South Carolina, on the first 1 Monday in January, 1914, the same being the 5th day of the said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following described tract of land, to wit: ' All the right, title and interest, being a one-fourth part thereof, of Annie M Tharpe, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land Jtnown as the lands of the estate of^lrs E C Johnson, said lands lying, being and situate in Williamsburg county, State of South Carolina, and containing four hundred and four acres, and bounded as follows: North by lands of W H Harmon; South by W C Hemingway's land; and West by lands of Hughes." "George J Graham. Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Dated at Kingstree, S C, December 5, 1913. . 12-ll-3t Notice of SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. W S Lynch. Plaintiff, vs W Dodd Daniel and The Bank of Lake City, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, That, under and by virtue of a decree heretofore made in the above entitled case by the Honorable T S Sease, Circuit Judge, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the court house door, on Monday, the 5th day of January, 1914, during the usual hours cf sale, the following described tract of land, to wit: All that certain piece parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in Williamsburg county. State of South Carolina containing one hundred and fifty (150) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: On the North by lands of J C Dye and C C Daniel; on the East by lands of C C Dye and other lands of W Dodd Daniel; on the South bv lands of W R Graham and on the West by lands of D H Oliver and J C Dye. Purchaser to pay for gapers. 12-ll-3t LrEORGE J UKAHAM, Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Notice of Judicial SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Pleas. DECREE FOR SALE AND PARTITION. W H Williams. Jane Martin. Rosa Williams, and W J Akerman, Plaintiffs, against H J Akerman, George O Akerman, J Carroll Akerman and Lena R Akerman, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of a decree issued out of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, bearing date November 26th, 1913, to me directed, I will sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, before the court house door in the town of Kingstree, county of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in January, 1914, the same being the 5th day of said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following * * 1 a. .4. _ r 1 1 aescrioec xraci 01 imiu, w-wit. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, known as the estate of A R Akerman, containing three hundred thirty-six (336) acres, more or less, and bounded on the North by lands of Cleveland Cox; on the East by lands of Atlantic Coast Lumber Corporation; on the South by lands of Robert A Akerman and lands of W T Rowell; and on the West by lands of Atlantic Coast Lumber Corporation. Purchaser to Day for papers. H 0 Britton, 12-18-3t Clerk of < ourt of Williamsbuag County. Notice of Foreclosure SaleTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, the county of williamsburg, In Court of Common Pleas. The People's Mercantile Company, a corporation organized and existing unaer and by virtue of the laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against Vincent Fulton, Defendant. Notice is hereby given. That, under and by virtue of a decree issued out of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county in the above entitled action, bearing date the 13th day of December, A D 1913, to me directed, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash before the court house door in the town of Kingstree, county (of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in January, 1914, the following tract of land, to-wit: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying. being and situate in i the county of Williamsburg, South Carolina, containing forty-nine acres, more J or less, and bounded as follows: North ; by lands of the estate of E J Porter; I East by lands of LeRant Fulton; South by lands of Calvin Mouzon; and on the i West by land^ of Calvin Mouzon and 1 the estate of E J Porter. ' rurcnasers to pay for papers. . George J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg County. 1 Dated at Kingstree, S U. December 13, 1913. 12-18-3t < NOTICE. N' tice is hereby given that we forbid trespass of any kind on lands of J E Porter and C L Porter, known as lands of the late E R Lesesne. J. E. PORTER. 112-18-4t To Cure a Cold in One Day f Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists will refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c Notice of Judicial Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Pleas. DECREE FOR SALE AND PARTITION. Georgianna McGill, Cloe McColiough, James Boyd, EmmaFraziar, Amerita Singletary, Saray Boyd, Leonard Boyd, Serena M Boyd, Mary Ella Singletary, Mary Ann Boyd, Sam McFadden, Jr., Mary Robinson, Rhoda Jackson, John McFadden, Jane Grant, Rosa McFadden, James Perkins, Eliza Brown, Clover McColiough. Mary McColiough. Miner Mc< ollough. Sarah McColiough, Henry Nesmith, Julian Tisdale, Judy Moore, Lawrence Tisdale, Daniel Tisdale, Stephen Tisdale, Siller Tisdale, and Arcnie Boyd, Carolina Boyd, Alma McFadden, Viola Perkins and Ella Williams, by their guardian ad litem, C E Saint-Amand, Plaintiffs, against D.iSokolI Xlofnllniurli .TflmPS WesleV naiouvu iuvvvuvut.., ?? y McFadden and Faro Tisdale, Cloe Tisdale, Jarrott Ti3dale and others, unknown heirs-at-law of Nancy Tisda#l deceased, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of a decree issued out of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, bearing date the 26th day of November, 1913, to me directed, I will sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, before the court house door in the town of Kingstree, county of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first M >nday in January, 1914, the same being the 5th day of said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following described tract of land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on the waters of Black river, county of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, containing one hundred thirty-four (134) acres, more or less, being part of a tract purchased by R H Kellehan from S J Snowden, bounded North by 1 ?^ M TToof ortr) Qnnth hV ISIJUS Ul 1' 1U MJsJVKiy uaoi* UMM ~J lands of R H Kellehan and West by lands of John M Nexsen. H 0 Britton, < lerk of Court of 12-18-3t Williamsburg County. Auditor's Notice- For the purpose of takingtax returns for 1914, the Auditor's office will be opened from January 1 to February 20, inclusive. Returns will also be taken at the following places on days mentioned, to-wit: Greelyville, January 13 and 14 Gourdins, 44 15 Suttons, 44 16 Hebron. 44 20 t ades 44 22 W C Wilson's. ' 23 ... lt OA W t; lianna, Johnsonville, afternoon " 26 and morning " 27 Ard's X Roads,afternoon ' 27 and morning " 28 Hemingway, afternoon " 28 and morning " 29 Rome, " 30 Church, February 3 W Chalmus Eaddy's, " 4 Benson, " 10 Bloomingvale, j" 11 Morrisville, '* 12 R D Gamble'w, " 13 Salters. " 17 All real estate and personal property must be returned, giving name of township and name or number of school district in which the property is located. Income tax must t>e returned at time of making other returns. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 60 years, except legal exemptions, are name wj poll and commutation tax and must return same. J J B Montomery, 12 18-12-19 County Auditor. Tax Notice. The tax books wiil be open for collection of taxes for year 1813 on the 15th day of October next. Tax levy as follows: For State mills Ordinary CJounty 33^ " Roads 1 " Chaingang and Bridges 1 * Con School ........ 3 44 Special State School 1 44 A tax of 50c on dogs. For High School in Kings tree 2 " 44 retiring bonds 44 " 2 '* 44 44 "inGreelyville, 4 44 All parties between the ages of 21 $nd 60 years,inclusive, are liable, unless exempted by law, to a poll tax of $1.00, also a commutation tax of $2.00. Levy for special school districts as follows: Nos 8. 19, 25, 32, 34,40,47.-19,53 and 56 ?2 mills. No 31?8 mills. Nos 6, 16, 22, 26, 28, 29, 36, 37, 39, 4!, 42, 45. 46, 48, 50, 51 and 52?4 mills. No 23?12 mills. No 24- 6 ' No 27- 7 '4 No 43- 4 44 No 55- 4 44 No 2- 2 44 tt???* ?li ,'zl +ovoa nfrpr U fc/VJii an uiiyoiu vu^vtf w. ? ?? ber31 a penalty of 1% will be added for January, 1% for February and b% to 15th day of March next, after which the books will be closed and executions issued upon all unpaid taxes Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by drooping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their tax,so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located. After paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all your property is covered; if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 9-18-tl2-2o County Treasurer. Administrator's Notice All persons having claims against the estate of gilly Cooper, deceased, are requested to present the same, duly attested, to the undersigned, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to him. L E McChea, Fowler. S C, Administrator estate of Billy Cooper, 1 deceased. 12-25-}stp I Notice to Teachers. Blanks for making monthly reports may be obtained by calling at the store of Mr J M Brown,*Kingstree,S C, or at j the office of the < ounty Superintendent. | R N Speignek. ll-27-4t County Superintendent j Foreclosure Salei STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. M F Heller, Plaintiff. against J D Iloyd. Defendant. Notice is hereby given, That, under and by virtue of a decree in the above I entitled action made by his Honor Cir| cuit Judge John S Wilson,and dated the I -'9th day of November, 1913, I will sell ; ' at public auction for cash in front of the court house door in Kingstree, dur! ing the usual hours of sale on Monday | the fifth day of January, 1914, the following described tract of land: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the county of VVUJiamsDurg ana siaie 01 South Carolina, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, and bounded North by Black river; East by lands ol' Mary Jefferson and South ana West by Boyd'sland, the same being the lands conveyed to J D Boyd by Belle G Blakeley on April 4, 1910. Terms of sale. cash. Purchaser to pay for paper. George J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg County. 12-18-3t Notice of SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of wili.iamsburg. C J Brockinton, Jettie L Grier, Alice Ferdon.Ida Brockinton,Perla Cooper, Mary Altman, Irene Smith. Herbert r? l.s-i. j t tir?n t>i~:~4.;dr? i>ruCKlfilun biiu o muca rr mi.r laiuuiis, VP May Brockinton, Minnie Brockinton, Sallie Brockinton, Blandele Brockinton, William Brockinton, Clyde Brockinton.Robley Brockinton Glenn Wall, Mary Altman and Rollie Brockinton, Defendants. Pursuant to the decree signed by his Honor, Judge T S Sease, in the above stated case, on the 26th day of November,1918, I will offer for sale before the court house door in Kingstree. S G, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in January,1914, the same being the 5th day of the said month, at public auction,to the highest bidder,for cash, the following described tract of land, to-wit: "All that certain piece,parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the | county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina, containing two hundred 1 and ninety-six (296) acres,more or less, , and bounded and described as follows: On the North by lands formerly of the I estate of W G Godwin and B F Brock- , inton: on the East by lands formerly of i F Rhem; on the South by lands former- 1 lyofF Rhem and John GAltman.and on . tne West by lands formerly of B F Brockinton, situate on Smith swamp, 1 waters of Mingo creek, having such < shape, marks and bounds as are represented by a plat thereof made by J B Johnson, surveyor, on the <.'5th day of ] January, 1843, and resurveyed by same party on the 25th day of November, < 1851, the same being a part of a tract of J six hundred and forty-one (641) acres granted to Captain John Graham on ' May 7, 1832. " Purchaser to pay for papers. ' H 0 Britton, ' Clerk of Court for Williamsburg Coun- J ty. 12-4 8-3t i Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of January, \ D. 1914. at 12 o'clock,noon.I will apply to P M Brock- , iriton. Judge of Probate of Williams- 1 burg county, for Letters Dismissory as i ! Administrator of the estate of F M , Britton, deceased. T W Britton, 12-18-4tp Administrator. 1 1 ??? I Registration Notice , The iliee of tne Supervisor ??/ K:^- i istratiou will be open on the Is; Mon- j day in >*ach month for the purpose of registering any per-u. who is .'ioaliRed a?, follows: ! Who shall have been a resident o> l the State for two years, and of rh. J CUUHl'jr ?uir jroi , unu im tuc pu.iiiij ytr einrt in which the elector to vote four mooths liefore the day of election, and shall have paid, ??* months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by obf Supervisors of Registration. <>r whcan show that he owns, and has paii' all taxes collectible on during the present year, pioperty in this Stlati assessed at three hundred dollar* o? more. H A Meyer, (. terk of Monro RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS SHOULD USB flQf The Best Remedy ^ For ell forms of I Rheumatism t^^LUMBAGO. SCIATICA. COUT. NEURALGIA^HA AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. |^AUvuQakkR?ll?fmJV VrfV H*OtlMrRMM?r^n\jV uanx -?.drop?" ran on moucrr Swaaton Rheumatic Cure Co. 1M-1U W. Late SC. CKICAOO COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 0 doses 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver | better than Calomel and does not | gripe or 6icken. Price 25c. jj When you want us to change the address of your paper it will save f lots of trouble to name the U1U I i as well as the new postoffice. Please j bear this in mind. tf > 8 Now Well I pl "Thedford's Black-Draught B jtfl is the best all-round medicine m lever used," writes J. A. fl| Steelman, of PattonviHe, Texas. F% PI "I suffered terribly with liver flpjj fll troubles, and could get no relief. oft |3 The doctors said 1 had con- Ej| 3 sumption. 1 could not work at K< 3 all. Finally I tried ] THEDFORD'S | I BLACK- I I DRAUGHT | and to my surprise, 1 got better, fl and am to-day as well as any Eg man." Thedford's Black- B Draught is a general, cathartic, B vegetable liver medicine, that B has been regulating irregulari- H ties of the liver, stomach and bowels, for over 70 years. Get P* a package today. Insist on the Ei genuine?Thedford's. E-70 H The Cats of Kilkenny. The Rock Hill Herald and the Record are at it again, hammer and tongs. The Lancaster News recently suggested that the News, along with other York county papers, offer to mediate between these two belligerents, but it seems a case where "intervention" would be unwelcome, rhe most appropriate thing we can think of is the cats of Kilkenney. "There once were two cats of Kil IVC1111 J , Each thought there was one cat too many, So, they quarrelled and spit, They fought and they bit, Till?with the exception of their tails, \nd the tips of their nails ? Instead of two cats there weren't my." ? York News. Stomach Troubles Disappear. Stomach,liver and kidney troubles, weak nerves, lame back and female ills disappear when Electric Bitters are used. Thousands of women would not be without a bottle in their home. Eliza Pool of Depew, Okla,writes: "Electric Bitters raised me from a bed of sickness and suffering and has done me a world of good. I wish every suffering woman :ould use this excellent remedy and find out. as I did, just bow good it is." As it has helped thousands, it mrely will do the same for you. Ev?ry bottle guaranteed,50c and $1.00. At all druggists'. H E Bucklen & Co, Philadelphia or St Louis. IfflMja Noah's Liniment is the best remedy for Rheumatism. BlaaMiiMBi K Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff yt Joints and Muscles, Sore Hjjj Throat, Colds, Strains, Rj Sprains. Cuts, Bruises. HLgs Colic, Cramps. Neuralgia, H Toothache, and all Nerve, ' If.fl'H R-'3 Bone and Muscle Aches I IfiVlB flj and Pains. The genuine & JLUUm has Noah's Ark on every Tu MTt package and loota like this UMSil H cut, but has RED band on - ?-t?*? H front of package and w imttbut Bfx "Noah's Liniment" always mmmum M in RED ink. Beware of . Iti imitations. Sold by all SWjSSV l^n dealers, 25c., 50c.,and $1.00. rnsi.wN, JJS Guaranteed or money re- ma mm mam l&flj funded by Noah Remedy ?IIS? Co., Inc. Richmond, Va. Sample free on request. r fnnft' Mnrl#nt I L|J|J5 llldl HGI All meats bought and sold for cash. Don't ask for credit- \ Epps' MarKet | Cr. Acad amy (Sb Mill Sta E ' BBHBEWHk-TBWHWB rt? .Z dltt WGBBI ;or Weakness and Loss of Appetite he Old Standard general strengthening tonic, JROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out lalaria and builds up the system. A true tonic nd sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c. i WHITE OAK CHIPS Picked Up Daring the Week by Oar Wideawake Scribe. (Received to, late for last week's issue). White Oak, December 16:?Miss Opal Eaddy of Lake City spent the week here with friends and relatives, returning to her home at Leo Monday afternoon with her father, Mr Andrew Eaddy. Joe Cooper, a respectable negro, ? had the misfortune to lose his stable, barn and about 3,000 pounds of hay, 3 hogs and a nice milch cow by fire last Monday night. The ladies of this vicinity attended an old-time quilting occasion at Mr C K Eaddy's last Tuesday. Mr Kufus Eaddy and sister, Miss Daisy, of Johnsonville, spent the week-end with relatives here. A social play was given at the home of Mr and Mrs J A Griffons Friday night in honor of Mrs Griffons' guest, Miss Daisy Eaddy. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. Mr Billie Boles wen* to Kingstree Tuesday. Mr and Mrs J T Frierson of Mouzons spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs G W Ward, and other relatives here. Mr J A Matthews will make his future home at Nichols, Ga, after next Wednesday. It makes us feel sad to lose a man of his type from our midst, yet we hope him much success and pleasure in his new home. Mr W M Christmas spent the week-end with relatives at Central. Mr and Mrs Culley Lee of Cowards spent several days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs R L Floyd The past several days of cocl have "been the cause of several hogs in our community dying with "headache and sore throat." Messrs J M Rodders and W L Matthews went to Lake City Monday on business. "Uncle Remus" of Cades spent the week-end with "ye scribe" that "played ball" with his mule some time a_o. Your scribe's position in a ball game has always been umpire, and the donkey mistook him for a "left handed pitcher," that being "Uncle Remus's" job in the game. B W M. Fll His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ago he read an . advertisement of Chamberlain's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith, Ark. "He purchased a * J I 1 a. I Dox or mem ana ne nas not ijeen sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited by them." For sale by all dealers. Right Kind of Xmas Greeting. Editor County Record:? I am enclosing you check for $2 i for renewal of my subscription for The County Record. I trust that Xmas and the new year may be filled with happiness and prosperity for you and yours. I am, yours truly, J B Barrineau. Alapaha, Ga, December 18, 1913. California Woman Seriously Alarmed. "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of T 111 L.J I l_ annoyance, i wouia nave Daa cougning spells and my lungs were so sore' and inflamed I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Gerber, Sawtelle, Cal. For sale by all dealers. Cortrlght Metal Shingle Roofing. We hope our readers have been noticing the advertising of the Cortright Metal Roofing Company, which has appeared in our columns regularly since early this year, and that any ^f those interested in high grade, substantial roofing have gotten in touch with the company. Cortright Metal Shingles have been in use for more than a quarter of a century and are giving splendid satisfaction everywhere. i Why not pay your subscription before the holiday season? This duty performed, you can enjoy your Christmas more and we certainly can ours.