I Pii ii mil?ii miiiiHHimi i mi iiiiiiiiii J' Professional Cards. | DR. R. C. McCABE, Dental Surgeon. * ^ Hirsch building, over KingsIll. ^Co's. 8-28-tf S icNCE H. MCCULL0U6H, r? SURVEYOR, ..CINGSTREE, - S. C. Education, Experience and Equipment justify my guarantee. MR. KARL B. SHULER ,is prepared to handle work accessible to HEMINGWAY, S. C. 8-14-lyr DR7R. J7MLCABE^ Dentist. KINGSTREE, - S. C Office in Nexsen Building, over Marcus' , Store. | W. Leland Taylor, f DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Brockington's store, KINGSTREE. - S. C. 5-21-tf. M. 13. Nesmith DENTIST. I AKR CITY. - - - S C. Benj. McINNES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater McINNES, M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. I One of us will be at Kingstree the * first Monday in each month, at Hel^ ler's Stables. 9-28-tf A* KINGSTREE I Lodge, No. 46 A n Kf ' /^x\A.r.ivi. meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially inyited. M H Jacobs, W M. E L Montgomery, Sec. 2-27-ly gt ZECof VMv Kingstree Lodge : Knights of pgtbias ^ w ReKular Conventions Ever* 2nd and 4th Wednesday night* Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Ha.1 3rd story Gourd;n Building. P. H. STOLL U. C. R. N. Speigner, K of R & S. CAMP NO- 27. \Yt uiuug \^\^*iP5K5S7/ lially invited to couk \ citop and sit on a stamj ?f b?DK at)OUtOD lb' B. E. Clarkson, 27 12m. Con. Com. LIGHTNING RODS. U. L. Whitlock, Lake City. S.C. Special Sales Agent. Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All Kinds ? Improved Copper and 6alvanized Section Rods *i (Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Authorities ami Fire Insurance Companies). PURE COPPER WIRE CABLES, ALL SIZES. Our Full Cost Guarantee Given with Each Job. I sell on close margin of profit, dividing commission witn mv customers. 3-7-tf J One application soothes and heals a rough M p,mply!.kjn,and.whenrepeated,quicklyeffects ^ a cure. Eczema, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ulcers and I ail skin d'seases yield to its curative properties. H 50c. a box. At all Druggists. ? Send for free tunple and hook. ' Health and Btautr." M m JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A CO., # ^ 1730 Spring Oardan St., PWIa., Pa. M i {YES iS "A cow that gives f fe and then kicks it c - -1- ?-si 4-a-v fTAI !is most important to jui the making of our garrr perhaps YOU are one o men and women have parison between our go< S. MA B888888S8888S388S888 * 'JCf IChri I I My store depenc frotit d from fl ( My good Qualit; Prices thantt Before you make youi our! laf lie ell AW 1 1(11111 1VD uo uitv i! Matting, Table 1 H. D. Kingstree, City L (Old Br. No Section ol To The An opportunit; best Prices and 1 Apply: W. 0. GREEP ll-6-21t F. Q. O'NEILL, cm >, 31IS . wo quarts of milk, and r )ver." C And it is the same \ li is how it looks after you've wo Lents assures the wearer longer s >f the many who do, and, if so, y the mistaken impression that b xls and prices witn those sold e] RCUS, -n gaasgsgjaaagaasgsaas * 3aif.,*.. stma; 3arge 5 & ^ LUVIVC lable good loor to ba loor to cei can't be b y and pric are alwa i le other f % Christmas purchases c fou our Christmas Ba Linen, Embroidered an Redd ots for ockington Propc f Kingstree as Homes I y to secure a h part of the Cit} terms most rea ? W W A s, = King OR TO People's Building, Char 1T L efrains from sticking hei yay with clothes. Most any Su rn it several months. C. Let u ervice and better appearance, ou are just the man or woman 1 ecause we sell such good garn Isewhere. ie Store of Qualit * I 5 I Till lins eI d with | Is from | = ck and j Hng. I son* I Com ^ f an/1 eai IUI s ",,u e. Our | pi?< ys less il! 1 Peres (ingstree Drug Go's. . 1 ' "?L-v.^*r I" OUR JMKO DRIVING LAMP is the most and efficient lighting deill kinds of vehicles. Will r out or jar out Equipped umb screws, so that it is tached or detached. Throws ight 200 feet ahead. Extra \ d danger signal in back. Ded with handle, and when lakes a good hand lantern, urable. Will last for years. )ealers Everywhere VfC^V >ARD OIL COMPANY Hj 1 (New Jersey) Charlotte. N. C. ?Z BALTIMORE Charleston. W. Va. ? Charleston. S. C. t than one that gives ten quarts :|; ell when you buy it, but the thing that jS; ;rict attention to many little details in ]8; eand don't notice the appearance, but !?; r tailoring in our garments. C. Some ||; surprise you more than to make a com- !?; stree, S. C. I fBBSSSSBBSSjS&SSBBSBB&SBSSSSS&la'