i ' j An Insurance Policy is a protection against loss by fire, life or accident, as you may designate. There are a greater number ol ^ Level-Headed Men J than there used to be, and insurance is becoming more popular every day, because people now realize that they should not be without it. Let us give you some figures. A postal will bring you the information desired. Kingstree Insurance, Real Estate & Loan Go, R. N. Speigner. Manager. f* WANTED: j Farming Lands i /\ t < ^ rtmv, 4 A | uwners uwu- < ,? I ing to sell farm | I or timber lands j I apply to | ij. D. GILLAND, Attomey-at-Law. 2 KINGSTREE, S. C. j ,F I R E! 11866 1913. I am pleased tc announce to my old patrons and the public at large that * After the lOth inst. J will be fully pre^ 1 ? - " TT /\V parea to carry uu . the practice of DENTISTRY in all its departments. ' Call on me if you want . * First Class WorK * at ^ Prices to Suit, js A. M. Snider. Office over Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store Opposite The Record Office. 9-7-tf WATTS & WATTS THE KIN6STR&E JEWELERS % We keep on liand everything to be found in an up-to-date jewelry House 1 Repairing and engraving done with neatness and despatch. :: As home dealers, guaranteeing quality and prices, We Solicit Your Patronage the Railroad Station. Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of undressed lumber (board and framing) al my mill near Kingstree, for sale at the lowest price for good material. See ox write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE. ? Why Scratch? '/ firj "Hunt'sCure"isgaaranteed, to stop and 4MX permanently cure that PTja^l terrible itching. It is I compounded for thai 'jfStl PurP?se an<* your money \fW lim be promptly refunded Mw WITHOUT QUESTION jy?HU if Hunt's Cure fails to curt JMffl itch. Eczema, Tetter, Ring aKSI m Worm or any other Skir Disease. 50c at your druggist's," or by mai direct if he hasn't it Manufactured only b] i fi RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Shtrman. Teu % | Legal Advertisements. Summons for Relief. (COMPLAINT SERVED). STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY <>F WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. Jessie Simmons, Plaintiff, against Louis vimmons, Stewart Simmons, Wilbur Simmons, Harland Simmons, Rosamond Simmons, Emily M Sinmions and Verdie Simmons, Defendants. To the absent Defendant,Stewart Sim I mons: You are hereby summoned and re, quired to answer the complaint in this . action, of which a copy is herewith . served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his office at Hemingway, S C, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day Of such service; and if f you fail to answer the complaint within i the time aforesaid, the . plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the , relief demanded in the complaint. Norval N Newkll, 1 Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated October 14, a u iyia. You Will Please Take NRtice' That the complaint in the above entitled action, together with a copy for , you, is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Wil-1 > liamsburg county. ; Norval N Newell, I Plaintiff's Attorney. > STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. > county of will iamsbburg, > Court of Common Pleas. Jessie Simmons, Plaintiff, > against | Louis Simmons, Stewart Simmons, Wil, bur Simmons, Harland Simmons.Ros> amond >immons, Emily M Simmons ' and Verdie Simmons, Defendants. notice > To Stewart Simmons,absent infant I'e| fendant above the age of fourteen > years: > Take Notice?That unless you pro? cure the appointment of a guardian ad i> litem to appear and defend this action > for you and oiw your behalf, within 'i twenty days after the service of the ? summons and complaint nerem upon > you, an application will be made to H 0 ? Britton,Clerk of this Court.at his office > in Kingstree.SC, by the undersigned at > eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the ? twenty-first day after the service hereof, for an order appointing some suitable I and competent person guardian ad litem to appear and defend this action > for you and on your behalf. Norval N Newell, Plaintiff's Attorney, Kingstree, S C, October 14 A D lt*13 > 1 i-20-6t ) Summons for Relief. | (COMPLAINT SERVED). | I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. J Court of Common Pleas. Jessie Simmons, Plaintiff, j against Louis Simmons, Stewart Simmons. WilCJmmnno Harlnnri Simmons. Ros MU1 UlUIUlVUBl - ? amond Simmons, Emily M Simmons and Verdie Simmons, Defendants. * To the absent Defendant, W ilbur Simmons: [ You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at his office at Hemingway. SC, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if > you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Norvai. N Newell, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated October 14, A D 1913. You Will Please Take Notice? That the complaint in the above entitled > action, together with a' copy for you, is filed in the office of the Cleric of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county. > Norvall N Newell, Plaintiff's Attorney. ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of wiluamsburg. P/vfinf I Vmrr.nn PIoq e VjUUl V Ui V. VUIIJIUU a >vuu. Jessie Simmons, Plaintiff, against Louis Simmons. Stewart Simmons, Wil. bur Simmons, Harland Simmons, Rosamond Simmons, Emily M Simmons i and Verdie Simmons, Defendants. > notice To Wilbur Simmons, absent infant Defendant, above the age of fourteen . years: Take Notice?That unless you procure the appointment of a guardian ad litem to appear and defend this action for you and on your behalf, within twenty days after the service of the summons and complaint herein upon you,an application will be made to H O Britton, Clerk of this Court, at his office in Kingstree.S Cfby the undersigned at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-first day after the service ' hereof, for an order appointing some suitable and competentperson|guardian , ad litem to appear and defend this action for you and on your behalf. Norval N Newell, Plaintiff's Attorney. Kingstree, S C, October 14, A D 1913. ll-20-6t Final Discharge. I Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of December, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon. I will apply to P , M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismiss ory as Administrator of the estate of John J Graham, deceased. A W Chandler, ll-27-4t Administrator. Notice to Teachers. Blanks for making monthly reports ' may be obtained by calling at the store ' of Mr J M Brown, Kingstree.S C, or at ' the office of the Count y Superintendent. R N Speigner. ' ll-27-4t County Superintendent. ? i ,}- ?j 1 To Cure a Cold In One Day I i Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the , Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists will refund money if it fails to cure. 5 E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the ( 13th day of December, < D. 1913. at 12 o'clock,noon.I will apply to P M Brock-; inton Judge of Probate of Williams-1 burg county, for Letters Dismissory as j Administratrix of the estate of S G t Bryan, deceased. Mrs Sei.den E Bryan. !; 11-13 4t Administratrix. I i Notice to Creditors. \l All persons having claims against the ! estate of Carolina Brown, deceased,, are hereby requested to present same, j * ottcctorl the nndersicned for I K payment, and all persons due the said estate will come forward and settle ( same, Benjamin Brown, j /xdministrator of estate of Carolina Brown, deceased. Il-l3-4tp * I Administrator's Notice e All persons having claims against the estate cf Samuel Dollard, deceased, are j requested to present the same, duly attested, to the undersigned, and all persons owins/ said estate are requested to t settle same. J J Snow. Rome, S C, U-lfc^^Admini^^ 1 Notice. All persons having claims against the 1 estate of R F Lewis, deceased, will 1 present the same, duly attested, to the undersigned for payment, and all per- < sons indebted to said estate will make . payment to the undersigned or her attorney. MRS FANNIE ? LEWIS, Administratrix of R F Lewis,deceased. Greelyville, St, RFD. U-20-3t ' Tax Notice. ; The tax books will be open for collec- i tion of taxes for year 1813 on the 15th ' day of October next. Tax levy as fol- ' lows: I For State 51^ mills i Ordinary County 3V4 44 . Roads . 1 " Chaingang and Bridges.. 1 * Con School 3 " ] Special State School 1 " ] A tax of oOc on dogs. For High School in Kingstree 2 " " retiring bonds" " 2 > " " ' in Greelyville, 4 '* I All parties between the ages if 21 and ( 60 years,inclusive, are liable, ur less ex- . empted by law, to a poll tax of $1.00, . also a commutation tax of $2.00. Levy lor special scnooi districts us follows: Nos 8 19, 25. 32, 34,40,47,49,53,and 56 ?2 mills No 31?3 mills. Nos 6, 16, 22. 26. 28, 29, 36, 37. 39, 41, 42, 45. 46, 48, 50, 51 and 52?4 mills. No 23?12 mills. No 24- 6 No 27- 7 " No 43-4 44 No 55- 4 44 No 2- 2 44 Upon all unpaid taxes after December 31 a penalty of 1% will be added for .lanuary, 1% for February and 5% to 15th day of March next, after which the books will be closed and executions issued upon all unpaid taxes Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by drooping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their tax, so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) nd if noa?ihlo\ Lad lew i Ask your Dranlit for A\ /.H fiSw Chl-ehee-ter's Diamond Itri?nd/^V\ Fills In Red and Uold mctallic\V/ fcv ?boaes, sealed with Blue Rihbon. \/ < 1W Take no other. Buy of towr ? i I I - nf DrsnM. AskforClII.CTlES.TER8' 1 | C 2g DIAMOND BRAND FIULH, for S& , V V M yean known si Best, Safest, Always Reliable 1 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWIlERt 1 ; ? > " .vc-A i STATE INCOME TAX. Considerable Increase Shown over Last Year. Columbia. November 30:?Income ax figures for South Carolina given >ut by Comptroller General Jones ndicate that $17,770.15 is the total evenue from that source under the State law for the year 1913. It is not known just what effect he national income tax act will rnve on the State law in South Car>lina. Comptroller General Jones n the figures given out calls attentTOOl* .IUI1 LU LUC auiuuuw ictciicu, j\.ai >y year, since the act went into iffect in 1908. This year's increase from last year s $1,393.11. Several counties made no income ;ax returns for 1913, showing the ndifference to the law by the local mthorities, although Comptroller lones has struggled to secure a general enforcement of the present aw. Greenville, Laurens and other counties show a falling off in the returns. The official figures follow: County. 1912. 1913. No. Abbeville $ 277 89 $ 215 43 19 Aiken 266 23 260 88 14 Anderson 482 74 943 13 26 Bamberg 65 60 81 95 4 Beaufort 251 99 247 14 7 Charleston ? 4,299 24 4,397 10 68 Cherokee 188 67 238 03 11 Chester 261 58 224 04 9 Chesterfield.. 149 43 155 90 ' 4 Clarendon.... 216 95 195 29 8 Dorchester... 54 43 54 43 3 Edgefield 62 69 166 95 6 Fairfield 81 25 4 Florence 553 95 586 19 13 Georgetown... 362 13 326 87 16 Greenville 1,077 75 392 48 15 Greenwood? 173 35 157 08 11 Horry 215 00 74 42 2 Kershaw 169 60 174 49 13 Lancaster 114 37 139 34 6 Laurens 77 28 61 80 8 Lee 112 20 118 '20 7 Lexington ? 86 99 87 30 6 Marion 184 60 149 31 10 Newberrv 337 69 349 05 16 Oconee." 136 25 134 07 9 Orangeburg .. 243 07 247 14 15 Pickens 129 40 117 40 8 Richland 3,594 61 5,146 52 151 Spartanburg.. 1,216 01 1,097 59 36 Sumter 518 09 504 78 20 Union 238 60 238 80 6 Williamsburg. 78 40 75 70 6 York 230 21 330 70 7 Total $16,377 04 $17,770 15 Increase over 1912 $1,393 11 $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there 11 at least one areaaea disease uiai science has been ab^e to cure in ail its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, beiag a constitutional disease, roil ui res a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient sirength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred DollarSffor any case that it fails to.cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Tatce Hall's Family Pills for constipation, adv Mr. Auto Owner To know that I have the most complete stock of Automobile Supplies in this section, all best quality, write for prices before ordering elsewhere. Save time. Save money. Write for Catalogue. Wholesale and Retail (0. W. Alderman, Jr., I Erani and Church Streets B FLORENCE, S. cl Epps' Market All meats bought and sold for cash. Don't ask for credit. Epps' MarKet I Cr. Academy (SI Mill St a I ???J When you want us to change the address of your paper it will save lots of trouble to name the old as well as the new postoffice. Please bear this in mind. tf , / r ? -Jtlt . '% i A Doctor's Firs i Que ; "How are Your Bowels?" A Simple Remedy that Guarantees Good Bowel Action. I Trace the origin of the commoner ills of life and almost invariably you will find that constipation wa3 the cause. It is not to be expected that a mass of fermented food can remain in the system beyond its time without vitiating the blood and affecting the nerves and muscles. It congests the entire body. The results are colds, fevers,piles, headaches and nervousness, with its accompanying indigestion and sleeplessness. There is only one thing to do, and that is to remove the trouble; and when nature seems unable to do it, outside aid is necessary. You will find the best of all outside aids a remedy that many thousands are now using for this very purpose, called Dr Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin. Manv hundreds of letters are receiv ed by Dr Caldwell telling of the good results obtained, and among the enthusiastic letters is one from Lieut G W Vaujfchan, of 623 W North St, Decatur. 111. He is 72 and has had a bad liver and stomach since he came out of the army. He says he tried about everything, but never succeeded in/getting permanent relief until he took Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. He is never without a bottle in the house, and he is never without good health. It has untold advantages over Viewed by the Outside World Governor Cole Blease of South 0 Carolina pardoned one hundred and five convicts Thanksgiving day. Twenty-eight of them were serving life sentences for murder and twen" ty-eight for manslaughter. "I want 'em to eat Thanksgiving dinner at home," said the eminent demagogue who turned them loose. The fifty-six victims of these fiftysix man-killers will not eat Thanksgiving dinner at home. They will continue to sleep the deep sleep of the grave. Even in South Carolina the dead do not vote, and have no voice in the election of a United States Senator. Poor old South Carolina! She is paying a terrible penalty for the'political sins of a former generation.? New York World. Croup and Cough Remedy. Croup is a terrible disease, it atf-upks children so sudden!v thev are very apt to choke unless given the proper remedy at once. There is nothing better in the world than Dr , King's New Discovery. Lewis Chamberlain of Manchestor, Ohio, writes > about his children: "Sometimes in ! severe attacks we were afraid they i would die,but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr King's New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup, coughs and colds/' So can you. 50c and $1.00. A bottle should be in every home. At all druggists'. H E Bucklen & Co, Philadelphia or St Louis. Oar Clubbing Rptes We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular bewspapers and periodicals. Read carefully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and we shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course t all cash in advance, which means that both The Record and the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of our best clubbing offers. The County Record and the SemiWeekly State, one year $1.85. The County Record and the Southern Ruralist (twice a month) for $1.35 a year. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a- week) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Bryan's Com I moner, $1.65. Ihe Record and Youth's Companion (New Subscribers) $2.75. The Record and Lippincott's Magazine $2.50. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. The County Record. The County Record job office is better equipped than ever to do your printing. Send it to us at once. \ ' v t sstion Is ? Lieut G W Vaughan. pills, salts and the various coarse cathartics and purgatives, for while these do but temporary good, Syrup Pepsin cures permanently. The effect of its action is to train the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work naturally again, and in a short time all forms of medicine can be dispensed with. It can be bought without inconvenience at any nearby drug store for fifty cents and one /Irtllor q Knft-lo tho latter siy#? hf?inir UUltUi u uwviv.) wi?>. _ 0 bought by those ,who already know its value, Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr W B Caldwell, 419 Washington St, Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and address on it will do. Of Interest to Dairymen. Editor County Record:? The division of animal husbandry and dairying of Clemson College, through its cooperative agent of the dairy division of the United States department of agriculture, is offering to hold several one-day dairy instruction courses in sections of the State that are manifesting interest in this line of work. The courses will consist of churning and butter making demonstrations; explaining the use of the cream separator and the Babcock test, with alks on marketing dairy products, raising calves and care and feeding i>f the home cow. This work is to stimulate interest in farm dairying, the making of better butter upon the farm and the general care and improvement of the farm cow. The work will be simple, practical, and adapted to sections in which it is held. Only a limited number of courses can be conducted and places showing most interest will receive first consideration. I should be glad to hear from all parties interested as soon as possible, so that a definite schedule may be made out at an early date. Very respectfully, R H Mason, Clemson College, Dairyman. November 26. WHY WOMEN SUFFER. Many Kiogstree Women are Learoini the Cause. Women often suffer,not knowing Ji the cause. Backache, headache, dizziness,nervousness. Irregular urinary passages, weakness, languor'? Each a torture of itself. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the root?get to thecause. Quickly help the kidneys if they need it. No other remedy more highly endorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's convincing testimony from. Manning. Mrs Joseph Wells, Manning, S C,. says: "I was afflicted with kidney complaint and I suffered intensely from dull, nagging backaches, headaches and dizzy spells. Doan's Kidney Pills proved to be just what I < needed and I had not used them long before I was relieved." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. adv. Parties sending notices of hot suppers, want or classified advertisements of any kind will please send or pay cash with order. We have a number of these small bills on our books already and we really cannot afford to send out a collector after them. In tbe aggregate they amount to more than we can afford to lose. Just count the words and send one cent a word. \