A i -81 I SHORT CUT TO HO! A < Here you will fin older folk A grand di tionery put up in beau % i Closing Ou One hundred pairs Men's cheap at $3.50. our closing 01 One thousand (1,000) pa Shoes in odd lots, two, three will sell at much less than im and put us to the test. We i | JENKINSON B jffajF ? ? fc AT WHICH TIM | NERY GOODS, ( I AND CHILDREI I HATS, MUST B Miss IV (Exclusive Milline tsMBMMBsamssaBssssBmaESBaaz ^0/ "111 ?r^ i w&ih ijift? h f - fcj. 9 ^;l.-i I ** "" 11 ""o1, V ?& // ' ! v - iv rm^':} nante^r::. f , propxtions : ;-. t.'\ ? *7 - tev er I P:-'-..':-& I ^ ^ '^r''' II Jj 1 "^Ji LIDAY BARGAINS! VES, 1 Great E d the greatest line of Holiday splay of Handkerchiefs put u tiful Holiday Boxes. You'll b( t Sale! tlOrtS. I 5 Heavy Tan Elk Hide Shoes, look it price only 82.59. irs Men's, Ladies' and Children's and four pairs of a kind, that we roice cost. Come and see us. Come mean to sell shoes and sell them ROTHERS COMPAI MB?m BW?n Price Siiln, Into IE MY ENTIRE STC ;ONSfSTING OF LA S"S HATS, BABY CA E SOLD REQARDL lollie Na \ ry) Lake Cit \ w *' v*7 r?* * fell. * d, v. 'a -t- ?':: pr?pn;a:;or: zf Itr-'-i -"d tho: CS ?l tf.'S c??-: IS 4 fcs :i '-^7', c " T.in J':-.". : -'.ci-', /'tr.^onin :' _ . ;:ou:ish:*n^:.tfr :? .o-r; 'S'-"rr.k .Fertilizer" f? s m\ * rtilizer & Ask err af te Co. brands. Wrii urers ^ and informatio W IS JUST WHAT WE MEAN, 1 ~ 'ispiciy u r Goods ever shown in Kingstree p in Holiday Boxes, three, six ai s amazed and astonished at the stated heretofore we will have tc le room in which to move our ft If you need Shoes, if you need D cheap. They are are going, lots of ther Men's Pants, Boys' two-piece Suits at eye-opening bargains. Lookl Look! Come and see!. Or piece Knee Suits that must go at prices Boys' SI.75 Knee Suits going at $1. Boys' two-piece $3.50 Suits going a1 MY, (Sti in IP P 104? II il U, iJU || )CK OF MILLI=| DIES','HISSES'I .PS AND BOYS' I ESS OF COST. I |(j tchman d y, South Carolina 1 L w cujjh cultivation a / Vff f \ v4mJ g, ;;?!! E6 fe AfT .. ., VM? j n :;nd Pozrr.i i:; rghi | LS< rents about our aej!1 A>!?is* n. Trade-Mark -i*r our protection ^jSrrH-^-r 1 i 4 I .1 . < ? mil ZWLlLLV3V^-rvi , AND YOU WILL THINK SO IF YOU VISIT f Holiday ( . Dolls and Toys for the little ones, fine rid twelve, in a nice, attractive box. A gri wonderful and grand display of Holiday Go ) give up the Stackley Building on Janua ;ock, we are compelled to sacrifice our sto rv Goods, if you need Notions, here is youi n, for less than cost. J One hundred and fifty , Hats and Caps going ? 3x7 feet, will go at less ths Now don't forget tha' :e hundred Bovs' t\o- , ~ , - ,, .. ... . glory. Presents for the li tnat will surprise you. 19 the suit big> boys and girls and pre t $2.48 the suit. We say again, Old Santa i ickley Store) Masonic I Gourdin Bui December 1 Beginning on lay. December lies of the orde EASTERN ill conduct a Bazaar for T ill have on sale a large aj 1 articles of every decriptioi ' 211 Cf>-i+T TO A \Y/ &Air\ oc?A ill UV, OV1 Y LU TT VU1XVJUU venings, BIG BARBECL AY EVENING. Voceeds for Mas DOiYT FAI1 TO ATTEND TH HERE YOU WILL FIND JUST )R YOUR CHTISTMAS PRESE ^ fiij jjiijj \' hades,' W an cost, onl ; 35c each. | t old Santa Glaus is here in all his m t le boys and girls, presents or he J sents for the old boys and old girls. A s here. m KINGSTREE, S. C. 11 I lding 7-18-19 i Wednes17, the lar of the STAR hree Days, They 1 ssortment of use- 1 l. Refreshments y and Thursday IE SUPPER FRh ? onic Lodge , IS GREAT BAZAAR, 1 WHAT Y0lT WANT J NTS- J1