The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 27, 1913, Page SIX, Image 6

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A SERVICE OF REJOICING At M. E. Church Sunday Niqht in Token ol Canceling Debt. A service of rejoicing was held in the Kingstree Methodist Episcopal church here last Sunday night to celebrate the payment of all indebtedness on the new $17,000 edifice. The success in raising a sufficient amount of money within about four weeks' time by the pastor and building committee of this church to mee: this obligation is considered by all tD be a most remarkable accomplishment. Since the completion of the church, about two years ago, a heavy debt has been hanging over ! the congregation. About four weeks J ago a movement was set on foot by j the pastor and a few of the laymen to raise money with which to pay off the indebtedness before the meeting of the general conference, at Rock Hill November 26. The movement proved successful and at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon Rev D A Phillips collected the last $25 required to make up the $9,201.50 necessary to clear the church of ^ debt.. This sum was subscribed by members of the church and local V friends, and is remarkable frpm the fact that within the year the Baptist congregation has collected in the neighborhood of $10,000 and the Presbyterians $12,000, which they have applied to the building of hand-tome new churches. At the special service Sunday night the large church was filled to its capacity, all the local congregations uniting with the Methodists. Short addresses were made by the pastors and laymen from the Presbyterian. Baptist and Episcopal churches. On the pulpit platform were Revs D A Ph i ips, the pastor; P S McChesney, of the Presbyterian [church; W E * Hurt, of the Baptist church, and Presiding Elder R L Holroyd. The following: programme was carried out during: the evening: Voluntary?"Holy City"?Mr W HCarr. Hymn No 208. Prayer?Rev R LjHolroyd, P E. Scripture Reading?Rev D A Fillips, P C. "Spiritual Significance of the Church"?Rev P S McChesney, of the Presbyterian church. "Fraternal Spirit of the Churches" ?Rev W E Hurt, of tne Baptist church. "The Church Member"-Mr R B Smith. "The Church Official"?Dr W L Wallace. "Church Loyalty"?Hon R J Kirk. "Historical Survey of Kingstree Methodism"?Mr A C Hinds. "K ngstree, the Hub of the Dis trict"?Kev K JL Hoiroya, r n,. "The Last Link Found"?Rev D A Phillips, Pastor. "The Last Link Found," the subject of Mr Phillips' address, was the securing of a $25.00 contribution from Dr D C Scott at 3:30 Saturda> afternoon", which completed the work of raising the 89,201.50. At the close of Mr Phillips' remarks, Mr F W Fairey. chairman of the building committee, presented the papers to the pastor, who placed a lighted match to them, and as they went up in flames the congregation arose and sang the Doxology. The service was impre.-sive throughout and marks another epoch' in the history of Methodism and the generous spirit of the good people of the community. A Sop to Conscience. Adolphus Busch, the St Louis t brewer,who recently died,left $210,000 to charity, anent which the Kingstree Record appropriately remarks: "Not so much from an estate estimated at forty million dollars. J the acquiring of which doubtless conduced to the making of many object^ of charity.?Abbeville Medium. Saved His Fool H D Ely. of Bantam. 0, suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor advised amputation, but he refused and reluctantly: tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: "I used i your salve and my foot was soon completely cured." Best remedy for burns, cuts,bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. All druggists or by mail. H E BUCKLEN & Co, Philadelphia, Pa. or St Louis. Mo. When you want us to change the address of your paper it will save j. lots of trouble to name the old ' as well as the new postoffice. Please * bear this in mind. tf V BENDING FORWARD. Why It It an Easier Operation Than Bending Backward. Can you Btoop and touch the I floor with your Angers without bending your knees? Any child can do it, and any man or woman who has not grown stiff through lack of exercise ought to be able to do it. But no one except a contortionist can bend as far backward as he <mn forward. The reason for this is threefold. The human body is so designed that ' '-.J. it. J: Denfling is easiest id toe utrecuuu | in which it is most useful. We can see on the ground in front of us; we cannot see behind us. Our arms are placed so as to work in harmony with our eyes, ahead of us, not behind us. We want to pick up things we can see. Therefore it is a wise provision that enables us to keep our balance when leaning forward more easily than when leaning backward. The weight of our bodies rests normally upon our heels, and our feet extend forward to take up our weight when we stoop. Again, the muscles of our bodies are massed where they will give us most power. The biggest and strongest groups of muscles are on our backs and the backs of our legs. Wlien we lift any weight it is this great chain of muscles that extends from the heel in successive links to the base of the skull that gives us the power. These muscles, when relaxed, are capable of great extension, in order that we may be able to bend far forward. In tension they hold us erect. The muscles on the front of our body, with the exception of that tremendously powerful ligament in front of the hip joint, are comparatively thin and weak. If we bend far backward they are not strong enough to pull us up again. TVio nnlv narta rvf +hf> artinfi thkt I V r ? J are capable of much backward bending are at the neck and waist. But at the waist the spines on the back of the vertebrae are so large and thick that when we bend backward they come together and prevent us from going any further. Then that powerful ligament in front of the hip joii^t is there for the express purpose of preventing us from falling backward, and it is not capable of much stretching. All these structural and mechanical details explain why we cannot bend nearly so far backward as forward. Our bodies are designed for stooping forward and were never meant for backward bending, which would, anyway, be of no use. ?New York Press. Gratitude Behind a Name. During 1608 Sir Christopher Newport while cruising off the coast of North Carolina ran into a very severe storm. After being tossed about on the ocean for several days his ship was driven by the wind into Chesapeake bay and landed at a certain "point/' Exhausted by his struggle with the ocean he found "comfort at last within this harbor" and he gave it the name of "Point Comfort." After some years other places along the Atlantic seaboard were given the same name, and as the Virginia point was the oldest the word "Old" was added to distinguish it from the others.?Ladies' Homo Journal. Jumped a Thousand Hurdles. The craze for strange records began a great many years ago. There *~ T wYwl/vn nmniKne Wild UiJ V1UU11V UUUUUU driver named Priestly, who at Hull, in 18G3, jumped 1,000 hurdles each three feet six inches high in sixty- j one and a half minutes. It is said I that this record has never since j been equaled. Priestly began omni- j bus driving in the same year, 1S63, | and during his forty-six years in the j service of the London General Om- j nibus company he drove busses a, distance of about 850,000 miles.? Strand Magazine. Discouraging. Mr. Jordan was touring by motorcar and arrived at a crowded village inn quite late in the evening. There was no spare bed to be had,! which was a great disappointment, j as he was tired and very much dis- j liked the thought of driving farther that night. "Haven't you at least a bundle of hay you can give me?" he demand| ed of the landlady. "There isn't a thing left," she an! swercd, "except a bit of cold roast beef."?Lippincott's. Gladstone's Apology. Mr. Gladstone once denounced certain members of the opposition as "a lot of truckling attorneys," a phrase which caused some indignation. On the following day he said: "1 recently described some members as 'truckling attorneys/" I now wish to apologize"?some applause from the aggrieved parties interrupted him?"1 now wish to apologize?to the attorneys." If You are Subjeci This Editorial' A Great Majority of People G Season and It is of Vital Ini Avoid and Relieve Colds Q be Contagious. Some people think colds are only return is contradicted by the fact ths from colds. It is more generally accepl life, due to super-seated rooms and a v< causes the nerve centers to be depress tagion?ene member of a family- impa coughing. A cold means nothing if relieved i accomplished, a quick aid to a coli i devised to relieve colds quickly is PUB PEBTTJfA contains such ingredient fluence upon the inflamed mucous men membranes are given the beneflt cf a r relief and the less contagion. A neglected cold nr.y become a scr worse, may endanger one's family. "We insure our homes against fire, we not insure oursolves against colds i: family chest that can be used at once ? PEEUNA is a reliable household n home, for there should be a desire to This is enlightened hygiene. People who are feeble and run do' Veol+h Rn<?h nunnnn ti 0UUA AM UVAUMM > ? build up a strong constitution. If you warning that you probably need a to digestive organs. When your appetifc quickly tire you, your susceptibility to Persons who object to liquid m TABLETS. AUCTIO I will sell at A deuce near Salters day, December 2 bidder: Nine head Mules head Jersey Cattle, one Wagon, one I lot Tools, 500 busl Hay, one Stump I Rake. ID/v-Hwirit All 1 I? onus* vitsii ui j W R ll-20-2tp TT * 1V *|o ?|j ^ ? ' SPECIAL HO LID. i To HC-A-TT-A-T Rate from Kin? Including Meals and ] CHILDREN 5 years of age or Tickets will be sc > SATURDAY, DECE limited, returning,to reach ori than January 6, 1914. Proportionately low from other points in V na and South Carolina This will be an excellent of students to utilize their Christ interesting educational trip to The Atlantic Coast Line ope j to Key West and to Port Tarn] ^ with steamships for Havana. 1 Arrangements will be made ,v leaving Jacksonville at 1:15 p. the Flagler system, the "0v< T ship from Key West; and lea m.,via Atlantic Coast Line, t X steamship which touches at K F. M. Jolly, Traffic Agent who has resided in Havana fc pany the excursion and rendei ?? route and in the matter of h ( seeing, etc., in Cuba. For schedules, reservations, i further information, apply to tic Coast Line, or address W., 1. CRAIG; 1 Passenger Traffic Mgr., i 11-27-4t WILMl IS I ? I t to Colds will Interest You. et One or More Colds Every terest to All to Learn How to uickly, Since Colds are Said to caught through exposure. This in it Arctic explorers are peculiarly free 3d that colds are the result of civilized jry rapid change in temperature which ed, and still more largely due to oonrting a cold to another by sneezing or quickly. That such a purpose may be j an essential. A remedy especially .TJTTA. a that have an especially beneficial inabranes and the quicker these mucou) emedy like PE&TJHA. the quicker the ions menace to one's own life, and ?ir our lives against death. Why should f possible by having a medicine in tho emedy for colds and should be in every combat a cold as quickly as possible. tvn are more subject to colds than pereed outdoor life and PEBUHA to help have a poor appetite that is often a nic like Parana for Perana aids the ?is fair and work and exercise do not colds diminishes very much, edicines can now obtain PERUVA N m fi I I VI ' action at my ResiDepot, S. C., Tues- | , to the highest and Horses, four twenty head Hogs, QTifl TTarnafifi U11U JLXU1 liels Corn, ten tons 'uller, Mower and Bankable Paper. . BRYAN fa?<f?4*?+?>f?4*?4*?4"f AY EXCURSION ? T-A., CUBil, ?stree, $43.35. Berthon Steamship. ^ kd under 12, HALT TARE. ild for all trains MBER 20, 1913, ; ginal starting point not later , t rates will be made *. irginia, North Caroli-j iportunity for teachers and ;mas holidays in making an Cuba rates through Pullman cars ^ pa, connecting at both ports Tickets good via either route. K to accommodate passengers V m. Sunday, December 21, via ir-Sea Railroad" and steamving Jacksonville at 1:30 p. ! hence by Port Tampa and ey West en route to Havana. J of the Atlantic Coast Line, *f ?urteen winters, will accom ' r assistance to passengers en f otel accommodations, sight- \ * T descriptive booklets and any Ticket Agents of the Atlan- ~f i i1 !\ C. WHITE, General Pass. Agent, NGTON.N. C. ! 4*?^?i?4?4?4*?4?T ij SEND US YOUR I. ORDER NOW i ersr. * t> n^wwrmBrmiw?w?? j IlISl'INtt! * | $ In Charleston to enjoy 1 buying your Clothing a ^ If unable to come in : orders will have our be times. .Tnst toll usahn sizes and prices, and if .< isn't entirely satisfacto] ber that everything we exchange or refund of i i * f Bentschner ? Corner King nnd Ha ''I Charleston, Sou >1?101?1 Write for our 24-pag HELPFUL SU< It will remove all annoys the time of < HOLIDA1 for your friends and deai be in the li S DIAMONDS, m i STTVTJR 1 UJlJU f juxc BRIC-A-BRAC, We can suit every taste J SHOP EARLY" sa ly JAMES ALL CHAR1LEST For 58 years the ieading J 10-16-3m 01_?101?1-J 1 THE WOOD EVERLASTIH6" I SASH, DOORS I Lengthen the Life o ASK YOUR Ll 1 L. Wetherho 1 LARGEST MFRS. SOUTH, THE FINE * ; ?of 1 WATCH BR . ? Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, < V ever shown in this city can be s I <3-ifts for j?jJl ] Good Goods at v s. X^OIVC^ ; QUALITY JE $ 257 King St., * Mail Orders Receive Promp I YOUR C111 Can boast of no better Deliver UNCLE SAM'S PARC] Have you good wearing appar DYEING? Send such things to 1 high grade laundry services. V and prepay return charges. IDEAL LA UP-TO-I LAUNDERERS DY1 Charlesto Send THE RECORD to a reh 1 an life ' the the benefits of t this store. person, your mail st attention at all ut what you want, what we send you | ry, always remem- 1 i sell is subject to ' money. ^ i Visanska sill Streets, ^ ith Carolina. | n 11 iii :oi?logo e free booklet of 'N 5GESTIONS tnce and vexation at choosing 1 r GIFTS I r ones. Whether it he of I WATCHES, g j WARE, H I NOVELTIES, I i and every purse. < jetter tnat your orners reacn us y ? while the noliday stock is still J* gj iful in variety and designs. - Q M .AN-4 co I] I ON, S. C. | ewelers in the State. I o==. 0=0^1 CYPRESSI AND BLINDS *| f Your Buildings. I LALER OR m & Son, f CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 , ???? ST LINE I 5 ACELETS, f T Cut Glass and Plated Ware ? seen at our store. I L Occasions.. ; RigKt ' Prices. | 1.3 6Z CO., f WELERS, . I ' Charleston, S. C. | t and Careful Attention, K=cCTtt.TTjy?i.':<rMiirgirg" IT i?iTM"BwriiTTir~iiTnnr r cousin i 4 I j Service than given you by EL POST SYSTEM M el needing CLEANING or us, with any linens requiring Ve will promptly serve you | B lUNDRY )ATE I ERS CLEANERS I ^ n, S. C. I 1 \ itive for an Xmas present. ^ r i ? i. J