11 Professional Cards. | A DR. R. C. McCABE, A Dental Surgeon. By Office in Hirsch building, over Kings tree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf I LAURENCE H. MCCULL0U6H, | SURVEYOR, I KINGSTREE, S. C. A Education, Experience and Equipment justify my guarantee, 8-14-lyr I DR. R. J, MLCAbt, Dentist. ' KINGSTREE, / S. C Office Next to Court House Square, I W. Leland Taylor, I DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Brocklngton' s Store, 1 KINGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. , M.D.Nesmith DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - - S. C k BenJ. MclNNGS, r R. C. V. S. rif. K?ter MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D I VETERINARIANS. r One of us wil: be at Kingstree the I first Monday in each month, at Hel? - - A on A * i lex's Stables. t#-zo-u KINGSTREE I Lodge, No. 46 A. F.M. 1 meets Thursday oefore full moon each i month. Visiting brethren are cordially ? inyited. M H Jacobs, W M. | E L Montgomery, Sec. 2-27-ly " IC. of IF1. ft vJSL/ Kingatree Lodge r filBr No-91 Knights of Pythias ^ Regular Conventions Every j 2nd md 4th Wednesday night* Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall 3rd itory Gourd'n Building. P. H. Stoll (j. C. R. N. Speigner, K of R & S. ?JErl' Visiting choppers ooiVrAv7WR?SI>/ itally invited to com* wdivffliiwlw up and sit on a stumj or hang about on tbr B. E. Clarkson, j 27 lam. Con. Com. f ? ? nAT\n LiuiiTium* juiuo. ^ H. L. WhitlocK, L?k? City. S.C. H Special Sales Agent. B Representing the Lars eat Manufacturers of All B Kindt Improved Copper and 6alvanized Section Bods V (Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Authoritiee K end Fire Insurance Companies). I PURE COPPER WIRE CABLES, ALL SIZES. W Oar Fall Cost Guarantee Given with Each Job. I sell on close margin of profit, dividing comI mission with mv customers. 3-7-tf f Epps' Market A 11 vn She never stamps her feet ?Yonkers Statesman. irable lBSf?l r^======^r77r o^v-;rs' ?* ?A w> IsS? % pl?m l< Surgeons now performing operations by electricity would make a greater hit If they could only discover a way to do 'em by wireless. , ? If the mission of the automobile la to check the earth's tendency to over population It Is making considerable headway in fulfilling It - \ The Esperanto congress advocates peace, and yet In print the language? If that la what it is?looks a* if it might be well adapted to war. Vacations are usually taken daring the fishing season. This fact has become so well known to the fish that they usually plan their own vacations accordingly. The United States Is filling up so rapidly with immigrants that it will soon be Impossible to find enough vacant space to accommodate the automobile races. About the only conclusion tbat can . be drawn from the alphabetical air curves of the French aviator Is thai the letter "S" stands for so many different things. Authorities at the University of Wis- ? consln have forbidden the queer dances, as have the better hotels In New York city. These are signs of re turning sanity. Efforts to suppress the African cannibalistic organization known as the "Leopard society" would probably b? more successful If the spots were removed with an ax. The discovery of dlctophones In the Chicago city hall need riot disturb the officials. Probably some one is Just > getting a record of the proceedings for vaudeville purposes. Despite the partial failure of the corn crop there will be a national Thanksgiving this year as usual Word comes from Cape Cod that the r cranberry crop is O. K. An English critic of American manners says that American men do not even know how to "sit up." That may be. but it must be admitted that wo know how to take notice. Only a hal/ dozen women cab drivers are left in Paris, and six years ago there were twenty times as many. It looks as If Frenchwomen didn't take kindly to legalized brigandage. The second bankruptcy of a wen known and once [>opular night restau-J rant In the white light region testifies anew to the proverbial fickleness of New York's after theater appetite. j New York is boasting of having produced the biggest book in the world.) No: it doesn't contain an alphabetlcalr list of New York officeholders, with an. ) itemized statement of the debt of the! city. Now that so many women make their own living Instead of just asking for| money whenever they want it it Is no, more than natural that the season's designs for women's dress should Include pockets. Want ad. in the Columbus (O.) Dispatch: "Respectable elderly lady wants, a situation as grandmother to a good home." That ought to meet with an ! Instant response. Think of the grandI motherless homes in this great and! populous country! Nil STYT.FS 1: .JlI A/ M JL X Jt-IA-INy rr and the very low ;| friend about our ? je, S. C. J " mmmMmmmmW