f Go To ,. WHEN YOUlfErffi S A wrtnH nf morp than II ^ ^ iVVViU VTA. A**V* V "i U/iiind him. With a bundn ML lon hgnd, he is always res Jw \ Also Feed and JO) J. L. Stuckey, MMBMBDMinMaawwMMNMiJnHHni. V i THE PEOPLE "V / Fi gp| pir0\ BURS AN }'!" H. A. MILLER, ?/ ~ S4. C. HEMIN6WAY, President / Bank |1 Hemingv * | FARMERS! ^Vear $ T you with your crbps th V* - . your needs now. Come over with our Presideni do for you. i* ,/ i THERE IS SURE A /-"i.. ) Without doubt there's n ment than a Camera. The; oietures. Your friends i for you, and besides, it's tl ing happy times. Why n be prepared to take a gooc ana Photographic Supplies will be surprised to know ,. you can buy for a few doll Kingstree Dr ^Kingstree, a jBbS? y (Laid Right Ova: I No Dirt, No Bothor?In a very short I trap covering turned into a modem I roof at a very moderate coat?a roof I ' I and never need repairs. ^ For Si For Sale by Williami . LET US PRINT YOUR y . i * Stuckey || i^^MFLESH twenty years stands be' of nice horses and mules idy.for-a sale or a swap. LiverV Stables. * Lake Cityrs. C. jj 'S MARKET I jsh Oysters J i^id quart sanitary cans, daily. I TRESH MEATS AND FISH I ON HAND DAILY 3 ID HIDES I PROPRIETOR | J. L. MERRIMAN, Cashier , lemingway .. : . $15,000 /ay, S. C. e in a position to assist is year. Let us know : in and talk the matter t and see what we can s * ' V f 4 * J. ENJOYMENT IN ^ mera. othing affords more enjoyre's great delight in taking ire always willing to- pose he one sure way of recordot get a Camera now and i picture? We sell Cameras . Give us a call and you what a splendid Camera arsrf ug Company, South Carolina^ JU r Woo^TShixigles time any building can have ita Are* firt-proof. $torm-pwf, lighlnlng-pr?f bat will last as long as the building I 4 iUbu sburg Hardware Co* I ' B ion NOTE HEADS Neuralgia sufferers find instant relief in Sloan's Liniment. It penetrates to the painful part? soothes and quiets the nerves. No rubbing?merely lay it on. A W IT'/* MAJAN5 LINIMENT Kills Paiti Tfor Neuralgia/^ "I would not be without your Liniment and praise it to si who suffer with neuralgiaor rheumaMBa or pain of any kind."? *** Henry Buhop, Helena, Miuouri. , rain AQ Cone " I Buffered with quite a severe neuralgic headache for 4 months without any relief. I used your Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't tuf fered with my head since."?Mr. J. R. Seeing* r, LoumitU, Ky. Treatments for Cold and Creep 'My little girl, twelve years old, caught a severe cold. And I gave her three drops of Sloan's Liniment on sugar on going to bed, and she got up in the morninir with no siens of a cold. A lit Itle bay next door bitd croup and I rare the mother the Liniment She gave him three drops on going to bed, and he got np without ^je croup in the morning." ? Mr. W. B. Strang*, Chicago, IU. AteODsakn. Prim 2J?., 80s. imi SLOt I . Sbaa'e Book en Hones sent tr*?. | Addrem & Low Round-Trip Rates Open to thr Public Will Be Hide (or the Following Special Occasions VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE Standard Railroad of the South. Augusta, Ga. Georgia-Carolina Fair,November 1-15. Dates of sale, November 5 to 14, inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive 1 -* ?--* ?: xt ie pi; Augusta Deiore IIUUI1 nuttruiuci j.u. a ?nal limit, November 17. 1913. Fares apply to points in South Carolina. Augusta, Ga. Negro Fair Association, November 18-21. Dates of sale, November 17 to 20,inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive Augusta before noon November 21. Final limit, November 23. 1913. Fares apply from points in South Carolina. For rates, schedules, reservations and any further information apply to Ticket Agents of th? ATLANTIC COAST LINE SttBdard Railroad of tbe South or write the undersigned, W. J. CRAIG. Passenger Traffic Manager. T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, WILMINGTON. N. C. 8-80-11-15 Edward A Morris,president of the packing house of Morris & Co, Chicago, died at his home.November 3, . * *'*_ * _ _ I leaving a fortune estimateaoeiween forty and fifty million dollars. He was forty-seven years old and is said to have marie^hjti vast fortune by his own effortarbi analyze ana tnus uesvruy oieaseism far better than any other man I know of. He can do what my health will no longer permit me to do, and make amends for past sins and blunders. If I had been able to make even three speeches in South Carolina last year I do not believe Blease would ever have been elected Governor, and if I were able now or dared to to make speeches he could not be elected to the Senate. Because I have faith in my own honesty of purpose and patriotism and think I could show beyond possibility of doubt that he is unfit to come to Washington as a Senator from South Carolina and is no more to be trusted than was McLaurin. I would undertake to do this anyway had not the physicians, all of them, warned me that it would result in my death while speaking. I am willing to die for the State, if necessary, but I realize only too sadly that my strength now is not equal to the task and I can no longer play the role of the gladiator on the hustings, [t may be that the good God will restore my strength so that I will be able to take the risk. But if McLaurin, as a penance, will undertake the work, there will be no need whatever for me to speak a word. All the moral force 1 possess?knd I realize I have a great deal of it among ray fellow citizeas?will be \. >us Healthy Baby? Howard Rouse. R Rnnsp nf Marinette. Wis. Her little son Howard was fiften months old last April, but he was sick with bowel trouble from birth and suffered intensely. Since Mrs Rouse has been giving bim Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin all trouble has disappeared and the boy is becoming robust. Thousands keep Dr Caldwell's , Syrup Pepsin constantly in the house, for every member of the family can J use it from infancy to old age. The users of Syrup Pepsin have learned | to avoid cathartics, salts, mineral i waters. Dills and other harsh reme dies, for they do but temporary good and are a shock to any delicate system. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr W B Caldwell, 419 Washington St, Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad' dress on it will do. I > HOMICIDE AT MANNING. John Peter Barfleld Kills Dick Dukes In Exchange of Shots. News was received here Thursday morning of a fatal shooting at Manning Wednesday night at the grounds Mficupied by a carnival company now holding forth in that town. < The re j. iL.i T ~ 1 D J port suites mat ounii retei oarneju shot J B Dukes, better known as Dick Dukes, killing him almost instantly. Five shots from Barfield's pistol took effect in Dukes' body, while Barfield himself was wounded twice by bullets from Dukes' gun. The cause of the shooting has not been definitely ascertained, but it is reported that the two men quarreled over the taking of some one to the show. Both of them are said to have been drinking prior to the shooting. Barfield was arrested. Both men lived at Alcolu.?tiumtei Watchman. ? ' . , Petit Jurors. The following named persons were drawn by the jury commissioners Monday to serve as petit jurors at the session of. the court of common pleas, which begins November 24: J P Gamble.Heinemann, I E PoweH^ R H Godwin, Kingstree, W J Cooper, Morrisville, W G Stone, Vox, J J Snow, Rome, H Foxworth, Cades, W P Johnson, Suttons, W B Lawrence, Greelygiile, J J Epps, Cades, E I Montgomery, Greelyville, G D Perry, Venters. J D Haselden, " C A Hines, Greelyville, W E Flowers, Lake City, L F Tisdale, Benson, J A Brown. Zeb, H F Covington. Cooper, L L Ard, Venters, Jno T Burrows, Kingstree, E T Haselden, J A Cockfield, Venters, A D Hemingway, Rhems, E C Pendergrass, Lanes, C C Burgess, Kingstree, W W Boyd, Trio, J T DeBerry, Lake City, J J Poston, Bloomingvale, , S W Hogan, Greelyville, M D Ogburn, Suttons, W D Byrdic, J R Moseley, Salters, J G Altman, Morrisville, S A Graham, Gourdins, C H Lesesne, Greelyville, W T Smith, Bloomingvale. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc, are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tones system,' overcoming constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe for even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co, Philadelphia, Pa, and St Louis, Mo. exerted in this $ght for decency in Statejolittes. %