;ip County Srmrii. K1NGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. ejitor ano proprietor. Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, j S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83 ??????_ TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES:. " | One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50' One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, j Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices,not News, will be charged for atthe rate of one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office - m?T,orv?v vrnnu in nrHor to oeiore i u EiOi/A i ?. ? ? . appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special column, one cent aword each issue, minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance^ Le^al advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each ubsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. "In men whom men condemn as ill. I find so much of goodness still; In men whom MEN pronounce divine. I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not" THURSDAY. DEC. 4. 1913. Santa Claus Letters, Tiie Santa Claus letters are coming in by almost every mail, but we haven't near so many yet as we should like to have. The final limit for these letters to l?e available / is Tuesday noon of next week; so, get to work, children, if you want ^ . s>i to write to Santa ciaus. No, ''Anxiour Inquirer," the crematories to lie installe0,(HX). Had the father of the bride retained his po sition as president of Princeton College, Miss Jessie would doubtless have rejoiced and been %glad to receive presents amounting to $1,0()0 in value. Is the difference to l>e credited to patriotism, or debited to toadyism? We want to get out our Christmas issue next week and,unless our plans miscarry, the paper will be about 4 i twice the size of the regular issue. Needless to say, this requires a good amount of extra work and*we must have the copy on hand in time. For several weeks past we have delayed issuing the paper trying to accom module advertising patrons and correspondents, too, whose copy came in after the regular time limit. We want to get the Christina* paper out on time and esjiecially urge our friends to help us to do so l?v sending in their communications and advertising copy promptly, as we will probably not able to get it lip after Tuesday noon. < MATTEhS OF INTEREST AT LAKE CITY, CHILD BITTEN BY DOG-FINE TOBACCO YEAR PREDICTED-DISPENSARY MUDDLE-PERSONAL. Like City, December 2:?The ten-year-old son of Mr and Mrs I X Tinnnons, who reside near I^ke I City, was bitten yesterday afternoon 1 - t L:- _:_u, l?K.. on tne inumD ox ms rigm uwm uj a stray dog. The wound was immediately cauterized and a physician summoned. In the meantime the dog was killed and his head brought here, from which place it was sent last night to the State l>oard of health in Columbia for an examination. It is hoped that the dog was not infected with rabies, but the risk of there being such infection warranted the parents in taking every precaution possible. Messrs G L Sauls, S \Y Gowdy, John Kennedy, J A Green, 0 T Hall and others were in Florence last Monday, salesday. Mr Sauls became the purchaser of the Baker estate, which was the tract of 1">0 acres ordered to be sold urn . a partition proceeding. Dr and Mrs A H Williams and Miss I^eone spent Thanksgiving in Florence with Mr and Mrs E I) Sallenger. Mrs S Abrams left last Thursday morning for Norfolk, Ya, where she will spend several weeks with relatives. Before returning home Mrs Abrams will visit several Northern 1 cities, at which places her relatives I reside. Mr and Mrs Spivey of Moultrie, n.n n-itli t \vi? dftUchters ai'li Vtl} ?? nil l"V?? V ?? V ??- "**o * guests of Mr and Mrs W Wesley Singletary, near town. Mr and Mrs P H Arrowsmith and Mrs Lou Arrowsniith spent Thanksgiving in Kingstree with Mr and Mrs M F Heller. Miss Annie Laurie Cockfield, who has a position in a school near Timmonsville, spoilt the week-end at houle with her parents, Mr and Mrs P 1) Cockfield. Miss Violet Askins visited relatives at Florence several days last week. Mr and Mrs Martin Severance of Rocky Mount, N C, are visiting Mr Saverance's mother and other relatives at this place. Mr and Mrs A Hyman, Mrs Weinberg, Miss Block and Mr Robertson of Darlington motored here Sunday and were guests of Mr and Mrs H Nachman. . Mr R E Currin, a well-known, tobacco buyer, and Mr M K Graveley, owner of the Graveley warehouse, were in town recently with their relatives. Messrs Currin and Gravely predict the l>est season vet for Lake City, with respect to prices on tobacco. It seems that there is a short season on in both North Carolina and Kentucky, and there will be a greater demand than ever for our tobacco. It goes without saying that Lake City will again strive, and without very much effort, lead o. x .v. i i:i? i i me mate in uoin quality aim quantity of the golden weed. Mrs C D Rollins, in her usual charming and pleasant manner, entertained the book club on last Wednesday afternoon. The contest, both original and unique, was enjoyed especially. A 'phone was placed temporarily in the reception room on the mantel and at various intervals the hall 'phone would ring, at which time the hostess would carry on an imaginary conversation with some noted personage, which conversation was supposed to disclose the indentity of the individual at the other end. Mesdames I) M Epps and John Rollins, guessing the same number correctly, tied for the prize, a min-j iature 'phone. Delicious refreshments were served l?v the hostess, assisted by her maids. Times are rather exciting in and around Olanta, a small lnunlet situate on the extreme southern boun-j dary of Florence county, at which point three counties practically' "corner.'' Jsome days ago an element of its citizenry decided on an unprecedented future for this lieautiful little town by the establishment of a dispensary within its corporate limits, and accordingly / I 1 petitioned the county dispensary hoard of control to establish one: there. However, the other element, i I which constituted the majority of the good citizens in and around the village, realizing the evil influences i that would necessari ly arise from the establishment of a dispensary in that community, sought injunctive relief through the law firm of Arrowsmith & Baker of this place, and as a result the dispensary, which would have opened last Monday, was enjoined, and the issues are now pending in the court. We note that the city ot Morence has purchased a new crematory like the one recently constructed here. This is indeed flattering in that, it is very probable, that without our recommendation and a full investigation of the commissioners of that city they would not have purchased the plant. We might state that Like City was the first in this section of the State to Establish the crematory, and one can realize its need in a community only alter an investigation. Born, to Mr and Mrs \V E Severance, November 29, 1913, a son. L \Y Gilland, Esq, of Kingstree was in town last week on professianal matters. Miss Garnet Sue Graham, a last year's graduate of the high school here, passed through I^ike City Tuesday morning en route to Hartsville, where she will resume her studies at Coker College, after a pleasant week at home with her parents, Mr and Mrs J J M Graham, who live near Cades. P H Arrowsmith, Esq, was in I Columbia several days last week. The Ladies' Aid society of the Baptist church was entertained by Mr< li C Hasl^ton last. week. Mr .Sam Caldwell of Darlington spent Thanksgiving day at home with his parents here. Mr J 0 Fowler has purchased the \V T Hickson residence, next to the school house. Mr Hickson is to move next week to his farm near town, at which time Mr Fowler will occupy the house vacated by him. Mrs Lilly Askins is in Sumter, where she is having her eyes treated. I Mrs Askins has been suffering for the past several months with her eyes, but we are glad to learn that they are improving nicely and that 'L? ...111 nrv/\? Uar liAmn MIC Will ?UUH ICtUlll W AAKjA 11V/11IV;. LBN. Fit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ago he read ad advertisement of Chamberlain's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith. Ark. "He purchased a box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited by them." For sale by all dealers. With Oar Advertisers. Miss Mollie Nachman, milliner at Lake City, has an ad in this paper. The Bank of Cades has a change of ad this week. The Kingstree Hardware Co gives timely admonition in a new ad this wppk. I The ladies of the order of the Eastern Star announce their great bazaar in an ad on page ten of this paper. Mr H D Reddick has a new ad in this paper which contains timely hints on women's wear. Mr Reddick also calls attention to his great line of Christmas bargains in a big ad on page nine. Don't overlook the ad of Taylor's Drug Store, Greeleyville, on page! two. Read it and cheer up. "Christmas comes but once a 1 year" at Jenkinson Bros Co's store and Xheir ad on page two will in- ; terest you. The old Stackley store is "a short cut to noliday bargains." Read the1 big ad on page ten. On page seven will be found an! ad by the Kingstree Board of Trade' that contains golden words for every farmer. We hope every reader of The Record will take notice of this ad. ; Attention is called to the ad of the Planter's Fertilizer Co on page ten of this paper. f i Read our clubbing olrer. We can save >ou money on magazines and newspapers. . j1 James Allan & Co, Charleston's old reliable jewelers, have an ad 1 on page six of this paper. i s i 'flMl TWO CONFERENCES I FOR METHODISTS., (continued from first page) cokesbury district. W P Meadors, presiding elder; Abbeville, S C Cantey; Abbeville circuit, W H Murray; Broad River, D P Boyd; Butler,A M Gardner; Cokesburv,G FClarkson; Greenwood, Main Street ,L P McGee; R A Child, supernumerary; Greenwood Mills, J B Connelly,supply; Greenwood circuit, F G WhitlocK; Kinards, W K t$ouknight; M Kendrie and Earl Steadman, supply; Newberry,Central, J E Carlisle; O'Neal Street, Gabe Smith; Newberry circuit, C S Morris; Ninety-Six, F E Dibble; Parksville, B H Covington; Phoenix, J H Manly; Princeton, R F Morris; Pr&perity and Zion.E P Taylor; Saluda, 0 A Jeffcoat; Waterloo,J T Miller; Whitmire. J M Friday; Lander College, J 0 Willson, president; R D Lawton, professor Cokesbury Conference school; F E Dibble, rector. COLUMBIA DISTRICT. J W Kilgo,presiding elder; Aiken, M Dargan; Batesburg.J E Mahaffey; Columbia, Main Street,T G Herbert; Washington Street, S A Steele; J A Campbell, supernumerary; Green Street,D W Keller; Whaley Street,J H Thacker; Brookland, A R Phillips; Shandon, L D Gillispie; Edgewood, John Paul; Edgefield, J R Walker; Fairfield, J R Mason; E W Mason, supernumerary; Gilbert.J M Gasque; supply, Graniteville, C S Felder; Johnston, G C Hutchinson; Langley, H W Shealy; Leesville station, A E Driggers; Leesvuie circuit, r c, Hodges; Lexington, J P Inabinet; Lexington Fork.E L Thomason; supply, N Augusta, C E Peele; Ridgeway,J P Winnington; supply,Springfield, J E Rush ton; Swansea, J M Lawson; Uupper Richland, J K Inabinet; Wagener.W D Quick; supply, Columbia College,WW Daniel, president; Epworth orphanage, W B Wharton, superintendent; J W Neely, supernumerary. FLORENCE DISTRICT. - I , , W A Massabeau, presiding eider: Bennettsville, Peter Stokes; Bennettsvilie circuit,M W HookjBrightsville, G W Davis; Bethlehem, J G Farr; Cheraw, J G Harmon, Jr; Chesterfield, J L Tyler; Darlington, Trinity,J L Bedenbaugh; W L Wait, supernumerary; Epworth, A A Merritt; supply, Darlington circuit, R W Humphries; East Chesterfield, T B Owens; Florence, R E Turnipseed; Hartsville. T E Morris; Jefferson, Foster Speer; Lamar, H Ethridge; Liberty, Paul T Wood; Marlboro, J R Sojourner; McBee, W A Beckham; McColl, J T Fowler; Middendorf.W V Jerman; supply, Pageland,J A McGraw; Tiinmonsville and Pisgah, J H Graves; Timmo'nsville circuit,G T Rhoad; assistant Sundayschool editor,L'F Beatty; Conference section education, Peter Stokes. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. P F Kilgo, presiding elder; - Clinton, W A Fairy; Easley circuit, J D HnlW- G B Burns, supernumerary; Fountain Inn, M T Wharton; Gray Court, W T Munnerlyn; Greenville, Buncombe Street, M L Carlisle; St Paul, E S Jones; Hampton Avenue, W M 0 wings; West Greenville, S L Rogers, supply; South Greenville, P R Kilgo; Brand and Judson, J E Strickland; Bethel and Poe, W B Garrett; Greenville circuit, J G Huggins; Greer,E H Beckham; Laurens,J R T Major; circuit,W H Lewis, supply; Liberty, to be supplied; Pickens circuit, R H Lupo; Norris circuit,J T McFarland; Pickens, L E Wiggins; Piedmont, 0 M Abney; Sftnpsonville, H C Mouzon, supply; , ~ ? ~ ?> ?1?.. n n Ureers.j u rsen,suppiy, n.asit:>, v u Jones; Travelers' Rest. D R Roof. MARION* DISTRICT. R H Jones,presiding elder; Aynor, F S Hook; supply, Blenheim, J S Beasley; Britton's Neck, to be supplied; Brownsville, L T Phillips; Bucksville.W R Barnes; supply, Centenary, K R Doyle; Conway, A D Betts; Conway circuit. W R Phillips; supply, Clio,A E Holler; Dillon, A J Cauthen; Gailivant, to be supplied; Latta.F H Shuler; Little River, J E Cook; Little Rock, F L Glennan; Loris, S T Creech, H L Singleton, supernumerary; Marion, B R Turnipseed; Marion circuit, J M Meetze: i I V^xlEW_i Mdllins, W C Kirkland; Mullins cir-i cuit, M F Dukes; Little Pee Dee, W J C Owen; Waccamaw, E F Scoj?gins; j Horry Industrial school; E 0 Watson, president. or iMr.PBiTPr. nisTRirr M L Banks, presiding elder; Bamberg *and Bamberg Mills, W H Hodges; Barnwell, W f Snyder;! Branchville, T J White; Cameron, T W Godboldt; Denmark. H G Hardin;: Edisto, S H Booth; Eutawville, S Dj Vaughan; Grover, T A Shealy; Har- j leyville.R C Boulware; Norway, A S Leslie; Olar, to be supplied; Orangeburg, St Paul, W B Duncan; Elliott Station, A A Corbett; supply, Orangeburg circuit, S W henry; Or* ange, J J Stevenson; Providence, T L Belvin; Rowesville, J A Graham; Sinoak's.J C Counts; St George,W E Wiggins. KOCK HILL DISTRICT. Rock Hill District?R L Holroyd, nrpsidincr elder: Fflacksburcr. to be supplied; Blackstock, W M Hardin; Chester, J L Daniel; Chester circuit, W T Duncan; Clover, J N Isom; East Qhester, J V Davis; supply, East Lancaster, W C Kelly; Fort Mill, J P Patton; Hickory Grove, H B Hardy; Lancaster, E T Hodges; Lancaster circuit, C W Burgess; North Rock Hill and city mission, J A White; B R Ulmer, supply; Richburg, W S Goodwin; Rock Hill, St John's, P B Wells; Rock Hill circuit, J S Spinks; Van Wyck, J H Montgomery; Winnsboro, J B Trayurinlf Ynrkville H Stokes SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Spartanburg District?R E Stackhouse, presiding elder; Belmont, W P Meadors, Jr; Campobeilo, J R Copeland; Carlisle, R 0 Law ton; Cherokee, R 0 Brock; supply, Chesnee, G H Hodges; supply, Clifton and Glendale, C P Carter; supply, Drayton and Beaumont, W H Polk; Duncan, J K Holman: Enoree, W B Justus; Gaffney, Buford street, G C CHILLS AND FEVER 2 OR ANY FEVER " m EHl" *T 13-81 | Leonard; Limes'one street, J W Shell; Gaffney circuit, J A BledsA; Inman, J W Lewis; Jonesville, J Cook; Kelton, T G Gibson; Pacolet, A H Best; Pacolet Mills, A V Harbin; Reidsville, E L McCroy; Spartanburg. Bethel, A N Brunson; Central, C C Herbert; Union, Grace, J C Roper; Buffalo and G street, W F r>?I,, o tt_: t n uauii, ouuin uuiuu, u xi uauuci, Saxon and Textile Instate, J H Brownfield, agent; Woodruff, G G Harley; superintendent Anti-Saloon League, J L Harley; Industrial Institute, D E Camak, president. SUMTER DISTRICT. Sumter District?H" W Boyd, presiding elder; Bethany, 0 N Roun- 1 tree; Bis!iopville, G E Edwardjrf^ Camden, C B Smith; Camden circuit, J C Davis; Elloree, J L Mullinix; Fort Motte, W C Gleaton; Heath Springs, J B Weeden; Kershaw, S D , Bailey; Lynchburg, S J Bethea; i Manning, G P Watson; Oswego, J P< Attaway; Pine wood, R M Dubosed Providence, J E Cohn, supply; Rich-' land, George Gary Lee; St John's and Rembert's, E P Hutson; St MatJ thews, G F Kirby; Sumter, Trinity,' D M McLeod; Broad street, J M Rogers; Wateree, 0 0 Spires. Transferred, E K Hardin to Balti-I more Conference; G P Penny toB Florida Conference; B G VaughanB to Pacific Conference; C B Dawsey M to Brazil Conference. 1 After the reading of the appointments Conference adjourned. How to Bankrupt foe Doctors. A prominent New York physician says, "Ifitwer^not for the thin 1 stockings and thin soled shoes wor%^ by women the doctors would prolK ably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold do not wait for it* to develop into pneumonia but treat it j at once. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is intended especially for coughs and colds, and has won a wide repu- s tation by its cures of these diseases, i It is most effectual and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. KLY YIELD IF |AftJilCMI'0 BATED WITH JUHON A JARS OF SUCCESS TAW I T CURING FOLKS I V II I V ?? TO JGETTS /thing in Goods I ===== ij l"HE BEST < . : LOWEST [ stree Patronize dey Cafe money's worth and the _ J Oysters served in any ? I hased this business from ir friends to give us their . pleasure in serving you. * square meal, id Frank Gamble i ": * -4 .